Chapter 1: Homecoming


Our life is boring. We go to school, come home, and hunt once a week. Everyone in my "family" have mates, except for me. There's Christopher (who goes by Chris) and Emily, Jackson and Amelia, Erik and Roxanne (who goes by Roxie), and then there is me, Bella. The one thing that I hate about my life is that I have met my soul mate, but we were torn apart. His name was Edward Mason and we were engaged to be married 91 years ago in 1918. The night before the wedding I was changed by Chris after being attacked that almost left me dead. I guess if you haven't figured out what were are then I should probably tell you, we're vampires. The one good thing about our coven is that we're vegetarian; we drink the blood from animals instead of human.

About a year ago we decided to do something with our boring lives, so we made a band and named it Hey Monday (named after my favorite band, most of the songs will be by them). Erik plays the drums, Roxie plays the bass guitar, Jackson plays the electric guitar and the acoustic guitar, and I sing and play the piano along with the drums when Erik feels the need to "rap his heart out" as he puts it, but I don't mind. Amelia decides on our clothes for shows and does our hair and makeup; Chris and Emily are our managers.

"Bella, we are having a family meeting downstairs, everyone is already down there." Emily said gently. I nodded and got up.

I got downstairs and saw everyone cuddled up on the couches. I have always been alone since my change, but I didn't want anyone but Edward. The love of my life is dead, buried six feet under in some Chicago graveyard. Of course, after I was changed I started keeping tabs on Edward. A few months after my change he came down with the Spanish Influenza and I couldn't do anything. I remember begging Chris to go and change him but he would always say that his doctor, Dr. Cullen, had everything under control but I still begged.

"We've decided to move again. We have been living here for almost five years and some people are starting to get suspicious." Chris said.

"Ok, where are we going this time?" Roxie asked.

"We have decided on a small town in Washington called Forks." Emily said.

"Oh course, the rainiest place in the U.S., its perfect." Amelia the brainiac said.

That reminds me that I should probably tell you about our powers. Amelia is, like I said a few seconds ago, a brainiac. You can ask that girl any question and the answer just pops into her head. Jackson can tell people's auroras; he says that everyone has a color around them and its shows what kind of person they are. I can tell what people's desires are, all I have to do is concentrate on a person and I can tell what they want. Emily, Chris, Roxie, and Erik don't really have a power, but Chris says that all powers really are is a trait that is magnified during the change. Emily brought her kind and caring nature, Chris brought his compassion for others, Roxie brought her vanity, and Erik brought his muscles, he is, without a doubt, the strongest vampire I have ever met.

"Ok, we are leaving at the end of the week so anything that you want to bring with you, pack it up. We have already sent the cars besides the ones that we usually drive." Chris said.

"So what are going to do about the band?" Erik asked.

"We'll just have to start all over again, I'm sure there's a place in the house for us to practice and there must be places where we can play." I said.

Everyone looked at me and nodded their heads in shock. Truthfully I was shocked at myself as well; I haven't said that much in a day, let alone a few minutes. Ever since I was changed I have been mildly depressed. I didn't wear gothic clothes or wear a lot of black lipstick, but I also didn't talk much. Music is one of the only things can bring me out of it. We all left the room and went to our own rooms.

Over the week I chose what I would bring to Forks and wrote a few new songs, nothing was inspiring me lately.

The night before we left Emily told us that she got us a gig at a club in Port Angeles on Saturday night so at least I have something to look forward to.



My life is so boring. I go to school, come home and then go hunting once a week. I live with three couples, Carlisle and Esme, Jasper and Alice, and Emmett and Rosalie, and then there's me, Edward. I lost the love of my life, Bella Swan, 91 years ago on the eve of our wedding. A few months later I became ill with the Spanish Influenza and was changed by Carlisle before the disease killed me.

"Family meeting." Esme said from the living room.

"It's time to move again, we have been here too long and people are starting to get suspicious." Carlisle said once we were all in the living room.

"So where are we going this time?" Rosalie asked.

"Forks, Washington." Esme said.

"Ooh yay, this will be amazing, I can see it already. I also see us all at a club in Port Angeles watching an awesome band on Saturday, and someone is ogling at the brunette lead singer." Alice said giving me a look. The worst part, no one bets against Alice.

So I should probably tell you about our powers, Carlisle believes that we all brought something to this life from our human life. Alice can see the future, but it's not set in stone, it's based on someone's decisions. Jasper is an empath; he can feel and change everyone's feelings. I can read minds. Esme brought her 'motherliness' as she calls it, Carlisle brought his want to help others, especially since he is a doctor, Rosalie brought her beauty which, unfortunately, brought he vanity, and Emmett brought his muscles.

