
Hey guys! I'm a new writer so bare with me if I suck.

This story takes place two years later at the E-house in Colorado. Max, Fang, and Iggy are 16. Ella is 15. Nudge is 13. Gazzy is 10 and Angel is 8. Watch the fun unravel!!!!!

Disclaimers yo!!!!!! (aren't these like so annoying?) I do not own Maximum Ride, if you think I do, you need to move out from the rock you live under. I do own two characters. You'll find out soon enough! -foreshadowing- Kay, i'll let you read the story. Foshizzle!!!

Max's POV

I glanced at the clock. It was 7:30 P.M on a Friday night. My mom, Dr. Martinez, had a CSM convention planned in the area in two months, so she would be visiting soon. Ella decided to live with us while our mom traveled. She said it was so she wouldn't be lonely. Of course she won't be lonely with Iggy around. Anyway, Fang and I went to the mall. We were almost back to the E-house, graciously rebuilt by CSM after the Gazzy, Iggy, explosives and Erasers fiasco. Fang, though usually Mr. Dark and Mysterious, was unusually dark and silent on the ride home.

"Wonder what's up with him." I thought. He got some new clothes and stuff. Black, as usual, so I thought he'd be a little more cheerful.

As soon as we parked, I ran inside.

"Ella! ELLA!" I yelled.

"What!" she yelled back. I followed her voice to her room. "Can we talk?"

"Of course."

"So me and Fang were shopping and he wanted to look in Hot Topic. While he was in there, I saw Sam."

"Oh, no." she muttered.

"Yeah. Anyway, I waved and he walked over. He said he was visiting his grandparents. Then he leaned down and kissed me. Right there!!!"

"Did Fang see?!" she asked.

"I think so. He was really quiet, or quieter if that's possible, on the way home." I continued my story.

"Why did you wave, stupid?!!!!" she exclaimed.

"I don't know!!!" I countered.

"Go talk to him!!"



"I'm going! Sheesh!"

"Fang! Where's Fang?" I asked Gazzy.

"He's outside, I think."

"Thanks, Gazzy."

I hoped he hadn't flown off yet. I looked around the grounds of the E-house. Then I saw him. I could easily make out his dark silhouette against the shadows with my raptor vision. It was almost 8 o'clock. "Fang." I sighed in relief.

"What do you want? Go away. Or go find Sam and make-out with him again." His face was almost impossible to read, except for the slight tightening of his jaw muscle. That made me angry.

"He kissed me!" I yelled at him.

"Why should I believe you?" he shouted back.

That simultaneously broke my heart and pissed me off. I thought he knew me better.


"Why!" he yelled.

I ran and jumped on him, hitching my legs around his waist. I smashed my mouth on his.

"That's why." I whispered when we broke apart.

Then, he started walking towards the house. While I was still glued to his face, I might add.

Angel's POV

Me and Nudge were looking out the window, and we saw Max run and kiss Fang!

"That is so sweet!" Nudge gushed.

"I know!"

Then they walked through the door. Well, Fang walked in carrying Max, while they were still kissing. I looked and saw Ella's eyes widen. She whispered something to Iggy and his eyes widen too.

Meanwhile, Max and Fang closed the door to his room.

I started picking through people's minds, trying to get answers.

Good thing his room is sound proof. Ella thought. I almost forgot Fang had asked the CSM to sound-proof his room. I wonder why? I glanced at Iggy. He was hugging his knees and rocking back and forth thinking, Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Hmmmm, no answers there. Darn, I still don't know what's going on.

Iggy's POV

Being blind sucks. You know why it sucks? It heightens your senses, so now; I can hear 200 xs better than Ella, and 100 xs better than the rest of the flock. That means I can hear through Fangs so-called sound proof walls. Thus, the sounds of his "bonding time" with Max were leaking through to moi.


"What is wrong with them? There are children in this house! I mean, I don't exactly want them to do it while I'm here, but still." Ella said.

"I know what you mean. I can hear it."



I will get my revenge.

Nudge's POV

ZOMG I went into Fang's room and he and Max were asleep in his bed!!!

I think they had sex or something cause they were both naked!!! EEEWW!!!!

Then Iggy and Gazzy came in and started taking pictures. Gross. I mean I'm glad Max and Fang are together, but they're only 16. Me and Angel call them Fax. That is so cute right?

Max's POV

"Wow." I said at 5 in the morning.

"Yeah." Fang said.

We were lying on his bed rapped in his blanket. I was cuddled up to his side and his wing and arm was around me. He turned and kissed my forehead. Max, you just made a grave mistake. My voice warned me. Crap, it had seen that whole thing. I shut it out. Now, the only thought running through my head was Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Me and Fang. Fang and me.

Fang's POV

Dr. Martinez is gonna kill me.

Fang's Blog


You are visitor number: stuff.

So, loyal readers, I have some questions for you.

One, Have any of you, um, "taken your relationship to the next level"?

If so, was it……never mind. Disregard what I was gonna ask.

And did he or she talk to you about it afterwards?

Don't ask why I asked these questions.


Max and Fang "bonded"!!!! I'll post the pictures I took.

Fang: I will kill you Iggy!!!!!




I'll go to the next level with you, Fang.

Fang: uuuummmmmm……kay?? No thanks.


I will kill you penguin b*ch!!!

Fang: That's my girl.


One- Gross Iggy. Didn't really need to see those. Where's Total? He usually comments too. Nobody has answered your questions

Fang: Total is on his third honeymoon with Akila.


I have. It was fun. She talked about it for hours afterwards.

Fang: Okay…..Sorry I asked.


What is this blog even about???


Yes, Fang, What is this blog about???


Don't ask Gazzy.


Wow, Fang, you and Max. Hmmmm.

Fang: like the name. it's ummm….interesting.


What is that supposed to mean??

Fang: sign off/flying like heck.


I will find you penguin ho!!!!!!!

So, how did I do? Pretty good for a first time writer, i think. Please leave constructive critisism. (no bitch freak outs)

R&R Foshizzle!!!!