6 Days Later

Bella POV

The rest of the week flew by quickly. Today is New Years Eve. Jason had told Ali to dress me up super fancy for a surprise he had planned for me tonight. Ali seemed even more excited than she ever could be. I don't think the excitement is just for playing Bella Barbie but instead something she saw in a vision. She was blocking her mind so I couldn't even ask Edward what it was.

"BELLA!" Ali trilled from upstairs. I was sitting on the couch reading Wuthering Heights and half-watching Jazz, Em and Edward play Call of Duty 4. I sighed.

"Yes Ali?" I asked.

"Come on, it's time to get ready! Jason's going to be here in four hours!" she shrieked. I giggled and climbed the stairs to my room. Ali grabbed my arm and dragged me in.

"Come on! You have to look gorgeous! It's a special night!" she exclaimed. I shook my head.

"Ali, it's just another date!" I told her exasperated. She shook her head.

"No it is not" she teased as she bounced to my closet. I sighed and sat down on my bed. I might as well make her happy. She ushered me into the bathroom to take a shower. After I did, she poked and prodded me like crazy. Rose even joined in. Esme watched from my bed chuckling. Finally Rose and Ali led me to the mirror and I gasped at what I saw.

I was wearing a floor length halter top green dress. It was tight at my chest before flaring out at my waist. I was wearing the emerald necklace Jason gave me and green stiletto heels. My hair was curled and half up, half down. My skin was cream and roses. I had on a little eye shadow, eyeliner and lip gloss. (A/N The dress is on my profile)

"You look beautiful Bella" Esme told me and kissed my cheek. I smiled.

"Thanks mom". Rose, Ali and Esme walked down the stairs and I waited until Ali called for me to come down. I giggled at Ali's enthusiasm and walked down the stairs. This seemed so déjà vu to me but this time it was Jason and I only saw Jason. He was wearing a tux with a green tie and he looked breathtaking in just that. He took my hand and kissed my cheek.

"You look absolutely heartbreaking" he told me. I smiled.

"You look amazing too Jay" I told him. We walked to Rose's car and climbed in.

"Ready to go?" Rose asked. Ever since the accident, neither one of us are allowed to drive by ourselves so I picked Rose to drive because I knew she would not bother us. I nodded.

"So where are we going?" I asked. Jason smirked and shook his head.

"It's still a surprise". I rolled my eyes but smiled. Jason kept glancing at me out of the corner of his eye. I smiled.

"What?" I asked. He grinned and faced me.

"You have no idea how beautiful you look Izzy" he told me. I blushed and looked down. He tilted my head up.

"I'd rather keep looking into your eyes" he murmured and I blushed again. Rose awwed from the front seat.

"Rose!" I whined. She giggled.

"Sorry Bella. I'll be quiet now" she apologized. I smiled and leaned against Jason for the rest of the ride. When the car stopped I looked out the window. We were at the harbor.

"The harbor?" I wondered aloud. Jason smiled slyly. We both stepped out.

"Bye Rose" I called as she drove away. Jason covered my eyes and led me.

"If I trip, it'll be your fault" I warned Jason. He laughed.

"Don't worry I got you" he replied huskily and something told me that he wasn't talking about holding me up. I felt butterflies low in my stomach. After a while he uncovered my eyes and I gasped. We were on a huge cruise ship.

"Now before you ask, this ship belonged to my dad and I had it brought here" Jason informed me. I smiled. He led me to a table on the deck. It was already set. As we sat down, a waiter came over. He saw me and his eyes widened but he straightened himself up and gave us our food. It was a steak, mashed potatoes and a coke for Jason and a chicken breast, shrimp and a coke for me.

"How did you know?" I asked him. He smiled.

"I've got my sources" he answered sneakily.

"Let me guess, Ali, Claire or Rose told you what my favorite food is" I replied. He smiled.

"It was Alice" he replied. We both started to eat. The boat was moving now and there was music playing in the background. After we ate, Jason called the waiter and the waiter took our plates. I walked to the tip of the boat and looked at the stars.

"It's so beautiful out here" I said looking at all the stars.

"Yes it is" Jason answered but he was looking at me. I blushed and continued looking up.

"Dad showed me how to tell the difference between the constellations" I said thoughtfully. Jason hummed his agreement.

"Wanna dance Izzy?" he asked. I nodded.

"Okay" I told him. He took my hand and we started to slow dance to the music. I smiled at him and he smiled nervously back.

"What do you think so far?" he asked. I looked at him confused.

"So far?" I asked. He grinned.

"We're not done for the evening" Jason murmured. We danced in silence for the rest of the song just content to be together. Soon a waltz started to play and I grinned.

"Ooh a waltz!" I exclaimed. Jason smiled.

"Well yeah, don't you think I would not play a waltz when my girlfriend loves it?" he asked pretending to be shocked. I smiled and thumped his arm. We danced the waltz and when the song ended Jason pulled away. I looked at him confused. He got down on one knee and I gasped.

"I've pretty much known you all my life. We know each other inside and out. I've never met a better person with a bigger heart. Isabella Marie Cullen, I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you. Will you marry me?" he asked. A hundred thoughts ran through my mind. Most of my mind cried out yes but a small part cried out that I was only seventeen and not ready to marry. However when I looked at Jason, whose eyes were full of such hope, I couldn't think of an argument against it. Instead I thought about my family and how happy they were to be married and together.

"Yes" I whispered and Jason jumped up. He grabbed me into a hug and spun me in a circle before kissing me.

"Thank you" he whispered before sliding on my ring. I looked at it and it had the usual emerald on it. (A/N Ring on my profile) I smiled.

"I love you Jay" I told him. He grinned and gathered me into a kiss. It was the most passionate kiss he had ever given me and it made my knees wobble. I felt the kiss from the top of my head to my bottom of my toes.

"Love you too Izzy" he whispered and I knew I was probably the happiest girl in the world right now and I would stay that way for a while.

The End!

Thank you for sticking with me until the end. You are all awesome! For those of you who loved this story, I'm going to be making a sequel starting from this point in the story (their wedding) so stay tuned. I'll post the first chapter up soon! Also stay tuned Edward and Bella fans, there is something in the story for you too ;) The drama is not finished yet!