Okay this is the first chapter. I'll see how many reviews I get and if I get a few I'll continue to write, because what's the point in writing if nobody likes the story, right?


The beating of my heart was the only thing I could hear at the time. Nothing else except the sound of twigs snapping underneath my bare feet as I ran through the forest with Gavin beside me.

We were running through the woods of District Twelve. Running for our lives.

We stole some grain from District 11 and only now have they figured it out and began to chase us.

The hovercraft was hovering overtop of us now. But I wasn't paying attention to it, only to what was in front of me, and beside me.

I was screaming scarcely through the woods for help. Any kind of help I could get I would take. My life couldn't end now, and neither could the life of my, now, fiancé; Gavin.

Suddenly Gavin tripped and landed face first into the soil beneath him.

"I can't continue, Penelope." He choked.

My lungs were just as rigid as his, but he began to choke up something fierce.

"We've been running for two days straight without water. I can't go any longer." He whispered.

My stomach dropped as I looked around for help.

There! Over there! I could see a girl and a boy, standing together looking right at us.

I screamed towards them and shouted, but they did nothing, they just stared at us, silently backing away.

Tears sprung from my eyes as I heard the humming of the hovercraft get louder.

I looked above the trees and there it was; the hovercraft.

I began taking deep breaths but keeping them in.

"GAVIN WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" I screamed.

"Go without me." He pleaded.

I shook my head as I kneeled down beside him. Just as a spear came whipping down from the sky, stabbing Gavin in his heart. Piercing his flesh, making him cough up blood.

"NO! DON'T LEAVE ME! GAVIN DO NOT LEAVE ME!" I shouted into his now blank eyes which were staring right towards the sunny, blue sky.

I grabbed his hand, tightly, shaking it trying to wake him up as if he was in a bad dream. But I knew he escaped it in time, whereas I remained.

His hand felt heavy against mine and it was losing the warmth that I was longing for.

But it was gone. And so was I.

The hovercraft was now lower, and I wouldn't move. I couldn't move.

I looked around the woods looking for that couple I just found, but they disappeared. Leaving me helpless.

I cried more into my red hair which was drooping around my neck. Until I felt a pair of gloved hands reach around my waist.

My head snapped around to find a man in a blue and white suit, taking me away. Taking me away into the hovercraft.

That was five years ago. The starting of a new beginning. A new life, a life nobody would ever want. A life somebody would want to throw away in a heartbeat. But of course if we killed ourselves they'd kill more, they'd kill our family and friends; everybody we Hunger Games were starting up again. This year would be the 75th year. Where I'd have to be a servant towards all the Tributes who were going to die in a few days. Everybody except one. But that wasn't the only part I hated. The part I hated most was now the speeches. The speeches that the mentors would say before the peacekeepers took the Tributes and shipped them to here; the Capitol.

Why do I hate the speeches? Because I have to see the one girl who could have saved my fiancé's life 5 years ago; Katniss. It's not that I hate Katniss, in fact I like her. I just don't like how whenever I look at her it brings back flashbacks. The flashbacks where I was running for my life and Gavin died. The flashbacks that I dreaded the most. The flashbacks that I try to hide.

"ALL AVOXES INTO THE TRAINING CENTER IMMEDIATELY." A voiced boomed over the intercom.

I looked at my white nursing shoes as I made my way down the narrow hallway that leaded towards the training center. Every year all the Avoxes would go into the Training Center to watch the Hunger Games. The only time we had a break, even though we all hated that we had to watch people die.

But today we were watching the draws of the new Tributes.

President Snow took the stand and began to introduce the show and the history. I zoned out on this part and waited until it was over.

"…now for the exciting news. I am well aware that it is not the Quart Quell but we've decided to try something new. To add a twist. This year for the Hunger Games we will not be choosing the Tributes from the Districts instead we will be choosing them from the Capitol-" He was interrupted by loud cheers. But he quickly hushed them away.

"We've chosen the Avoxes." He finished.

My heart skipped a beat as my stomach lunged towards the bottom and tied itself into a small knot.

"There are 26 Avoxes. Each we get a repaired tongue, and participate in the area wither they like it or not." He finished.

"If they survive the Games, they will get to go back home and live with their friends and family in fortune. A brand new house filled with money and food." He added.

Well at least I was getting my wish of dying.

I looked around the room to see all the Avoxes with their eyes attached on the television, each in shock.

Okay, so I just want to polish some things up for you guys. Yes the main character is the Avox Girl from the original series and in this story her name is Penelope Cordreau. And yes Penelope is going into the arena. Which I am very excited to write about!!!! Tell me what you thought about the story, please!