The Beast and the Harlot


AU: Being a harlot ever since little, to help his failure of a father keep the house, Sena has only known the 'love' of his clients. Only have one or two 'real' friends, and getting constantly bullied, it's not a shocker that he's a little iffy on the whole concept of love. However, when a mysterious stranger comes to the city, and get's all the other Harlot girls motivated, Sena want's to know who this Cursed One is. Will they ever meet? Can they show each other what true love really is? Who knows... Rated M.




I don't own anybody from ES21©

Or the story theme 'Beauty and the Beast'




Read if you want to.

Review if you wish.

I will accept flames for I like to know what I'm doing wrong,

But none of that; !!!0MG THT WZ S0 DUMB!!! UR STUP1D!!

^^ Thank you ^^

Chapter Name:

Dear Dairy, I'm a Whore

To whomever,

It has been nothing but a living hell for me, and I'm not over exaggerating. Ever since my mother, may her soul rest in peace, died of a horrible, but painless, illness my father has been a tad bit crazy. And I'm not talking about Insane Asylum, I mean 'Coo-Coo for Cocoa Puffs' crazy. Ok, I may take that back, he might be I.A. crazy. He's has been going on and on about creating a machine that will one day bring back my mother, and that's just impossible, once your dead, you're dead.

Unless, of course, you believe in that whole reincarnation thing were you are reborn into this world again. But you know what the sad part is? People believe him. I guess I should write down, "believe him" instead, they don't really, who would? They, the sick people, like to rile him up, getting him hyped up, thinking that maybe they'll just buy one of his many inventions he's made in the basement. And then they start to laugh at him, calling him names, then he runs home to me.

I sometimes pity that man, but sometimes I feel its good he's getting all that rejection, if not I'm sure he'd be a little more crazy then he is now. But, I mostly don't pity him because he is the reason why I am what I am today. And that, to whomever is reading this, is a two faced monster. One, is naturally, the normal me, everyday clumsy me. The other, is an ugly, scarred whore.

And yes, I did write whore. I mean it too; I am really an ugly whore…or harlot as we say here in my home city. I am better known as TwentyOne (21), the reasoning behind my name is very boring. Not fan-fucking-tactic like the other harlots; like Comet. She was nicknamed Comet for her star tattoos, they move when she moves, and also her hair is dyed a gorgeous dark blue with lighter blue star-like spots, so it's like shooting stars in the beautiful night sky. It's so mesmerizing to watch. Her real name is Suzan; and she is one of my best friends in the harlot world and in the real world.

But, I am called TwentyOne on account that's the day when my mother died, the day I became a harlot, and that's my birthday.

I started the harlot shindig when my mother died, I've wrote this before numerous times, but when she died I was ten. That may be sick, wrong, twisted to some people, but it's when I started. Am I proud? Fuck no. I am anything but. I am not proud that I can make my partner, whomever it might be that night, orgasm at least three to four times in less than two hours, maybe even less than that. I am not proud over the fact that I can make some of the cities 'pimps' look like an armature. I'd rather be bullied. Which, I am, everyday, so I will take that back. I'd rather just be bullied. Actually, it's rather ironic that some of those bullies at school, who beat me, scream my name at night begging me for more.

I think its sick, sorry quick confession to make here. But I think it's sick that I have a crush on one of those bullies, who beat me to blood at day but scream my name in the bliss of night. He's the blonde one of 'The Three Brothers', as me and my girls call the trio; he has a handsome figure and face, cute cross-like scar on his cheek. But I think the reason why I have a crush on him is because…he's the most gentle of all my clients. He's the most caring, sweet, sensitive. And just over all, most special.

Yuck, I've had enough of writing about this, plus my hand is getting sore. This whole Journal thing is a weird idea, but I guess it is helping me to a degree. It is actually kind of nice to have this off my chest; I'll have to thank Big Mama whenever I see her again. Well I have to go; my harlots were all excited over who was in the City today so I can tell this is going to be a long and busy night…

~Sena (21)

Slamming his book shut, tossing the pencil toward his desk, leaping off the bed and hiding it under his floorboard, Sena thought it was kind of childish to have to hide his belongings. But he had to be careful, he didn't know why he had to, he just felt like he had to. Anybody could sneak into his room and snoop around, so he might as well keep his most valuable possessions safe right? Not that this book was of any value besides maybe a few blackmail material items here and there.

Sena sighed and walked toward his vanity mirror, running a hand through his hair; he stopped part way to the mirror and looked down at his hand in disgust. Gross, his hair was a little greasy. Normally he wouldn't be this high strung about his hair, or in fact his looks, but tonight he knew he'd get in trouble by his girls if he had even a hair out of place. Something about someone new coming to the City, or something like that. Huffing out some of his spare air in his lungs, chocolate brown eyes scanned his room to find a towel.

