
"Flashbackthoughts or emphasizedspeech"


["Pokémon speech"]

["Thoughts coming from the Pokémon"]

["Flashback thoughts or emphasized speech from Pokémon"]

Chapter 31: A Series of Unfortunate Events

And Nick disappeared from her minds eye and she wakes up still sitting next to a cheerful Latias.

"[Wow Lati that was quick...]"

"Well I kinda read into what he was going to do for us when he got back, or if we met up with him and its enough to forgive... and it was not so much a mean as I thought, but more like a protective anger in wanting to shield Hikari from another incident..."


"Well I read that too without permission so you'll have to ask him what happened..."

"[Ok... thanks Lati...well I certainly will...wait what's that?]"

"It looks like a letter... Who's it from?"

"[Its from Nick!]"

"whats it say?" Latias asks ecstatically

Dear Dawn,

If you are reading this letter, then that means something has happened and it has much to do with Hikari. To start she looks like she can handle herself, but in reality she cant... her mind … well lets just say its emotionally compromised. When her emotions are taken on a roller-coaster, well lets just say that her brain freaks out...

"[hmm...maybe I should have...]" dawn began before Latias interrupted her train of thought

"keep reading"

dawn continued to read mostly details about hikari's condition, and currently what is gonna be done to help her.

… and so if you truly feel that you can face her again, latias will be glad to lead you to the pokemon center outside the barrier. I'm sure she and I will love to see you after she recovers. Hope to see you soon... with love...


"[Latias can you still take me?]" she asks

"sure, and I'm pretty certain that some of Nicks pokemon are still here so... perhaps we can travel back together..."


The two of them gather up whats left of their belongings and make their way out of the pokemon center.

"hey look, its nick gardevior and Gallade. Hey guys!" Latias shouts

"Hello ms. Latias, can we help you?" gallade asks

"Yes actually..."

"what can we do for you?" Gardevior asks.

"Can you take us to the meeting point at the pokemon center on the outskirts?" Latias asks.

"Yeah, we where actually headed there now ourselves, but we will have to make take a stop just before we get there."

"Stop?" Latias asks

"Yeah, if we teleported straight to the center through the barrier we may not be able to return to our normal forms." Gardevior explains.

"So we just need to stop at the barrier, walk out, and then we can continue?" Latias confirms.

"Thats the idea."



"[hey joy?]"


"[Do you think...]"

"[I cant really say... she has to make her own decision to come back, and have you told her about your other condition?]"

"[No...actually, I think we might have to change plans and instead of moving to another town in unova I think it would be best to move outside the region...]"

"[why would you think that?]"

"[Well... the guys that were after my wife might have killed her for that exact reason, she became my wife in the first place...]"

"[well you will need to tell dawn soon, otherwise...]"

"[yeah... but there is also something else im concerned about right now...]"

"[no... you didnt!]"

"[It wasnt intentional... she just came onto me and it happened. It was beyond my mental control.]"

"[Oh nick... who was it? Was it one of the other girls?]"

"[Actually... and thankfully... yes...]"



"[Two coordinators?]"

"[Well im sorry, I cant help things when my mind gets stuck on a girl...]"

"[while hikari is in treatment you will pull both girls aside, you will tell them about what has been done, and you will take care of both of them...]"

"[hai, hai...]"

"[and I thought you had your abilities under control?]"


"[but nothing! Im contacting her and informing her about what has transpired!]"



"oh... damn that felt weird..."

"heh... now you know how I felt going through it at that speed the first time..."

"Does hikari at least understand that now she will have more than one mother?"


Joy face palms and sighs.

"You really know how to make peoples lives difficult you know that right?"


The rest of the drive is done in silence.


Meanwhile with ash and misty...

"[Hey guys where's dawn and lati?]"

"[I think they are still inside the center, do you think we should go back for them?]"

"[I think they will be fine, besides 'lady kagome' is still there as well. So im sure the two of them will be fine... but right now we need to gather up everyone so we can head over there.]"

"[Hey look is that pikachu?]"

"[Hey pikachu?]"

Pikachu see's his master and runs up to meet him.

"Hey ash, we managed to gather everyone up thanks to master nicks gallade and gardevior"

"Oh really, wow he really knows how to act fast in these kind of situations..."

"Excuse me are you ash?"

Ash nods to the peculiar looking pokemon.

"Master Nick contacted me to take you guys to the center once you where ready."

"[Ah... thank you... but what pokemon are you?]"

"Ah... yes a good question... I am a pokemon known only as beheeyem, I hail from the same region master is from."

Everyone looks at the strange man very puzzingly

"hehehe... I get the feeling that you still don't understand... well once we exit the barrier you will understand, at least for the most part..."

Everyone nods and forms a circle around the mystery pokemon, and he teleports everyone to the edge of the forest line about 5 yards away from the barrier.

Every looks at each with a look of confusion

"In case your wondering the reason why I cant teleport everyone straight there is because of the barrier. Its too risky to do that, and if did do everyone might stay as they are when we reappear."

Everyone nods in understanding, and proceeds to exit, thus returning them to their original forms.

"Wow... that felt weird..."

"I guess you begin to adjust to the new body after being there for so long..."


"Alright guys, time to return to your pokeballs."

Most of the pokemon disappear and only dawns and nicks pokemon are left.

"Well guess I should check out beheeyem in the pokedex."

Beheeyem, the cerebral pokemon, it can use its psychic power to control its opponent and manipulate their memories.

"Well, now that we are through how about we teleport over to the center..."



Misty points behind them, showing that the pokemon center is within walking distance.

"Well that answers that question... alright guys lets go ahead and get inside. I don't know 'bout you but I need a shower."

"Yeah ash, im right behind you."

"Hey wait for me!" May calls after them.

"Piplup! You guys can wait in the room until..."

*teleport sound

"Wait scratch that..."

"Hey guys!"

"How did you get here so fast?"

"That pokemon of nicks met up with us and brought us here, we where just about to head inside and take a shower and wait for the others to arrive."

"Piplup! Guys! Its good to see you!"

Dawn's pokemon all run up to her but Piplup stays behind a but still feeling a bit bad about earlier.


Dawn walks up and takes a seat next to him, but he turns around to avoid looking her in the eyes.

"Piplup, look im sorry I hit you earlier... its just that I was angry...and well..."


Piplup finally submits and slowly walks up and hugs her at her stomach.

"Its alright Piplup, no need to cry..."

Dawn continues to gently pet Piplup until the roar of nicks car graced everyone's ears.

"Well better late than never..."

"Hey guys! I see you found your way here. Gardevior, gallade, and beheeyem thanks for your help. Return!"

The three pokemon bow deeply before disappearing into their respective pokeballs.

"If my timing is right joy should be..."

*teleport sound


"Hello ash, misty, Nick...Cheryl..."

"Hello joy, its good to see you again, and thank you for your help in this matter... especially on such short notice..."

"No its not a problem, im just glad I could help. Alakazam just needs to rest for a bit from all the teleporting we had to do and he should be bright as rain around lunch time."


"Cheryl, joy ill leave hikari to the two of you so that you can monitor her for the time being... im sure im not the only one that needs a shower right now..."


