Twisted Series: A series of slightly twisted oneshots that spans ten different fandoms.

FFVII , Kingdom Hearts, FFVIII, Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragon Ball Z, Death Note, Angel (Buffy the Vampire Spin-off), Batman (The Dark Knight), and Inuyasha.

Pairings (In Order Of The List Above): Reno/Rufus, Riku/Axel, Seifer/Squall, Itachi/Sasuke, Yami Bakura/Marik/Ryou Bakura, Vegeta/Trunks, Light/L, Angelus/William the Bloody, Batman/Joker, Sesshomaru/Inuyasha.

Warnings (Cover All Oneshots, But Not All Of Them Have All Of These): Yaoi, Gore, Noncon, Dark, Hypnotizing, Incest, Insanity, Vampirism, Murder, Mpreg.

Check out all of them or at least the fandoms you like.


I Love This Fight

There is nothing more satisfying than the feel of my blade catching skin. Squall's skin in particular. And the blood that came splashing was just a glorious addition to my sadistic glee. A clean cut, right between the eyes. It was even worth the responding slash that hit me.

The sight of Squall on his knees, clutching at Lionheart, blood running down those soft, feminine cheeks, was nearly orgasmic. I didn't hesitate, even with red blood starting to cloud my vision, to drop to my knees too. I grabbed our swords, and in an uncharacteristically rough move, I never manhandled my sword, I tossed them aside. Squall didn't move as I grabbed him next, pulling him onto me. His legs automatically straddled my body, and I grinded myself upwards into him. The whine he gave off was enough to make me want to ravish him right then and there.

I smashed our lips together, crashing teeth and bruised lips mixing with sweet blood. And his blood was sweet. It tasted like sugary copper, and one taste had me hooked. I swiped my tongue all over the wound, loving his flinches and whimpers of pain. Nothing was better than this. Especially when he started to moan as I undressed him, taking off his furred bomber jacket, stripping the proud lion of his soft mane. Squall never protested, but I could tell he wasn't as excited as I was. He was only half-hard, but I quickly remedied that with a few strong strokes.

His body accepted mine, reluctantly but assuredly, and he begged for completion before our time was up. I finally let him have it as I was there myself, letting it come crashing down on us, knocking his frail body unconscious.

When I was done, I pulled on my clothes and dressed him. Squall didn't even respond as I nipped again at his throat, leaving blushing marks for the world to see, especially Quistis. He was my lion after all, and if I had it my way, he always would be.