Drumroll please!! Here's chapter 2!!!

Lilly's P.O.V:

I ran to the peer on the beach. I hadn't run to far away from Oliver. He was only about a fourth of a mile away from me. I kept my eyes on him, but just seeing him made it painful for me. I had to get him out of my life. But it was definetly hard to do when I couldn't stop thinking about him.

"Oliver where are you taking me? Oliver, tell me where you are taking me!" I said. He had his hands over my eyes.

"Right here," he said taking his hands off my eyes. I looked at the place that was so secretive he had to cover my eyes. We were on the peer on the beach at midnight! The peer normally closed at ten o'clock! My jaw dropped open. I didn't know whether I should be happy and surprised or yell at Oliver. "Do you like it? Is it romantic?"

"Oh it's definetly romantic," I said smiling. I looked at the picnic he had set up for us. There were candles that smelled like vanilla. I turned around and faced Oliver face to face. I gave him a look that would have him wonder if he was in trouble or not. He looked at me like a scared little boy about to get a spanking from his dad. I just simply spoke my mind. "OLIVER!! IT'S AFTER HOURS! WE'RE GOING TO GET IN SO MUCH TROUBLE IF WE GET CAUGHT!" Okay, well not spoke my mind, more like yelled my mind.

He chuckled. His face showed no worriness.

"Oliver this is not funny!"

"Lilly, chill," he said putting his hands on my shoulders. "If we get caught, at least we'll get caught together. And we'll laugh about it when we're older."

"It's still after hours," I said. He just smiled his cocky grin I adore so much.

I couldn't stop the tears. I just let them flow. Whoever said love is easy, well, I just want to slap them. I don't think I've ever done anything harder than give up Oliver. Telling Oliver I didn't love him anymore was like tasting dirt.

My phone started ringing. I pulled it out and looked at the caller i.d. It said private caller, but I knew very much who it was. I answered my phone. I felt disgusted for answering to this atrocious man.

"You did the right thing Lilly," the disgusting, arrogant, malevolent voice said. I wanted to shred this man into pieces. "Remember, you go back to Oliver or call the police, I'll kill him."

"You're not going to get away with this!" I said coldly.

"Please Lilly, I've already took you away from Oliver. Now he'll suffer just like I did," the man said in a low voice.

"What did he even do to you?" I asked.

"He took the love of my life away from me!" the man said.

It was finally making sense. I remember this guy now.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Wilcher," I said walking up to a middle aged married couple dressed in all black. I looked at the tombstone that was only a coup;e inches away from my feet.

Lauren Isabella Wilcher

A loving daughter

A true friend

A wonderful loving girlfriend

I felt bad for the Wilchers. I looked back up at the Wilchers. "I want you all to know that Oliver didn't mean to hit your daughter. It was a complete accident. Oliver doesn't have the heart to ever kill anyone."

"Oh it's okay Lilly," they said. Okay? How could they say it was okay. Their twenty-two year old daughter just died!

As if they read my mind, Mrs. Wilcher finished their statement "Well, of course it's not okay. But we don't blame Oliver for her death. We know it was an accident. Lauren loved taking walks at night. We always told her it was dangerous, but did she listen? No! Of course not. Sometimes she would sneak out past midnight. I'd always tell her one of these days she was going to get run over." Her voice started choking. "But we know it was an accident Lilly."

"Oliver's taking it really hard," I said.

"Lauren's boyfriend seems to be taking it harder than us. He told us the other night he was going to propose to her," Mr. Wilcher said with his voice cracking. Mr. Wilcher pointed to a tall man standing next to Lauren's grave. "That's Randy, Lauren's boyfriend."

"Ooh, that's rough!" I said. I looked at the man. His face seemed covered in pain that could never be cured.

I wasn't the type of girl who normally kept my opinion to myself. Being the big mouth I am, I spoke out, "Okay Randy, yeah I know who you are now. I figured it out. I'm not stupid."

"You really shouldn't have said that," he said. "You really should've kept your mouth shut."