He really needed to do some laundry, he confirmed, as he picked up a towel from the floor underneath another layer or two of other junk. He smelled it, and yea, it was good enough for now. He then tip toed to the bathroom just a few doors away from his own room, he made the mistake of setting a foot on the wrong spot and it made a loud creak. He quickly dashed to the bathroom now, not caring if he made noise now, locking it shut when he heard his father yelling for him to shut the fuck up.

Once the brown haired boy had finished doing his business in the bathroom, and that was more then just taking a load off. It was like this; he relieved himself, took a shower, shaved, dried off, brushed both hair and teeth, clipped some nails and washed his face with special soap. He now claimed a few bottles from the drawers, throwing his towel in the hamper a while ago and now ran across the hall, stark naked, back to his room. He didn't want another wet towel in his room, is his excuse.

Inside the comfort of his messy room he glanced at one of the clocks inside, this one just happened to be a Hello Kitty one he had gotten from one of his harlot girls for his birthday a few years back. It told him loud and clear he had about five hours to get ready for the night ahead, Sena sighed in annoyance but still cracked his knuckles to get ready, he didn't want to get told off at by a bunch of girls anyway, for not looking 'sexy enough' for this new citizen or what not. But he'll never be sexy anyway, he was an ugly whore, as he said in his Journal…curse his lack of self confidence, or just plain confidence at all.


Just as he thought, he didn't come out to be the drop dead sexy as he had set out to try for; instead all he got was his mostly everyday look but just a little tamer and more stylish. His hair liked to defy the laws of gravity and physics sticking out in every which way that it can go, he had somehow flat ironed it, making it go at least to his shoulders. Pinned it down with a few bobby pins, used hair spray to try and keep it down. It was still sticking out in odd angles, but in a more cool way and not 'I just got out of bed, and I don't give a flying fuck what I look like right now' way.

Growling in frustration he gave up on his hair, he shouldn't have even tried, but he had to admit, he did look a little cute right now. Shaking his head Sena knew he shouldn't be thinking these things, he shoved himself away from the vanity and began to search his room for some clothes for tonight. It was between either going for the 'down to earth' or 'leather and lace' look, personally Sena really liked the 'down to earth', but others thought he looked really sexy in his 'leather and lace' outfit. Maybe he could make a compromise of the two?

His eyes glanced at the nearest clock, this time a regular digital one near his bed with that nasty alarm that woke him for school, it told him he had another four hours or so to get ready. With a sigh he pulled out both of his outfits and began to try and make a mixture of the two.


He gave up again; he couldn't find a really good match for both of those pretty outfits, so instead he just took the earth toned halter top, the cute jean booty shorts and just put on the black fishnet stockings and gloves along with wearing his leather jacket and hooker boots. Sena knew he didn't look that good, but at least he was somewhat his own self. For his make up he just put on Chap Stick, just a light coating of mascara and eyeliner and just a tinge of blush and foundation. He smiled into the mirror and blanched, he didn't want to work tonight. Oh well, he had to get money for the bills…

He looked at the Hello Kitty clock and almost screamed, he was supposed to have met Comet outside two minutes ago! He rushed out of his room as quietly as possible; he could hear his father working aggressively down in the basement. All the cursing and clanking meant that he was beating up the nearest possible object from another reject, hopefully he wouldn't come up.

Once out the door he let out a breath he didn't know he had held, and waved at someone across the street. Inside a cute little old pick up truck was Comet; she was motioning for him to come on, as they were little late thanks to him. He ran toward her and once he opened the door he apologized excessively, and the girl just rolled her eyes and started the engine and they zoomed off. "So what took ya so long TwentyOne?" she asked her best friend, "Ya knew I was a'comin' over." Sena sighed and explained that he couldn't find the right outfit and that his hair was being a bitch again. Comet laughed and shook her head after the whole story was told, "Then explain to me this, why ain't ya just go with the whole 'leather an' lace' thang? Why compromise?" she asked as they pulled up to a red light, only a couple more blocks before they'd reach their corners.

Sena was waving at some of his other harlot friends when she asked this question, and then he twitched at this question, but still continued to wave hellos at the harlots. "W-well…" Sena began stuttering like he always did, and ignoring the wolf whistles the girls gave him. "I-I just wanted to just be m-me, and really, 'leather and lace' isn't r-really me…you know?" he asked his friend, looking at her, and began to look out the window once again, cringing at the old men; he just knew that some old fart was going to come get him tonight.

