This is my first story so i hope it's good!
Starfire wore a green tank top, green plad skirt and green flip flops , with her hair in a tight ponytail and silver dangling eairings also she was very skinny not the bad skinny but the good skinny . Star was walking on her way to high school, she was very nervus it's her FIRST day and really wanted to make a good empreshion at school.
Suddenly in deep in though, someone zoomed right passed her and he turned around giving her the most sesitive looking face and said "sorry i'm kinda in a rush" and ran away. Star though , why was he wering a mask? He was really cute, and nice but , why was he in a rush? school didn't start for another twenty minutes.. As she was walking into the school her heart beated so much it felt as if it was about to pop out of her shirt! All the guys were looking at her and she just smiled and walked away, then she saw that cute guy from before coming towards her.
she almost fainted when he smiled at her. He walked up and said: "hi!" "sorry for bumping into you eairlyer i needed to hand in a report.
Oh that's ok i said with a smile. My names Starfire but you can call me Star. "hi star my names Robin" . Hi Robin i said with a blush.
He looked at me as if i was this light or something. And then he said: Your eyes are so pretty. "Thanks!" I said with a blush.
He got cought in reiality when the bell rang and said " Oh i got to go" "bye!" "Bye!" . I really like him although it did seem kinda weird how he looked at my eyes like some pervert would. She went to class and the teacher wasn't there yet but all the other kids were. Although, she really needed to hide something from everybody, no one knew that she could fly and shoot star bolts from her eyes and hands, "i mean they would think i'm a FREAK!!" She shouted out loud. Then everybody looked at her even Robin! WAIT.. ROBIN?? I DIDN'T KNOW HE WAS HERE she thought in her head this time. She looked at Robin mouth the words are you ok? and i was about to lie and say yes when the teacher came in and said for everyone open to page so and so. She went up and asked for a bathroom key. Oh know she though, Robins getting on too. They went in the hall and he asked AGAIN if i was ok. And i lied and said: Oh yeah sure i'm finnnne waving my hand at him once looking like i was saying " PUUUleaaase". But he didn't buy it and said : You know your a really bab lier? "Yeah i know" i said with a puff. Robin laughed and suddenly kissed me. KISSED ME!!! He gave me a kiss with such disire and wormth that i just HAD to kiss back, he ran his soft hands on my back. "Sorry" he said "i just can't help myself" I was so shocked that i couldn't say anything. I was going to say ok but he hushed me with another kiss. I breathed havily when he started kissing my neck and then i sudenly stoped and said, " i barley know you lets go on a date tonight ok? "Ok" He said with a out of breath tone. Tonight? sure i said!
Ok no mean comments i this is new to me! If you want to read the next chapter comment!