"Actually Nick, based on recent studies, mental instability can be helped a great deal if the patient is relaxed. So if you where to give her a hot bath then im sure that will help a great deal."

"Sure... um dawn, may before you two go off, there is a matter I need to discuss with both of you privately..."



"Ash would you mind if we got in together... I don't fell comfortable taking one by myself being so close to delivery time..."

"Sure love, let me just grab us a room..."


The respective groups head in their different directions to prepare themselves

Meanwhile in nicks room...

Nick prepares a bath for hikari while dawn and may both sit on the bed trying to get comfortable.

"Alright girls you can come in now... im still dressed. So you can sit in here, while I give her a proper bath..."


The two girls enter slowly and take a seat on the mini foldable sofa Nick had brought in to accommodate them.

"Alright, now I need to explain a few things, but before I go into major detail I need you to please hold your questions til the end and ill be glad to answer them."

Both girls nervously nod in compliance.


*knock, knock!

"Come in!"

"Mister Nick?"

"In the bathroom latias, we're dressed."

Latias slowly enters the bathroom.

"Umm... I know this is a bad time to ask but did you finish modifying the footage yet?"

"Of Ash's match? Yeah, just before we pulled up... may can you watch hikari for a moment?"


Nick gets up from his position next to the bath tub, while may sits next to hikari to help support her sleeping body inside the bathtub.

"Here, I got it on my portable so you can watch it from here..."


Nick reenters the bathroom while Latias sits on the bed to watch ashs gym match.


Insert gym match here.


"Thanks may..."

The two switch places again and Nick continues with his explanation.

"Alright, now as you both know...respectively..."

"Nick wait...I thought we said we were going to forget about it?"

Nick gives her a dark look and may sits back down.

"May let me finish... now I know it embarrassing to hear this in front of each other, but due to other circumstances my hands are tied..."

Both girls hesitantly nod.

"Are you both familiar with the term aura?"

Both girls nod.

"Good that saves me a bit of time. I am what is known as an aura guardian. I can understand aura, but its better if I give it to someone who can actually use it when im in a conflict."

Both girls nod in partial understanding.

"Well, lemme put it this way, the aura energy I emit draws those of the opposite sex towards me in attempts to pass along the traits to the next generation. And since my wife and two sons passed not too long ago, my aura acted out on its own volition and attracted the two of you towards me..."

"So you mean..."

"Yes, well you two and one other I have been in contact with for a while now..."

"Who? The only other girls you have had contact with are your daughter, Cheryl, misty and the joy from the boat. You cant mean..."

"No girls... first, aura prevents incest. So my daughter is out, misty is already taken by ash. Yes he is an aura user as well. So she is out and both joys... well they are special cases... which I wont go into detail at the moment with."

"So who is the other girl?"

"actually you may not know her, she is a brunette that hails from an island off johtos coast called altomare..."

Latias flies in the door, dark look on her face.

"Latias, whats wrong?"


"What is it?"

"You mean..."

"Latias you know who im talking about? Wait... now that I think about it... you look a lot like her..."

"No... how long have you know her?"

"Im her grandfathers supplier for the wood he uses to make boats. So ive seen her on multiple occasions..."

"Then how come ive never seen you around town then?"

"Wait you're the one Lorenzo keep talking about? Talk about a small world..."

"I need to make a call..."

"Wait latias?"

"Wait Nick finish your explanation. We need to know what you plan to do now!"

"Alright girls... just give me a moment I need to grab someone to confirm something for me first."

Nick steps out with hikari in his arms now clean and still napping. She is dried off, dressed, and lain on the bed to continue her nap. Nick picks up the tablet that Latias had tossed on the bed before she stormed out and he turns it back on.

"Computer bring up storage database and retrieve pokeball under the label of mistress togekiss. Teleport to my location immediately."

The device beeps a few times before a pokeball appears on the floor nearby.

"Mistress, I need you."


"Mistress welcome, please forgive me for asking this but I need you to confirm something for me."

The togekiss looks at Nick with a frown and sighs.

"To answer your question yes, it has to with a girl... well girls..., and I trust Cheryl has already talked to you right?"

Her frown deepens, and she nods in compliance and acknowledgement

Nick points to the bathroom looking dejected where both girls still reside.

"Alright girls, just relax and remove your shirts..."

Both girls blush deeply.

"Look ill step out if it helps..."

"No, its not that...its just..."

"Alright then... if you please."

Both girls begin to remove their respective clothing albeit hesitantly in front of one another. Revealing there respectively colored red and blue bras. Only May has a slightly smaller stomach that dawn does.

"May... you..."

"yeah... that first night, nick cooked for us... well.."

"so thats why you to disappeared that morning..."

"well I didnt expect my... well you know to come at that time..."

"and then for dawn to come a short time after you well that just complicates things."

"Well then why is togekiss here?"

"She is my mentor, that and she is also gonna check you over to see if the trait has been carried on..."

"how is she gonna do that?"

"Well just sit still and everything should go smoothly."

"The girls nod and both place a nervous hand onto their abdomens."

"Well... togekiss?"

"Its... hard to tell... but I can sense them..."

"wait she spoke?"

"She is speaking through her aura... trust me your not the first to freak out over that..."

"aura is with me..."

togekiss just literally stops moving with her wings at her side and begins to glow blue as her eyes open to a blue void.

"Lady Dawn... im sensing many young one's within you. But only 3 look like they will survive..."

"how many are there within in her mistress?"

"2 human, 3 buizel, and one... well its still young but it looks like a..."



"so you mean..."

"yes... when we made up after you awoke... apparently our little session..."

dawn breaks down into a sob.

"wait... there is more, the 3 that appear to look healthy are the 2 humans and shinx, the buizel are just disappearing..."

"what do you mean?"

"Take a look, just simply place your hand on my back and focus."

Nick does as such and takes a deep breath.

"Aura is with me..."

nick also begins to glow a deep blue but he keeps his eyes closed. the two girls appear before his sight, and then it is focused on dawn. The forms of the children appear.

"I can see them, all six but the buizel are getting smaller..."

"so you mean..."

"it will be like they where never there in the first place... don't ask me how, but thats what im seeing..."

"can you see what they are?"

"Well, its justa hunch but it looks like a boy and two girls..."

may begins to hesitate a bit as she moves her hand in circles on her slightly swollen stomach.

"As for lady may..."

togekiss shifts her eyes over towards may and she starts to lose composure.

"I see... two.. children inside you may, they are growing nicely and appear to have stabilized."

"can you tell anything about mine?"

"By the looks here, I see a boy and a girl."

"Thanks mistress..."

"also girls that means … well now that we have confirmed my theory, it is safe to tell you the other part."


"Yes, when an aura user wants to claim his 'girl' or in or case the two of you at the moment well..."

"what do you mean claim?"

"Meaning so that no other aura users can take you to become their wife, without doing bodily harm to me."

Both girls cringe a bit.

"For an aura user to claim his girl, he has to well..."


"Impregnate you."

"But then how come..."

"so thats why!"