Comet sighed at her friend, he was too innocent. Not in the pure, you're a Virgin Mary way obviously, but as in personality wise. He was anything but a virgin, but he was still so prude. He blushes at the very mention of sex or anything related, and he's so naïve…he's like a little kid and not a senior in High School…or a harlot. She looked over at him, he was too innocent, and he looked like an angel just sitting there right now. The way the lighting hit him, and that cute little pout on his lips. He was just so refreshing compared to some of the other harlots…maybe that's why he's so popular. Comet, looked back at the road, and started to space out as she began to drive again, the light turning green.

"Comet-?" Sena asked her, she started to drive but a little shakily, he couldn't drive on account of his paranoia with everything and everyone. But Comet was a good driver; she wouldn't let anything happen to the both of them. So he pinched her, and got prepared for the worst to be aimed at him, thoughts of her being so surprised by his pinch that she'd swerve and hit someone and something, she'd beat him up, or maybe she'll run over a pedestrian. Anything at all, he was really pessimistic no matter what others thought, sure he was optimistic too, but he always thinks of the worst to come out of a situation before the good.

He didn't hear any screaming or feel any punches. He opened his eyes, surprised that he had closed them; he didn't know they were closed. Sena looked up at Comet and she was smiling at him, and then he looked out the window. 'Oh!' Sena thought, they where at their corner. He smiled turned toward Comet, "Suzan?" he asked, Comet's eyes widen, "Oh…sorry Comet…who is this new person that's got the other harlot's all-um-spontaneous?" he didn't expect her to laugh at him,

"Sp-spont-taneous?!" she laughed and stuttered at the same time, "Oh boy Sena, yer too funny. That's an odd word to sa' for that sentence," she patted his shoulder and giggled a little at Sena's pouting face,

"Well sorry, I couldn't think of another word…well? Can you tell me?" he asked her, "I want to know what to look for…" he mumbled the last part, so Comet had to strain her ears to hear him. She just rolled her eyes at him,

But she nodded and cleared her throat; she still wanted to laugh but knew she'd be on TwentyOne's hit list if she laughed anymore. Though he looked like he couldn't hold a grudge, he could, last time she was on his hit list, he wouldn't talk to her for a month or so. "Well my lil' grasshoppa, the other harlots are all 'spontaneous'," she ignored the yell of 'hey!' from her friend and continued, "For this new bloke in town 'cause not only is he rich and mysterious-like, which a lot of gal's like fer some reason, he's also famous-"


"Don't interrupt moi,"


"Apology accepted." She shook her head and started up again, "Yes'sir he is a famous bloke lil' grasshoppa, but not in a good way. 'Tis rumored that he is a'cursed," she stopped there, and Sena gave her a questioning look, "What? That's all I know, the harlots and me have been tryin' to find out why they say he's a'cursed, or whateva, but we're a'having a hard time a'findin' this blokes information." She sighed, "Justa look fer blonde hair." And with that Comet turned off her truck, locked her door and walked to her corner, she was grabbed on the spot and Sena could only watch her back as she was dragged off to a love hotel.

He sighed, "Well…that was…a little helpful." He muttered to himself and got out of the truck as well, locking the door. He walked over the corner and leaned against one of the many poles, he was not in the mood to strut or pose they'll just have to make him pose and what not in the bedroom, or car, or alley…where ever. His face was crunched up a little, he was thinking about the new guy, 'Cursed huh?' he thought,


Hadn't even been ten minutes before some car came up to him, they rolled down their window and Sena just lazily looked over and inside the car. His chocolate eyes widen when he saw who was driving it, "Oh!" he said, almost in a scared manner, and walked over to the car and leaned into it slightly, "A-ah good evening, Big Mama-san." He greeted her, this women was like a big sister he never had. The women just sighed and shook her head, "O-oh! I mean Mamori-neechan…sorry." He muttered to her, "T-thanks for the Journal by the way." He thanked, she just smiled that brilliant smile of hers and was about to talk when another car honked their horn at them.

"Mamori-neechan, I think I have a r-real customer." He said to her with an apologetic look, "Can we talk later?" he asked her, she just sighed and nodded, telling him that she'd call him later at his house and drove off. Sena sighed, he loved Mamori, he really did, but he couldn't let her stop him from doing this, he had to pay the bills. He glanced over at the car, actually a limbo, with an eyebrow raised. Who was this? Sena didn't even get a chance to breathe before the limbo pulled over and the door swung open, a hand grabbed him by the arm and yanked him inside.

He squeaked as he was pulled inside, and groaned in pain as he landed on the floor. Then Sena heard a rough, deep voice chuckle at him, he shivered and thought, 'Ah shit no…not him.' But what came out of his mouth was a nervous giggle, "Ahaha, Agon-san, I-I keep t-telling you to j-just tell me t-t-to get in." Sena rubbed his butt, cursing that he felt a bruise; he got up from the floor and sat across from his client. Agon had just shrugged his broad shoulders and yelled at his limbo driver to drive aimlessly in till he yelled for him to stop.

