One Mountie Down Final

Fraser was beyond the point of fighting with Mrs. Vecchio. And he swore that if he even thought about putting a foot wrong, Dief would growl. What made it worse, was that Mrs. Vecchio was rewarding the wolf with hearty food. "Better not get used to it," Fraser's almost non-existent voice said to Diefenbaker. Luckily he could read Fraser's lips.

"This will help with the throat," Mrs. Vecchio said to Fraser as she handed him a cup of tea with honey.

Fraser reached out from beneath the blanket and grasped the 'oh so warm' cup. "Thank -," Fraser was interrupted.

"Don't need you talking unless you need to, Benton," she placed the back of her hand against his forehead. "Your fever is going down," she observed.

Fraser took a long mouthful. It was hard to force the liquid down but knew he had no choice in the matter. Of course he felt better now that he accepted the fact that he was allowed to be sick. Not even he could be healthy hundred percent of the time. "Has Ray called?" He asked.

"No… You should lie down… Get rest, yes?" Mrs. Vecchio ordered him.

Fraser nodded. His eyelids were already feeling droopy and he knew that sleeping was perhaps the best way to recuperate from being sick. That and he was bored being ordered to stay on the couch and not do anything.


Tracking two bit gangs in Chicago could be easy sometimes. They were in a large garage where people were selling jewelry from the back of the truck. That way they can undercut the stores and make a lot of profit… Just as long there were willing buyers. Detective Vecchio was playing the role of a buyer.

"I love jewelry… Your prices are way better than those rip off merchants they call stores," Ray put on his best shady character routine on.

Ray pulled out a wad of cash from his pocket to show them they were willing to pay. There was some discussion between the people around the van. "Was there anything you're particularly after?" One of them asked.

"I'm after a wide range of things," Ray told them. "I've got family birthdays coming up and seems everyone wants jewelry to put around their neck or wrists," they showed him some of their wares.

Welsh had spent most of the last couple of days drilling the images of the stolen jewelry into Ray's mind. That way he could identify those that were stolen. But the continuing chatting going on between the suspects was becoming suspicious.

"These ones?" One of them said as they exited the back of the van.

Ray looked them over. "That one and those are perfect," he pointed to the ones that looked like they had been the ones stolen.

"Excellent choice, Sir… For a cop," the apparent ringleader said suddenly.

"Whoa, whoa… Me a cop? Do I look like a cop to you?" Ray held his hands out. He hadn't expected this to happen this way this quickly. "I'm not a cop… I just want some cheaper jewelry so I can impress my girlfriend's family," Ray was getting a little nervous and he assumed that that was beginning to show.

"Can smell a cop a mile away. Just happens to be after these certain items? You think we're stupid?" The taller man sounded like he was insulted.

Ray thought he had to keep them talking so the backup could arrive. The question was whether the criminals were willing to wait as well. Ray stepped back as one of them aimed a pistol at him. He'd figured he'd be dead before he reached into his jacket.

Suddenly, there was a large gray and white blur that knocked one of the gunmen down. Boots hitting the car diverted the two suspects' attention and Ray saw the familiar redness of a Mountie's uniform. In typical fashion, Fraser managed to fly off the roof of the van and hit his intended target.

Fraser hit the ground and managed to unsteadily roll to his feet. Diefenbaker growled viciously when one of them went for their weapon. Fraser picked up a pistol by its barrel and handed it to Ray who now had his gun drawn as well.

"Took your time for providing backup, Fraser," Ray smiled and Fraser smiled in return.

"I heard you were doing this," Fraser said as the official backup turned up.

"Must say you're looking much better. Still sound like crap," Ray observed.

"Thank you, Ray," Fraser responded as they walked outside. "It's surprising the recuperative effects of different types of soup, rest and honey tea. Guess the voice will return some time soon," he said.

"Maybe it's gone on vacation back to Canada," Ray joked.

Fraser had excused him self from taking part in the celebratory closing of the case. He thought that he'd take the next few days to fully recover and then be back to his normal self. Fraser donned his hat and with Diefenbaker in tow. He'd make sure he was fresh and ready for the week that was to come.


A/N: Thanks to all who read and review my first Due South fic. It's been really nostalgic and fun getting back into Due South.