Author Note(s): Just because SS says Swiss is the best doesn't mean I agree. I am currently eating Dutch chocolate and am in heeeaaavvveeeennn...!!!

Btw, ya'll, I'm trying, I really am. It's just the last chapter's fluff seriously zapped me on this story. I never realized how bad writing straight fluff was for me. Haha.

I just realized Rogue has a car in a city...Most city dwellers stick to public transit. That's what happens when a country gal writes city stuff.

Oh, I like hushpuppies and fried chicken. Am I secretly southern?

Okay, enough with the silly author notes. I don't own X-Men: Evolution.

Rogue entered her work place, a slight bounce in her step. Last night she had dedicated to writing out her list and it was all ready to be given to "Santa." She glanced down at it, double checking though.

A shiba inu. They're large enough but small enough for my apartment.

Some CDs. Some classical music, jazz, and a little bit of rock but not that mainstream crap.

Pajamas. Green preferably. Or purple.

Swiss chocolates just to test your statement.

Good old fashion southern cooking.

Maybe a in night date with that cooking...?

I might wear my pajamas...

I'm kidding, don't get excited.

Ice skating.

And here was the real icing on the cake.

Something I have never, ever done before and I ain't giving you a hint.

Rogue smirked at that last one. She wondered if he would be able to deliver. There was some new Disney movie where they said that guys from that town always delivered. She walked to her register and began the dull day of ringing up shoppers who didn't know just how interesting her life was getting.

The day passed without many interesting things occurring. Well, there was a fiasco in cosmetics that Kitty told her about. Some guy tried to shoplift some out and it was later revealed that well...He wanted them for himself. People were strange. A few times she thought she saw a trench coat flutter just out of her sight but would dismiss it and ring a costumer up or something. At the end of the day, Kitty bounced over and looked over her list.

"Like, do you know who this guy is or something?" She asked warily, handing the list back.

"Nah, Ah sure don't," Rogue stated coyly, walking over to the Santa mailbox and placing the list in it.

"I feel like you're lying," Kitty said as the two made their way to the parking lot. Rogue raised her eyebrows, smirking. Suddenly, Kitty's phone went off, and she scrambled for it. Rogue recognized the tone. It was for her boyfriend, Lance Alvers. Rogue inwardly groaned, rolling her eyes. Those two were like a light switch. On and off. On and off.

"Hey Lance!" Kitty nearly squealed. A pause from the girl as Lance said something Rogue couldn't hear. She did see Kitty's face fall. "Oh. Trip to Greece. That's...Fine." Another pause and Kitty's face dropped even more. "So soon? But like, Christmas is next week..." Another pause and Kitty's face contorted in fury. "You're breaking up with me?! For like, this trip?! Are you serious?! I don't even know why I bother with you, Lance!" With that, she promptly hung up and launched herself into Rogue's arms, crying. At this time, they were out in the parking lot. Rogue sighed and gently patted her back, going through this multiple times.

"So, which movie this time and who's place?" Rogue inquired.

"Yours and Guinevere," Kitty said in a muffled voice.

"Pizza or Chinese?"

"Pizza..." With that, the two left the mall to curse men-at least, Lance Alvers seeing as Rogue was doing well in that market.


Rogue blinked, staring dumbfounded at the dog that sat on top of her counter, wearing a bright red bow and bells. The little shiba inu seemed to smile at her and bounced off of the counter and at her. Rogue barely managed to catch it and swore she heard someone snickering. She looked around and saw no one. She scowled, trying to figure it out when it hit her.

She was in the store.

With a dog.

Which was against policy.


Before she could anything else, the puppy leapt out of her arms and bounded down the aisle.

"Get back here!" Rogue exclaimed, chasing after him. "Sit! Stay! HEEL!!!" As Rogue rushed past perfumes, she grabbed Jean's wrist and pulled her along.

"Rogue?! What's going on?!" Jean asked as she as well chased after the pooch. "Why is there a puppy in the store?!"

