I held Bella in my arms, singing softly to her as I felt her drift off to sleep. She whimpered a bit in her sleep and clung to me, holding on tight and begging me not to go. I kissed her forehead, pushing her bangs from her eyes, and whispering to her that I'd never leave her, as long as I shall live. All too soon, morning came and her alarm clock rang. She turned it off, slowly waking up and stretching, looking over at me. I smiled and took her hand, kissing each of her knuckles.
"Jasper, do I look okay?"
I knew she was referring to the hideous bruises on her beautiful face. I nodded, even with the horrendous purple and blue bruises, I thought she looked gorgeous. She crawled out of bed and looked in the mirror, groaning when she saw her face. She turned back to me, climbing onto the bed again and reaching into my pockets, looking for something. I smirked, looking up at her with an eyebrow raised.
"Now darlin', you're not going to find anything in my pockets. What you want is inside my pants."
She blushed before speaking.
"I want your cell phone so I can get Alice to come help me cover up these damn bruises you smart ass."
I laugh, reaching across her to grab my phone from her bedside table. I hand it to her with a smile and she just glares at me, opening it and dials Alice's number, grabbing clothes from her closet. She walks out of her room and into her bathroom as I hear her talk to Alice. She'll be here in 20 minutes with some makeup. I grab my hoodie from the rocking chair and wait for Bella to come back in. She comes back in, wearing dark wash skinny jeans that hug her every curve, making Jasper Jr. twitch. Her purple halter top is loose, but clingy in all the right places, her hands are above her head as she pulls her hair up into a high ponytail. I feel my dick twitch once more as I stand up and hand her my hoodie. She smiles at me and pulls it on, thanking me before I hear Alice pull into the driveway.
Not a minute later, Charlie yells up to Bella, telling her of Alice's arrival.
"Bells! Alice is here!"
I look at Bella, Alice's arrival my cue to leave, silly Charlie still had no idea that I slept over every night. I hugged Bella tightly, burying my face in her neck before whispering to her.
"I love you Isabella Marie Swan."
I kiss her neck softly before pulling away, smiling as I climb through her window, jumping down to the ground. I hear Alice step into her room, her bubbly voice perking up when she sees Bella. I walked home slowly, thinking about what I was going to do with Edward when Rose and Em showed up.
I got to the house and was surprised when I saw that Emmet and Rose were already there. I nodded to them and sat down next to an angry looking Rose.
"I'll call Edward and tell him to meet us in the meadow so we can talk. We'll decide what to do from there. I'm not so sure about killing him, maybe just taking him apart will be enough for his actions depending on how much remorse he feels."
Rose growls but nods and we all stood up, jumping out the window and running towards the meadow. I pulled out my cell phone and called Edward, telling him to meet us in the meadow. We reached the meadow in five minutes and saw that Edward was waiting for us, pacing. I felt the rage and the possessiveness rolling off of him in waves. I also felt the blood lust over everything and I had to focus before I lost control of my own beast.
"Edward what you did to Bella was unforgiving." I spoke to Edward trying to control my emotions. He looked at me with dark eyes and laughed.
"Like I care! She's mine! The blood that runs in her veins is mine, she is my singer and I will be the one to drink it! None of you will stop me and none of you shall taste her blood!"
Edward lunged at me, tackling me to the ground as our granite skin clashed, the sound of thunder echoing from our impact. I growled and pushed Edward off of me, the Major going into battle mode as I heard Rose gasp and Emmet growl. All three of us attacked Edward, the sound of ripping vampire flesh and screams filled the meadow around us. Soon the smell of burning vampire flesh and the sight of purple smoke lit up the sky.
"I'll tell Bella about this, no one mention it until I tell you it's okay." I glared at Rose and Emmet and they just nodded, knowing I was still in Major mode. I gave a curt nod and sprinted away into the forest looking for an animal to eat so I could quench my thirst. I quickly drained two mountain lions and a large buck. Finally feeling somewhat sated I made my way back to Bella's house trying to figure out how I'd tell her. I figured I'd go through the front door, letting Charlie know I was there. I fixed my shirt and walked up onto the front porch, knocking on the doorbell. Charlie answered and nodded to me, backing up so I could walk into the house.
"Hello chief." I nod to Charlie and he grunts back, walking into the living room to go back to the game.
"Bella's upstairs with Alice."
I nodded already knowing where she was and I ran up the stairs and knocked softly on her door. I heard a giggle and she said come in so I pushed open the door to see Alice and Bella sitting on Bella's bed. There was a bottle of nail polish remover and a few bottles of nail polish scattered around. I was hit with a large wave of lust coming from both Alice and Bella. My eyebrows rose as I took in Bella's slightly bruised well kissed lips and Alice's usual spiky hairstyle more disheveled than usual.
"What have you been doing while I was gone darlin'?" I looked at Bella with my arms crossed over my chest. She stood up and flitted over to me smiling innocently.
"Oh Jazzy, Alice and I were just doing each other's nails when we.. got distracted?" She looked up at me and bit her lip. I knew it was only normal for humans to experiment with their sexuality and because Bella looked so damn sexy and the fantasies of Bella, Alice and I running through my mind made it hard not to forgive her. I smirked and pulled her into my arms kissing her passionately. I heard Alice's cough and vaguely heard her say something about leaving.
I pulled away from Bella a few minutes later when she needed to breathe. She looked up at me with lust filled eyes and she dragged me towards her bed. Jasper Jr. was all about where this was going but I remembered I needed to tell her about Edward. I pulled away from Bella, her lips moving down to my neck sucking on my granite skin. I slowly pushed her away panting softly and looking down at her.
"Bella, darlin', I need to tell you something important." I kept her an arm's length away and quenched the lust with other emotions. I felt her anger as she crossed her arms over her chest and pouted.
"Darlin, Edward is.." I took a deep breath and stared deep into her eyes. "Darlin, Edward is dead."
Bella gasped and she stared at me in horror.
"What happened Jasper? How did he die! Did he go to the Volturi, did he reveal himself to everyone? Oh god, do they know about me not being a vampire yet?"
She started to hyperventilate and I sent her waves of calm as I rubbed her back slowly.
"No darlin ,he didn't go to the Volturi and they don't know about you. Rose, Emmet and I had to kill him today. After what he did to you, we confronted him about it and Edward's blood lust was controlling him. The main reason why he dated you, was because he wanted your blood. I know darlin, we were just as shocked as you. He wanted to kill you, to have your blood as his own so we had to kill him."
She looked at me with wide eyes before she broke out in tears and pushed me away. I tried to hold her and comfort her but she pushed me away.
"Get out! Leave me alone Jasper, just go, please." She fell onto her bed sobbing and clutching her pillow. I thought she was disgusted and horrified with me, of the thought of me killing Edward. All my thoughts of the vampire war and my scars, my monster and the major flooded my mind as I walked out the door and down the stairs, exiting the house.
A/N Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to update! My life is getting so hectic lately and all my free time has been spent with my boyfriend so.. Finally found time to type this and update it! (: I hope you all like it! What few readers are left reading this (I hope someone's still reading this..) please, please, PLEASE review! Pretty please with a dirty Jasper/Bella oneshot on top? (: I love you all! *Cullen boys and naughty thoughts*
Your hectic brained writer 3