HOS: Here I am again, with yet another Twilight fanfic; I seem to have a thing for Jasper now more than Edward… Oh well, we all love Jasper too! Sorry if you are a Jasper/Alice fan, this story is not for you to read since… well, it's a Jasper/OC story. I do love Alice and all but this just came up to me and have been thinking and writing this story for a little over a week now, hope you all enjoy!

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I will not believe my brother is dead; I won't. I knew he was alive; it's that gut feeling that he and I both have when something goes wrong with the other. I did believe he was dead until a few weeks ago when I felt that connection suddenly leave and come back again a few days later. He had been gone since that day when he was attacked by a vampire; a vampire, could you believe it? I didn't believe it until we saw one attacking our mother who was already dead when the creature left her. We didn't see it again until a month later when my brother went after it to kill it once and for all for what it did to our fallen family member and left me behind.

I knew something had gone wrong when brother hadn't come back a few hours later; that's when I knew that the connection with my brother was gone. He was nowhere to be found, everyone searched everywhere but could not find him but a small pool of blood. They say that he was dead and was gotten by one of those creatures that hunt in the night and disguises its self during the day when the sun isn't out. I cried and mourned for him I was depressed for the passed few days before I suddenly stopped when finding that the connection has appeared again. Father being as old as he is, didn't believe me and said I was in denial and needed to come to terms that he is dead and never coming back. I never gave up on him as I tried to get them to believe me for the next few weeks but some people were starting to get suspicious of my mental capibility thinking I have gone crazy. I'm guessing if I kept it up they're going to think I'm some sort of which or something negative that would cause them to hate and despise me.

Every day my father grew tired and warey of my constant denial and could not stand on being humiliated with my attitude and told me if I don't stop with this he was going to dub me crazy and put me in confinement until I come to terms with my brothers death. I was even getting tired of noone believing anything I say when my brother was still alive somewhere injured! So during the night when everyone was in bed, I took some supplies and medical supplies while placing them in a sachel and stealing a weapon that was once my brothers and snuck out of my home; dodging the nightwatchman that were on patrol that night and headed into the ally where my brother was lost and aparently dead but wasn't found where he was supposed to be.

I did not sleep nor did I rest until I came to the site where they think they last saw him. I searched around the area in a more wide open search. Soon enough I came to the entrance of a forest where the men usually hunt animals in, maybe my brother didn't want to be found and moved into the forest? I continued to walk around until I suddenly tripped over something that seemed to be a hole of somesort; it looked like an outline of someones body. I lit a tortch to see more better in the dark to search more that was close to the hole. The length of it could've been the same height as my brother; I glanced up into the trees to see some broken branches. Did he try to kill himself from dropping from a great height… and survived…? Could it be that he was turned into one of those creatures; vampires? I had to know for certain, I know that if my brother was turned he wouldn't take a human life; he was too compassionate to take one. So what would be the other choice to take blood from…? Animals, of course! There were plenty of deer around this area, perhaps he fed off of one of those?

I searched for about a mile or so away from the hole while moving away some branches and shrubs until the scent of death shot through my nose. When I moved closer and moving away a few branches, there was a dead deer on the ground, hidden from view; its throat ripped a part with such force with either by claws or sharp teeth. Sighing after looking over the dead carcuss, I began to head away from it, the further I got away from the smell the more clearer the air became. Soon enough I was completely away from civilization, many miles away from my home that I became to loathe. I was glad that I had left; there was nothing for me there to live for; my brother was the only person beside my mother, who only cared and loved me than anyone else. My father only wanted to marry me off to the highest, Christian bidder that would look to be the one to take care and love me… he's a good man that only wanted for whats best of me before he dies from his old age. There was no man that I was interested in at my home that I could see my self to be married to.

As I walked through the dark forest, I could see that the sky was beginning to clear up for the sunrise. Without paying attention to where I was stepping, tripped over a tree root that was sticking out from the ground causing to scrape my knees and hands. Sometimes I cursed nature and trees on how it made it so overgrown by its roots; sighing, I wiped my bloody hands on my dress and went to search of any creek or river near by so I can dress them. I paused a few times when hearing movement in the trees and bushes every few minutes. Fear began to rise through me when I heard the sound getting closer to me. Maybe it could be my brother still roaming the forest seraching for animals to drink from or could be the same one that killed my mother and turned my brother; I was hoping for the first one more.

"Strogone, is that you out there…? If it is, it's me, Farrah; I hope you can hear me…?" I gasped and jumped in fright when the movement was right by me. I took a few steps back from the moving bushes to reveal glowing red eyes and a figure that looked like… it was Stregone! "Stregone, it's me, Farrah, remember, your twin…?" He didn't seem to be hearing me as he only stared at the blood stain on my dress and on my legs that blood was trailing down from my injured knees. His eyes as red as they are were struggling to either attack me or run away; it was like he was in pain by the look in his eyes and the look on his face.

"Farrah… you shouldn't have come out here… it's not safe… but your blood… it smells so wonderful…" there was a low animalistic growl coming from his throat as he continues to struggle with himself. "Your blood scent is in the air… the one that turned me is not that far. Once he catches your scent, he'll come after you and kill you like he did mother… you must leave, now, before I let my instincts take over and kill you before he would."