"Right, thats the reason the buizel disappeared, since they were so small in the beginning the aura prevented them from growing and thus they became life force for the three remaining."


"dawn...may... the two of you are very special to me, along with bianca who resides in altomare... now I know that the three of you are not particularly fond of anything harem based right now... but im sure we can work something out..."

"and nick..."

"yes mistress?"

"I suggest that since it has been a while since you where sexually active with either young lady, to ensure that the young ones stay stable, you must maintain contact with them until their 6 month. In fact I suggest you do it starting tonight."

"But wont it hurt them?"

"Actually lady May it will help them out a great deal. It will also assist your body in dealing with the changes that will come with the babies growth."


"and may, that night when we well... did it, I believe that it was my aura that made you do what you did."

"So you mean it forced me?"

"No it didnt force you. It just gave you a push... see when the user has a great understanding and is still or recently has become single. The user's aura begins to seek out potential mates from those around. And it will put out a suggestion to that respective party. Should the parties emotions accepts the suggestion the body follows along."

"But I didnt..."

"but your subconscious did... apparently you subconsciously did think I was attractive so thats what really caused you to act like you did that night... but when you disappeared the next morning and wanted to forget what happened, the influence remained but my aura decided to try a new source. And now that you are with child and not trying to hurt it, yourself, or me, my aura within you is giving you that push again even though its giving that push to dawn and bianca."


*joint – kawada mami

"hey my phone is ringing, but where..."



"I talked to bianca and she said she has been trying to call you for several days now!"

"No wonder, I left my gear back at the truck... thanks Latias..."

"Nick you better answer this phone right now!"

*sigh..."Here lemme see..."



"Yes im fine..."


"you had a weird feeling?"



"well ive decided to not move elsewhere in unova for the time being and head over there."



"just tell your grandpa to call me when he can... "



"well now... thats taken care of for the moment..."

"hey guys?"

"Oh heh misty, whats up?"

"Cheryl said they are ready."

"Ah... thanks, tell her we shall meet her in the foyer shortly"


"Come on girls we may as well break them the news..."

*long squishy sound


"what is it guys?"

"um... misty your dripping down your legs you know that right?"

"I am... oh my... im so embarrassed..."

"misty wait!"

"ah... let go!"

"Misty that wasnt your bladder... that was..."


"your water..."


"Ash, Cheryl, Joy, everyone! we have an emergency here!"

"What, what is it?"

Ash and the triad of nurses see misty on the floor clutching her stomach in pain.

"Oh my goodness, is she?"

"Yes, her water just broke a moment ago... she gonna have her kids right here right now!"

"Wow, good thing we are in a pokemon center right?"


"Wrong. This center isnt equipped to handle that stuff, the center on the opposite side is!"

Ash, nick and cheryl all slap there foreheads...

"are you serious?"

"Im sure and It will take too long to either get her around or through it safely, flying is even worse!"

"then we will have to make due, nick hikari's checkup can wait, I've got two kids to deliver."

"Are you even qualified for that?"

"Actually yes, you'd be surprised how many different areas of medicine I cover."

"Well... You're in charge then sis, lead the way."

"May, dawn one of you stay with misty the other with hikari, I don't care who does which, I just need one of you at each point!"


"Sis, I need the largest operating room you have!"


"Ash, I need you as misty's support until after shes done, that means helping her breath, and numerous other stuff. Cousin joy here will explain to you what you need to cover."


"Nick I need your best fire, water, grass, ice, and fighting types, along with miss togekiss."

"Already on it!"

"Brock, ima need your help with the actual delivery."


"no! I will not have him looking at me down there! *grunt!"

"misty, if this is going to go smoothly I need all the help I can get. Brock, are you with me?"

"Right! Not to worry misty, what happens behind those doors stays behind those doors!"

"Spoken like a true doctor, brock."

"Gee... thanks..."

"alright lets get to work! Everybody on the double!"

"Latias! Help me get misty into the operating room so I can take care of this!"


The group springs into action and several hours later misty delivers two healthy babies, one boy and one girl.

"Ash... they're so beautiful..."

"that they are my love, that they are..."

"well we gotta name 'em..."


"whats wrong?"

"Thats just it I havent got any idea!"

"Well we got time, think of some..."

"well...can I interrupt?"

"Nick! Yeah sure come on in..."

"they're so beautiful misty..."


"have you thought of any names yet?"


"sorry, I didnt mean to..."

"no its alright...do you have any ideas?"

"Well I got one for a boy but the girl... I gotta think on that..."

"well lets hear it."

"Hayate Hibiki Ketchum."

"Wow and you came up with that, In such a short time?"

"Well... yes and no... ever since my first son was born I started a list of first and middle names for boys and girls, and that one just seemed to fit."

"What about a girl?"

"Well... hmm... dawn, may can you come here a second?"



"Come in here, and take a look at this list of names for me and tell me which one would fit for a girl in your best opinion..."


A few minutes later...

"hmm... how about this one?"

"Mio Moriko Ketchum?"

"Wait this is for misty and ash?"

"Well yeah, who did you think it was for?"


"no not here..."*slaps forehead

"um... guys what do you mean us?"


"purrloins out of the bag... well we may as well tell em girls..."


"tell us what? What are you hiding?"


nick goes on to explain what he told dawn and may earlier that day.

"Wait, your an aura guardian too?"

"Yes ash, although I couldnt say anything until I was certain you where too... and mistress has to look over you four now anyways..."

"what do you mean?"

"Come on in togekiss..."

"thank you... I was getting tired of waiting on you to introduce me..."

"my apologies..."

"wait your togekiss talks?"

"Yes, but she speaks through her aura... not like we do."


"aura is with me..."

togekiss stands still ,and begins to glow blue, and within seconds her eyes open to a blue void.

"Whats she doing?"

"Shes using aura to observe the four of you, every detail about your aura and physical features are shown to her. And if misty was still pregnant she could check out some features of the child as well."


"Now just sit still and it will all be over in just a moment."

After several grueling long minutes togekiss finally responds gently.

"Well ash, misty you two are very lucky..."

"what... whats wrong?"

"Ash according to your aura history, before you where given riolu. Your aura had gone unchecked for quite some time..."

"unchecked? What do you mean..."

"I mean that I just flew out of your body with reckless abandon, any girls that stayed in contact with you for long periods of time... well... lets just say that dawn and may where just lucky I guess..."


"When I looked over you girls earlier I found trace amounts of ash's influence in your emotions, had riolu not joined then he would have had a harem on his hands much like what nick is dealing with now..."

"a harem?"

"Yes, I currently have three girls that are under my influence... "

"you mean dawn and may... whose the third?"

"A young brunette by the name of bianca... she lives in..."

"altomare... how do you know her?"

"The question is, how do you two know her?"

"We stopped in altomare during our johto challenge and we took a side trip there for the annual race. Then it was pure luck that we met latias and then latios and bianca..."

"so then you know lorenzo to?"

"Yes, but how do you know them?"

"About twice a month I deliver a large shipment of wood to his place, so It was only natural that I meet his granddaughter during that time."

"Wow...what about cheryl? Is she affected too?"

"no... she is a special case so no... and she never will be affected..."

"why is that?"

