Author's notes:

It has been a while since I last read Inuyasha or watched YuYu Hakusho, so I can't remember everything perfectly. I will try my very best to keep the characters to their personalities, although they will obviously be a little different.

Summary: This takes place in Kagome's era, with all of the characters of both series involved. A lot of personalities, but I think I can handle them. To find out what happens, you'll just have to read it (^_^).

There are several couples, the most prominent two being Hiei/Kagome and Yusuke/Keiko. Hopefully, I don't go over the top and get my story across.

I know that the idea of Hiei/Kagome's been done to death, but I decided I'd still take a shot at it. Besides, it's awesome to be able to exploit the very seldom-seen soft side, with some one other than Yukina.

WARNING: If you haven't finished both series, this WILL contain some spoilers.

The field was deathly still as the mini-army faced off against the dark hanyo.

"Well well, isn't this a cozy sight? The half-breed and his brother fighting alongside each other, and the mikos not at each other's throats."

Naraku threw his head back and barked out a laugh that made the entire group tense.

Without warning, both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru swung their swords. A massive wave of light shot out of the Tetsusaiga while the Tokijin released a large spike of red energy. Naraku easily avoided it, but then the two mikos' arrows shot through the air.

They both struck and massive amounts of holy energy began to fill him before they disintegrated, destroyed by the hanyo's internal poison.

"What? No witty banter? How unlike you, Inuyasha."

"Naraku, today, you die! Hiraikotsu!"

The massive boomerang left the slayer's hand and made a direct hit on Naraku's chest, shredding apart his barrier in the process.


The hole in Miroku's hand sprang into life and everything nearby began to get sucked into the void, Naraku included. And then the Seimyousho came, and his hand was pulled shut by Sango.

"You have too much poison in your system," she said as a large arrow burst through the advancing insects. With a burst of pink energy, they were nothing but ashes, and Kagome pointed her next at Naraku.

"So tell me, how did this little alliance come to be in place?" Naraku asked, unaffected by any of the attacks as his body kept regenerating.

Kikyo notched an arrow and moved so she was right next to Kagome, who didn't seem paranoid as she should be. Naraku frowned. Something was different…

"No matter how much we hate each other, everyone here hates you more, Naraku," Inuyasha said, preparing to release the wind scar.

Naraku felt all of the power building up around him and even with his vast power, Naraku had no doubt that he would die.

Kikyo and Kagome watched as their miko energies resonated with each other, building the purifying energy. Energy built up within Tokijin and the monk prepared several powerful sacred sutras with his power. Sango prepared to swing her large boomerang. All at once, they released. There was a blinding, golden light that filled the entire field as the mikos' powers mixed with the inu youkais'. And in the middle of it, two arrows and a mass of paper flew. Coming from the side was the boomerang.

Naraku was smart enough to know when to retreat, and that's just what he did. His body lifted high into the sky and he disappeared. Everything surrounding the field was obliterated when the holy energies mixed with the youki hit.

"Damnit!" Inuyasha snarled as the dust cleared.

"It would seem he has escaped," Sesshomaru sighed, sheathing his blade.

Sango caught the Hiraikotsu on its return and she snarled at where the hanyo had been.

Meanwhile, Kagome and Kikyo simply walked to the spot and found that there was a large, purified pile of ashes where Naraku had been standing. They hadn't purified him, but the sheer power of their attack had certainly done significant damage.

"What do you believe he will do next?" Kikyo asked the miko next to her, who was staring at the sky where Naraku had disappeared.

"I don't know. With this kind of damage, he'd have to go into hiding for a while."

"Something wrong, Kagome?" Inuyasha asked, noticing her strange expression.

"Well, not really. It's just that the way he was going… It would put Kaede's village right in his path if he kept going in a straight line… But what are the odds he'd be that idiotic?"

"The same odds of us working together," Inuyasha said, indicating Sesshomaru and Kikyo, who both nodded agreement.

