The Littlest Sannin III: The Dark Tournament
Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto or Mortal Kombat but if I did I wouldn't be writing here so it's a good thing that I can play here.
Chapter 1
The ship cut across the ocean like hot kunai though butter. Naruto stood at the bow and sighed. "You might as well come out."
At first nothing then the cover of a rowboat was moved aside and Temari climbed out.
"How long did you know I was there?" the fan user asked.
"Since right after we left port." Naruto looked at her. "Damn it Temari, do you know what you've done?"
She stepped back at the anger in Naruto's voice. "What I've done?"
"Because you stowed away, it means that Natas will be allowed to bring in another fighter."
A cough had Naruto turn and he glared. "Uncle Orochi…I expected better from you."
The Snake Sannin sighed. "I couldn't let you do this alone. Tsunade, Jiraiya and I talked and two Sannin along would be better."
Naruto looked out over the fog-covered waters. "You two might just have given a big advantage to Natas that we can't afford to let him have. I was very careful in who I chose to come with to counter his freaks."
Orochimaru looked out. "I was worried what would happen to you. Do you really think that Raiden can bring back…Minato?"
Naruto sighed. "I'm not sure. I'm not sure about a lot of things anymore."
All three turned to see Tsunade coming onto deck. "You weren't supposed to be seen." She hissed.
"He knew." Orochimaru said with a helpless shrug.
Tsunade sighed. "At least Jiraiya and sensei stayed behind."
Orochimaru nodded. He'd left Jiraiya in charge of the survivors of Oto and the Toad Sage swore he'd rebuild the village by the time they returned.
"Shizune wasn't happy at being left behind." Naruto said as he saw her talking with Kimimaro before they left.
"Neither were Kin and Tayuya." Tsunade said looking at Temari. The fan user gave her a shrug. "I wasn't letting my brother nor my man leave and possibly never see them again."
Tsunade sighed. "We'll deal with the consequences later. It can't be helped now."
Naruto nodded. "We better gather everyone and see if we can work out a plan. It may be individual battles, but we should share whatever we can with one another."
Tsunade nodded and looked at Orochimaru. "Well, you're our village leader."
"But this is Naruto's battle." Orochimaru said. "I'm here as a fighter."
Tsunade sighed and went to get the others. Naruto looked at his uncle, then at Temari.
"I'm sorry." Temari said. "I was scared I'd never see you again." She hugged him and he closed his arms around her.
Both Naruto turned to see Haku. "What are you doing here?" the ice user asked.
"Later." Naruto said as Haku took his other side.
Gaara saw his sister and didn't say anything, but he raised an eyebrow.
"Now that we're all here, let's discuss what to expect." The whisker marked blond said.
"Orochimaru? You and Jiraiya dug up information about Hangman's Island and this tournament. What can you tell us about it?" Tsunade asked.
The snake sannin sighed. "Its protected by a constant storm that circles the island as well as a barrier of whirlpools. After the whirlpools are the barrier reefs that can slice a ship to pieces."
The Snake Sannin paused as he clasped his hands behind his back. "Beyond that there wasn't a lot of information available about the island, even the sages had very little other than magic was used in its creation and protection."
A clap of thunder and everyone blinked.
"Lord Raiden." Naruto said bowing his head slightly to the thunder god.
"Naruto." The white eyes sparked. "And Orochimaru is right in that magic was used in the creation of the isle." Raiden didn't mention Temari or Orochimaru's presence. "In ages past it was used as a portal between the human world and the demon world. It was a place where battles took place."
"Demon world?" Tsuande spoke up.
"Yes. But you won't have to worry about that. That portal was sealed more than a thousand years ago and only the combined forces of heaven can open it once more."
Raiden looked at the gathered fighters. He shot Naruto a look.
"I know." Naruto said. "Will this change you bringing Minato?" he asked.
Raiden shook his head. "No, but as you already have guessed Natas will be allowed two more fighters and I am uncertain as to whom he will chose."
Naruto nodded and he felt Temari wince at what her stowing away had most likely caused.
"Prepare yourselves, you will be there soon." Raiden said and vanished in a crack of thunder.
"That's still cool." Anko muttered.
Naruto grinned at his sister, they had talked about Raiden's appearances and they both agreed the thunder teleport was something they wouldn't mind learning.