"Well lets just say that my wife and her where close, pretty much almost sisters at a certain point. So even with my wife gone, my aura refuses to attempt influence on her..."

"ah... so how are dawn and may tied to you?"

"Well that night I first cooked for you guys, may had volunteered to help clean up and well... she ended up in my bed that night, but out of her mind the next... and then dawn was the next day..."

"so if dawn accepted it how is may..."

"Well that night when she and I slept together, she had her period and well... now she is carrying..."

"you mean both are..."


"so guardians claim their girls by impregnating them?"

"Yep... the initial influence is just the spark, it is always up to them to actually follow the push."

"So both dawn and may will be leaving with you? When you go back to unova?"

"Yes, but we wont be there long as I plan to move to altomare to keep them out of danger... as unova is no longer safe... and we will be leaving as soon as the week is over"


"it will be hard leaving all my friends behind... but its for the best..."

"alright everyone! Out, out, out, misty needs to get her feeding lessions in, otherwise these two will starve to death... and yes ash that means you too..."


"come on ash, why don't you go ahead and train for a bit."

"Alright... bye misty... ill see you later..."

"bye ash..."

about half an hour later...

cheryl steps out of mistys room while she continues to feed her two kids.

"Well that takes care of that..."

"so how did things go?"

Oh! nick you startled me... hikari is doing fine... cousin joy managed to take a look, but... well as far as anyone can tell, she will be fine. Just need to try and keep any anger issues out of her sight..."

"yeah... alright..."

A/N: lemon time, turn back if your under age!

After dinner that night...

"Alright may, dawn... you two ready?"

"What about hikari?"

"Joy says she'll be fine, shes got her own room right now and is fast asleep, also cheryl is with her in case she does wake up."


"wait before we get started... I talked to mom earlier today and she recommended its best we rub lotion on our bodies to help with stretch marks..."

"good Idea, luckily ive got some, you two go ahead and get undressed and ill go grab the lotion."

"Why did you do that dawn?"

"Well that way he can service both of us, and we get a good piece of him."

"Ooo... I like the way you think dawn."

"Now I have an idea of my own lets surprise him with some laugerie when he comes back in..."

"oh, nice idea may... but I don't have any thing that will fit me anymore..."

"its alright I brought some extra.."

"you're a lifesaver may!"

"Now hurry, lets get ready before he comes back in."

the two girls swiftly and silently change.

"Are you sure this'll work?"

"Most definetly... these school girl outfits, combined with the cat ears and tail, and the laced bras definitely suit us and they will ensure he is ready to take us both."

"Since when did you become such a naughty girl may?"

"Since that night..."

"alright girls, you ready... oh my..."

both dawn and may appear in front of the door wearing very imaginative outfits. Dawn In a light blue skirt with red stripes on the bottom with a black top, white undershirt, blue cat ears and tail matching her hair. May is sporting the exact same outfit, but the skirt is blue with black stripes at the bottom, a red top, white undershirt, also has a pair of cat ears and tail matching her hair.

"we have been such naughty girls today daddy, and we need to be punished..."

the bottle in nicks hand just explodes from the pressure he is forcing on it.

"Uh-oh, looks like daddy had an accident... looks like we will have to clean him up..."

"uh girls..."

"nick just relax and let us take care of you."

Before he can respond, dawn and may have already pulled him over to the bed and sat him down taking his pants and shirt off in the process.

"Ooo, somebodys got a tent pitched!"

Nick looks down at his hardened member being restrained by his boxers.

"Uh girls... what about the..."

before the sentence finishes, may and dawn have knelt down and freed his member from its prison.

"Ooo, its so big..."

may beguns to suck on the crown jewels while dawn licks the shaft.

Nicks mind is sent into a hot bliss.

"Girls...where did you learn to do that..."

after several minutes of sucking and stroking, nicks member has reached its limit.

"Girls im gonna..."

Dawn immediately forces her mouth down as far as possible and engulfs as much of his member as she possibly can. as dawn forces her mouth down, nick releases a load straight into her awaiting mouth.

May stares in at her rival in love at the reward she is receiving

"oh my... its so thick may, I cant swallow it all!"


As dawn continues to attempt to gulp down her meal, may moves in and takes his full length into her mouth.

"May im still... "*grunt

his member pulses again and may tries to jolt back, but in response nicks arms fly forward and hold her face in its position as his load fills her mouth.

As may pulls back, she licks his member clean of some excess and swallows. She then moves up and locks her lips with his.

Before he can respond, may grabs one of his free hands and places it on her stomach.

Feeling entitled nick moves his other to her breasts and begins to massage them, enticing a moan from her causing them to break apart. Dawn, feeling left out decides to take the incentive and move in and lock her lips with his, push him down on the bed and start a war with their tongues.

As the two sex crazed bodies fight for dominance, may still caught up in her sex filled bliss sees that dawn has his mouth occupied. So she could ride him and not have a care in the world.

"I need him..."

She moves forward a bit with his hands still groping her body, and places her entrance right above his member.

Before she can lower herself, he thrusts up without warning and enters her almost causing her to climax on the spot.

He moves both hands to her waist and while still tongue dueling with dawn he starts thrusting, hard.

As he reaches his limit may cries out his name in ecstasy and climaxes. Her insides clamp down on his member forcing him over the edge as well.

As the two climax, nick closes the perverbial door to his mouth causing dawn to let out a gasp and pull her head back leaving a line of drool between their mouths.

She looks back at may with a look of content plastered on her face.

Dawn removes her body from its position, while may removes his member from within her. After a moment she regains her composure and slides forward with a hand on her abdomen trying quell the party going on inside of her.

Her lover sees her anguish and removes her hand from her stomach only to move both of them to his shoulders, as he pulls her closer for a kiss.

Dawn taking the incentive, moves in and begins to 'stroke' his limp member back to life by wrapping her breasts around it and massaging the organ.

After a few fruit filled minutes, his member is back to full strength and he and may are locked into a makeout session. Seizing the opportunity dawn takes the organ back into her mouth with the rest of it still resting inside her cleavage, and begins bobbing her head meanwhile her other hand provides the much needed pleasure to her lower region.

The desired organ begins to pulse and dawn takes whay she can get her mouth over as he releases his seed inside her mouth.

As dawn comes off some of the his load drips out of her mouth and into her cleavage and slides onto her stomach. She closes her mouth and swallows and begins to rub what had spilled onto her all over her swelling stomach.


What is it dawn?

Looks like they want mamma to stop dilly- dallying and make love to their daddy.

Dawn places one hand on mays shoulders to balance herself as she steps over nicks waist and places her dripping entrance over the still hardened member. In one swift motion dawns pleasure goes through the roof as she rides her lover, as he and may continue to makeout. To help increase the pleasure nick places his hands at dawns hips.

"Oh my... he is so meaty may! He's filling me up!"

"He is? Well hurry and make him cum, I want some more! Ah!" May tries to say pulling herself away from the makeout session, only to be pulled right back in.

"Dawn, you've gotten bigger... I just wanna... ah hell. "

Nick moves his arms up and begins to grope dawns bouncing breasts

"Yes, yes! Deeper! Your almost at my... ah!"