And then, they were off. Kirara grew and both Sango and Miroku climbed onto her back as Kagome climbed onto Inuyasha's and Sesshomaru began to charge forward. Kikyo seemed to have no trouble keeping up with the demons' pace, and soon the night began to fall. They didn't stop, and before they knew it, they were at the edge of Kaede's village.

"I sense him," Kagome said, looking around.

"Where?" Inuyasha growled, grabbing his hilt.


Kagome's eyes widened and she shared a look with Kikyo before the two took off, the demons keeping up with ease.

"Where is the bastard?"

"He's in the forest. Right by the well."

Inuyasha cursed and drew Tetsusaiga before they crossed to the other end of the village and ran into the woods.

They finally stopped, after all the fatigue hit the group at once, at the edge of the Bone Eater's Well.

"Where is he?" Inuyasha growled, his sword prepared to strike.

"It seems his energy has vanished inside the well," Kikyo said, frowning in confusion.

"Oh shit," Kagome said, making everyone look at her with surprise. She never cursed, and she barely used such a scared tone when talking.

"What is this well, woman?" Sesshomaru asked, angry that his sense of smell also stopped in the bottom of the well.

Kagome bent over the lip of the well and her body began to shake.

"If he actually somehow went in there…"

She trailed off, suddenly fearing for her family. She began to jump in when a strong hand caught her wrist and she turned to find Sesshomaru gripping her.

"This is the Bone Eater's Well," Kikyo said, frowning. "Why would Naraku's presence suddenly vanish?"

Kagome pulled an arrow from her quiver and pulled away from Sesshomaru.

"Because he came out somewhere else," she said, beginning to jump in once again. This time, it was Inuyasha who grabbed her, and she practically snarled.

"Back off, Inuyasha. If he went in there, he came out there, too. In my shrine. Near my family."

Inuyasha nodded in agreement but didn't loosen his grip.

"Yeah. And jumping in after the bastard's such a great idea."

"This Sesshomaru demands to know what the woman is talking about," the inu taiyoukai said, frowning.

Kagome pulled free and spun around. She focused a rather large amount of her energy into the arrow before letting it fly into the well. It vanished halfway through. With a smile, she relaxed her grip. At Inuyasha's confused glare, she shrugged.

"You're not letting me go through, so the next best thing was to make sure that he runs. He's too injured to fight, and the possibility that my arrow can hit him from here should scare him away… At least, for a while."

Inuyasha sheathed his large blade and leaned back against a tree.

"How did that bastard even get through? It's not as if he's got your powers or a connection to that end."

Kagome frowned, and Miroku stroked his chin thoughtfully.

"Perhaps it is his jewel shards," he said, making the group turn to stare at him. "Based on how I understand the circumstances, you came through and were able to travel in the well because of your connection to the jewel, correct?"

Kagome nodded and Miroku noted their two new companions' confused gazes.

"Perhaps you should explain it to them," he said, indicating the two.

Kagome gave them a very abbreviated version, which included how she was from the future, and was able to use the well to travel back. Eventually, she'd lost the need to have jewel shards to travel.

Sesshomaru looked at the well with curiosity while Kikyo was outright surprised.

"So this well is where you originated?"

"Yeah," Kagome said, before suddenly standing up.

"So let's go after the bastard," Inuyasha said, his knuckles cracking.

Kagome shook her head.

"You might want to think on that, Inuyasha."

"What? Why?" the hanyo growled. Just moments ago, she'd been ready to dive in after the bastard.

"He has all of the jewel shards that I don't. Without any jewel shards in the past, when I go through, it's likely the well won't work anymore."

Inuyasha's jaw dropped, but he quickly shook it off.

"Keh! I'll gladly be stuck in your time if I can kill that bastard."

"Maybe we should discuss this inside my sister's home," Kikyo said, heading for the hut. As the group silently nodded and headed after the miko, Kagome silently thought. She still couldn't get over the turn of events that had occurred…

Kagome and Inuyasha watched in horror as she was stabbed by Naraku. And then, he sensed their presences and vanished. The two rushed over to the nearly dead miko, who seemed different somehow.

