Authors Note:
This is my first Ouran High School Host Club Fanfiction. So please bear with me... XD I got inspiration from a BEAUTIFUL HikaruxKaoru Fanfiction. This Fanfiction is rated M for mature scenes later...

Anyway, I hope you enjoy my first OHHC Fic!

Note: I know it's not Christmas just yet but this works out well...

Story: It Started With a Kiss

Series: Ouran High School Host Club

Pairing: Hikaru x Kaoru- Twincest (if you hate it, don't read it!)

Summary: Kyoya had made a deal with the host club customers that if there were 1,000 people to come to the Host Club's Christmas Party (from Ouran High or not) then they would get the first chance to see the Hitachiin Brothers kiss. As their goal is accomplished; Hikaru and Kaoru refuse to do such a thing but find themselves under the mistletoe...

"It Started With a Kiss"

Chapter 1: The Plan...

Christmas was coming close as the Host Club began preparations for their upcoming party they were going to hold. Thoughts came as such to have a "Secret Santa" which had a different meaning then the typical Secret Santa where you would have a group and presents would be given out anonymously. This "Secret Santa" was where there would be a draw for all the fan girls who came to the Host Club's Christmas Party; a name would be drawn and you would get to go on a date with them for the day. Of course all the girls screamed at the opportunity in hopes to gain a date with the ones they loved so dearly.

Kyoya of course being the planner of all this decided to make a few more devious observations to see how to get money. He had Christmas photo's of; "The Devil Type" which were the two twins Hikaru and Kaoru showing off their brotherly love, "The Lolita Type" which was Mitsukuni or "Honey" as he was called, "The Silent Type" which was Takashi, "The Cool Type" which was Kyoya himself, "The Natural" which was their newest member Haruhi, and the "Prince Type" which was Tamaki the father of the Host Club.

This afternoon in particular was interesting to the Host Club members who were casually wandering around serving their customers and enjoying their time with them. They found themselves getting into the Christmas spirit more than usual as Tamaki would get over excited but it still got others pumped of his ideas.

"Hmm..." Kyoya spoke quietly in the corner as he was typing on his laptop and taking small notes on his notepad next to it. He was very into the Host Club's work, trying his best to keep them financially stable while at the same time trying to figure out ways to make more money and profit off of their customers more than usual.

"Kyoya~" Tamaki, the Father of the Host Club had wandered over to whom he called 'The Mother' on the rare occasion. "Have you thought over and wonderful ideas lately?" He asked with a rose in his hand watching Kyoya with grace.

"I have one idea..." For a moment you could see a grin across Kyoya's face as Tamaki leaned in watching his computer.

"This is brilliant!!!" Tamaki almost squealed in admiration to what Kyoya had written down on his note pad.

"I don't think we should publicize this just yet," Kyoya spoke quietly, grabbing Tamaki's sleeve who was ready to run away and tell everyone.

"But... why not?" His voice whined, wanting to tell the world of Kyoya's idea's that he would think up so calmly for the club's finances.

A loud high-powered engine was heard from beneath the ground as it slowly rose up high toward the ceiling. Renge, the self-proclaimed manageress with long orange-brown hair had been up top of the stature. As she caught half the club's attention she pointed to Tamaki and Kyoya, curious to see what they were up to, but in the smallest manner she knew exactly what they were planning or close to at the least.

"Kyoya," She grinned devilishly to him and turned her hand. With her index finger she winced it slightly to make him come over to her.

With a sigh, he got up and shut his laptop while grabbing his notepad at the same time from the clutches of Tamaki and walked over to her in a very calm and cool manner. He was known for being so calm at such a dramatic rate that the others were.

Hikaru and Kaoru both eyed Renge and Kyoya from their position while sitting down with a few girls, who were absolutely love-struck with their brotherly-love act. The two gave a grin, in hope that Kyoya had come up with another brilliant idea as they heard their Tono-Senpai over-reacting to a piece of paper.

"I wonder what they're planning Hikaru," Kaoru said ever so innocently, creating a bigger distraction their way. He placed a hand on his heart making a dramatic atmosphere to their brotherly-love act.

"Kaoru..." Hikaru held Kaoru close placing a hand on his head in comfort. "I'll make sure it has nothing to do with you, I'll protect you..."

The girl's squealed from behind them hearts practically falling out of place into their gut. They held onto each other for support on their admiration of the twins. Saying things like "Brotherly Love!" and "How Sweet!" They were both used to this behaviour as they had been acting as such since the Host Club had begun.

Renge grinned as she grabbed Kyoya's papers from his hand and laughed mechanically with a fire sense in her eyes. Her devilish look went to the twins who seemed somewhat afraid now of what their plans were. They knew now indeed it did involve them. With a break of their hug they stood up and walked over to the group, excusing themselves for but a moment from their ladies in waiting.

"What are you planning now?" The two asked in unison, hands on their hips as they leaned against one another, completing a mirror image of the other.

Grabbing a microphone from who knew where, Renge stood up and proud with stars now in her eyes – or what seemed to be – and gripped her fist tightly.

"Everyone!" She announced loudly on her microphone, getting everyone's attention in the room. "Kyoya has something to announce to each and every one of you beautiful ladies!"