He thrusts rather hard, all the while still makeing out with may.

"Nick your knot is kissing the spot where our babies are! I want it! Please fill me!"

Nicks arms move down and grab dawns hips and begin to guide her thrusts in a better effort to get deeper inside of her.

"Yes! Your inside! Fill me! Fill me right now!" Dawn shouts in ecstasy.


With one final push, nick shoves himself deep inside of dawns womb and releases another load deep inside of her. And dawn goes over as well only for her breasts to spurt thier juice all over the three of them

"Your cumming... so deep... the babies are drinking your milk..."


"oh dawn... you look so content... "

may slides off and dawn lies down on the bed.

"Alright may your turn..."

"yes... fill me with even more of your seed!"

Lying dawn on her back, may lies on hers as well right beside her and lifts her skirt revealing her dripping neather region, nick placed both hands on the opposite sides of her head and thrusted as deeply and quickly as possible into may.

"Sweet arceus..."

After the initial thrust may quickly wraps her legs around his back and he begins to buck.

"Oh my sweet little delcatty..."

"oh my strong and powerful luxray..."

she leans in and the two kiss passionately.

"Nick im...fill me please..."

"almost there may... just a bit...more..."

"im cumming nick!"

"together may..."

"im cumming!"

nick thrusts one last time and as the two release mays legs clamp together pulling him further forward causing his load to shoot deep inside of her, filling up her womb.

*pant, pant...

"im spent may..."

"yeah me too..."

the two look at dawn to discover she is fast asleep.

"I guess dawns got the right idea..."

"yeah lets... "

and before may can finish she is fast asleep too.


nick pulls himself out of may, and falls down next to dawn, hugging her from behind.

"Thanks nick..."

"oh... how sweet, she's talking in her sleep..."

and also like a light nick falls asleep as well hugging dawns stomach with one hand and stroking may's with the other.

"Sleep tight girls..."


later on that night...

dawns eyes fly open as her passengers decided its time to fight.

"oh my...hey you three stop kicking in there..."

"kits keeping you up sweetie?"

"Yeah they just started...ohh... that feels good..."

nick had begun to massage her stomach

"it does doesnt it. Come on bend over."

"What, you mean..."

"yep, now bend over."


"alright maybe a little foreplay is in order..."

nick leans in with a kiss and starts to kiss dawn very passionately.

The two break apart and nick moves down towards dawns c cup breasts.

"Dawn... I thought they were big earlier but they really have grown quite a bit..."

"I have? Oh my... I guess im gonna have to find some bigger bras when we get back..."

nick engulfed one nipple and massaged the other before dawn can finish her sentence.


"dawn... you're so sweet and delicious!"


dawns nipples begin squirting milk as her lover squeezes them rather firmly.

"oh my... well cant let this go to waist..."

nick engulfed the other nipple and begins to nurse from dawns succulent breasts.

"Oh my dawn... its so yummy I just cant stop..."

"please drink all you want, my love... my body is yours..."

nick moves his hands and massages dawns stomach while dawn holds his head on her nipple.

"Thats it, drink until you are satisfied..."

as nick continues to massage, his hands move down to the lower regions of dawns body.

He pulls his head back as he notices his hands are now covered in dawns juices.

"Dawn honey... it looks like someone wants me..."

she releases him and gets down on all fours.

"Please fill me...master..."

"thata girl... thats my darling lopunny..."

nick enters her once more and shoves inside her very slowly and pulls out just as slowly.

"Oh its feels so good!"

"Shhh... don't want to wake may now and interrupt all our fun now? Do we? "

"do we?"

"No master... please forgive me..."

"good girl... and good girls deserve rewards for following her masters orders..."

dawns face lights up almost instantly as her lover thrusts rather hard inside of her.

"alright my sweet delicious lopunny... here is your reward!"

"Yes master! Fill me up!"


"ah! Ah..."

and dawn slides forward a bit before nick grabs her and turns her around on his member so she is facing him. The two lay down with nick still deep inside of her.

"Thank you master..."

dawn tries to pull out before nick stops her with his hands.

"Uh-uh not this time... you are gonna get an extra helping tonight."

"But then well never get any sleep..."


nick shoots another load inside of her as she clamps down on him.


"then we shall just imagine its a wonderful wet dream..."

nick leans in for one more kiss and soon after dawn is asleep peacefully.


"ah my sweet little lopunny..."

nick leans in and places a kiss on her lips until he once more falls asleep again.

The following morning...

*yawn..."that was wonderful..."

may leans up and stretches out her soreness and looks over and the elegant sight of dawn and nick still asleep in each others arms.

May decides to let them sleep, but hears a soft gurgling sound. she puts her head on dawns stomach, and finds the origin of the sound.

May looks further down in between the couple and notices that nicks member is pulsing every few seconds. Nick is still inside of dawn, as she is consistently clamping down and milking him.

May removes nicks arms from around dawn and slowly begins to remove his member from within her rival in love by pushing Nick on his back.

Its removal stirs the organ and it begins to pulse a bit slower as it grows.

After completely removing him from within dawn, may gets an idea.

"Im sure a little morning sex wont hurt..."

may lifts his member and begins to mount herself on top of him. Just before placing the flaccid organ at her entrance she notices their combined juices slowly pouring out from within dawn.

She smiles contently as she starts rubbing the tip at her now dripping wet entrance.

She forces herself down slowly and takes in the entirety of the flaccid member. She begins to massage her breasts to stimulate her as nicks member slowly begins to grow, ever so slowly deep with her womb.

"Yeah... thats it grow... grow nice and big in your new home little one, I want all that you have left."

May begins to slowly buck faster and faster until she begins to moan rather loudly.

"Yes, fill me... fill me up full!"

May continues to bounce and massage her d cup breasts until she feels a pulse.

"No not yet... "

then all of a sudden her nipples harden and twitch... until they spurt out her juices...

"no... thats not supposed to happen..."

"looks like my little delcatty had an accident..."

"oh nick... please..."

"not until after breakfast... im starving!"

Nick raises up his head until he covers her right nipple with his mouth, and begins to suckle on the new honey that had begun to emerge from may's ever growing breasts.

"Oh may... its so good... I must have more..."

"drink all you want... I think there is more where that came from..."


may continues to buck while nick continues to nurse until it proves fruitless. He finishes by simply kissing her up her neck until the two lock lips and start making out again.

"may im..."

"Please... fill me with your seed!"

*grunt "my sweet little delcatty... im..."

"yes! It feels so good! you're filling up my womb with your love juice!"

As the two continue to make out, his arms fly forward catching her hips, and holds her on him as the juices continue to fill her.

"Oh may..."

"nick...that felt wonderful..."

"I know... but we really need to clean up..."


"but first..."


"Have you gotten bigger may?"


"Yeah look!"

He moves one of his hands forward and grabs one of may's breasts.

*gasp, "nick! Im still sensitive!"

As he gives a firmer squeeze, another stream of milk spurts from the nipple.

"See? You have gotten bigger. That proves it! Well cant let this go to waste..."

just as nick moves in...

"guys could you keep it..."

