Disclaimer: I DO NOT own InuYasha, unfortunately :/
{A/N:} Hi guys! I've written so many fanfics but I never posted them. Maybe this one will be good! :) Actually, I think it's gonna do pretty well.
I added the lyrics from "Last To Know" by Three Days Grace in this. I altered it slightly so that it would suit me better. TDG will forgive me, in the name of Kami, they must!
I dedicate this story to my best friend Ciara, who wanted me to write a story for her. This isn't exactly what she had wanted, but I can't find the original story ideas she had :/
P.S. If you like American Dragon and InuYasha cross overs (which are really cool), then you should check out my sister's stories. They're AMAZING!
He just walked away.
Why didn't he tell me
And where do I go tonight
This isn't happening to me
This can't be happening to me
He didn't say a word
Just walked away
-Three Days Grace
Chapter 1: What Happened?
Kagome was going down. The earth seemed to rise up to meet her rather quickly and with a painful thud, she landed face first in the sun baked ground. Struggling to stay conscious, she opened an eye and fought to hold her head up to look at the demon standing above her.
"Goodbye, miko." the bear demon spat out with triumph, raising it's heavily clawed hand in the air.
Kagome closed her eye and rested her bleeding head against the ground, waiting for the final blow that would ultimately kill her.
She thought of her missing campanion, InuYasha. Where had he gone? He was behind her just a minute ago....or sometime ago. There was no telling how long they had been fighting Naraku's usual horde of demons. Had InuYasha been killed?
'No.' her inner voice answered firmly. 'InuYasha is too stubborn to die. He wouldn't leave you alone to fight these demons.'
'Well, he did.' she answered back with anger. 'He's not here now, is he? Like you, I... like whatever was said earlier, he's too stubborn to die so the only alternative is that he left.'
Betrayal filled her heart as she heard the swishing of his claws cutting through the air, closely followed by a deep growl and a higher pitched scream.
"Kagome!" came Sango's distant horrified scream. Kagome listened to the padding of feet running to her. Gentle hands touched her hair as they moved it over her shoulder.
"Oh no," A familiar voice breathed.
'Miroku.' the voice clarified.
She could feel his hands momentarily leave her hair as he turned to yell."Sango! Hurry!"
Moments later, Kagome slowly opened her right eye (for the other was against the ground) and was faced with Sango's anxious face. Sango was knelt before her and Miroku's face looked over her shoulder.
"Kagome!" she murmured, gently moving her bangs away from her eyes.
Kagome opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She winced as her back pain spiked slightly.
Sango looked at Miroku, silently asking him what to do.
He pursed his lips,"We can't move her, that's for sure...we should...we should call Kaede." He nodded, agreeing with himself.
"Yeah, we should." Sango agreed. She stood. "I'll get her. Kirara!" Sango called, spinning on her heel and running away.
Kagome's eye flicked towards Miroku, who was watching Sango run away, before everything went black.
She was on her stomach when she woke. Her head was pounding. Each heart beat felt like a hammer pounded against the inside of her skull. She felt oddly bulky but her eyes felt too heavy to open to see what was around her..
"Oh dear me." a wispy old voice muttered,"Ye are right. She is pretty messed up."
"What can you do for her, Kaede?" a beautiful voice demanded. Shuffling of feet. The sound of stoppers coming out of viles.
"Calm ye self down, InuYasha." Kaede ordered. "I don't know when she will awake, but she is alive. No thanks to ye though," she added nastily.
" 'No thanks to me'?!" he repeated incredulously.
"Ye heard me InuYasha. Where were ye when she needed ye?"
No answer.
Kagome took a deep breath but groaned as her chest expanded, causing the skin on her back to move.
"Kagome?" InuYasha whispered. She opened her eyes and blinked several times in the sunlight that was streaming in through the cracks in the door. Closest to her was InuYasha, his face etched with lines of worry.
She was laying on something soft in Kaede's hut. There was no fire burning in the herth, thus causing it to be semi-dark but from the little light she could see InuYasha's eyes were burning. The intensity made her look away.
Looking back at him, she breathed,"Inu...Yasha." moving her already outstretched right hand towards him. He looked down at it and immediately placed his on top of it.
"Oh baby," he whispered,stroking her face with his other hand. "Don't talk."
Kagome felt an electric shock run from her hand, up her arm, and into her heart, causing it to flutter and miss a beat. He had never called her baby before.
'Oh, get over yourself,' her inner voice snapped, 'It won't last long. You'll get better and he'll be gone again.'
This thought made her eyes widen and her hand retracted. She was right. He would leave. He did that last time when she was injured by a demon. He stuck around for a few days and was gone as soon as Kaede announced her healed. The memory made her wince.
"InuYasha," Kagome whispered. He smiled slightly, expecting something sweet to come from her lips,"Where were you?"
His eyes widened in surprise and his mouth opened in answer but he was cut off. In his hurry to get in, the dark haired prince ripped the reed flap completely off the door.
"Kagome!" Koga exclaimed. He ran in, the shards in his legs helping him reach her faster. He was beside Kagome in the blink of an eye, on his knees, gingerly grabbing her hand and bending close to the ground to kiss it. In his anxiety, Koga had completely shoved InuYasha to the side.
"Why thank ye, Koga."Kaede said sullenly,"I didn't need that anymore."
"You're welcome," he replied absently. He didn't look around to Kaede, his eyes only wanted to behold Kagome. "Kagome, as soon as I heard, I had to come."
"Thank you." she said quietly, squeezing his hand with the strength she could muster.
"How did this happen Kaede?" he shot at the priestess, standing and turning to face her.
Kaede sighed and pointed at InuYasha,"Ask him."
