Chapter 1

"It's for you" Lucius said it so abruptly and almost so dismissively that Narcissa may not have caught what he had said if he had not entrusted something into her limp, unsuspecting hand.

He was so close that Narcissa was able to smell a clean, soapy fragrance off him that was rare for boys around his age and it took all her willpower to wrench her upturned gaze from his cool, passive face. Lucius' hand had also been very cool before he had removed his hand from hers.

Although it did not show on her face, when Narcissa looked down, she was surprised. A simple, white gold locket was glinting at her but what was not simple was its large green jewel embedded on the left, its vibrant colour even more prominent against the paleness of the metal.

"What is it?" Narcissa asked, fascinated as she turned the pendant in her palm, admiring the jewel from every direction.

"An emerald," Lucius said, his voice smooth and almost amused as she ran a finger over its fine cut. "The lovers' gem,"

Her finger stilled at his words and looked up momentarily. His eyes caught hers fully and Narcissa was surprised to find that his mercury eyes, usually so bleak and guarded like a barren wasteland, were smiling. He probably did not need to explain further but something in her awed look loosened his reserve, "It had been Anne Boleyn's." He said, staring as he saw Narcissa lean in towards him, "A Queen of England at some time and a marvellous witch. It changes colour if the lover is not true to the wearer and also if they are in danger."

When Narcissa's lips caught Lucius's in a gentle kiss, she thought with regret how rigid he had been although his lips had been delightfully soft, like a feather, she had thought.

She let him go as Lucius continued to look at her, unperturbed, only a hint of a smirk shown at the corner of his lips as if an interesting development had taken place, "It's tradition," he said simply, "An emerald for an engagement." As soon as he had said it however, Lucius froze as he remembered his mother, staring blankly at an elaborate ring with a sickly pale green stone that Lucius had known to be bottle green when he had been younger. Her blank eyes had been continuously fixed on it although her eyes had been unseeing as tears spilled down her cheeks. The memory had only flashed by for a single moment and before Narcissa could ask him what was wrong, Lucius decided that Narcissa need not be troubled by the fact that the emerald may bring more sorrow than reassurance as a token of loyalty and he silenced her by opening the locket and showing her what was engraved inside.

N.B eternity


Lucius could not really tell what Narcissa was thinking. Their marriage was arranged and both agreed that it was a well-thought out one as the Black family yearned for the wealth of the Malfoys and the Malfoys in turn could finally lay claim on the prestige of the Black lineage that could be traced back to the fourteenth century. Lucius however, in his own way wanted to somehow give her an impression that this was all real, all girls wanted it to be, didn't they? And although they were not in love, he could see himself learning to love her as his wife and the mother of his child. He was still a child but a mature one and a realist, all she needed to know was that he saw a future with her and that whether they chose to or not, he would be there for her, whenever she needed him.

"It's..." Narcissa had spoken and the usual words appeared in her mind, "...beautiful" or "...lovely." but Narcissa ruled that they sounded cliché and managed to blurt out, "...nice,"

Narcissa thought that in that instant, Lucius may have laughed...may have but the Malfoy heir just gave her a smile that did not quite reach his eyes, "It's yours," he said, closing her fingers over it in a protected fist, "Keep it well for me..."

"Miss Black!" Professor Flitwick's squeaky voice shattered what had unfurled in Narcissa's mind and Narcissa realised in an embarrassing moment that only her cushion had not moved into the designated hoop placed at the other end of the classroom, but Narcissa knew that it was situation that could be easily remedied. She gave a lazy flick with her wand and the cushion flopped into the hoop neatly.

Flitwick looked impressed, "Uhh, well. Yes, consistent focus please." He said before continuing on the conclusion he was giving about OWLs.

Narcissa felt a sharp jab to her ribs and glanced sideways at her friend, although Narcissa chose to avoid that term as much as possible when Violet Nott was concerned. Narcissa shifted slightly away from Violet and suppressed the urge to roll her eyes when she saw the familiar predatory gleam in Violet's beady eyes. "Daydreaming Black?" she whispered excitedly, "Ooooh – who were you thinking about?"

