
Carlton Lassiter was a good detective; some could even say he was a great detective. His abilities at work however had no effect on his social life – while yes for a while he had dated his partner. However it had barely lasted three months and a lot of time it felt like she was simply using the thrill of dating her partner (against regulation) to get over a previous relationship. Being unsocial wasn't his entire fault – partially it was due to the fact that his co-workers got the impression he was a stiff, angry, outsider who would never be interested in hanging out with them. He had on multiple occasions tried to make friends but the simply truth he just wasn't good at making friends. After a couple of years being seen as the angry loner that was what he became. Although things did start to change when a one Shawn Spencer came along. Shawn Spencer the bee in his behind, the man who made a mockery of every respected detective out there, yet there was something about him that made Carlton happy. First it was little things – Shawn saying hello, bringing him coffee, stopping for a chat (or in Spencer's case sitting on his desk and rambling about pineapples). Carlton himself would never see it as an actual friendship but it was definitely a highlight to his day knowing someone actually cared enough to check in on him. He was happy enough to call Shawn a fake and an idiot to his face but by himself he could truly admit that it wasn't so bad having the fake psychic hang around a bit longer.