"Long story Jean," Rogue said as they entered the tux and suit area. "Tell ya later." Scott Summers looked up, his brows furrowing behind his sunglasses.

"Jean? Rogue?" He said in surprise and suddenly, the puppy leapt onto him, knocking him over. He managed to keep his glasses on, luckily enough. The puppy continued to bound around, barking and staying just out of the girls' reach.

Until it ran into someone's leg. He looked up and was met with a glare from two brown eyes. The man who stood there was short but intimidating. He had his arms crossed and was wearing a leather jacket and had uniquely swept back black hair. The dog whimpered as the glare hardened.

"Logan!" Rogue said, scooping up the dog. "What're ya doin' here?"

"Talkin' ta 'Ro," Logan replied, jutting a thumb to the store manager, Ororo Monroe. "Askin' 'bout you, actually, Stripes."

"Anna Marie, why is there a dog in the store?" Ororo asked seriously with a hint of amusement.

"He was a present," Rogue told her honestly. "A friend a' mine seems ta think it's funny ta leave presents at my register..." Ororo's brows scrunched together, considering this.

"How did he manage to get a dog into the store?" She asked.

"He's realleh sneaky," Rogue replied, keeping the squirming puppy in her arms. Logan growled a bit and poked the puppy, getting it's attention.

"Stop squirmin', runt," he growled and the puppy immediately stopped. "Use ta' train dogs for the police. Just got a way with them I guess."

"So, whah were ya askin' bout me, Logan?" Rogue asked, petting the dog in soft, even strokes. He yawned and snuggled into her arms, finding the gesture comforting.

"Haven't seen ya in a while, Stripes," he told her. "Got worried."

"Oh, well, y'know how the holidays are," Rogue sputtered out and Jean raised an eyebrow. She took the puppy from her arms.

"I think we need to find a place for your little puppy," she said. "What should we name him?"

"Daken," Logan suggested. "What? He's a shiba inu. Were you thinkin' of namin' him Fluffy?"

"Daken it is then," Rogue said, scratching the dog's ear affectionately. "Lemme give someone a call an' see if he's willin' ta take care a thuh dog 'til Ah'm done with work." She quickly pulled out her cellphone and called the number she had memorized.

"Bonjour, cherie," Remy purred over the line. "Some't'in y' need?"

"Why yes, Swamp Rat," Rogue told him. "Ah need ya ta get over ta the mall right away. Need ya ta pick up somethin' cute and willin' ta kiss ya."

"Well, den, I'll be right over," Remy replied and the two hung up. Jean was holding back her grin and Ororo was giving a slight smile. Logan looked slightly confused by hearing the one-sided conversation. Rogue just took the puppy from Jean and walked back over to her work station. Logan exchanged glances with the red head and the white haired woman and they followed. Just as Rogue got to her station, a man walked up to her. Remy LeBeau of course.

"Well well, if it ain't Gumbo," Logan said, smirking a bit. Remy looked in surprise at the entourage as Rogue handed him Daken.

"Ah, Wolvie," he said, smirking a bit. "Haven't seen y' at de poker tables lately, mon ami."

"I got better things to do than lose my cash to a cheater like you," Logan jested a bit. Remy shrugged, keeping a firm grasp on the puppy.

"Ah, dere's still ot'er suckers to get money out of," he replied. "Chere, you disappoint me. I t'ought you were talkin' bout you."

"Thaht was thuh point, Rems," Rogue informed him.

"Y're cruel to dis Cajun," he whined a bit. Rogue smirked and leaned towards him.

"Take care of Daken, would ya? I get off at five," she told him. Remy leered at her.

"See y' at five den, mon amour," he told her, taking the puppy out of the store.

"Who was that hottie, Rogue?" Jean asked, an amused look on her face.

"Ah suppose he's my boyfriend," Rogue informed her. "We've been flirtin' and datin' lately."

"Very nice," Jean said, nodding.