Narcissa sensed a not-so-subtle kick hit Violet and glanced gratefully at her best friend, Europa Greengrass just as Violet's eyes watered. Violet swivelled around to confront whoever had kicked her outright her when she saw to her surprise that everyone was just packing their parchment into their bags nonchalantly. Still smarting, Violet violently looked around to see if anyone looked slightly guilty or discomfited but Narcissa saw with pride that her best friend was expert at acting like she did nothing out of the ordinary. Violet stopped looking around and looking disappointed, left after giving a little huff. As soon as she had, Narcissa glanced at Europa and both burst into laughter.

"Three rolls of parchment on the importance of the right technique in Summong Charms," Professor Flitwick demanded and class finished promptly. Narcissa swept up her books into her bag as she saw students leaving the classroom.

"It was Lucius, wasn't it?" Europa's low voice caught Narcissa who was thoroughly unprepared.

Narcissa's heart almost stopped as she heard his name aloud. Europa sighed as she saw the instantaneous icy look on Narcissa's face.

"Narcissa," she said quietly, "You have to forget about him."

Narcissa did not reply and concentrated on trying to close the latch on her bag but she could not avoid Europa's words penetrating deep into her mind and reverberating as if there were a hundred Europas lecturing her.

"He has a new fiancée now and ever since he has been courting Ganymedra Carreaux, that snob from Beauxbatons, he's perfectly happy. He doesn't even look at you anymore, that git, whilst I see you've become this shell...and I'm worried for you Cissy - "

"Will you stop it?" Narcissa suddenly hissed, cutting Europa off, her anger strangely stimulated by the fact that it had been obvious that she was affected by the engagement than what had actually been said. The latch on the bag finally clicked and Narcissa swung it over her shoulder. When Narcissa turned towards Europa, any sign of irritation was gone and she exuded a frosty calm. Europa's face fell as Narcissa's own looked like carved stone, "It's none of your business," she said, her voice harsh, "...and I'm perfectly happy with whoever Malfoy wants to court, I don't need you to worry about me."

Narcissa turned away from Europa and walked solidly past her and out of the classroom without waiting for her but her composed face hid a racing heart as she still heard parts of what Europa had said, "perfectly happy...doesn't even look at you anymore." Narcissa let her feet carry her away automatically as she wondered why even it had been a few decent years that her heart still fluttered incontrollably when she heard of Lucius's name and made her act irrationally, for she had just clearly proven to Europa she was not fine with it at all. Why was it that after his obvious show of unkindness to her when it had mattered, she still felt outraged that someone would rail against him, even though it was her best friend. Narcissa hated herself for it, no that was too mellow a word, she loathed herself for still wanting to defend that git.

Narcissa approached golden light that were spilling out of the Great Hall. Her loud footfalls died down as her walk slowed and Narcissa could not help but suddenly feel tired and sapped of energy, she let herself lean on the cold stone walls, just outside the hall without actually entering it, which was filled with raucous laughter. Narcissa hesitated for a moment and checked that there wasn't anyone around before she let her head fall, her blonde hair momentarily falling to hide her face.

She didn't know the answers and she did not like the unfamiliar feeling of uncertainty and confusion. Narcissa did not know why she felt different, acted differently or why she even cared at all when she had realised that Lucius was not promised to her and worst knew that Lucius did not care that he was to marry such an awful and pretentious girl in her stead.

Narcissa wasn't ignorant or naive, they were too young to love and it never had been such a flimsy notion as love. Narcissa felt the strength in her legs give out as she felt so overcome. If only Andromeda had not run away and abandoned them, if only the elder sister that she had depended on had not betrayed and shamed not only the Black family but her, personally, then she would have remained engaged to Lucius. Narcissa felt a hot prickle of tears but blinked rapidly and managed to suppress it – it seemed that all the constants in her life, never lasted.