Sena always felt a pang of pity for the chauffeur, he was Agon's brother but the dread-locked man always was bossing his older brother around. The man's brother nodded and rolled up the window, he then leaned forward a bit from the limbo moving but got back to sitting up straight. It didn't last too long as Agon reached over and pulled Sena over into his lap, smashing their lips together. 'Never one to waste time huh Agon?' he thought,

A tongue began to lap at his lips, it still felt funny even after all this time, but it was just Agon's way of saying 'sorry for making your lips bleed', or that's what Sena liked to think. He opened his mouth and the other mans tongue wasted no time, again, in roaming around inside the wet cavern, he bit Twenty One's tongue, making it bleed as well, and then harshly began to suck on the wet muscle. Blood always made him erect, or get his adrenalin go at its peak, so did causing pain, making others scream, bondage, you name it. Agon is his worst client, but he pays him with a very generous amount of money, so it was all worth it.

A large hand roamed up his skinny, hairless, leg. And when it reached the hem of his booty shorts he began to tug them down, dry humping the younger boy already. Sena moaned in mixed pleasure and pain, and tore away from Agon's lips and began to outline his muscular neck with his damaged tongue, which did it. The older man tore his hands away from just gently pulling down his shorts to tearing them off, he wanted it bad, now. "TwentyOne…" he huskily whispered, and took one of Sena's hands and placed it on his clothed manhood, then he reached over and grabbed the smaller man's. Sena, now half naked, breath hitched in pleasure, and began to tear away some of Agon's clothing.

Just because he hated his job, didn't mean that he couldn't enjoy it. Why do all of these jobs at all, if he couldn't just blank them out of his mind, he'll let them do whatever to him as long as they give him some pleasure too. A fair trade, he thought. Sena moaned again as Agon's talented hands began to do their magic, and this just edged the older man to go on.


Agon had kicked him out of the car, literally. Once he was done giving the older man a blow job, earlier Agon had given him one, and the man just threw him out. Bye-bye Sena, see ya later alligator! And vrooo-ooom.

Huge chocolate eyes stared wide eyed at the road, thinking, 'What the fuck?' he looked to his left and then to his right, and a snarl-like sound came from his throat. 'The hell am I?!' he thought with venom, he looked at his body, his clothing all a disarray and so was the cash that Agon had thrown at him.

Sighing he got himself on his knee's and tucked his legs underneath his buttocks and began to pick up his clothing and the money. He was slightly less angry then when he was a second ago but, he was still seething. Just because he was a grotesque, despicable, corrupt, low-down, ghastly, raunchy, trashy, unworthy, bimbo, nympho, and a panhandler street-walking tramp! Does not mean that he could walk all over him!

Sena could feel the tears begin to well up behind his eyes, but he shook his head and curled up into a small ball on the eerie street. After a couple of minutes trying not to have a mental break down, the small boy sat up and sniffed. He looked around again hoping to see some sort of life somewhere, he sighed when he saw none. So he stood up shakily, his legs still just slightly sore from previous activities. And looked down at himself with disgust,

His clothes were all dirty, dried blood and cum were all over him and the dirt didn't make it any prettier to look at either. He wanted to start crying, but he stopped himself and just stuck his money into his, very much lacerated booty shorts, and slowly limped to the right where he last saw Agon's limo go. Hopefully they were going toward the city.

It was a while before he saw some sort of light, it was faint, and it looked like it shouldn't even be there. It was so out of place, at least to him it did. It had an, not an eerie glow, but an unearthly…almost like a safe haven feeling. But at the same time it gave off a sinister aurora. It confused the little boy to the point he found he might have a migraine, but just as he figured he might as well try and forget to find the correct word for the odd light, he found himself in front of gates. And what was beyond them, was a magnificent mansion,

'No.' Sena thought, 'This place is more like a Victorian horror castle.'

Sooo-ooo? What do you think? Even though I said that 'To Have Loved..." was my first ES21, I think this would be it actually. Made this chapter waaay before that poem. I hope you all like it, but sadly this is going to be one of those stories were it will probably get updated monthly. I want my chapters to be a certain way before I upload them, and a certain length.

And for the rating of M, that'll be for later chapter, I put it up now so I didn't have to bother with it later. Haha, yes I am a lazy muther fucker. But I'm proud to be one, kind of. :D

So anyways, I will come up with a better summary at some point, I am not good with summaries, as are most Authors. And this story will probably be updated again sometime next week, since I've been working on the second chapter for almost as long as I have the first. The first and second chapter of this story were suppose to be one whole thing, but then I decided it was too long for one chapter, and sliced and diced it.

Ah, enough with my ramblings. The next story that I will update will be for Scream for Sanity, so look forward to that fans! Loves ya all,