"Ah, Inuyasha. Should've known you'd be here to watch me die."

Inuyasha stared in shock at the oddly… peaceful… tone to her voice. Almost as if she was content.

At least, that's what he thought until tears started to roll from her eyes. Apparently, even her clay body could form tears.

"How odd… I relished the idea of being set free from this accursed world, but now I suddenly… don't want to die…"

The tears grew more rapid and soon the miko's body was shaking.

"Hang on," her reincarnation yelled, her eyes filled with shock.

Kagome knelt down next to the miko and before she could protest, warm energy filled her body. Soon, the large gash in her chest was shrinking and the damage reversed.

"Why do you heal me?" Kikyo asked, more curious than anything else.

"You don't deserve to die. Especially not by that beast's hands," Kagome said, focusing until all of the miko's wounds were gone.

Both Inuyasha and Kikyo were staring at her in shock, but she ignored it.

"If you want to repay me, then help us destroy him," she said, offering a bewildered Kikyo a hand up.

"I owe you nothing," she hissed out, glaring at her reincarnation.

"I know. But you'll stand a better chance with us than alone. There is power in numbers, and we all have the same enemy."

Kikyo smirked and straightened.

"You're telling me to join your little paradox of a group?"

"You want Naraku dead? Then yes, that's what I'm saying," Kagome said, frustrated.

Kikyo was surprised by her reincarnation's sudden boldness.

"Very well," she sighed. "We are allies until Naraku is dead, then."

The three walked back to their camp and everybody there was surprised to find Kikyo with them…

Kagome smiled. That had been a month ago, and things were very different now. While Kikyo and she weren't exactly friends, they'd come to a few rather peaceful understandings. One of which was Inuyasha, who Kagome had decided was meant for Kikyo. Another was that while the mikos may not like each other, they had respect for the immensity of each others' powers…

They reached Kaede's hut and before they even stepped in the door, a small ball of orange fur shot through the air, landing in Kagome's arms.

"Are you feeling better, Shippo?" she asked warmly.

The kit nodded enthusiastically before puffing out his chest.

"Ready to go! And it only took me a week to get over that stupid demon's poison," he said, smiling proudly. Kagome smiled as she went inside the hut, where everyone was already seated.

"So, what are we gonna' do?" Inuyasha asked, looking around. "We can't expect Kagome to stay here with that thing in her era. And I'm sure as hell not letting the bastard get away."

Miroku looked at Sango, waiting. While he had few possessions, nothing more than what was on his person, he had one thing to consider before leaving their time to travel to the future, though he was still a bit wary of the whole idea.

"Naraku needs to die," Sango said, looking at Kagome. "I will go," the slayer said to her friend.

"And I too, shall accompany you," Miroku said, his reason to stay behind no longer staying.

Kagome looked around at her friends, who each had a determined look on her face.

"I will stay here, waiting," Sesshomaru said, standing up. "You say that your time is five hundred years from today, correct, woman?"

Kagome nodded and Sesshomaru bowed slightly.

"Then I will meet you in five hundred years by the well," he said before disappearing. As much as she'd been expecting him to do so, she hadn't been expecting it to be because he wanted to simply wait. And of course, the reason he wanted to wait was probably to gain more power until the time came.

"I too, shall wait," Kikyo said, standing as her soul collectors began circling outside. "And I expect to see you all in the future," she added before disappearing.

The group looked at each other and Kagome was suddenly aware of the shaking form in her arms.

She looked down into the teary eyes of the kitsune, who may as well been her son from the way they acted towards each other.

"You're leaving, Kagome? I won't see you again?"

She gently petted the kit's hair, shaking her head.

"Of course that's not true, Shippo. You're coming with me," she said, causing the kit to smile brilliantly.

"Alright. Now that that's all settled, everyone get everything you could possibly need, and then get sleep. We're going tomorrow night."

And with that, Inuyasha vanished as well.

