Disclaimer: I do not own PJO, Rick does duh.

Note: This is my first PJO story and second Fanfic so please be nice. Flames will be ignored. That's all. Enjoy my story.


Nico's POV

I was so tired. Agh. I thought I was over this. I mean I shadow travel almost everywhere. Guess not. Wish I had one of those rings that you can store energy in. Well I don't in fact I have no magical gift from my dad. Even Hades could send a gift to his favorite half-blood son. Well I'm his only (half-blood) son so I had better be his favorite.

I was ripped from those thoughts when I heard screams of fear come from an alley. I ran into the alley to see a hellhound on top of a girl drool coming from his mouth. The girl was whimpering. I charged the creature with a battle cry that could raise the dead (literally) and caused the over grown dog look at me. When it was looking I jammed my stygian iron sword into its throat. It disintegrated into golden dust.

Then I turned to look at the girl I rescued. She had dark brown, almost black, hair and sea blue, green eyes. I almost took a step back. She looked just like Percy with only a few differences. This girl was younger and slightly shorter. She looked my age. I hope Percy was redy for a sister cause he was getting one.

"Come on," I said to the girl offering my hand. Surprisingly she took it. More shocking, she didn't flinch at the coldness like most people.

"Were are we going," she asked.

"Camp half-blood," I answered without looking back. I knew she was fallowing me.

"Were is that and why are you taking me."

Okay this is where it gets hard.

"What's your name," I asked.

"Alice Bying," came the reply.

"So do you know about the Greek gods…

So do you like it? Please review. Don't please lazy just push that little green button. Also I update faster when I get reviews. One more thing I think I'm going to put a question at the bottom of each chapter. IT might be about story ideas or just questions about the series and author. Tell me if you like it and if you have a question idea I'm for it, please answer via review. And if you want to be in my story just tell me. That's a lot I know.

Question: who do you think is Alice's parent or Parents?