Kyoya sighed quietly and pushed up his glasses while everyone looked at him. He was now in the middle of this, which was sometimes a spot he didn't want to be in. He figured that Renge would have just announced it herself considering she was on the microphone.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for joining us today as you so have every day." He began with a short wave of his hands. "To our knowledge we assume you have heard of the Host Club's Christmas Party?" With many excited 'yes' answers heard from the audience he continued. "We hope to reach a goal of one thousand people! If we DO reach that goal, then we will give you a special show. For those of you who adore the Hitachiin twins; they will share but one kiss at the party! But only if our goal is complete."

A few fan-girls had passed out in the background from hearing such information. Girls screamed loudly and abrupt, getting excited about the party. They dialled their friends, family members and classmates telling them about the offer they had just received.

"WHAT?!" The Hitachiin twins did not seem impressed of the fact. They thought to themselves for but a moment. They always joked around for years about kissing one another, but they were not just about to consider the factor of Kyoya putting them in such a position, heck they only said it to each other for attention and fun.

"Kyoya!" Hikaru was the first to speak up, as Kaoru watched him in a serious manner. "Why not consult with us first before thinking up something like that!"

"Hikaru..." Kaoru's voice was quiet, and he glanced at his brother, almost thinking of taking them up on the offer. If it helped the Host Club in anyway, to get more members or to play more with the boredom they had received frequently, maybe it would help.

"What a devious idea," Tamaki spoke with his fingers resting under his chin. "I will kiss Haruhi if we get one-thousand five-hundred members then!" He said loudly, belief in his voice as he waved one hand out towards Haruhi who did not look impressed what so ever.

"Do not decide such things on your own Senpai..." Haruhi crossed her arms hearing all the fan-girls in the background screaming as they got over-excited about the event to come in but one week now.

Honey and Takashi waltzed over to the group that now surrounded Renge, who was grinning wildly of the idea. Honey looked a little confused at the moment, but he knew Kyoya's idea was just for fun, or so he assumed.

"Takashi, what should we do then..." He looked up innocently at his cousin, his beady eyes looking ever so cute. "I can't think of anything!"

"Yeah." Takashi's responses were usually very short and sweet as he looked off in the distance after making eye-contact with Honey.

"So it is a deal then!" Renge announced to everyone. "The Hitachiin twins will kiss if we get more than one thousand people to our Host Club Christmas Party! You may invite those who don't even go to this school!" With that she laughed and went back underground to who-knows-where she had come from.

The twins stared at the floor. They didn't know what they just got themselves into, but they knew it couldn't have been good. Kaoru almost had an anxious look in his eye, as it seemed Hikaru was the more unrealistic one not looking forward to doing such an act, which seemed to hurt Kaoru a little.

Kaoru decided to do the only thing he could. He grabbed his brother's arm and acted as if he fell into him by accident, in attempt to calm the moment down as he figured Hikaru was bothered by it. "Hikaru...for such a thing to happen..."

Hikaru immediately caught on to what he was doing and embraced him close. "Kaoru, at least it is me touching your lips and no one else..." In reality what he felt inside he did not quite understand, he wondered if what he just said now was true. Still, he stared at his brother with such passion touching his cheek.

"It's...almost embarrassing to do in front of others." Kaoru looked away now as if he were scared.

Hikaru remained speechless after that, just holding his brother as screaming girl's hearts fell in the background. He felt odd at the moment, a feeling he couldn't exactly explain. After Kyoya had announced the two would kiss, he felt odd but not out of place. He didn't and couldn't understand what was going on at the moment in his head.

--At the Hitachiin Residence

Hikaru sat on his bed alone; his brother was in the shower so he had time to himself. He placed a hand on his head trying to figure out what this odd feeling was. Maybe he was getting sick? He thought to himself pondering quietly while barely moving.

He heard the shower stop and a few ruffling noises from a towel as Kaoru was obviously drying himself off by this point. The door opened a few moments later and Hikaru glanced in the direction of the door and his heart made an odd pound against his chest. He placed a hand gently on his chest and stared at the bed sheets. 'What is this odd feeling...' he thought to himself.

"Hikaru," Kaoru spoke softly to his twin brother. "It's your turn."

Hikaru got up off the bed and walked toward his brother to go past him. He stopped as he felt something making him unable to move. Looking down he saw Kaoru's hand on his chest, his eyes trailing up to his twin's eyes watching him smile. There it was again. That feeling he had ever since earlier today. What was it? Whatever it was, he seemed to enjoy it.

"I didn't use your conditioner this time so don't worry. I left the rest for you." Kaoru left it short and simple as he walked over to his drawers picking out his pyjamas. Hikaru continued to the shower and shut the door softly.

"What the hell..." He asked obnoxiously, yet quietly talking to himself. 'Maybe I'm just nervous for the Christmas party...' He nodded in agreement with himself in the mirror about how he felt. 'That's it.' He continued to convince himself that was the issue at hand.

Kaoru sat on the bed in his pyjama pants and stared at the door hearing the water start up. He looked down to the floor with sadness in his eyes. "Hikaru..." he whispered quietly with one hand gripping the sheets strongly and the other against his own heart. 'Why...'

A/N: WOOOO! Yeah. I finished that. Chapter one. FTW. I defiantly have huge inspiration right now so, I'll continue the next chapter...soon! The more reviews, the quicker I will update!