"Well then, I'll be going out for a walk… I'll be back later," Miroku said, leaving the girls, and Shippo, alone.


Her friend, who was closer to a sister, looked up and smiled at Kagome.

"This is going to sound strange coming from me," the young miko started, "but are you absolutely sure you want to travel away from this era? I refuse to force anyone into this," she said, sitting next to her friend, Shippo cuddling into her chest.

Sango took in the words and smiled.

"The houshi is going. Kohaku is dead. Naraku is in your time. Nothing is keeping me here," she said, smiling sadly.

Kagome watched the emotions play across her friend's face as she relived watching Naraku rip the jewel from Kohaku's body before burning it to ashes. She was on the verge of crying, and Kagome wrapped her arms around her.

Sango's body began to shake violently as she let out her held-in frustration.

"He'll pay, Sango," she said quietly. "I promise you that he will pay for everything he's done. To all of us," she added, knowing that Inuyasha could hear her. Thoughts of Koga surfaced, and she quickly banished them. She was comforting Sango, and until Naraku was dead, she wasn't going to let herself feel the sadness…

"Thank you, Kagome," Sango said, snapping the miko out of her thoughts. "I want to go with you."

With that, it was finalized, and the rest of the day went by quickly. Kaede watched as their group began to make their preparations. By morning, Sango was weighed down with several poisonous weapons as well as a set of armor that she had made overnight. She had used the metal of Kohaku's scythe to make the taijiya armor, and she quickly followed Kagome to the springs the next morning, carrying it with her.

When they stopped and began to get undressed, Kagome noticed the armor and gave Sango a curious look.

"What's the armor for?" she asked, stepping into the warm spring water.

"Umm… I made it… For you," Sango said, smiling sheepishly.

"Me? Why? I'm not exactly a warrior," Kagome said, looking at the beautiful armor.

"You're more of a warrior than any of us, Kagome," Sango said, shifting into the water. "Since I met you, you've become so incredibly strong. So, I made it for you, as a symbol of your strength. You don't have to wear it… if you don't want to," she said, smiling at her friend.

Kagome sensed her friend's hurt and gasped.

"I wasn't saying anything like that, Sango! It's just, I wasn't sure why you'd make me armor. It's beautiful, though," she said, looking at the dark black armor, which was currently next to her own clothes.

Sango's expression cleared and she smiled.

"Thank you, Kagome."

The two talked as they cleaned, and soon they were getting out of the spring. Kagome looked at the armor with thought and then smiled before she slipped it on over her underwear.

She was amazed at how comfortable the armor was. It was slightly heavy, but incredibly light for all the plating on it. And it fit her body like a glove, which would make sense if Sango had made it specifically for her. As she moved her body experimentally, she noticed something else.

"My energy is hovering over it," she gasped, looking at the pink glow over the metal plates.

Sango smiled, pulling her own armor on.

"Glad you noticed. I couldn't make you a weapon with what I had on me, but I had enough reactants to focus your power into the metal. It should make the armor virtually demon-proof," the slayer said, smiling at her friend, who hugged her. And then, they walked back to Kaede's hut.

All of the occupants stared at Kagome's new armor, but none of them seemed to be surprised.

"Shall we go now?" Miroku asked, knowing everyone was already prepared.

The group nodded and left the hut. Kagome knelt down next to Kaede, who was smiling kindly.

"Thank you, Kaede. For everything," she said, wrapping her arms gently around the older miko, who smiled.

"It was no bother," she said, holding Kagome. "It was wonderful to know you, Kagome."

Kagome nodded, smiling. Then, she stood up and joined the rest of the group outside. As they left for the well, Kaede sighed.

"And may the kamis watch over you all," she breathed…

The group reached the well and Kagome quickly pulled out her jewel shards. There were three, two of which were her reminders of the wolf demon. She handed the first to Sango and the other to Miroku.

The well seemed to respond to the power outside, as the air became warm with a strange feeling.

