10 Years Later
A year after Randy Jr was born, his brother John was born. 2 years later their younger sister Maggie came into the world.
Randy took 2 years of from wrestling to spend time with his wife and children.
John Morrison is the godfather of all 3 children because he's the reason Mina and Randy ended up together. He is very active in the kids lives and they love him just as much as he loves them.
Randy and Mina are still happily married and they're closer and happier then ever.
Randy Jr, who is now 9, wants to be in the WWE just like his father, grandfather, great-grandfather and uncle were. He's proud to be apart of The Orton Dynasty and he hopes he can live up to his last name.
John, who is now 8, idolizes his father and his older brother and also plans on becoming a WWE wrestler.
Maggie, who is now 6, just wants to enjoy life and have fun. She loves her older brothers very much and will most likely be following them into the WWE one day.
As for Mina and Randy, they're just enjoying raising their children and spending their lives together. They're supportive of anything their children, just as long as they follow their hearts.
Life couldn't be any better for them.
And to think that one party changed everything............
I'm soooo sad this fic is over :(
Thank you to everyone who read this fic and reviewed it, I appreciate all the support even when I didn't update for awhile.
But never fret, I have more fics on the way and more chapters to post in my other current fics.