"Yeah, I get that all the time," I said.

"Do you know how far away from you I actually am?" he asked.

"What not only are you threatening to kill Oliver if I didn't break up with him, but you're also stalking me?" I said. All of a sudden I heard the dial tone. That was weird. He just hung up on me.

"Lilly," I jumped as I heard a cold voice behind me. I turned around and saw the most disgusting, evil, hateful, malevolent, voilent, arrogent, self centered (I could go on forever with all the nasty words that pop up in my head whenever I think of him) man.

"What do you want?" I asked. I could spit on this scumbag!

"You really should learn to keep your mouth shut," he said smirking. Gah, even his smirk was creepy. He started getting closer and closer to me. Pretty soon we weren't even a foot apart. He stroked my hair and put a strand that was hanging in front of my face behind my ear. He looked around the vacant beach. "Now if you talk bad about me again, you're gonna get it," he said.

I kept my mouth shut. Yeah, I was pretty outspoken, but I wasn't stupid. If this guy was threatening to kill Oliver, then I shouldn't push my limits. He walked away.

Oliver's POV:

Two days later

This was the worst week for Lilly to go and break up with me! We're in our twenties now, and we have been together practically since pre-school! Lately we've been talking about spending the rest of our lives together, and I had finally decided to pop the question. I put my hands in my pocket and fumbled around with the ring in it. We wouldn't have a great start out as a married couple, because, well, let's face it, we didn't get the highest paying paychecks, but I knew one day we would have it good.

It was June 23, on a Saturday. Exactly seven years ago, on this day, was when Lilly dragged me to the dance floor at a beach party. Haha! I had no idea what was going on.

"Okay, Oliver, I dare you to ask Regina to dance," my friend Todd said.

"Regina Geralds?" I asked. Todd nodded his head. "No way! She spits all the time when she's talking." I looked around to see if there was anyone else to talk to that wouldn't dare me to dance with anyone I would feel uncomfterable dancing with. I saw Lilly talking to Nose Whistle Wally. Oh, what a bummer! Should I go and get my best friend out of talking to Nose Whistle Wally, or should I just leave her?

I turned to Todd. "I dare you to ask Ashley to dance!"

"You know she's just going to turn me down," Todd said.

"I know," I said.

"Hey, look over there at Nose Whistle Wally flirting with Lilly!" Todd said chuckling. "He doesn't have a chance."

I looked at Lilly's face. She did look a little irrated. Oh, gosh Oliver! Why do you have to be so nice? You can't stand Wally just as much as Lilly!

"Todd, I'll talk to you later," I said. I walked over to Lilly and put my arm around her.

"So what are you two talking about?" I asked.

"About how I promised the next dance to you," Lilly said.


"Dance?" I asked confused.

"Yes! Now!" Lilly said grabbing my arm and pulling me to the dance floor. She kicked me in the shin and whisphered in my ear, "If you don't come dance with me, I will tell everyone that you still get your old Buzz Lightyear suit and jump off the couch and yell, 'Infinity and beyond!'"

"Yeah, I asked her to dance. So Lilly, dance with me?" I asked putting my hand out.

"I'd love to," Lilly said taking my hand.

We walked to the dance floor.

"Lilly, you didn't promise me a dance," I said when Nose Whistle Wally was out of sight.

"I know," she said. "But Nose Whistle Wally doesn't."

It finally clicked. So I just did the natural thing and wrap my arms around her waist while she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"You know this feels kinda weird," I said.

"Just three minutes Oliver," she said.

It was pretty weird dancing with my best friend. I mean we weren't dating. Just friends! Nothing more. I mean being her best friend, I don't dance with her, notice that her hair wasn't exactly the same shade of blonde as it was yesterday, that her hair smelled her apples, that it was her favorite song that we were dancing to by her favorite band, or that when she leaned her head on mine it fit perfectly in my neck. Wait a minute! I finally realized that it wasn't weird dancing with her! It was just weird that it didn't feel weird to be dancing with her!