Tears came to my eyes as I stepped closer to him, "Stregone…" I reached out to him, "STAY AWAY FROM ME, FARRAH, DON'T YOU DARE COME ANY CLOSER!" A choked sob came from me as I recoiled away from him; he never yelled at me until now; it was frightening. He spoke again but in a softer tone that I was used to but it seemed to draw me in and give my fullest attention.

"This… will be the last time that we are going to see each other. After this, you'll never going to see me again, ever." His words hurt me but were soothing at the same time; I could never leave him, I do want to see him again and I don't want him to disappear.

"Don't say that… I want to see you again… I can't live without you; you're my other half, my brother, I don't want to be alone again…"

"I'm sorry, Farrah, but it's the only way… to not hurt or kill you, please understand…" His eyes were full of sadness and pain as if he wanted to cry but couldn't. "I'll try to hold him off until you get somewhere safe and cleaned up… there is a river not far from here from the east, about a mile away; if you could wash away the blood and stop the bleeding of your wounds… maybe you could throw off your scent… now go, before I lose my control…"

Tears flowed down my face as I stared at him before turning my back on him, preparing to leave, "This will never be a good bye; I'll see you again, Stregone. What ever it takes I will find you some day… I will see you later in the future, I love you brother; please be careful and take care of your self…" with that said, I took off through the forest with my torch lighting my way and never looked back; even if I did he wouldn't be there.

I was so tired when running for ten minutes straight; my exaustion was catching up to me when I did not rest while trying to find my brother. I stopped and rested against a tree to catch my breath, my lungs were burning; the river was not so far away as I could hear it; it was a good fifteen feet away. Sighing in relief I began to to tiredly wlak toward it but didn't get too far when I was suddenly tackled to the ground from the side causing who ever tackled me and myself roll in the dirt and rocks.

When coming to a stop I was pinned to the ground by the shoulders by unknown strong hands. I opened my eyes and was startled with fright when staring into blood lusting red eyes. The man had dark brown hair and very pale skin, wearing dirty clothes that looked to be covered in bloodstains and dirt from his kills. He took hold of my chin tightly and turned my head to lean into my bleed cheek that was caused by hitting the ground; he took in a long intake of breath when taking in the scent of my blood.

"Your blood smells like that man I tasted so long ago in the street a few weeks ago… but yours…" he seemed to shudder with excitement, "…mmm, smells so much sweeter than his…" I whimpered when I felt his wet appendage lick upon the bleeding wound, "Though unlike him, I'm not going to let you survive to transform; I'll make sure I suck you dry. Now, hold still, it will only hurt for a moment…"

Just as he opned his mouth to clamp down on the side of my neck, I swiftly brought my arm up as reflex when I'm scared of getting hit by something as I felt teeth bite down deeply into the flesh. I felt him growl in his throat in satisfaction as he takes my blood; I screamed in pain and fear as I felt my life draining from my body.

Suddenly I felt the vampire rip off of me by another and felt the chunk of my arm being ripped off as well. I cried out in pain when I attempted to crawl away toward the river but stopped next to my torch that was surprisingly still lit to look at my savior; it ws my brother! I bled heavily as I made it to the river but was suddenly grabbed by the hair as I cried out in pain when I was lifted up to my feet.

"I told you I wasn't going to let you survive…!" Just before he was about to bite me again, I was roughly pushed away into the river, though the last thing I saw was the man being engulfed by flames and the call of my name from my brother; then there was nothing but darkness and burning pain in my body.


The sound of old wheels and the clopping of horses hooves upon the ground was heard from the sounds of crossing the wooden bridge. A man was sat up front upon the wagon as he steared his horse upon the road ahead, humming quietly to himself as he was dressed in warm clothes and wearing a traveling hat with metal materials in the back of his wagon lightly clinking together. He looked to be in his late thirties by style and color of his hair; his skin was pale but beautiful enough to gain attention by the female population.

After crossing the bridge and turning the corner something caught his attention at the bank of the river; it looked like a person. He pulled his horse to a stop as he got down from his wagon to go take a closer look at this figure that was lying face down in the ground and half in the water. Once he was next to it, he turned it over to discover it was a pale skinned woman with long blond hair. He moved her hair away from her face, indeed she was a beautiful sight to see. He then looked at her arm that seemed to be almost healed with new skin that would leave a scar when the process was finished.

He looked at her face when she made a painful noise as her eyes opened to reveal redness of a newborn vampire to look at his own eyes; gold, most beautiful color like the sunset. Her eyes reclosed as she falls unconscious once more to continue her painful transformation earning a painful whimper afterwards. His gold eyes soften a bit sadly as he gently shifts her and picks her up from the cold river and carries her to the wagon and placed her inside. His cold hand moves away her damp strands of hair from her forehead and let it rest upon her skin after covering her with a heavy cloth that covered her whole wet form.

"Don't worry, little one, I'll take care of you… just wait a few more days, the pain will stop soon enough…" said the man as he steps off the wagon to get upon the front seat once more and lightly snapped the reigns for the horse to move once more heading down the dirt road.






HOS: Well, what do you guys think? Is it worth continuing on? I hope so; send me some reviews to tell me what you think! Though don't worry, the man would be explained in the first chapter!

Thanks for reading!

Ja ne!

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