The idea of this story came to me some time in 3rd or forth form, as i was walking to a freinds house, it jumped out at me, and i guess its been camping in my mind ever since (I'm 6th form now) uhhh ok its Mirai Trunks and Normal timeline Bra, and the Dream is somewhere between realities, so if their ages are completely bung and different each time (like if Bra ages three years and Trunks doesn't) that not me doing it, its the Dream, oh well you'll see...



Disclaimer: I am not Akira Toriama, therefore I do not own dbz, I do own the pool though, and its guardians, and i know what i wish i owned... (today, its a dvd player, so that i can watch my history of Trunks dvd hehehe)

1 Dreamtime Hope

Mirai Timeline

Trunks, age 13

He guessed he'd had the Dream all his life. Sometimes, as he trained with Gohan, he would get flashes of a pool, and trees surrounding it, but dismissed them as mere memories of a dream, which is what they were, sort of.

The first time he remembered the Dream clearly was the night after the battle at the amusement park, the battle at which Gohan lost his arm. He thought, that night, that he would never get to sleep, he felt so guilty, so useless, and so incredibly angry at the androids. Sometime that night, as the stars made their way round the earth, he knew he must have fallen asleep, because suddenly he was sitting by a pond, no, a pool. The waters were raging in a whirlpool like fashion, as if some tiny yet powerful creature was in the centre of the pool, sucking all the water into the middle, and then spitting it out again in all directions with amazing force. Trunks just sat there, watching the pool, until, after hours, they began to calm down, now they just sloshed messily, against the mossy rocks that surrounded the water.

He had woken at dawn that morning, as he did every morning, feeling something that he hadn't felt for a long time: happy, just mindlessly happy. The feeling only lasted a few moments, before the memory of the day before caught up to him, and he rushed downstairs to see if Gohan was alright.

Normal Timeline

Bra, age 3

"Good night sweetheart"

"G'night kaasan, G'night otusan"

There was a grunt from Vegitas general direction, but it was in some way an affectionate grunt, and Bra took it to mean "Sweet Dreams B-chan" which he would have said if Goten hadn't been staying over, and could possibly over hear something and report it back to Goku, or worse, Trunks, who would never let him hear the end of it.

Bra sighed in that happy way that only a three year old can, snuggled up under her blankets, and fell into a sweet sleep.

Sometime during the night, among the random dreams one always has, she found herself by a small pool. Bra pushed her way through overhanging fern leaves and tried to avoid stepping on wild flowers. The water of the pool was rough, as the ocean might be on a harsh winters day, but as she approached the waters calmed, and she could see someone sitting on a moss covered rock by the waters edge. Instantly she recognised him as her brother Trunks, but he looked younger by at least three of four years.

"Twunks?" she cautioned, just to make sure that it was him. He looked up in surprise, obviously not expecting anyone, least of all a small girlchild.

"Who are you?" he asked, tilting his head slightly to one side with a look of confusion on his face.

Bra looked hurt and backed of, she could sense something about him, he wasn't her brother, at least, not the one in the room down the hall, plotting with Goten, in whispered voices, how next to embarrass his father. "Don't you rem'mber me?" she asked,

"I'm sorry, should I?"

"Y's, I'm---" But at that moment she woke up, face down on the floor. The light in the long Capsule Corp hall was off, which meant that her parents were asleep. Bra pushed herself up from the floor, and tottered down to Trunks room. The door was closed, and she had to jump a few times to reach the door handle, it creaked open and she tiptoed into the dark room, making her way towards the darker shape she knew to be Trunks bed. Suddenly, for the second time that night, she found herself face down on the floor. The object she had tripped over rolled onto its back, murmuring something about donuts. Picking herself up again, she manager to make the journey to Trunks bed easily enough, and began to poke him in the arm, "wake up Twunks" she said firmly. Trunks rolled over. Bra stuck out her bottom lip, a sure sign that she was either going to cry, or was thinking hard, in this case, she was thinking hard. She smirked, Vegita style, and tottered out of the room, once more tripping over Goten, who this time murmured something about cheesecake, before making her way out into the hallway and waddling down the stairs. She found what she was looking for: a fork, and clambered back up them again. Managing to avoid Goten this time (apart from standing once in his hair) she poked the fork into Trunks's upper arm with all her 3 year old half sayajin strength.

"AAAAHHHHHHH!!! Owwww! Man Bra what do you think your doing?!?"

Bra beamed "You do r'member me"

"I'm not likely to forget all the wonderful ways you've woken me up in the past three years that's for sure" Trunks muttered sarcastically, rubbing his arm. Bra grinned at him and pulled herself up onto his bed.

"Oh no you don't. Sleep in your own bed Bra" said Trunks, Bra made a face, and waited till he rolled over again before crawling onto the air mattress with Goten, who was, most surprisingly, still asleep.

OK does everyone get it, and can you review, its makes me feel all warm and bubbly inside, knowing people read my stories, even if they don't like them.