AN: before i write the ending to my first story i gotta say it feels good finally having completed something fully. im proud of my story and rowan's adventures are just beginning. i think that it kinda sucks that i got only 2 reviews but in time im sure i'll get more. anyways on with the conclusion of rowan's battle through kanto.

Time trainer

chapter 20

it seemed as if heaven had come to earth. there was nothing but a kind of whistling sound and a bright white light that would've blinded a newborn. the world seemed to shake as the roar of time rippped through. there were gaps in the air. a huge explosion and rowan's world went spinning. ash and all the others simply dissapearing. rowan alone in a forbidden existence. all his dreams and plans. his kingdom and only family member his father. things he desperately wished to hold onto to. flashflame was suspended in the white glow alongside rowan. there was a great flash and kanto left. in the dark night a small portal opened and out came two figures. rowan and flashflame dropped into the dark forest. flashflame awoke and looked around. his anger at the fact that he could not kill rowan let alone find him angered him. flashflame teleported and found out that he was in johto. he attempted to open a time portal but his powers had somehow shorted out. he found a team aqua member who led him to archie and maxie. flashflame explained the catastrophe that occured in kanto and the aqua grunt who had assisted flashflame was promoted to admin. if flashflame had looked closely enough he would have saw that the admin was a new arrival to johto as well. the new admin was a well disguised robert. deep in the forest, rowan awoke. he stood up feeling dizzy. he walked forward and found a stream. he followed it and saw it led to a pond. he swam through and found himself in a small town. a sign next to him said "new bark town." rowan walked over and asked an old woman near the woods what year it was. rowan got his answer and the shocked boy walked away. rowan was now in 1967. stuck in johto.