"Let's go," she said, watching as Inuyasha jumped into the well. Kirara crawled into Sango's arm as she jumped in next, followed by Miroku. She was the last, and Shippo clung to her armor for dear life. As they exited on the other side, all of the power around them vanished. She looked up to see a bright, clear sky overhead. She would have thought they hadn't gone anywhere if she didn't see the massive wooden walls on either side.

Terrified, she quickly climbed out to find her group standing around the well, looking at where the roof should be.

As they handed back the jewel shards, Miroku frowned.

"Did this building always have that wooden, cracked hole?"

"That used to be the roof," she breathed, looking up.

There was a strong sense of youki outside and Kagome ran out only to meet the amused look of Sesshomaru.

"It seems we arrived just in time," he said, looking at the group. Kikyo appeared next to him, and she too seemed amused at Kagome's surprise.

"That is quite an impressive structure," Miroku said, looking at Kagome's house. She was about to tell him it was actually small when she was cut off.


She turned to find her mother staring at her in shock and she quickly ran over, Shippo still clinging to her.

"Hi, momma," she said, smiling sheepishly.

"Who was the man that destroyed the well house?" was all her mother asked. "He looked like he'd been torn apart. He just disappeared, too…"

Kagome tensed, turning back to the well house.

"A problem… Don't worry, though, momma. We're here to fix it," she said, her smile brighter.

She was overwhelmed with relief to learn that Naraku hadn't attempted anything on her family.


Kagome smiled again and nodded.

"These are my friends, from the Feudal Era," she said, waving in their general direction.

Sango and Miroku stared at the woman, who smiled.

"I see… And they're here. Why is that?"

"Well, something happened, and they came with me…"

Kagome's mother frowned before letting it slide. For now.

"And you want to know if they can stay here."

Kagome blinked a few times, surprised.


"Yes," the woman said, sighing in exasperation. "But we're going to talk about it."

With that, the woman walked back into the house. Kagome smiled as her friends walked over.

"What was that about?" Sango asked, confused.

"Nothing. She was just curious. Well, this is my house. Make yourselves at home," she said, quickly going through a verbal tour of the house.

It was quickly decided how everyone would be sleeping. Sesshomaru and Kikyo refused to stay in her house, no matter how friendly they now seemed, instead deciding to stay at someplace called 'Makai.' Shippo and Sango would share Kagome's room while Miroku would stay by himself. Inuyasha would have been sharing a room with him, but refused, instead deciding he liked the Goshinboku(1) better.

Shippo jumped from Kagome, following Sango and Miroku inside.

As they explored the 'mansion' Kagome went into the kitchen, Inuyasha right behind her.

"So, what's brought your friends to this time period?" her mother asked, obviously curious, but trying to appear stern and frustrated.

"Naraku disappeared from the past. He came out through the well. We followed him," Inuyasha said, leaning against the wall.

"Naraku? The hanyo you've been fighting against? He's here? How?" the woman asked, getting frantic.

"Relax, momma," Kagome said, sitting down next to her. "We're not letting him do anything here. It's why we followed him…"

"How did he come through?" she asked, looking at her daughter.

"We're not entirely sure, but we've got a theory. He has a massive part of the Shikon no Tama. We think the well reacted to the jewel's energy and let him through."

"Then how are all of your friends here? They don't have any shards," her mother said skeptically.

"They came through because I brought them with me. And I lent them my shards, since Inuyasha and I can go through without them, for some reason," she said, frowning.

"I see… Well then, nothing to be done. Hopefully they can handle the modern era as well as you, Inuyasha," she said, looking at the nervous hanyo.

"Yeah, let's hope on that," he said, smirking…


(1)It's been a while since I read Inuyasha, so I can't remember clearly if that's exactly how it's said, but I'm referring to the God Tree, in case I'm wrong.

Okay, so there's the prologue to my first x-over fanfic. I know there hasn't been any of Yusuke's group, but there will be plenty in the next chapter to make up for it. Hopefully, you enjoyed the story. If so, review. If you've a complaint or critique, review. Next chapter will be out in a while.

See you next time!

-Witch of Swords