"Alright so now that that is all taken care of we leave in three hours.

The ride to Forks was interesting. And Saturday came quicker than we would have though. We are going to the club that Alice saw in her vision and then we start school on Monday.

We got to the club and found seats in the back of the room.

"Everyone I would like to welcome back from last week, Hey Monday!!!!" the announcer on the stage said. The lights were off but there was a spotlight on him.

Then the music started to play and the lights on the stage turned on. There was a big guy playing the drums and a beautiful blonde girl playing the bass guitar, across the stage from her was a guy playing the acoustic guitar that looked like he could be the girl's twin. Then I looked at the lead singer, she was stunning, she had shiny, straight brown hair that went to her shoulders, but it also had some blonde in it. That's when I recognized her. I heard gasps.

"Edward, their all vampires." Alice said from beside me.

"It's Bella." I said. Before the brunette started singing she looked at me after hearing her name and her eyes got wide, so I'm guessing she recognized me to.

(Song is Homecoming by Hey Monday.)

Homecoming, I'm coming, my sweet mistake

Summers over, hope it's not too late

I'm pacing, impatient, up in my head

Taken back to the sidewalk where we met

And you carved out our names

Do you remember that?

I'm coming home, I'm coming home

Did you take off while I was gone?

I missed it all, I messed you up, I missed you

I'm coming home, I wanna know

When all the leaves begin to fall

If I'm falling, falling apart for you

Descending, I'm spinning, lost all defense

How could you swallow me again?

I left you, I meant to, couldn't let you in

Never mind a single work I said

Carve out your name

Do you remember that?

I'm coming home, I'm coming home

Did you take off while I was gone?

I missed it all, I messed you up, I missed you

I'm coming home, I wanna know

When all the leaves begin to change

If I'm falling, falling apart?

You've got control of me, is this the end of me?

'Cause I just can't cut up the strings

I'm coming back, don't let your heart go

Please don't walk away

Homecoming, I'm coming

I'm coming back

I'm coming home, I'm coming home

Did you take off while I was gone?

I missed it all, I messed you up, I missed you

I'm coming home, I wanna know

When all the leaves begin to fall

If I'm falling, falling apart

I'm coming home, I'm coming home

Did you take off while I was gone?

(Homecoming, I'm coming, my sweet mistake)

I missed it all, I messed you up, I missed you

(Summers over, hope it's not too late)

I'm coming home, I wanna know

What all the leaves begin to fall

(Homecoming, I'm coming, my sweet mistake)

I'm falling, falling apart for you

The band left the stage and music began to play from speakers.

"Excuse me, but the band would like to meet the seven of you." A big guy came up to us and said.

We nodded and followed him.

Once back stage we came face to face with the band and three other people.

"Hello, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but we noticed you from back stage, are you visiting the area?" one of the guys asked.

"No we actually have a residence in Forks." Carlisle said.

"As do we." The same guy said. "Now I am being very rude, my name is Christopher and this is my lovely wife Emily, this is Jackson and his wife Amelia, Erik and his wife Roxanne, and this is Bella." The guy, Christopher, said.

"I am Carlisle, this is my wife Esme, Jasper and his wife Alice, Emmett and his wife Rosalie and this is Edward." Carlisle said doing the same for us.

"Edward could I talk to you alone?" Bella asked.

"Of course." I said and I followed her into a dressing room.

"When and where were you changed?" she asked me.

"1918 in Chicago, you?" I asked her.

"Same, what was your last name?" She asked.

"Mason, yours?"

"Swan." She said.

"Bella." I whispered. "Is it really you?"

She nodded, "Yes, it's really me."

She jumped into my arms dry sobbing. A few minutes later we walked out of the dressing room hand in hand. Alice was jumping up and down squealing, while everyone just looked dumbfounded.

"Alright what'd we miss?" Both Emmett and Erik asked.

"You know how I told you guys about the love of my life?" Bella asked her family and they nodded. "Well this is him."

"And this is the love of my life I was telling you guys about." I said to my family.

I looked at everyone to see their reactions. Esme and Emily looked like they were about to start crying, Carlisle and Christopher looked happy, Alice and Amelia were jumping around and squealing, Rosalie and Roxanne looked smug, and Jasper and Jackson had grins on their faces, and Emmett and Erik just looked confused. I smiled at Bella and she smile back at me.