La Push High School, my personal hell on earth. Every day I wake

up and walk down the halls to a better education. I am invisible to

everyone here. I have a total of one friend named Sara. People

have looked and laughed at me every day since I moved here a

year ago. The worst bully of all you ask? Paul Mathews, he is

one of the most popular boys in high school, and has every girl

wants his attention. Every girl wants to claim him for themselves,

every girl but me. I want to just break down and cry every time he

spots me in the halls.

"Look what we have here it's Joey Reed in her new gray shirt. I

guess the dollar store got in a new shipment of clothes" Paul yells

out, while everyone turns to look at me laughing.

Walking up to me, as his eyes wondering all over my body. It

made me want to run to the nearest classroom and hide for the rest

of the school day. I quickly turn away from him and start to unlock

my locker, but he can see my hand shaking.

"Joey, I don't know why you are embarrassed by my comments. I

just wanted to point out to everyone where the outcast's of La Push

shop. Consider it a plug for the Dollar Tree, you being their top

model of spring fashion and all." Laughing at his own joke he

quickly places his hand in my locker knocking down all my school

books off the shelf.

Bending down to pick up my books. I am no longer able to hold

back the tears that I feel coming out. I am just glad that he walks

away with Jared before he can see how bad he really has hurt me.

Later walking home, I look back at today's events and wonder

what happened to my live. Before my mom died, are family was

completely happy. My father would walk around with a smile on

his face. My other brother would be in the garage working long

hours on neighbors cars, so that they didn't have to spend a lot of

money they didn't have in order to fix them. I was even happy, I

would spend hours drawing pictures in my room listening to music.

I had been popular once, My friends would all come over and hang

out. We would go shopping and to the show. I had a great

boyfriend Trent that would make me feel like a real live princess.

I will always remember December 24, 2008 it was the day my

Mom and Trent went to get my Christmas present. The puppy that

I always wanted since I was two. The roads were very slippery and

my mother lost control of the car. Trent and my mom was killed

instantly. My family has not been the same since. My father

decided to moved us to La Push. The only thing besides going to

work that he does is sit in his old favorite rocking chair and stares

out into space. My brother is always out drinking. He tells me that

he loves me, but I look just like mom and it is hard on both of

them. Moving here, was so bad on me. People didn't even want to

get to know me. I was not a shy person, but with all that happened to me I really couldn't make the first move and talk to people. The

only person that bother to say anything to me was Sara. The

reason she even talks to me is that she gets grounded a lot and her

mother knew mine, so she was only allowed to come to my house

during her punishment.

I just want the pain to go away. I want to have someone here for

me. I want to be able to have someone listen to me and my feeling

again. When They died, a little part of me died also.

When I finally reached my house. I walked in the door to find my

father completely passed out on the rocking chair. I quickly put a

cover on him and then walked to the kitchen to make us some

dinner. Looking in the cabinets I soon realized that I desperately

needed to go to the store and pick up some necessary little things

like bread and milk. Ten minutes before dinner is ready my father

walks in the room and kisses my forehead without ever looking at

my face.

"Joey dinner smells great like always" my dad replies taking an

extra scoop of mashed potatoes and gravy on his plate. He walks

back into the front room and turns on the news.

Great I think to myself another night alone at the kitchen table for

me. Getting out my history book, I begin to do tonight's

homework assignment.

"Goodnight Joey" My father calls out as I walk up the stairs to my

room for the night.

"Love you Dad goodnight" I call back

After getting out of the shower, and getting dressed. I grab the

hairbrush from my dresser and start brushing my long black hair.

Standing in front of the mirror, I can see the lines under my eye's

from not being able to sleep at night. If I stood straight up. I

would be five feet, six inches tall. I had nice curves around my

waist, not that anyone would notice. Not with the baggy clothes

that I put on. I didn't want to draw attention to my figure at

school. The pain of loosing Trent still hurt after all this time.

When another boy would even look at me, I almost felt like I was

cheating on him, as stupid as it sounds.

Hopping into bed tonight. I hope that I don't have the nightmares again tonight.

Well what do you think so far. Next chapter will have Paul in it more. I just wanted you to see what kind of person Joey is like and get to know her more. Please review it makes me happy.