Disclaimer: I don't own anything here expect this story.

Casey's soul is at stack. Who will get it? Jarrod or RJ. Slash RJ/Casey, Casey/Jarrod. Squeal to Wendigo


Chapter 1

"Hey RJ I'm going out to work out in the woods for a little bit." Casey said popping his head into the kitchen.

"Alright Casey be back in time for your shift." RJ said then placed a kiss on his lovers lips.

"Don't worry RJ with a great boyfriend like you why wouldn't I come back." With another longer kiss goodbye Casey took off.

"His been in the woods working out all week." Lilly said as she handed him a freshly made pizza.

"Do you think his up to something?" RJ shook his head.

"Casey do anything wrong. Please Lilly he can even lie to save his life." Lilly shrugged her shoulders

"I guess not, but then again that whole Wendigo thing probably shook Casey right down to the core." RJ couldn't argue with that. Ever since the Wendigo Casey became a different person. He still refused to talk about his past with Jarrod. Something he had to let Casey do in his own time.

"Order up." RJ yelled.

In the woods Casey walk looking around for something. He took in several deep breaths. He still couldn't believe he was doing this. After all the hell he went through he couldn't believe he was doing this. After a few more minutes of walking he final found what he was looking for. A waterfall in the middle of the woods.

"Here I am." Casey said to himself.

"That's good to hear." Casey jump and turned around. Jarrod was standing there. Casey put on his tuff face.

"I came Jarrod and I don't know why." Jarrod took a few steps closer.

"I think you know why I called you here." He held up a rolled up piece of paper.

"Remember when we first started dating and we sneaked off base to have a few drinks." Casey gave a nod of his head. He remembered, but the memory was cut off after the first drink. The rest of the night he couldn't remember.

"Yeah what about it." Jarrod unrolled the paper and handed it to Casey. After a moment of reading he saw something shocking.

"We got married." Jarrod gave a nod of his head.

"Yep in front of a shaman named Alti and I got bad news for you it's a life time commitment." Casey turn the paper on its side.

"Oh yeah." He tried to rip it but nothing happened. Jarrod laughed at Casey.

"You can't destroy the contract we made with each other." After a minute he gave up.

"Why after all this time do you show me this?" Casey wanted to know. Jarrod smiled then took the paper away from him.

"Because Casey I'm a king that needs a queen and your going to be it." Casey gave Jarrod are you kidding look.

"What makes you think I'm willing to do this?"

"Oh I think you will." A women voice said as she enter into full view. "by the way my name is Alti."

Casey glared at her.

"You are the one who married us?" She gave a nod of her head.

"I had a vision of you two sitting on two thrones ruling over the world and I'm here to make it come true." Casey shook his head.

"What makes you think I will do this." Jarrod began to laugh at Casey.

"Alti has many powers one of the is recalling your past." He turn to Alti. "Show him." She took a few steps forward. She stared at him. What he was expecting was like nothing he experienced before.

A memory of a monster hitting him on the side suddenly came forward.

"Ouch!" Casey yelled as he fell to his side. More memories came flooding into his head. Every monster attack hit him all over his body. Feeling every single pain that they struck him with.

"Hey Alti I have a idea." Jarrod whispered something into Alti's ear.

"Sounds fun." She tilted he head a little. Suddenly Casey felt like a foot slam into his stomach over and over again. He was yelling very loud. The pain was so much tears began to drip out of his eyes.

"Now imagine her coming down to get you by force. All of your friends felling this pain. RJ crying out in pain from his past." He touched Alti to tell her to stop. Casey's head quickly cleared, but the pain was still there.

"Are you willing to come with me or…"

"I'll come." Casey cried out. "Please don't hurt anyone else like this." Jarrod walk over and pick up Casey's head.

"You have until midnight tonight to say your good byes. We will meet in front of the restaurant." he then bent down placing a kiss on Casey's lip.

"Remember if your late then there will be hell to pay." He quickly got to his feet.

"Come on Alti." Casey placed his head on the ground and began to breath.

"Why did I bother looking for this place for week. When I knew something like this would happen." He flip over onto his back. He began to wonder what the hell was wrong with his life. How did things come to this and why does all of this bad stuff happen to him. Casey laid there for a very long time not moving. His cell phone went off. His first thought was to ignore it, but it could be RJ.

"Hello Casey spoke into the phone."

"Where are you Casey your shift started an hour ago." Lilly spoke into the phone.

"Sorry I was running and I had a very bad fall." He lied.

"Oh want us come get you?" She asked.

"No I will be there shortly."

"Alright we see you soon." Then she hung up.

"Oh how do I explain this to the others." Casey sadly thought to himself.


Alti is awesome Xena character. Watch a Xena episode Adventures in sin trade 1 and 2, Between the lines, them bones them bones, Send in the clones, and when fates Collide. To see what she looks like.

Well G2G see you all later.