"Lilly?" I asked.

"Yeah," she answered.

"Have you ever thought about you and me together?" I asked.

She took her head up from my neck. I looked into her eyes.

"No," she said giggling.

"Yeah, me either!" I said hiccuping. She leaned her head back on my neck and I rested my head on top of hers. In a second, we both brought our heads up at the same time.

"You giggled!"

"You hiccuped!" she said at the same time.

"So you have thought about us?" we both said at the same time. "Yeah."

"So what does this mean?" Lilly asked.

"I think it means we like each other but didn't realize it until right now," I said.

"So did you just ask me out?" Lilly asked.

"I think so," I said. "Did you just say yes?"

"I think so," Lilly said giggling.

I got out of my own world and back into reality. Lilly seemed like a dream. It just seemed so unreal to me that I had her. She was everything I ever wanted. I don't think I could let her go.

"If you really love something or someone, don't let them slip through your fingers that easily," Lilly's voice echo through my head.

I ran to Lilly's apartment. I definetly was not in shape. I have never been an atheletic person. But I didn't let the fact that I was out of breath stop me from getting to Lilly's apartment.

"LILLY!" I yelled knocking on her apartment door. "LILLY!"

Finally after what felt like a hundred bangs, she finally answered.

"Oliver?" she said surprised. "Oliver what are you doing here? You can't be here!"

"Lilly you once told me that if you really love someone, you don't let them slip through your fingers easily," I said. "So I came here to find out why you broke up with me!"

"Oliver it's not that simple," Lilly said calmly but yet you could still hear worry in her voice.

"I took all A.P classes in high school. I'm pretty sure that anything that's not simple, I can figure out," I said.

"OLIVER!" Lilly started yelling over her lungs. "I BROKE UP WITH YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!"

"Why did you break up with me for that?" I asked.

"It's complicated," she said with a tear falling down her cheek.

"Lilly, I have never been so sure in my life about anything more than you," I said. "I know we bicker and argue like an old married couple, but we always work things out in the end. Lilly, before you, I never wanted to be around any of my other girlfriends after the first week we started going out. And you, you're so simple that you're complicated. You won't get offended if you ask me if some pants you're wearing make your butt look fast, and I say yes, yet you get offended if I say those earings make your ears look small."

Lilly giggled. "I want my ears to be average size."

"And your laugh. It's my favorite sound in the world. And yes, you can't sing, but I could listen to you for hours, and if you were having a concert, and everyone left but me. I would be yelling, 'Encore!'"

"Oliver, I love you more than anything else. And when I'm with you, I forgot about all my troubles and worrys."

All of a sudden, Lilly's phone rang. Reluctantly she went and answered it.

"Hello," she said cheerfully. She listened to the person on the other end. "NO!"

I suddenly started worrying. I wasn't sure why Lilly was reacting to the person on the other end like that. She hung up the phone shaking. "Lilly what's wrong?"

"Oliver I told you I broke up with you because I love you!" Lilly said breaking down into tears. I was so confused. What did she mean? "Oliver you have to get out of here as soon as you can!"

"Lilly, I can't leave you. I just got you back!" I said.

"Oliver believe me, this is for the best!" she choked out.

"Lilly, I can't go!" I said.

All of a sudden I heard her door open.

"Lilly were you expecting someone?"

She shook her head. I turned around to see if someone was at her door. A muscular guy with messy reddish-brownish hair was standing at Lilly's door.

I remember every look upon your face

The way you roll your eyes

The way you taste

You make it hard for breathing

Cause' when I close my eyes and drift away

I think of you and everything's okay

I'm finally now believin'

Yeppers,, I really didn't like the last line of this chapter, but I really couldn't seem to find a better way to end this chapter. I'm so sorry it took me so long to update! I have been super busy, and I've had writer's block! Please forgive me by reviewing! I'm trying to make this kinda like an action story, but I don't think I was meant to write action, so a lot of help is wanted!! Please review!! =]