Chapter 6 Almost FPOV

She told me everything to when she meet Frank to when he txted her. I thought this stuff only happened on TV. She started to cry. OH if I could see Frank in person, that jerk would get a piece of my mind. I opened my arm and craddled her while she criend after a minute or so seh looked up at me with one tear on her cheek I rubbed it off with my thumb. This was my chance I leaned in and she didnt pull back. So close I could feel her breath on my chest. One inch closer.

"Come get your pie!" My mom yelled. Sophie coughed lightly then got up slowly she took a few steps, I couldnt move I was so close and it was so perfect.

"Are you coming" She said then tooke my hand and pulled me up. I stood up slowly she pulled me in the kitchen. Everybody was staring at us ike they knew a secret. Sophie pulled her hand out of mine making the first move. She grabbed a plate then left, ater she left everybody got a peice then left, I was thinking why were things so awkward. I got a peice then walked in the living room were the group had already tooken a seat to watch the movie I sat in the empty spot next to Phineas. We watched the movie Alice in Wonderland when it came to the middle Mom paused the movie and told us the put the dishes away and that Sophie and I should put the extra pies in the down staris refridgerator so we grabbed the pies and headed down. We got to the botton and I flipped on the light.

"Watch out for the loose board you could trip" I was too late she tripped. In a hurry I threw my pie on the washing machine then grabbed her pie and her the pie was on my hand while Sophie was leaning on my chest with my hand on her back. I leaned in about a cm away from her.

"Uh Ferb"

"What?" I whispered

"There is a spider on your arm" she said in a squeak. She jumped out of my hold and watched as I put the pie down then waited till he crawled back into his hole in the wall.

" Afraid of spiders huh?' I teased

"Maybe...a litte" she walked back to me. She put her arms around my neck then leaned in.

"Whtas taking you so long?" I herd Phineas yell.

"Coming" I said then raced up the stairs with Sophie.


We all know that Ferb and Sophie wer trying to kiss when we were waiting for pie and durring the break of the movie. We watched the rest of the movie then mom said it was time for them to go. I had an idea Ferb and Sphie walked to Isabella's house I grabbed Isabella's hand then lead her upstairs to my room.

"What are you doing!" She said once we got up there

"I have an idea"

NPOV (Normal)

"Hey were did Phineas and Isabella go?" Sophie asked to Ferb as he waker her across the street and shrugged looking back at the door. They got ot Isabella's house then Ferb turned to talk to her but had nothing to say. Mean while Phineas and Isabella had gotten out the v-move and pointed it at Ferb and Sophie.


"Ready!" Isabella replied. They touched either Ferb or Sophie then dragged them to kiss for a few seconds then they kissed for real after they relized what happend. They plan had worked!

YAY IT FINALLY HAPPENED! HAHA I remeber loving writing this with how many times they got inturputed XD

No flames plz!