
Trowa Barton Swan – 16

Chang Wufei – 18 - I made Him older then the others because of him being married...I really dont think he'd marry at 15 so I made him two years older then the other pilots.

Duo Maxwell – 16

Quatre Raberba Winner - 16

Heero Yuy – 16

Isabella Swan - 16

Milliardo Zechs Peacecraft - 22

Treize Khushrenada – 25

Lady Une - 21

Lucrezia Noin - 21

Chapter 1: Mission

"MAXWELL!" Wufei called as he wiped the pie from his face. We sat in the kitchen of our four bedroom apartment. We had rented it with the money Preventer's owed us...well really they didn't owe us anything. Lady Une had felt bad for all she had done in the war against us and bought it, paying of the first five months of rent. Wufei and me got our own rooms while the happy couples got rooms as well. I had taken to wearing ear plugs during the really..hott nights if you catch my drift. There were just some things a girl didn't want to know, and the fact that Duo was a loud moaner was one of them. I cringed just thinking of it before getting up to get a dish rag. I reached into the sink, wetting it before going back over to the table and handed it to the Chinese pilot before sitting back down beside Trowa. I had always been close to Trowa, he had a hard life, but we all did. I was the only one who he aloud to call him Nanashi, and in return he was aloud to call me Fury...the others had laughed – well except for Heero – and Duo had made the remark that he had named me after my Gundam who I had called Fury until it got blown up, and Quatre built Steefury Pride...who I called Pride.

"Sorry was too good to pass up." Duo said, he was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes. I smirked, but I am sure everyone could see the smile it truly was. I never had been one to be able to show my emotions, though I had better show of emotions then Trowa and Heero. My brothers seemed very put out that they couldn't get me to truly laugh or smile....each knew I could have a beautiful smile. I didn't see it myself..I was plane. I had long slightly wavy, unless I straightened it, dark chocolate brown hair and when I was a kid I had chocolate brown eyes. The thing was, L6 had become very polluted, even before the war really started, and from exposure a lot of people went blind or their eyes changed color. I think my mother's eyes went from brown to bright yellow and my fathers went from green to unnatural sea green. I didn't notice my eyes changed until I was seven, I was cleaning off in a lake and saw my eyes. They were bright gold...not topaz or a muddy brown/gold but like liquid gold..a perfect mix of bright yellow - that made it even more unnaturally gold - that could be seen in the light. It was really hard to tell if they were bright dark yellow or gold at times.

" of these days Maxwell...that braid shall be mine." Wufei said, making a slashing motion with his butter knife. Duo laughed nervously and held his braid protectively. I sighed as did the rest of the table.

"Get lives you guys, seriously." I muttered, my voice coming out lacking any real emotion expect annoyance. Everyone turned to look at me and I looked down a bit, glaring at the table and blushing softly. It was the only color I got these days, life on L6 had made my skin paper white almost.

"Your just upset because I threw the pie in Fei's face." Duo said sticking his tongue out and I looked at him my eyes narrowed and eyebrow raised. I titled my head some and spoke almost coldly. "I did spend a hour baking it." He flinched and put his hands up and protected his braid. I had almost severed it many a times with bullets or even a dagger I always kept on my person. I rolled my eyes.

"Chill Duo, I ain't gonna kill'a" I said slipping back into L6 slang. This was a sign to all my brothers that I was happy, almost amused. I think out of all my brothers Heero and Trowa understand my lack of emotions the best. It wasn't really that I couldn't feel them, its just, I, like Heero had grown up learning this and knew from experience emotions could get you killed. Mistress K found me years before the others were found and in the process I almost completely lost my humanity, I think the only one who had as much experience with killing and training had been Heero. Its the reason I was called the other perfect soldier by the least after they learned of me.

