Dislaimer: I do not claim any ownership of the content used. Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and any other series I choose to include belong to their respective copyright holders. That will be all, lawyers.


He ran through the flames of his childhood home, smoke and sobbing making his breath catch in his chest. It couldn't be. It couldn't be. It couldn't be him. Surely the witnesses had seen wrongly. He rounded a corner, and was confronted with his worst nightmare. There before him stood the silver haired one he had once admired. Once a hero, now a demon with blood dripping off the end of his blade.

"My parents…" he muttered, barely audible over the roar of the fire. "My friends… this place… Why? Why?"

The silver-haired opponent smirked. "I am doing what I must. These traitors deserved their fate."

His mouth fell open in shock. "That's insane! You're not- you're not the person I once knew!"

"Oh aren't I?" his opponent asked sardonically before raising his blade to attack.

He blocked the attack just in time. "Stop! You can't do this!"

Those eyes, once so familiar, now burned with rage. Rage and insanity. "Don't tell me what I can and cannot do. I finally understand now- just how much of a traitor you are!"

The blade came for him again, this time managing to slice into his arm. He felt a fist collide with his ribs, and fell roughly to the ground. He looked up, and saw the silver figure above him, blade held high in preparation for a killing blow. "Please…" he begged, "don't do this…"

The figure remained silent, and lowered its sword for the final strike.

That's it for the Prologue! Please read and review. I really want you to.