"Girls, get back to work now," Ororo said with a small smile. "I'm sure we can chat about this on break. Logan, would you like to come to lunch with us at noon?"

"Sure, Ro," Logan said with a shrug. "I ain't got nothin' better to do. Half Pint gonna be there too?"

"She surely will be," Rogue said. "There's nothin' that keeps a gal like that away from a chance ta gossip." The group laughed (except Logan, who grunted) and went on their separate ways.

When Rogue returned to her station, she found a package just waiting for her to open. So, she did. She read the note


you got some good taste in music.

Secret Santa

and laughed. Of course she did. It was her taste. She looked through the CDs, thoroughly pleased with the choices. She quickly tucked them away as some customers came up and she began her work day. Lunch time finally came, with Kitty bouncing over to her work station.

"So, you got a puppy, huh?" She asked, beaming.

"Yup," Rogue replied, closing up her area for the time being and walking with her towards the mall entrance to meet the other folks who would be joining them for lunch. Ororo was already waiting with Logan and Rogue saw Jean and Scott coming up as well.

"And Remy stopped by?" Kitty asked.

"Ta take care a thuh dog fer me," Rogue told her. The group ended up going to one of the restaurants that located itself inside the mall. A little more expensive than the food court but it was nice to eat there every now and then.

Five o'clock couldn't have come sooner. As soon as the clock struck the hour and Rogue was switching with Amara, her phone went off. Text message. She opened it and glanced down.

Hey, I'm stuck at my house with the petite pup. Here's the directions to my place

the Rage'n' Cajun

Rogue shook her head, amused. That was his automatic signature for text messages? Cocky boy. She bid her farewells to her work buddies and made her way to her car, giddy for picking up Daken. There was also the fact of going to Remy's but she refused to acknowledge that. She noticed the address was a richer area of town than even where the mall was. But it wasn't one of those overly stuffy rich neighborhoods. Maybe she should let Kitty sniff around with her hacking skills. That would qualify as stalker and she was not a stalker. She found the apartment building and pulled to the garage. The guard obviously had been waiting for her and informed her where she could park and that she could take as long as she wanted. That surprised her but she parked and got out, noticing how her banged up little Pontiac grand am stuck out among all the nicer cars that would cost her more than everything she'd ever earned. She quickly entered the building and was allowed right up to Remy's floor. She stood in front of his door, holding her purse and feeling a little intimidated and embarrassed for a moment but sucked it in and knocked.

"Door's open!" she heard the Cajun say so she pushed the door open and was nearly knocked down when Daken jumped at her playfully. She caught the puppy and let out a low whistle as she examined the apartment. Clean, crisp, modern and tasteful. She closed the door with her foot as she looked around the huge area and noticed that in the loft was where the bedroom was, getting a glimpse of the black and white bed. She heard movement and soft music coming from the black granite counter kitchen and walked slowly towards it and a soft smile came to her face as she saw Remy cooking. He had some light jazz playing in the background and Rogue set Daken down, walking over to him. He turned and saw her, giving her his lop sided smirk.

"Wanna stay f' dinner, chere?" He asked. Rogue had caught the wisp of scent and knew it was southern food.

"Remy LeBeau, Ah had no idea ya could cook," she teased lightly.

"M' full of surprises," he replied. "Stick around an' y'll see more." He gave her a suggestive look to which she snorted and rolled her eyes.

"What'cha cookin', Cajun?" Rogue asked, walking over to him.

"There's some jambalaya, gumbo, hushpuppies, and catfish," Remy informed her. She gaped at him.

"Ah love hushpuppies and catfish," she stated finally. Remy sent her a sly smirk.

"What Mississippi fille don'?" He asked lightly, finishing up the catfish. "It'll be done in about five minutes, chere."

"Ah'll get the table set if ya tell me where all the stuff is," Rogue told him.