"oh dawn... we're sorry... did we wake you?"

"You started without me?"

"I should be saying the same thing! You two did it again after I fell asleep!"

"Girls, girls! No need for fighting in the morning, besides we need to get up and get ready, hikari and the othersshould..."


"Oh no... just a moment sweetie!"

As may begins to pull herself off her lovers member, it pulses again and may grunts at the same time.

Dawn seizing the opprotuity, quickly throws her mouth over the pulsing organ and devouring all thats released.

As dawn pulls off, she catches and keeps all of the seed in her mouth.

The three scramble out of bed and attempt to pick up their clothes off the floor.

"Daddy isnt dressed, don't come in!"

"But daddy..."

"girls quickly into the bathroom and turn on the shower!"

The girls quickly pick themselves up and dart for the restroom, and turn on the shower just as hikari opens the door.


As the two girls close the door in panic they breath a heavy sigh of relief.

Ah... thats was too close...


Are you ok dawn?

She nods and shows may the contents of her mouth.

Wait... is that?

Dawn closes her mouth and nodes.

Dawn taps her on the shoulder, and points to her mouth.

Yeah, but...

Dawn shakes her head, and points to mays own mouth.

Yeah, hes kissed us both, but...

Dawn puts her hands on mays shoulders and looks into her eyes.


Before may can respond again dawn move in a kisses her, allow the two to share there early sexual encounter.

May struggles a bit at first but eventually gives in as nicks seed enters her mouth.

There now we're even...

As the two break apart, may notices some liquid on dawns breasts.

Hey dawn, it looks like your milking already!

Yeah, it started last night... and looks like you do too...

Wanna help each other out?

May sits down on the fold out sofa that was left there yesterday, and dawn sits next to her.

May leans down and starts to lick around dawns nipple in an attempt to clean up the milk that is lingering on her boob.

Then may gets a thought.

Lets remove a bit so it doesnt happen later...

May the wraps her mouth over dawns nipple and begins to suck startling the bluenette.

May just what...ooooo, thats nice...

And a moment she moves over to the other and sucks from it as well.

Oh may, that felt good...

I thought it might, now you wanna return the favor?


Dawn moves in a licks the liquids off of mays breasts, and then follows toot suite by giving them a suckle.

Oh... dawn... feels so good!

As the two finish up, dawn holds her hand to her mouth and to mays.

Now this will be our little secret!

May nods and the two jump into the already hot shower and bathe each other rather quickly.

As they step out and get dried off they hear a knock on the door.


"Just a minute!"

The two struggle to get into their clothes.

"May, I cant reach, can you help me lock my bra straps?"

"Sure... only if you'll do mine."

The two girls emerge in roughly the same outfit they where in last night, leaving their fiancee to his imagination


-Rewinding to view nick and his daughter's talk.-

"Sweetie! Your looking better!"

"Uh-huh! Ms cheryl said its time for breakfast, are you coming?"

"Yes dear I just need to take a shower."


as she begins to close the door...

"um... daddy?"


"It stinks in here, make sure you clean your sheets and clothes properly just like mommy showed you."

"Alright sweetie..."

Hikari closes the door, and Nick breathes a sigh of relief.

"Well that was a close one... well may as well get in the shower."


"Just a minute!"

Struggling can be heard from within the bathroom.

"May, I cant reach, can you help me lock my bra straps?"

"Sure... only if you'll do mine."

The two girls emerge in roughly the same outfit they where in last night.

"Um girls..."

"Don't worry its a different outfit, I bought two for each of us, just in case one got dirty."

"Alright, but you are wearing something down there right?"

"Of course, we wouldn't walk around in public without any."

"Just checking..."

As the girls walk past, Nick moves over to the window to open it, causing a brief gust of wind to fly in. The girls both suddenly see their dresses fly up with the surprise wind, and quickly throw there arms down in an effort to cover themselves.

"So what where you saying about walking around in public without them?"

"Geez... we still have to put them on... your such a pervert!"

"Only around those that ive been in bed with."

"Geez Nick, go take your shower!"

Door shuts just as may finishes her sentence.

About 15 minutes later the three of them all arrive in the cafe to already eating group of people.

"Geez Nick you havent taken this long to get ready, since you... 'claimed' Amber."

"Wow is it really that late? Well just so you know mistress requested I have fun with the girls last night. Just to make sure that every thing goes smoothly later on."

"So thats why hikari came in to breakfast saying that your room smelled bad!"

"Well we kinda did go at it a little 'more' than normal, so I can see why."

"Nick can I speak with you privately?"

"Sure, girls can you grab me a plate when you get yours? You can get me just about anything. I don't mind."


As the two get out of ears reach...



"You did that last night?"

"Mistress recommended I do it just to..."

"no thats not what I meant, she told me that already, just you three did it that much to the point where the room smelled?"

"Hehehe... well I guess we just got lost in the passion..."

"well did you at least clean up in there?"


"you left it for my sister to clean?"

"No, although not intentional, she just flew in after I got out of my shower, dressed mind you, and she just whipped in, tore the sheets off, and left before I could say anything."

"Hmm...alright... you're of the hook... for now..."


may and dawn reappear and the four of them sit down and join everyone else for breakfast.

"So hows mrs. misty doing?"

"She's feeding her son and daughter, they kept her up last night and she is exhausted."

"oh...well now that misty is stuck here for a while... what are you gonna do ash?"

"What do you mean?"

*sigh..." I mean, that now that your wife is going to have to remain here until you take her back to kanto. What are you gonna do about the tournament?"

"oh... well I have each gyms locations mapped out so ill stay here with misty for about a week, then ill take her back to the hotel we have back at the center of the island... and im sure brock wouldnt mind staying with her for a bit, do ya brock?"

Brock cringed a bit before thinking about his brothers and sisters back home and then with renewed confidence nodding.

"After the week what are you gonna do?"

"Go finish the remainder of the gyms and then return here until the tournament starts. Compete, win, and then we go home."

"Alright, and have you talked this over with her yet?"

"No he has not!"


"So for several months im going to be taking care of these two until you get back? How irresponsible can you be ash?"



"Lady kagome?"

"Yes, I am still here... because it appears that I am still needed..."

"But how..."

"Oh this the form I was in while we where inside that barrier and it is the same form I use while I roam the towns."


"Now master Nick I believe you had something that you wanted to say?"

"Oh... yes... well actually mistress togekiss wanted to stay with misty to assist her in taking care of your son and daughter, because she felt like that since one misty could use all the help she can get, two she has no experience with kids and could really use the help, and third well mistress felt like it might come in handy that she be present should should something happen and she train misty on how to deal with growing children from aura users."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean children that are born and raised by aura delinquents, or humans tend to be a bit harder to handle."

"Did you have that problem?"

"Actually no, because my wife was also an aura user... we traveled together around unova, fiore, and orre for a few years before we finally fell in love and had my first son. But since my first wife was the one who usually was on the front lines when aura guardians where involved... that more than likely was the reason why she was attacked. So now that I think about things, it doesn't surprise me as much..."


"What's wrong?"

Suddenly Nick collapses on the floor and everyone runs to his side.

