During the plane ride Donni and I talked about things, trying to think about anything but Raph and Yuki and what Doom might be doing to them. Instead, our conversation turned to our two other brothers. We observed that while Mikey was talking happily with Bobby, we could see the lingering trace of fear in his eyes. If you didn't know him like Donni and I do, you would have missed it. While we were discussing Mikey, my eyes fell on our eldest brother. Leo was sitting quietly, staring out the front of the SR-71. Worry was etched into every feature of his face.

I nudged Donni and nodded my head towards Leo. "I'm sure he'll be fine," Don assured me after a brief glance at Leo.

"Yeah, once, you, me, Raph, and Mikey are wrapped in bubble wrap and immune to all disease," I said. Donni laughed.

"It's only…" he started, but I cut him off.

"…because he loves us," I finished for him. "I know, I know. And I love him, too, but I just wish he would take care of himself like he takes care of us." I looked back over to Leo. Ever since Master Splinter named him leader, it seems as if Leo had worry lines permanently carved into his face. I thought back to how he used to be. He used to be fun and adventures. Leo, Raph, and I were always off getting into trouble. Now he was too busy taking care of us to hang out with us.

"It'll be okay, Chrissie," Donni said, interrupting my thoughts with the use of my childhood nickname. No one had called me Chrissie in years. I usually don't allow it, like Raph doesn't like to be called Raphie.

"Your right," I agreed with a sigh.

"Aren't I always?" he asked sarcastically. That got a soft smile out of me just as the SR-71 landed.

"Alright," Scott called. "We're here. Remember the plan and everyone stick together with someone."

I turned to Logen and saw that she was drawing something with her headphones in. I guess art was a sibling thing, because she was good. I nudged her. "Common, Logen. It's time," I said.

"Alright," she answered, putting down her things and grabbing her katana. We exited the SR-71 Black Bird with Donni right behind us. Once outside the Professor's voice sounded in my head.

'Alright, X-Men, you all should know the plan. Once the Doom bots are preoccupied with the distraction team, the rescue team will move in. Locate the dungeons and get Yuki and Raph. I will not be able to assist you. It seems Doom's castle is able to block my telepathic abilities,' the Professor explained once again. Worry built up in my chest. A glance at Logen said she was feeling the same thing. Said she was feeling the same thing.

Doom bots were guarding the main gate of the large castle. With it's looming towers and dark stone, the castle looked dark and foreboding. The sharp angels were illuminated in the dark sky. I took a deep breath to calm myself as Scott led his team into the battle. More Doom bots came spilling out of the castle. Once Dad felt is was safe enough, he led us into the castle. The interior was just as I remembered. The stone that mad up the inside of the castle had a kind of greenish tint to it. The carpets and tapestry were all green and had his picture on them. Busts of Doom were everywhere. Fire tinted green burned on bronze stands.

"Well, someone's self centered, don't cha' think?" Logen laughed as we moved into the castle.

"It would appear so," Donni replied his Bo staff out and ready.

"Alright, we should split up into pairs," Leo said, taking on the leadership role that had been drilled into him long ago.

"I'll go on my own," Dad said, making his way across the main room.

"But Dad…" Logen and I complained at the same time. I thought that the three of us should team up, but apparently Dad had other plans.

"No, girls, I'll be fine. Put yer ear pieces in an' we'll communicate that way," he said, still walking away.

"Right," everyone replied, though not everyone's voice sounded so sure. Once Dad had left, Leo turned to us.

"Alright, time for teams. Mike, you'll go with Logen. Behave. Donni will go with Gambit. Chris, you're with me," Leo instructed. There were only two reasons Leo paired up with someone. Either he thought they would work better with him or he wanted to talk with them. The better situation is when he thinks the person will work better with him. I was hoping that was the case. We all split up after a few more instructions on where we were to search.

After a bit of silence, Leo spoke. "We're going to leave soon," he said, his eyes looking at everything but me.

"I know," I answered, feeling that all too familiar sorrow nagging at me again. I looked to Leo and met his eyes with mine. "I'll miss you." Leo smiled softly.

"I'll miss you too, Curio Cho," he said. I smiled but the smile was fake. Leo saw right through it. "You don't want us to leave, do you?" he asked.

"Not at all," I answered.

"You know we can't stay. Sensei says…" I cut Leo off.

"It's dangerous on the surface. I could get taken to an orphanage and you guys could be taken for testing," I said, recalling the words our father had said so many times before. "I know, Leo. Doesn't change the fact that I want to be with my brothers and father." Leo smiled at me.

"To be honest, I would prefer if you came back home. But don't let that stop you from staying with your biological family," he said, wrapping an arm around me. "You deserve to get to know them." I nodded.

Leo was about to speak again when Mikey's voice came over the mike. "Hey, everyone, I found Yuki and Raph," he called enthusiastically.

"Where, Mike?" Leo asked, speaking into his mike.

"Third level of the dungeons, Sector 8, cell 29," he said. We were on the second level. Leo and I took off like bats out of hell. When Leo and I got to the stairs, we met up with Dad, Gambit, and Don. Descending down the stairs as fat as we could, no words were spoken. As soon as my feet touched solid ground, I took off again. I could hear everyone running behind me.

We came just as the door of the cell swung open. Logen was putting a Senbon needle back into her hair. "Good job," Dad said, making his way past Logen to get Yuki. Donni nudged Leo and they went in to get Raph. I walked over to Logen.

"Didn't see that earlier," I said, commenting on the Senbon needle.

"Ah, those are my ninja skills," Logen said, humor laced into her voice. Dad came out of the cell carrying Yuki bridal style, her head resting gently on Dad's shoulder. After him, Leo and Don came out with Raph. Each older turtle had one of Raph's arms draped over them, distributing Raph's weight evenly.

"Let's get outta 'ere," Dad called. Logen, Mikey, and I ran up to catch up with everyone else. Once making our way through the maze of halls that was the dungeons, we arrived at the main floor. Everything was torn, battered, shattered, and broken. An obvious sign that Scott and his team were here. Picking up the pace, we managed to escape undetected.

Once on the SR-71, Raph and Yuki were strapped to the infirmary beds. Don was looking them over, making sure they were okay. Logen and I made our way up front by Dad. He was contacting Scott. We listened in.

"Scott, have ever'one fall back. We got Raph 'n' Yuki. Let's get outta 'ere," he said. Scott's voice came over the radio.

"Alright. Start the jet and we'll leave as soon as everyone's boarded," Scott said the sounds of the battle in the background.

"Got it," Dad responded. He turned to me and Logen. "Chris, Logen, help me start this hunk' a junk up." Logen and I nodded, even though I had no clue what to do. Dad was giving me instructions, thankfully.

Once all the preparations were made, everyone boarded and strapped in. No injuries were reported, which was good. We took off and I looked to my three conscious brothers. Relief was written all over their faces. I was sitting next to Leo this time and ended up taking a nap on his shoulder, only to wake when we arrived at the mansion. Dad grabbed Yuki and Donni and Leo carried Raph. They were taken immediately to the infirmary.

I went to the room I shared with Logen to clean up and Mikey wanted to put his nun chucks away. We then went down to the infirmary and took vigil with Donni and Leo by Raph's side. It was a habit to do so when on of us was seriously sick or injured. Sensei joined us after a minute. It was obvious he was happy to have his son back. I sat in between Yuki and Raph, glad to have my older brother and sister back.