"Merci, plates are in dat upper cupboard dere," he said, motioning with his head, "and de silverware is in de drawer below it. I'll get de glasses." Rogue nodded and got the dishes out, and examined them, realizing they were nice and expensive. She looked at Remy but he had his back turned so she set up the plates at the small and intimate dining table that was beside the living room. It was glass but covered with a white table cloth and a silver tri-candle holder with lit candles sat in the middle. When she was done, the food was done. Remy came out with a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. Rogue snorted a bit, shaking her head.

"If Ah didn't know any better, Ah'd say ya planned this out, Cajun," she told him, leaning closer. He flashed her a winning grin, running a hand down her arm.

"Mebbe, mebbe not," he said and then set the glasses down and poured the wine. He kissed her on the cheek and went back into the kitchen to get the food. He expertly set it on their plates and the both settled at the table, with Daken at their feet.

"Yoahr a good cook, Cajun," Rogue told him as she took a bite of the catfish.

"Mais, gotta compete wit' de fine company you offer, ma chere," he replied. Rogue rolled her eyes but a light blush came to her cheeks. Daken whined a bit and Rogue looked down at him.

"Fried food ain't good fer a growin' pup like you, Daken," Rogue told him. He whined again but Rogue gave him a stern look. The puppy suddenly turned his head and walked over to where Remy was offering a bit of catfish. "Remy!"

"Quoi? I been doin' dat f' a while," he replied. He gave her a slight pout. "Sides, how can y' say no to dat face?"

"Jus' like Ah can say no ta that face," Rogue told him pointedly. This time it was Remy's turn to roll his eyes but he kept smirking.

"Y' gonna be a wonderful mere someday," he commented. Rogue gave him a sarcastic smile to which Remy returned with a saucy smirk. They finished their dinner and Rogue felt rather satisfied. The doorbell rang and Remy rose, picking up Daken.

"S' all right if a ami a' mine watches Daken f' us?" He inquired.

"That's fine," Rogue told him. "Pup's probably bored with us." Remy grinned at her and went to the door. Rogue started to gather up the dishes and heard a deep, Russian accented voice and then the door closing. Remy entered again and looked at what she was doing.

"Leave dose and come sit wit' moi," he said, extending his hand. Rogue gave him a look but took his hand and allowed him to lead her to the soft, black couch. He wrapped his arms around her and set his head atop hers, holding her close. Rogue couldn't help but snuggle up closer to him and release a content sigh. The lights had dimmed and soft instrumental music was playing in the background.

Rogue felt the worry in the back of her mind and knew it had to be addressed. She pulled back a bit to look into Remy's eyes.

"Remy, Ah'm a mutant," she informed him.

"Moi aussi," Remy told her, keeping a serious face. He had felt the tension in her body.

"But mah power," she started.

"S' not important," he said.

"Ah think ya have the right ta know Cajun so stop interruptin'," she ordered, getting a snicker from the Cajun. "Ah absorb people through skin-ta-skin contact. Everythin' about ya Ah can get with one touch."

"Y' can control it t'ough," Remy replied.

"Well, yeah-"

"Den dere's no problem." Rogue let a relieved smile grace her features. A lot of people had the tendency to freak out at the fact but Remy was taking it in stride. "Dere wouldn' have been a problem if y' couldn' control it either." Rogue stared at him in shock and he leaned closer to her. "Y' intelligent, witty, belle, amazin', and y' know how to knock dis Cajun down a few pegs. Even if y' couldn't touch moi and I couldn't touch tu, it wouldn' a' mattered..." Rogue stared into his eyes, seeing no lie and she grabbed onto him, kissing him. He gladly responded, kissing back with the same feverishness. He gently ran his tongue on her bottom lip and gained entrance, enticing her tongue into a dance. Rogue soon found herself beneath him on the couch and didn't really mind as he trailed kisses down her neck. Her hands seemed to have a mind of their own as the ran up and under his dress shirt, feeling the raw muscle and the scars that lay beneath it. He returned to her mouth, claiming it hungrily with his, gently nipping at her bottom lip.