"Lady kagome, ms. Cheryl... Nick collapsed!"

"Look as his eyes are they looking like someone left light on and closed a door?"

"Yeah...but what does that have to do with anything?"

"He'll be fine, just give him moment and he should wake up shortly..."


"Ah speak of the devil..."


"Nick are you OK?"

"Yes, yes im fine... dawn, these visions gotta find a better way to show me stuff without knocking me out..."

"What do you mean?"

"When a user passes out like that it means he (or she) is having a vision of sorts."

"What did you see?"

"Well it was about ash..."

"What about me?"

"Well I couldn't make out much, but you where out in a forest, talking with celebii, and you and Latias step into a time portal."


"Yeah, but that's all I saw except for the fact that moments later, you two step back out in not only different clothing, but almost like you're completely different people..."

The hearts of everyone listening literally skip a beat.

"Well it should be nothing to worry about because very rarely does visions come to pass, but none the less be careful..."


"Well children I must take my leave, as Lord arceus is requesting my presence so I must go."

"Alright lady kagome, thank you!"

"Miss ho-oh?"


"Hikari made this for you..."

Mistress kneels down to accept the present from the nine year old.

"Thank you hikari, its a beautiful piece of origami! But what is it?"

"Its ho-oh ma'am..."

"Oh, see it now, thank you, ill treasure it forever."

"and here is a present for you..."

Lady kagome leans down and kisses her on both cheeks and then her forehead.

"Just think of it as a spell that will always keep you safe sweetie..."

"Thank you!"

Lady kagome heads for the exit when Nick follows closely behind her before she transformed.

"Lady kagome?"


"I just wanted to say thanks, for that... it just means a lot to me..."

"No thanks are necessary, as it was my pleasure. and that little spell I gave her might just help out her little condition too, just be careful..."

"Thanks... I will."

Lady kagome transforms and takes off into the sky and is almost out of sight within a few moments.


"Hey there princess,"

"lookit daddy!"


Hikari turns around to show her new feature.

"A tail?"

"Yeah, hikari was thinking about when she was a eevee, and before hikari knew it she had a tail!"

"Wow sweetie..."



"Can you take her to the ladies room and make sure that isn't real?"

"You can trust me, its not. Its an illusion, hikari can use now. It may feel and look real, but in reality its not."

"Lemme guess, lady kagome told you?"

"Yeah, just after she took off."



"Yes pumpkin?"

"Hikari curious, why miss may tummy getting bigger?"

"This because she is going to be a mommy soon."

"Oh... then who be the daddy?"

"Well lets go sit down and talk about this."

Nick, Cheryl and hikari all approach the table may and dawn are eating at and sit down.

Nick leans in to whisper to both of them, and after a second they nod.

"What the secret? Hikari want to know!"

"Alright sweetie, calm down..."

"Now, daddy is going to tell you something very important, and he wants hikari to do her best and listen to everything daddy has to say before asking any questions. OK?"


"Alright, now do you remember when mommy was talking about her special power?"

She nods.

"Good, daddy has that power to."

"Does hikari have that power?"

"I don't know yet pumpkin, but when we move into our new house daddy will check."


"Alright, mommy's and daddy's power is what we call aura, can you say that?"



"Good, now daddy's aura, has a mind of its own at times, and needs to find a new home sometimes. Kinda like you do when you wanna go play at gramma's."

hikari nods.

"Now when it wants to go out and play and finds a place to do that, it tends to want to stay unless daddy calls it back. And sometimes It will start to move around inside that person and read there inner most desires."

"Like a diary?"

"Right sweetie, exactly like a diary."

"When it finds something really good, it tends to want to bring it out. "

"Like when mommy died it, was it trying to find hikari a new mommy?"

All for respective members at the table stare blankly at the girl.

"Is hikari wrong?"

"No sweetie you're right, you just scared us there for a moment."


"But see when mommy died, daddy's aura was spreading out too fast for daddy to pick back up. So its inside three girls homes now."

"Oh... so hikari is going to have three mommy's?"

"Right, you're catching on. Good girl!"

Hikari smiles at the praise.

"But daddy..."

"What is it pumpkin?"

"Hikari only sees two pretty girls, where is the third one?"

"Hikari there are many pretty girls around, why would you not say Ms. Cheryl?"

"Because Ms. Cheryl is mommy's sister and daddy cant marry mommy's sister!"

"Wow...smart kid..."

"No kidding..."

"Well the last pretty girl Is in the town where we are moving to."

"You mean that island with all the water in the streets?"


"Yay, when mommy showed that to hikari, hikari always wanted to live on the sea!"

"Well good, because after we go home to find mommy and your brothers and give them back to nature, thats where we will be heading."

"But what about daddy's job?"

"Daddy is his own boss sweetie, daddy can still work, just daddy will be home more often now."

"Yay! Hikari loves you daddy!"

"And daddy loves hikari too..."

"Oh hikari just thought of something..."


"If ms. Dawn and ms. May going to become mommy's , and daddy is their daddy, then that means hikari is going to be sister!"

"Good girl! Yes hikari will be sister, and she will be big sister, so hikari will get to help take care of babies."


"Now, its time for exercise, come outside with daddy so we can play with the pokemon."

"Yay! Play time!"

"Wow...she took that rather well.."

"Yeah... a little too well, no nine year old is that smart..."

"trust me ladies, she did that all on her own."


"Yes, she is developing her aura abilities now, and that is causing her mind to mature a little faster than normal. I think that present from lady ho-oh had something to do with it."

"Does Nick know about it yet?"

"Not yet, but I will tell him before you depart for unova."


"And girls you can join him if you like... exercising does help, just don't overdo it."

the two girls slowly, waddle over to where Nick and hikari are exercising with the pokemon.



"Can we join?"

"Of course, I don't mind, just find a spot near hikari and follow along."

The girls release each if their pokemon and join in on the little workout session that had spontaneously appeared almost out of nowhere.

Meanwhile ash and misty are watching over their two kids as they sleep.


"Yes, what is it Latias?"

"Im going with you."

"Wait what?"

"When you leave to finish up, im coming too."

"Have you told anyone else?"

"Not really... I just want to make sure never to leave your side again..."

"But Latias..."

"Ash please... besides if I don't go with you, who's gonna make sure you eat right. And go to sleep when your supposed to."

"Latias I can take care of myself..."

"So says the man who's leaving his wife to take care of his kids while he finishes a several month tournament in less time than the champ did despite all the extra distractions..."

"Alright... just make sure misty and the others know before we leave, less we have a problem on our hands."






"Can we talk for a bit?"

"Yeah...alright everyone take five..."

The pokemon let out a sigh and begins to walk around a bit.

"Whats up?"

"Can we talk privately?"

"Sure...dawn, may can you watch hikari and make sure she doesn't get lost, she has a tenancy to wonder around..."


"Alright, lead the way."

The two walk back into the center, and head for nicks room.

"Alright Latias, whats...mmph!"

Latias moves in and kisses him passionately

"Thats from Bianca, this..."

She kisses him passionately again.

"Is from me..."

"What... but..."