Kagome could feel the intensity in the room rise as Koga turned to face the hanyou leaning against the western wall of the hut.
"What does she mean mutt-face?" Koga growled.
"I don't know," InuYasha said indifferently, "That batty old priestess hardly ever knows what she's talking about these days." He shifted to the left as a bile of herbs smashed where his head had just been.
"You left her for that undead clay pot again, didn't you?" Koga asked, taking a step forward."I'll kill you for leaving my mate unprotected."
She didn't have time to protest at being called his mate for InuYasha froze in the act of walking away. He slowly turned his head to face Koga. Kagome couldn't see Koga's expression, but whatever it was, it was strongly irritating InuYasha, judging by the scowl that had appeared on his face. Something passed through InuYasha's eyes that scared Kagome. It was a flicker of the demon he restrained. It seemed as if he wouldn't be play fighting with Koga this time. He would fight to kill. Kagome shuddered and delicately tugged at Koga's fur-covered ankle.
He looked down at her and she mumbled,"Don't Koga."
He smiled and said,"Don't worry, my love. I'll be fine." He turned his attention back to InuYasha,"C'mon dog-breath, let's take this outside."
InuYasha's eyes narrowed, another flash of demon running through them."Certainly."
Koga followed InuYasha outside, stooping at the door to turn back and wink at Kagome."I'll be right back."
Kagome moved her hand back to her body and slowly turned her head so that her nose was pressed against the pillow she lay on. Sluggishly, she pushed, grimacing as pain surged throughout her.
"No Kagome," Kaede commanded, "Ye mustn't get up. Thine injuries aren't fully healed!" Kaede bustled to Kagome and placed a restraining hand on her shoulder."Please. Ye will only hurt thine self even more!"
"No Kaede," Kagome panted, her eyes clenched shut as she hung on to the wall for support."I must go out there. They won't listen to anyone else! InuYasha isn't playing this time! He'll end up destroying half the village."
Fully standing and now an arm slung around Kaede's shoulder's for support, Kagome saw Kaede's eye widen in surprise.
When Kaede stood rooted in her spot, Kagome sighed impatiently and began walking stiffly towards the door. Finally outside Kaede's hut, she took a right and headed behind the hut towards the woods.
Kagome was simply furious with her speed. She had to walk slowly in order not to shift the bandages around her middle and cause her more pain.
Why did Koga have to egg on InuYasha. As strong as Koga was, Kagome worried that he wouldn't be able to defeat InuYasha. Once in demon form, there was no stopping InuYasha. He was a killing machine and maybe this time, Kagome wouldn't have the speed to get to him before he killed Koga.
"You stupid mutt! She could've died!" She heard Koga yell.
"But she didn't, did she?" InuYasha screamed and he yelled,"Wind Scar!"
"Oh no!" Kagome cried.
Kagome dodged low-hanging branches and tree roots. She could see where they had already talked calmly about her. Trees were thrown haphazardly against other, causing them to lean on others. Branches were ripped away and thrown everywhere. There was a long crater were InuYasha had attempted to kill Koga.
"C'mon dog-breath! Is that all ya got?"
"Haha! Ya missed!"
"Oh, your aim is off. I suppose the clay pot is responsible for that! This is why Kagome and I are perfect for each other! She wouldn't ever hold me back like Kiky-ho does you!"
Grabbing a long, thin branch, she used it as a walking stick to help her move along quicker.
"InuYasha! Sit!" she shouted.
Nothing happened.
Kagome felt panic rise in her. What hadn't she heard him hit the ground?
A tornado rushed towards her and scooped her up. Looking towards Koga, she noticed how beaten up he was. His face was cut in many different places and his lip was bleeding.
"Koga? What happened? Where's InuYasha?"
Koga glanced over at her. He was carefully holding her so that he didn't jar her."InuYasha happened to me. There's something wrong with him. He ripped that necklace that you use to control him off. He said something like,'Now nothing can stop me from killing you. Not even Kagome.' "
Kagome gasped. "He did?"She pulled her flying hair out of her eyes.
"Uh-huh. He went all spooky demon on me. He used his sword at first but then switched to grabbing a few trees here and there and swinging them at me."
"Run Koga. Don't stop until you've reached somewhere else other than here."
He sent a roguish grin at her."And miss all the fun? Nah, I think I'll stick around a little while longer."
"You don't understand-" Kagome stopped as Koga veered sharply to the left to avoid a tree that had been thrown at them. She bit down on her lip to hide the pained moans coming up her throat.
"I'm sorry for that Kagome."
"See?" she whispered, tears pricking her eyes. "I've seen him like this. Maybe I can stop him but you can't. He killed an entire army one time when he was like this. Now listen carefully to me. He. Will. Not. Stop. Until. He. Kills. You."
"Duck!" Koga wrapped his arms around her, pulled her ontop of him ,and threw himself to the ground, sliding on his back. InuYasha flew over them, claws outstretched, reaching for where Koga's throat had been. He did look like a spooky demon. His eyes were blood red. Beneath them were the jagged stripes that looked somewhat like Sesshomaru's. Looking down, his eyes widened slightly at seeing Koga's arms wrapped around Kagome protectively. His mouth parted and his long sharp dog fangs stood out. The feral snarl that came out for his mouth made Kagome cower against Koga.
"I don't think he'll listen to you Kags," Koga muttered, immediately standing and running away. "I think he's passed listening."
"Just let me try Koga." she begged. He looked down at her, considering her question. Looking into her pleading eyes, how could he say no?
He sighed and said,"Okay."
Hey peeps! So what do you think? Good, bad, fair, totally suckish, EXCELLENT (pick that one)
Review and tell me what you think!