Cameron's thoughts as she leaves. SPOLIERS FOR TEAMWORK!

Walk away. I know that's what anyone else would tell me to do. He killed someone. My kind, loving, compassionate, Robert Chase. My Robert Chase, who once knew the value of a human life. Who used to love all people, who believed God made every human being. My Robert Chase wasn't corrupted by House. My Robert Chase had no admiration, no desire to be like House. And yet, he has become a man transformed by House.

I have to leave. I can't live with this man any longer. He is no longer my Robert Chase. I miss my husband. I miss him more than words can ever portray. My Robert Chase has been buried deep within. I know he still exists. I believe it. But I can't stay while he tries to emerge once again. I hope that by leaving, the Robert Chase I love, and the one that loves me, will come forward.

My suitcase is packed. The drawers are half-full, and the closet has a large gaping empty space. The bed is neat, meticulously made up one last time. Everything is tidy, everything in its place. That way, at least he'll have a nice room to come home to. He's in the living room, just staring into space. I wish I knew what was going on in that medically brilliant mind of his. I grasp the hard plastic handle, and drag the bag into the living room.

He stands, holding out a hand. To help me. To help me leave. Tears spring to my eyes at his gesture, which I'm sure was not intended to have such a meeting. At sight of my tears, he moves closer, and I know he intends to wrap his strong arms around me. But I couldn't take that. I can barely take this as it is. I cross my arms and step back. The hurt on his face intensifies, and then his expression grows cold, blank.

He sits back down on the couch. I go and kiss his cheek, and a flicker of emotion returns in his stormy blue eyes. He's trying not to feel it. I can tell. A wife knows these things. But, I can't really call myself his wife anymore. I'm not Allison Chase anymore. I am once again Allison Cameron. The one who cares about the patient at work. But I'm not going back to work. The one who foolishly dared to believe in love again. The one who had her heart broken. Again.

I slowly will my body to turn away. I have to tell myself, under my breath, that he isn't my Robert Chase anymore. One foot in front of the other. I can do this. I can do this. Or not. I'm not so sure anymore. Tears are coming faster. God, I miss him so much. And leaving will just make it hurt so much more. My pace slows and I can almost hear his head look up. We know each other so well.

"Allison," he begins. A sob escapes, breaking my code of silence. I regain my speed and his head falls again. I know it as well as if I could see him. I walk. I walk away. I walk away from him, from our marriage. I walk away from our life together. I walk away from happiness. And, I walk away from My Robert Chase, fighting to overcome the iron curtain that shields him under this new person. This new person that I did not marry. This new person that, against my own better judgment and will, I can't help but love too.

Very angsty, as usual. I was very saddened by the end of "Teamwork", because I am a HUGE fan of Chase and Cameron. I think i three something at the tv when she left, and I'm down sick with what I think is the flu. Grrrr, I am hoping she comes back, despite all these rumors about Jennifer Morrison leaving the show! I, along with all my fellow Chameron fans, shall keep the faith!!! CHAMERON FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER!! YAY!