"She requested me to do that, and since I know her better than anyone else... well...lets just say that...I know how she kisses."

"And why are you locking the door?"

"Because, this is from both of us!"

Latias swoops down rather quickly and frees nicks member from his pants.

"But Latias...gah..."

Before he can respond Latias shoves him into her mouth and begins to bob her head.


Latias tries to pull away, but his hands shoot forward and hold her head still, releasing his load deep in her mouth.

"Mmm... thats good, now I know why dawn and may came in this morning feeling so good. You taste delicious!"

"Latias... but why you... my aura has..."

She silences him with her finger.

"from the moment we first met, I saw that familiar look on your face when you saw me. And that I looked so much like Bianca. So I delve a bit deeper and saw dirty things you wanted to do..."


"So im fulfilling that little fantasy..."

"Wait you mean..."

"Both yours and mine.."


"Yes...I want kids too and because I cant have them with ash... well..."

"But im not a pokemon..."

"consider that already taken care of. Now hold my hand."


The two disappear and reappear just before the barrier.

"Ah... that makes sense... but ill be a luxray though..."

"Its not the outside that matters but whats on the inside..."

"Wow, you sound like you've known me for years..."

"In a way..."

"Now, please..."

"As you wish..."

The two step into the barrier once again and dive into the nearby trees.

"Now about your little friend..."

Before Nick can respond again, she moves her head down and shoves him into her mouth.

*grunt... "[Latias...im still sen...]"*grunt...

He fires another load inside her, filling her mouth to the brim with his seed.

"Its so thick... I can barely swallow it all..."

As Latias continues to attempt to swallow her reward Nick flips her onto the ground on all fours, tears off her skirt and begins to lap at her moist slit.

"Mmm... your tongue feels so good..."

And before she can relax in the pleasure, he pushes his tongue inside to reach her hymen.

"Oh Nick..."

"[Looks like someone is ready...]"

"Yes...please...take me... and make us one! Give me children!"

"[Good girl.]"

Nick gets up and places his member at her entrance and prepares to take her.

"[Now are you sure, this is what you want, as there will be no turning back...]"

She answers him with a third passion filled kiss.

"[Alright my dirty little pokemon friend, here is what you want.]"

He shoves himself quickly inside her in one hard thrust, breaking through her barrier and causing her to yell in ecstasy.

After a moment, she is ready for him.

"Please continue..."

"[As you wish...]"

He starts off slowly at first, and In a short time he begins to pick up speed.

"Nick, your hitting my insides so deeply. And yet your not even close..."

"[Heh...well just... prepare for...*grunt an... extra helping...]"

"her eyes sparkle with joy, as he continues to thrust deep inside her."

"Nick im..."

"[Yes, Latias... me too... together...]"

"Im cum... im...cumming!"


He releases his load deep within the young hybrid's womb, causing her body to spasm a bit... after she calms down he turns her to lie on her back with his member still deep inside her.


She takes off her shirt and bra to reveal a pair of b cup breasts...

"[Their so small...I like em...]"

Before she can speak, he begins to lap on the nipple.

"Ah... so good..."

"[You want more, good cause im not done yet!]"

Still releasing inside her he begins to thrust again.

"Ah... you just came and you're still this hard? Please... "

Nick then covers one of her nipples with his mouth and begins to suckle in an attempt to stimulate her to release again.

"Ah... somethings coming again..."

"[Here it comes your final reward...]"*grunt...

He thrusts in one last time penetrating her womb and releasing his seed deep inside her, causing the young legendary to moan even more.

The two fall asleep in each others arms as Nick continues to fill her.

Some time later...

"[Huh... oh...]"

The young legendary turned human still rests peacefully beneath him.

"[Hey...Latias...wake up...]"

Her dreary eyes slowly open, until she allows a smile to adorn her face.

"[You feel better now?]"

"Maybe... maybe not..."

"[Alright then, we should probably be getting back, who knows how long we've been gone...]"



"You stayed inside for that long?"

"[Well you saw how we both awoke, what did you expect me to-do after you wanted it so much earlier...]"

"Not to the point where you're drowning my insides with your juices!"

"[Look im sorry...]"

"Ha! gotcha, I just knew I would be able to get some sympathy out of you."

Nick just stares at her flabbergasted.



"[well ill be headed back then...]"

Just as he was about to pull himself free of Latias, she flips him onto his back and begins riding him one more time.


"Not just yet...I want one...more..."

and with renewed invigoration, she starts to build up speed until nicks member had regained its girth. As time began to tick away she felt it growing at a rapid place until it finally reached the mouth to her womb.

"There we go... now for the grand finale!

She slows down and holds him deep inside her for a few seconds before bouncing again.

"Yes, that's it..."

"[Latias... im...]"

"Me... too..."

*grunt... "[Ah!]"

The two climax together again and Nick fills her womb to its brink.

She falls on top of him completely out of breath.

"Oh my... thank you Nick...I feel like im in heaven right now..."

"[Well don't go to sleep yet Angel, we still need to...]"

And before he can finish she is fast asleep on top of him.

"[Oh great...]"*grunt

"[Latias...ah hell Ima half to flip us...]"

As he attempts to do so, her womb clamps down on him causing him to release inside her again.


After a few tries, she is finally on her back.

"[Now to pull gently out...]"

As he does so, a soft cute moan escapes her lips.


"[Aww... how cute, Latias thinks shes a kitty...]"

After a bit of trying, he finally pulls out and drags her sleepfilled form a short ways to the barrier.

After exiting the field and finally picking her up, Nick makes his way back to the pokemon center with her cute sleeping form in his arms.

After contacting the girls and with gallades help the two of them are back at the center and Latias is in a deeper sleep than she was before.

"Sorry girls... "

"Just where did you two disappear off to?"

"Well... im not gonna lie to you as I fear to do that anymore, so im gonna tell you straight up. Latias wanted a child so she asked me to help her, and I did. "

"OK, jokes aside what really happened?"

"That is what happened! You can check her for yourself..."

The two girls call togekiss in and she looks Latias over...

"Its...just not possible..."


"You have literally defied many of the oldest rules in aura society... your aura not only attached itself to her and you engaged in pokephilia, but even knocked her up while in your pokemon form."

"Hey... she said this is what she wanted, I only followed what she asked me to do."


"Well if she..."

"Don't finish that, as you know I wouldn't even think of it."

"So why is she asleep?"

"Probably wore her out, she should be up by dinner..."


"speak of the devil, good afternoon Latias... did you sleep well?"

"Uh-huh...but there is something you should know..."

Nick turns around to see Latias holding 4 eggs.


thanks for reading, now 28 (and its respective rape scene has finally been written and is almost ready to post) if u dont care for (or like that kind of stuff) then dont read it. also the last and final chapter for this section in 32, then after i work on some other stuff i finish this up i be setting up the sequel Events Unexpected 2: Road to the Pokémon champion's league. so look forward to it guys, and as always r & r, or at least shoot me a pm. also due to the author that i've been beta reading for ssj04mewtwo, passing away i will effectively be 'taking over his story' Empathic adventures, whether it be on my (or if his family allows) on his profile. so if you like harems and aura go check it out.