Rogue found her arms around his waist, pulling him down closer to her. She let out a gasp as he found that spot on her neck. He gently suckled on it and moved on to her ear, his hands traveling along her curves.

"Marie," he purred into her ear. "Y' amazin'..." He gently kissed her jaw bone. "Never felt dis way 'fore..."

"Remy," Rogue breathed, feeling him against her thigh.

"Y' perfect, chere," he continued to mutter as he kissed every inch of skin that wasn't covered by cloth. He soon found his shirt removed and her hands trailing down his back, sending shivers down his spine. The only thought that was going in his mind was-not on the couch. He picked her up, kissing her intently and carried her up to the loft area where his bed was.


Remy stared off into the dark, red eyes glowing. Rogue was sleeping beside him. He hadn't realized she was a virgin. He should've figured it out though when she told him of her mutation. He hadn't had the intention of sleeping with her-for once in his life. It just happened. Piotr had been more than happy to keep the dog for a while longer. He groaned and hoped this didn't mess with his plans. He lay back down beside the woman and propped his head up, watching her sleep. A soft smile came across his face as he pushed some loss strands of hair from her face. He leaned and gently kissed her temple, whispering

"Je t'aime, ma chere." He watched her slow breathing and thought back to their time together. He had made it sweet and soft for her. Normally he liked it hard and fast but with her, he just wanted to savor every moment. He seriously had never felt this way before in his life. He settled himself down and held her close to him, contented with holding her.


Rogue awoke the next morning, snuggled up to Remy. She glanced up at him and saw he was still sleeping. She smiled slightly, seeing how relaxed his face was. Then, it struck her.

How long did she know this guy for? Not even three weeks. And she gave up her virginity to him. Her face was on fire with embarrassment. Was she a slut? What had happened? She felt Remy shift and saw him looking at her. She looked away shamefully.

"Marie? What's wrong, amour?' He asked, worry lacing his sleep filled voice.

"Ah-we-last night," she started. "We haven't even known each other that long, Remy and..." Remy took her face in his hands and looked at her sternly.

"Y' got nothin' t' be ashamed of, mon amour," he told her. "S' natural. An' I..." Remy looked away, surprised at how nervous he felt. He looked back at her waiting green eyes. "Je t'aime, Marie. I love you." Rogue stared at him in shock then leaned towards him, pressing her lips against his.

"Love ya too...Secret Santa," she muttered. Remy let out a hearty laugh.

"When you figure dat out?' He asked.

"When Ah ran inta ya at the theatre," she told him coyly. Remy gave her a devilish smirk. "Don't mean I want ya ta stop. It's fun watchin' everyone else wonder and speculate." Remy chuckled and pulled her towards him, kissing her.

"All right den," he said.


Rogue walked to her work station, trying to keep her normal air about her but it was failing. She quickly made her way over, hoping no one would run into her until she managed to completely contain her giddiness. When she got to her station, she saw a gift box waiting for her. She smirked a bit and started to open it as Kitty came over.

"Like, what'd you get this time, Rogue?" She asked. Rogue pulled out the ice skates.

"Ah'm going ice skatin'," she said.

"So, like, do you know who it is?' Kitty asked.

"maybe, maybe not," Rogue simply replied.

"Rogue, you're totally not being fair," Kitty whined.

"Your point?" Rogue asked coyly. Kitty gave a frustrated groan and stormed off. Rogue snickered and read the note, which told her when he was picking her up.


Remy was not happy. He was not a winter sports kind of guy. Rogue on the other hand had taken to the private ice rink perfectly fine. Even taunted him a little bit as he shakily skated. Well, he had had enough of that. He faked a fall, just to get her closer to him. And when she was, he managed to snatch her and pull her down to the ice with him. She laughed at that and slapped his chest playfully.

"Ya play dirty, Cajun," she told him.

