Three months later

I smiled as I took a step back and looked at the car I had just finished panting. Due to Neela and Sean I agreed to stay until after the baby was born, then I would decide if I was going to go home or not. Neela was due anytime this month, right now however I was glad I moved out, she was moody as hell. Also I got a job painting cars at a shop that Sean owned.

"Well that's that for today." I smiled as I turned around, I stopped when Kira walked in though looking less then happy. After Han broke up with her she flipped a bitch, she blamed me though I haven't talked to him since I got out of the hospital, not that he hasn't tried. She still stayed friends with everyone else but we had gotten into a few fist fights because she attacked me, when no one was looking.

"Kira what are you doing here?" I asked crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes at her, I didn't trust her. Kira looked back at the car then back at me.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't like you, I don't want you and Han together. However you have to at least talk to him, I heard you two were close before and I don't like seeing him like this." Kira muttered as I looked her in disbelieve.

"I don't have to talk to him and I don't want to." I told her firmly, I was pissed and it was a much better punishment to not even talk to him. Kira narrowed her eyes at me as she took a step closer to me fist balling at her sides.

"Listen you bitch! Your lucky that your not dead, at least tell him you don't want him, and send him back to me! I'm fucking sick of your shit!! So you almost died, here's a hint everyone was much happier when you weren't there, there was no fucking drama." Kira spat, I smiled at her tilting my head a bit.

"Fuck off, before you get fucked up." I snapped getting into her face, the only reason she was still standing is because Neela liked her. She sighed before turning and leaving, I swear what is with these chicks. I rolled my eyes as I started cleaning up my mess. It was nice I was in charge here mainly because Sean didn't have time to run it and I had more then enough, that and It brought in a lot of money, so with this and the money from the races I got into. I was well off I even got a house. So even if I left I would still have a place to come back to when I came to visit. About an hour passed and I had finally managed to put everything away and clean the place up.

"Hey boss, were got another car in. The guys asking for you though." One of the workers told me as she peaked into the shop. I looked at her nodding.

"Okay Yuri I'll be there in a moment." I told her as she nodded heading back into the building. I smiled a bit as I washed my hands really quick that had some paint on them, I headed out after tossing my phone back into my pocket.

"She'll be right with you sir." I heard Yuri tell the man as I walked in, my smiled faded when I saw who was standing at the counter. Twinkie was talking to Will one of the guys that worked under me and Yuri stood talking to Han. When Sean had put me in charge I got a whole new staff so there were clueless to all that had happened.

"Here she is." Yuri told him and Twinkie turned and smiled at me weakly and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Hey Jay, Sorry Han I gotta jet really quick Mel needed me to get something. Later." Twinkie mumbled his words together and ran out. Why that little fucker, I bet they had this shit planed. I looked back at Han who looked some what surprised, well maybe Mel and Twinkie had it planed.

"Follow me." I muttered walking back to my office. Sure I wasn't happy that he was here but id rather not get asked a million questions by the others if I turned him away. We walked down to my office he walked in after me as I walked over to my desk and leaned on it.

"What do you want?" I asked as he closed the door and looked at me.

"That's the only thing you have to say to me?" Han asked me and I felt my eyebrow twitch, no I had a lot to say but I didn't want to talk to him about it.

"What do you want?" I asked again crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes at him.

"Jay, can we at least talk about this?" Han tried again. I started at him blankly and waited for him to say something more.

"Damnit Jay-" Han started and my temper snapped.

"What you have a problem with me not talking to you. Funny it seems that you had a problem when I was alive. Hell you said it yourself I was dead. Everyone else still took notice that my heart was beating, so Han if you should be demanding anything demand it from anyone its yourself, you said I was dead I made myself dead, to you. Now if you don't need my service get the fuck out of my office!" I yelled anger coursing though me.

"Don't forget to tell Kira that I talked to you seeing she wanted me to." I added. Han stood there shocked before shaking his head a little.

"Jay I'm sorry-?"

"OUT!" I yelled as he looked at me again, his eyes seemed duller then normal and it stung. God damn it how could I still feel like this. He went to say something before shaking his head and walking out with out another word, what the fuck was happening to every one.