"Alright, rest and calm yourselves. This tournament is the most important battle each of us will take part in." Naruto said after a moment of silence.
Tsunade spoke up. "We know most of Natas's freaks and what they can do. Naruto chose each of us for how we match up against them."
"There will be two wildcards now." Orochimaru said, his voice low. "And we won't know who they are until Natas show his hand upon our arrival."
"Rest." Naruto said. "Raiden will return when its time to escort us on the final part of the journey." The group broke up then and Naruto turned out away from the ship, his mind a million miles with hundreds of questions. Behind him stood Haku and Temari.
Gaara sat with Hinata, they just held one another both thinking of the battle ahead and what it could mean for them.
"What are you thinking about?" Gaara asked.
"I'm afraid." Hinata admitted after a bit of time, mentally arguing with herself. When they had first started dating after the betrothal contract was made they had promised one another never to lie and to always talk about what was bothering them.
(That seems like it was long ago.) Gaara thought. His mind went to his brother in all but blood and what he's been through since they'd gone to Konoha. (the loss of Kankuro, the destruction of Konoha, the destruction of Oto…and now…)
Gaara felt Hinata's hand on his cheek. With her and only when it was them did he drop his sand armor.
"I don't want to lose you." Gaara said. "Fight, fight to win not for Naruto, not for our village whatever may be built up after this is done. Fight to come back to me." Gaara said and Hinata kissed him, pouring her love and fear into the kiss.
Anko was throwing her kunai at the mast. Her thoughts went to Kabuto. How she was going to make Natas and his freaks pay. (Kami, I know I care about the four eyed goof. I might even think I might love him. he better be alive when this is done.)
"This is it hime." Orochimaru said sitting across from the busty blond he'd known since childhood. "Scared?"
"Hell yes. But not for myself." Tsunade said. The untouched sake dish in front of her.
"Jiraiya?" Orochimaru asked.
Tsunade snorted. "You know, sometimes I swear for all of your intelligence you have an inferiority complex as wide as the Valley of the End. You and Jiraiya really need to stop competing, I thought I made it obvious over the years we've all been together that I care for you both equally."
Orochimaru smiled a bit. "Still can't say the words hime?"
"Fuck you. I take it back. I like Jiraiya more."
The pair shared a smile.
"I'm worried about Naruto, about the others. Natas has been a step ahead of us on nearly everything."
"Naruto can beat him." Orochimaru said.
Tsunade reached out and took his hand. So much left unsaid and more unspoken, but words weren't needed between them, there was no need.
Kimimaro knelt in his room on the ship. His newly made bone swords on the floor before him. his hair hung loose like a curtain around his bent face. While he knew the battle would be difficult, he had something else on his mind.
(Shizune, forgive me. I cannot allow anything to sway my attention from serving Naruto-sama. I owe him and Lady Tsunade so much. If I come out of this…can I ask for your hand? Can I separate my heart from my duty?)
Kimimaro sighed as his mind struggled on the future when he knew that the present demanded all of his attention.
Naruto sat between Haku and Temari on the bed. They had followed him down after his contemplation and without a word they positioned him and themselves. They mostly sat holding one another, the girls would stroke his arm that was holding them or his chest. Naruto would kiss them on their foreheads, words weren't spoken, each of them worried about the loss that could happen in this tournament.
On deck Natas appeared and with a crack of thunder and lightening so did Raiden.
"You act as if you don't trust me." Natas said to the thunder god.
"I don't." Raiden replied. "I am sure you've been made aware that you are allowed to extra fighters to add to your team."
Natas chuckled, his skull mask hiding his face. "Oh, how it must vex you to give me anything. But yes, I was made aware. I look forward to adding their souls to my collection."
"You disgust me Natas. Shang Tsung even in the depths of his perversion has reached as you have."
The skull masked warrior just chuckled. "I will not be shackled like Shang Tsung or that that fool the Dragon Emperor. I will win this and this world will be mine. I care not for the other worlds."
"Who have you chosen?" Raiden asked not rising to the bait that Natas was laying out.
"I pick…"
AN: Sorry for the delay, my dad's health is shit and its hard to get my mind to focus. I decided to post this and get it on the board after its sat in my notebook since late July. Chapter 2 has only two pages so don't expect more anytime soon until dad's health gets better.