"Baka." I heard Heero say shaking his head and we all chuckled, well I didn't chuckle, my chest moved up a bit then down and technically I did a silent chuckle. I shook my head and stood up, taking the dishes with me and and setting them in the sink. I wiped my hands on my apron. Duo had it made for me on my 15th birthday. It was dark blue, with a royal purple saying, 'Omea o Koroso'. I had rolled my eyes at him, told him I didn't say it that much, and then he cracked a stupid joke and I had proved him wright. With my short sword – I had left my gun in my other pants – I had announced that very line with said apron in my other hand.
"Guys, get ready. Lady Une expects us in 20 minutes." I spoke and they each nodded and we

went our separate ways. I cringed as I saw Duo give a coy smile to Heero..that could only mean one thing. I glared as I noticed the same action pass through Trowa and Quatre. As they went to their bathrooms I looked to Wufei who looked sick.

"Skip shower?" I asked and he nodded before we grabbed our Preventor jackets and grabbed the keys. We sat in the car for the next 19 minutes and then we saw the other four come out hand in hand. It was pretty funny to see the Perfect Soldier Herro Yuy holding hand with Duo 'Can't keep his mouth shut' Maxwell.

We chattered absent mindlessly all the way to HQ, Wufei was driving as it was almost illegal for one of the others to be behind the wheel. You'd think piloting a robot the size of a sky scrapper would allow us to be proficient in driving, but really we all sucked. Duo had almost drove his off a cliff, Herro couldn't figure out which side of the rode to stay on, or that there was no weapons installed so he could move through other vehicles, Quatre never learnt how to drive a car himself, Trowa was more of a go by instinct kind of guy and he just wasn't used to piloting something so small, and I wasn't very good at it ether. We all loved speed, but though I had a drivers license, I couldn't go over 40 in one of these metal death traps. It had no armor, it was just to dangerous for me to focus on driving it. Wufei had once drove a car, before he became a pilot and though he didn't necessarily like driving he was the most proficient at it.

As I pulled myself out of my thoughts I noticed we had arrived and we walked nonchalantly down the hall. We had a formation that we'd had throughout the war. Me and Heero were in the middle, side by side. A little behind me was Wufei, on Heero's side was Duo, then falling further behind us was Trowa on my side and Quatre on Heero's side. It was a formation that we knew all to well and like second instinct we normally fell into it.

"Sir, Lady Une is waiting for you in conference room 1." A newer Preventer said as he stopped in front of us, saluting us and standing straight. Duo chuckled, he always found the other Preventer's actions funny. Heero grunted and nodded, a action that would have went by unnoticed had he not put more emphasis behind it. The solder nodded and walked away, we all smirked as we saw him release a breath. He was new, only two months and like most trainees or new recruits they were terrified of us. Some still were, though its not surprising...we were not known for following protocol.

We all walked to the conference room, and opened the door without knocking. Well, Heero did and Lady Une stood up as we entered. We still couldn't believe the Lady was pregnant, but staring at the small but noticeable baby bump we couldn't discredit the rumor. It was unknown who the father was but everyone had a hunch.

"Lady." We each said nodding to show our respect. She smiled a bit but other then that didn't say anything just motioned for us to take our seats. We sat very similar formation as before. I sat beside Heero who sat in the middle, Duo was on his other side. On my other sides were Wufei and Trowa and on his was Quatre. Lady Une handed us all files with Classified on the front. We looked at it confused before opening it, inside was a file on some kind of machine...and a date.

"Lady, what is this about?" I asked just a bit of curiosity seeping out catching everyone off guard. Heero grunted wishing to know the same and she smiled and leaned forward, crossing her legs.

"That is your next mission, should you accept it." She began looking at us for reactions, we all just stared back. I looked down to skim over the words. I noticed the words, Time Machine at the top...and frowned. It couldn't be, could it? Looking at the date, I saw the date 2006 A.D, I gasped softly but only Heero seemed to notice. I caught his glance in my direction and I just shook my head.