Narcissa lifted her head in an almost defiant gesture - she was being pathetic, weak. She was being just like Andromeda but Narcissa needed to be stronger than that and more than ever for her divided family. She had just felt cheated, that was all, Narcissa managed to conclude as she brushed aside the curtain of hair hiding her face behind her ear.

She had been betrothed to the most eligible bachelor in the wizarding world at one stage after all...of course she would feel disappointed about that...and it had been for as long as she remembered. Narcissa immediately put a stop to this sentimental reverie; it was going in a dangerous direction. Sure, it had felt so real but it most likely would had all been a sympathy act on the part of Lucius anyway to make the confronting reality of arranged marriages much more easier for the both of them - and on Salazar's name Narcissa knew how great an actor Lucius was.

Narcissa smoothed back her hair and finally felt in control again. She even realised that she was slightly hungry. Gently pushing off the wall, she adjusted the bag strap on her shoulder before taking a step towards the Great Hall, once again her mask flawlessly in place and the next moment, Narcissa was glad that she had as she heard a group of people approaching and a high-pitched laughter rise and fall.

Narcissa turned around and as she had expected saw the owner of the high-pitched laughter, Ganymedra Carreaux flipping her long, dark hair over her shoulder apparently amused by something Lucius had said, judging by the small smile tugging at the corner of his lips although it disappeared almost instantaneously. Behind them followed Scelesta Parkinson who had a pretty round face that never failed to surprise Narcissa as her older brother Char resembled a pug more than anything. Evan Rosier, a sixth year like Lucius had her hanging off her arm and the sight of them made her stomach turn as much as the sight of Ganymedra. Rodolphus and Rabastan, only a year apart, were punching each other in the arms playfully. Regulus and Severus gave a shy smile and a 'hi' as they passed Narcissa but Narcissa's attention had been on Lucius and his grey eyes had passed over her as if she had been part of the wall.

Narcissa felt as if she had been slapped although she thought grimly, she should have been used to him ignoring her by that time. Narcissa almost flinched as she felt a hand land on her shoulder.

"Narcissa, wait up." Europa gasped, her eyes pleading. "You just...took off,"

When Narcissa didn't reply immediately, she rushed on, "I'm sorry for saying everything that I did, you know how I say things without thinking and really I was only - "

"I know," Narcissa cut through smoothly. Europa looked immediately relieved, " know you like to keep things to yourself and you've always considered it a weakness to talk to anybody about anything because you're a Black and you were raised as the pinnacle of pureblood society - "

"Raised as?" Narcissa interrupted again, her eyes fixing on Europa, "I am the pinnacle of pureblood society,"


"I'm a Black and am the pinnacle of pureblood society," Narcissa replied rigidly.

"But with Andromeda," Europa began, "Everything I thought was- "

"She's not my sister," Narcissa ruled automatically and waited for Europa's contradiction but it did not come.

"Look," Europa said, "I just want you to remember that I was there for you when it happened and I'm still here for you now and I know you don't want to talk but when you're ready, I'll listen."

Europa's voice was sincere and Narcissa looked at her in surprise, she had befriended Europa because she had been impressed by her wit and sarcasm and had rarely seen her any other way but to reply with sincerity meant that she lost - lost everything, her nerve, her dignity, everything that she was. So she played superficial.

"No," Narcissa said lightly, bringing a puzzled frown to Europa.

"No, I'm ready to talk." She said in a tone that seemed to wonder what had indicated otherwise.

She placed herself squarely in front of Europe. There was a pregnant pause before Narcissa stated, "Lucius is mine." rather blatantly in a gesture of vanquishing any doubt Europa may have had about it. When Europa did not reply immediately, Narcissa turned away, satisfied. She then took a step into the Great Hall before adding as an afterthought, "and I hate it when other people touch my things."