"Oh? Y' wanna see how dirty I can play?" He asked with a suggestive waggle of the eyebrows. Rogue scoffed and rolled her eyes, trying to get up and out of his grip but he refused to let her go. He gave her a toothy smirk to which she returned a play scowl.

"So, how exactly did ya come up with this Secret Santa deal, sugah?' Rogue asked, realizing she wasn't getting up anytime soon.

"Mon cousin, Emil, came up wit it," Remy told her. "Crazy as dis sounds, I was too shy to walk over t' you and do my usual charm routine. Emil decided t' drop a hint ta Chaton about some movie he saw on ABC Family while walking t'rough cosmetics wit' a female friend a' his. Chaton didn't even realize she was playin' a part. Don' know how he dragged me into it but he did an' I couldn' be happier."

"Well, Ah need ta thank this cousin a' yoahrs," Rogue told him. Remy chuckled and left a lingering kiss on her lips.

"Sure he'd 'ppreciate dat," he replied.

"Now, let me go, Cajun," Rogue ordered. Remy leered at her.

"I t'ink I like y' where y' are," he told her.

"Mm, too bad, swamp rat," Rogue said, finally managing to get out of his hold and rising. Remy pushed himself up on his elbows and gave her a winning grin. Rogue rolled her eyes but a soft smile was on her lips.


"Rogue, do you know who it is?" Kitty asked at lunch the next day. She, Rogue, and Jean were in the food court.

"I'm rather curious myself, Rogue," Jean said. "He could be dangerous or a stalker."

"Look, Ah don' know who it is an' ain't nothin' gonna happen, Jean," Rogue told her.

"He gave you overly expensive Swiss chocolate," Jean said pointedly. "Either you know him or he's dangerous." Rogue merely shrugged at this. "Rogue, I know you don't get much attention and that you're really enjoying what this guy is doing for you but-"

"Jean, it ain't any of your business," Rogue snapped, feeling hurt at the assumption that she was desperate for attention. She wasn't. Unless it was Remy. And he showered her with it. So technically, there was no need to be desperate.

"Well, like, he was right," Kitty said. "Swiss is better than French." The two other girls looked at her and then laughed, the tension being broken by the statement. Kitty beamed, pleased her plan had worked for breaking the argument.


The next day, Rogue had gotten her pajamas as well as a note telling her where to go after work. She was confused to say the least but followed the instructions and realized where she was going. A beauty parlor. She managed to park, the attendent had been told of her and met Remy inside.

"I figured y' never had a make-over done," he told her. "Y' beautiful de way y' are, chere. Jus' though' y'd find dis fun." Rogue smirked at him, raising an eyebrow.

"I've been needin' ta do somethin' like this," she said. "If I ever wanna get outta my rut, I need ta look professional." Before Remy could say anything else, Rogue was escorted off and he was forced to sit and wait. And wait. And wait. He groaned and leaned back in the seat, growing bored quickly. He pulled out his cards and started to play solitaire when the door opened.

"Sorry it took so long, sugah," Rogue said as Remy started to look up.

"S' no prob-" he started but was cut off when he saw her. He swallowed as he took in her outfit. A flowly emerald green shirt that brought out her eyes and had a swoop neck low enough to just tease him. The sleeves were a bell cut and the silky shirt fit her snuggly. The skirt she wore was equally as flowly and was black with a lace pattern over top. It hugged her hips but spilled out around her knees. Her hair had been curled, which she explained was how it was naturally and that the hair stylists just helped it out. Her lips were red and pouty and the eye make up around her eyes only brought out the shining emeralds he loved more.

"Well, wit' you lookin' like dat, I suppose it'd only be proper a' moi t' take you out t' dinner," Remy said.

"That'd be mighty sweet a' ya, Cajun," Rogue taunted and the two left for dinner.

The middle part was easy to write. Everything else was hell.

I do not condone premarital sex. It just worked in this story is all.

Suggestions for the next-and last-chapter are wanted. :)

Oh, please go check out "fanfic previews" and tell me which one sounds more appealing so I can start prioritizing.