"What does this mission Intel?" Quatre ever the polite and gentle one asked. It shocked us all as to how such a sweet and compassionate boy could be the Sandrock pilot. Lady Une sighed and clicked a remote button to bring up a projected version of our files.

"This is the last project worked on together by the engineers of Operation meteor. As you can tell it seems that only Howard, Mistress K and Doctor J knew the real reason for the project but after making it they hid it away, fearing it would fall into OZ's hands." She stopped clicking through the pages and turned back to us.

"What does this project consist of?" Trowa asked, curiosity in his green eyes..or eye – His uni-bang made it impossible for anyone to see his right eye. Lady Une smirked and looked at me and I spoke without even thinking.

"Time Travel."

"Impossible." Wufei spoke.

"improbable." Quatre said frowning slightly.

"Hnn." Heero grunted and I sighed, Trowa just kept silent his eyes narrowed and his lips turned down.

"Its true, and it was successful. There was a reason Mistress K found Isabella so soon, sooner then the others found you boys." Lady said and I looked at her shocked.

"What was the reason?" I asked dumbly.

"She was the one who tested it and she found herself in the future of L6, where it was manufactured. When she arrived it was A.C 189...she witnessed the Isabella of that time being brutally killed and...raped." She said with a grim expression. The air turned cold and I felt my eyes widen, my breath catch. Then I gasped and collapsed forward on the table. I felt the hands of my brothers on and around me and they leaned me back. Heero was hitting my checks and Quatre was sending out waves of calm and reassurance. He had gotten better with his Space heart or Empathy.

I regained my composure. "goman..goman," I whispered and Wufei looked at me with sadness and put his hand over mine, it slightly shocked me as Wufei wasn't much for physical contact..not since his wife died.

"It is I who should be sorry, I shouldn't have been so blunt." Lady Une spoke and the boys went back to their seats. Both Wufei and Heero held my hands under the table.

"It is ok, I asked and I wont say it wasn't a shock, but please continue." I said, showing the most emotion I had in years, this startled the others and Wufei and Heero's grip on my hands tightened. Not to be painful but to be comfortable.

"She never told anyone what she saw besides L6 more polluted and violent then ever. She promised herself that she would go to L6 and rescue this girl, and she did. At first it was not her intention for Isabella to be the Pilot of Steefury...but she saw the promise in the girl from the start. To be completely honest, Mistress K didn't think she'd ever let anyone know about Steelfury, she figured the five would be enough. Steefury was just a back up plane. That is until she took one last trip into the future. She saw what would happen if Steefury never launched. It wasn't horrible, but in this future Mariemeia started her war, and in trying to stop it Deathscythe Hell, Sandrock, and The Altron Gundams were destroyed as were their pilots." Everyone was looking at her now. I chocked and started breathing heavy, the thought of Quatre, Duo and Wufei dying tore at me. I could tell it wasn't easy for the others, especially Heero and Trowa considering there love for two of the ones who could have died.

"The Project, labeled Operation Charon was locked away after that. She wanted no one to find it, to use it for evil." She finished and Heero looked at her, his emotionless mask back in working order.

"What does this have to do with the mission." He asked and Lady Une smiled a real smile this time.

"I was wondering when you'd get to the point Heero. As you all know the historical records from centuries ago, before the A.C calender began was lost in the many wars and poverty. We only know a bare minimum and we need to learn from our past less we repeat it. So the mission is for you all to go to the past, just for a year and a half. You would leave on June 23rd 197 and arrive on June 23rd 2005 A.D....time will move a bit differently so you wouldn't return until June 23rd 2007." She said and we all looked at her, not surprisingly I had a headache.

Its not everyday you learn Time travel exist and you would have died at the age of 9 had your guardian not come for you. It was hard for me to believe though that someone could have gotten me to lower my guard even at that age.

