OKAY!! This is my very first not one-shot fic lol. This is AU, the setting is after Ichigo defeats Aizen. Soo..here we go!!
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I own nothing of Bleach. If I did, Orihime and Ichigo would be banging like bunnies at this very moment. hehe.
Orihime sat on her knees, fingers clasped together. She ignored the slight ache in them and the itch of her bandages wrapped around her head as she patiently waited. For this visit, she'd wait an eternity to see his face. The slight scent of incense wafted through her nostrils, doing little to calm her erratic heartbeats. Her injuries, to her, were no more than a bee sting compared to what he had gone through. His valiant, miraculous self-sacrifice to keep Karakura Town safe, defeating Aizen before he enslaved the entire human civilization had damaged his body beyond logical repair.
But he survived, and Orihime thanked the gods that he did. To the Soul Society, he was a hero. To Hueco Mundo, he was a reluctantly respected warrior.
But to Orihime, he was just Ichigo. HER Ichigo.
My Kurosaki-Kun..she thought, her heart bursting with a love for him that she knew would never die.
"Orihime?" A deep voice shook her from her trance. She looked up to see rectangular-shaped glasses and a large handlebar mustache.
"Y-yes?" She squeaked, her heartbeat racing fast enough for her to get a heart attack if she was not careful.
He stuck out his tanned hand, taking Orihime to her feet. "He's asleep but you can visit him now."
"Thank you, Tessai." She bowed before following him to the room where Ichigo was resting. Each step she took sent shivers down her spine. Tessai stopped in front of the room and turned to her.
"I'm sure he'd be glad that you came." Tessai slightly smiled before walking away. Orihime watched him disappear around the corner before turning her attention to the wooden door. With trembling fingers, she summoned up her courage and slid it open.
And there he was.
Sunlight from the small window lightly danced across his face, giving it a slight aura. Orihime's breath caught in her throat. He was utterly beautiful to her, even covered head-to-toe in bandages. Walking slowly over to him, she saw that his injuries were rapidly healing, even though he had defeated Aizen just 3 days ago.
That's Kurosaki-kun for you. Takes a licking and keeps on kicking. Orihime gently chuckled at her silly thoughts. Kneeling down next to the bed, she let her eyes graze across his strong, yet childlike features, his slightly parted lips, gently taking in and letting out puffs of breath. She longed to see those warm brown eyes, letting her know that everything would be okay before he even uttered a word. But she was happy that he was getting his rest. God knows he deserved it.
"I.." She cleared her throat, trying to dislodge the lump in her throat. "I'm so glad you're okay, Kurosaki-kun. I know you can't hear me, but I only hope that you're finally getting some peace. You deserve it. You saved my life. You saved the world." Tentatively, she stretched out her hand and placed it on his bandaged one. It was warm, pulsing and giving her shivers down to her very core.
"Thank you, Kurosaki-kun. I'll see you later." Reluctantly placing his hand back on the bed, she rose to her feet. She couldn't think of anything else to say.
But as she slid open the wooden door and prepared to close it, 3 words streaked across her mind, ran down her nose and bolted out her mouth before she had a chance to stop it.
"I love you." Blushing, she closed the door as quickly and quietly as she could before running out of the Urahara Shop, ignoring Tessai's inquisitve look as she ran past him. She silently berated herself for letting her heart get the best of her. Of course she knew those words wouldn't be heard.
Kurosaki-kun is sleeping. Of course he didn't hear me. She hurried on to home, repeating those thoughts like a mantra and silently praying that she was getting worried for nothing.
Ichigo's eyes shot open, those last 3 words resonating in his mind and her voice seeming to echo around the room, even though she had left.
Her prayers were not answered.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed the very first chapter! Reviews and constructive criticism are my addiction, so feed, feed, and feed! lol Update coming soon!! :)