Chapter 18! I don't own Yugioh 5D's!


Leo was walking in silence to the park. With each step, Leo could feel his insides churn against each other. He was so worried about what his friends were going to say and what he would do after they gave him their answers. If they told him they wanted nothing to do with him, Leo would take the older man from the park's advice and find a hobby and new friends. If they actually had reasons, Leo figured he would have to forgive them in time depending on the reasons.

Sooner than Leo would have liked, he arrived at the park. He looked around, but there was no sign of his friends yet. Leo sighed softly in slight relief. He had a little time to himself before he had to face his friends again.

Leo spotted a park bench, made his way over to it, and sat down. He looked up to the sky to see that the sun was starting to go down, indicating that it was already evening. Leo figured that it was around this time that Leo had left his home. He couldn't believe he was only gone a day and now he was going back with his 'friends'.

Leo sighed. It could not be helped. It probably would have turned out this way in the end anyway. At least the police weren't involved, or so he thought. For all he knew, they might've been going to the police just as he called. He would probably find out once they got to the park, not that it mattered too much now.

"Leo?" Leo tensed at hearing his name so suddenly. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he failed to notice the group of people that had appeared some feet from him.

His friends had arrived and he was still shocked to see them so soon. The voice that had called him was the voice of Leo's twin sister, Luna. Her voice seemed strained, as though she couldn't actually believe what she was seeing, and Leo noticed that her eyes were slightly red and puffy once he looked from the sky to the group.

Leo stood to his feet, the group watching him closely. He seemed fine to them which actually came as a surprise. Only Jack and Kaylin had seen him earlier so the gang could only guess what condition he was in, having not asked how he was. Leo seemed clean as if he had had a bath or shower within the last twenty-four hours. The group had never really spoke too much about it, but they didn't know where Leo was staying. For all they knew, he could have been out on the street all this time. But he appeared to be fine.

Leo and the group stood like that, staring at each other and remaining quiet. There was so much to say, but neither side knew how to start saying it. Both sides thought as they were coming to the park that they knew what they wanted to say, but at the sight of each other, their minds went blank.

"Leo…," Yusei started after what felt like an eternity. "Are you okay?"

Leo scoffed to himself. Was he okay? That was the question. If Leo was okay, he definitely would not have left his life, even for such a short time. That question wasn't so easy to answer. Leo wasn't even sure if he wanted to answer it or not.

"How am I supposed to answer that?" Leo asked slightly harsh before he could stop himself. Yusei was shocked at Leo's tone.

"A yes or no would do just fine," Jack replied just as harshly as he glared at Leo. Leo glared right back at Jack with intensity.

Leo had to stop his glaring because Crow began speaking as to avoid an argument from breaking out. "Why did you…ran away from home?"

Leo furrowed his brow at this question. Now that he thought about it, Leo figured they wouldn't really have any idea why he might have left.

Then Leo scoffed outwardly. 'They probably had too much fun to notice anything was wrong.'

At seeing Leo's scoff, Akiza frowned slightly. "Leo, we want to know. We're your friends."

'Friends,' Leo thought bitterly. 'Friends don't hurt each other the way I was hurt.'

"Before I answer that question, I want to ask you some questions," Leo said.

"Like what?" Yusei asked patiently with an eyebrow raised.

Leo wasted no time. "Why did you go to my favorite restaurant without me? Why didn't you wake me up? Why-"

"Leo," Amanda interrupted gingerly. "Slow down. We can't understand you."

Leo took in a huge breath. "I want to know why."

"Why what?" Jack asked in irritation. Despite himself, Jack wanted to know why the kid had run away causing him to have to embark on two excruciating searches, and now the kid was dragging this whole ordeal out.

"Why…why did you all…," Leo started finding it more difficult to speak. He also felt tears sting his eyes. Leo shut his eyes tightly and tightened his fists looking down. He would not cry, not in front of them.

"Leo, are you…?" Behind his closed eyes, Leo could hear his sister's voice and footsteps moving closer to him. Without opening his eyes, Leo took steps backwards until the back of his legs touched the park bench and he turned his back to his friends.

The footsteps stopped, but Leo couldn't stop the tears in his eyes from falling. Soon enough, he could feel his shoulders shake and a slight touch on one of them. Leo immediately jerked away from the touch. "D-don't touch m-me."

"Leo," The concerned voice of Amanda said. "You need to calm down and talk to us."

Leo let more tears fall. "W-why did you guys s-stop including me i-in everything?"

"What?" The group asked collectively.

"W-why did you guys stop including me in everything?" Leo asked more clearly with less tears in his eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Yusei asked genuinely confused.

"The restaurant? The pool? And whatever else I wasn't invited to?" Leo asked rapidly without many breaths or tears in his eyes.

He was wiping his face when he got an answer from Crow. "You're going to have to explain what you're talking about."

"The day before school last summer, I saw you in Lucky Village," Leo said. "And the last day of school, I saw you at the pool."

Then there was a moment of silence. It was neither comfortable nor uncomfortable. The silence also didn't last very long.

" were invited," Akiza said slowly.

"What?" Leo asked surprised, turning quickly on his heel. His lightly red eyes were as huge as saucers.

"Yeah," Akiza said, feeling all the attention shift to her. "I'm pretty sure we were all invited to Lucky Village and the pool."

"Then why-"Leo started before getting cut off by Crow.

"Maybe we should finish this somewhere else," Crow said, looking at all the stares they were getting in the park.

Leo nodded, just now noticing the stares they were getting from the various people in the park. Then he followed the group to the twins' hotel room to finish their discussion.

How was that guys?! I hope you enjoyed that! Please Review!