"This mission...what do we tall people, how would we blend in?" Quatre asked and Lady Une pulled out another folder. She sent one to each of us and I opened mine, pulling my hand from Heero's. Inside was information on me and the others. A birth certificate which read;

Name: Isabella Marie Swan

Birth: September 13th 1988

Mother: Renee Anne Swan

Father: Charles Ray Swan

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Yellow/Gold (Birth defect)

I stopped reading after that and looked to my brothers, each nodded and I gave my own nod.

"Mission Accepted." Heero spoke his voice emotionless as usually. Lady Une nodded and and then pushed a button.

"I am having someone bring the machine to us. You should remember him." She said and then the door started to open. We all looked and then stood up, all pulling our guns as we saw the one and only.......

.......Milliardo Peacecraft.

"Everyone stand down!" I knew we all heard her yell this command but seeing one of our main enemies in the war, standing in front of us with a box in his hands, wasn't something we could understand or comprehend. We were almost sure he had died in the Eve Wars.

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised." Milliardo spoke and Heero grunted.

"01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06! Put your weapons away, that's a order." Lady Une said as she walked over in front of us. The others besides myself and Heero were the first to put theirs away and then slowly both me and Heero lowered our guns. We all kept our eyes trained on Zechs.

"Zechs here has been tracking down the device for me these past few weeks. Yes that means I knew he survived the war. He and Noin were the ones who helped me get over...Treize." Lady Une said as she put a hand on her abdomen. My eyes instantly softened, but not enough that anyone who didn't know me would notice and I sighed and walked forward holding my hand out for Zechs to take.

"Hell Zechs, I am Isabella Swan the former pilot of Steelfury." He looked at me in surprise and some fear before shifting the box and taking my hand, he shook it and then we withdrew.
"Why are you being so..." He trailed off and I smirked.

"If Victoria says you are trustworthy...then I have no choice but to give you the chance to prove her wright or wrong." He nodded and Lady Une – or Victoria as was her first name – smiled at me and the other pilots nodded at Zechs. Lady Une motioned us back to our seats and Zechs sat the box down. He opened it and pulled out a set of five pendents, all with different medium sized stones on the end. He also pulled out a contraption that looked sort of like a blender with a digital key pad.

"These pendent are you connection between this time line and the other. As long as you always wear it then we can pull you back through when the time comes. If you are not wearing it when we pull you back through you will be stuck in the past for another two years...give or take." Lady Une said as she motioned for Zechs to give us the pendents.
Heero got a dark blue topaz, Duo a Onyx, Trowa a emerald, Wufei a ruby, Quatre a diamond and I got a bright amethyst. We each played with them, nothing seemed special about them but we didn't doubt Lady Une's words.

'"So...what will it be?" Lady Une asked folding her hands together. We each looked to each other and nodded. Heero turned to Lady Une and in his usual tone spoke.

"Mission Accepted." I was sure we had already accepted the mission once, but it seemed Lady Une wished to make sure we wanted to do this. Though I knew there was no backing out now.

"Good, you leave in a months time, June 23rd at 1800 hours." She said and dismissed us. We each stood and saluted her before leaving. Zechs followed us out and breaking away from the guys I started walking beside the tall platinum blond man. Looking him over I couldn't deny he was very handsome, he looked at me and I saw the weary expression in his blue eyes.

"Does Lena know your back?" I asked him. He looked at me and shook his head.

"No, I thought it would be best for me to stay hidden, then Lady Une found me and this..." He trailed off and I nodded.

"You plan to leave again?" I half asked half stated. He nodded stiffly and I stopped and stood in front of him, turning to him I spoke.

"Don't," He started to speak but I intensified my glare, everyone said with my unnatural bright gold eyes this made my glare worst then being under Heero's...hell even Heero didn't like being under it, "Relena loves you, she may not have grown up knowing you, but you are her brother. She misses you, go back to her. No one knows that Zechs Marquies and Milliardo Peacecraft are the least not anymore. Go home, Milliardo." I said and then turned and walked away.

A/N: So what does everyone think? Should I continue?