Well, here is unfortunately, the last chapter of Light and Shadows a Digimon Fanfiction. I know it has been a few weeks. I'd like to say it was not my fault but it was. I actually had this chapter typed and ready to go and my computer broke. I have learned a few things about hardcopies since then, and I thank those of you who have been patient with me. Besides, writers go on hiatus all the time. Even still, you have my deepest apologies. Enjoy!
For the last time, I do not own Digimon. I do not own its characters either.
The Digidestined were in the hospital the next day. Some were recuperating from the battle. T.K. alone had a mild concussion, two broken ribs, a fractured wrist, a black eye, numerous bruises and welts, and, of course, a hurting jaw. Joe nearly had a cow when he realized how bad T.K. was. Ken still had his broken arm. Patamon was so hurt; Joe wouldn't let anyone near him until he had gained his strength.
"So I guess Joe won't let me go for a couple of days." T.K. said to Kari. T.K. was lying in a hospital. Kari stood beside his bed. She smiled.
"I can wait." She said. He smiled back; his blue eyes twinkled at her. She was reminded of Kuri, and his red eyes. She shook her head, and then it was just T.K. T.K. himself hadn't even noticed her momentary confusion.
"You're not the only one who's waiting." T.K. said, and looked over at Gatomon, awaiting Patamon's recovery. Gatomon had not left Patamon's side at all. Kari laughed, her eyes also twinkling. Kari then took T.K.'s hand. She stood there, beside the bed, holding his hand.
"Does this mean-?" he began. She kissed him. The kiss was gentle, yet sure. After awhile, they separated.
"Yes." She said simply. They kissed again. T.K. broke the kiss.
"Kari, I need to tell you. I love you. I've loved you since we first met so many years ago. Back in the Dark Ocean, when I'd thought I'd lost you, I wanted to die too. I didn't want to face being alone without you. But now, we're here, and I'm never going to let anything happen to you." Kari started to cry, but out of happiness, not sadness.
"T.K., I've loved you just as long. It took me a while to realize those feelings, but once I did, I realized that you're the only one I want to be with. Together, we're unstoppable." He smiled, and wiped the tears from her face. They kissed once again. They didn't say anything else, for nothing more needed to be said. After so many years of longing, and so many days of heartache, they were together.
* * * * *
Ken was leaving the hospital. Joe had made him stay to be sure his arm was okay. When he had determined it was, Joe let Ken go. Yolei was outside the hospital waiting for them. He walked up to her, and took her right hand. They began to walk down the path. At first, it was awkward for him, using his left hand for everything, but he didn't care.
"Where are Wormmon and Hawkmon?" Ken asked her. She looked at him.
"They're in the game room at the Lodge. It took some convincing, but they're going to give us some privacy for the day." She said. He nodded, and smiled at her. She looked beautiful in the sunlight. Yolei noticed him staring, and she blushed. She looked around them.
"It really is beautiful out here without a battle going on in it." She said. He didn't take his eyes off of her.
"Yes it is." Was his reply. They stopped walking. He leaned in and kissed her. They broke apart. She tried to meet his eyes, but they were on the ground.
"Ken, is something wrong?" She asked. He looked back up at her.
"No, I was only thinking of Sam. When I went to the Dark Ocean the first time, I was very angry; angry with Sam for being the coolest or the smartest. I wanted to be better than him. What if . . ." Ken began to choke up. "What if I killed him like Matt killed Tai? What if it is my fault that my brother is dead?" Yolei then pulled him into an awkward hug; awkward, because she was trying to avoid hurting his arm.
"It's not your fault, Ken." Yolei assured him.
"I miss him so much." Ken told her. "I would do anything to have him back." They stayed that way for several minutes. Then Ken pulled apart from her.
"I'm sorry, you shouldn't have seen that." He said, embarrassed. She smiled as her heart warmed even more for him.
"Don't be. I'm glad you could open up to me like that." She said. He smiled back. He held out his left arm, as his right was in a sling.
"Shall we?" he asked. She brought her right arm to meet his.
"We shall." She replied. They continued their walk, undisturbed.
* * * * *
"But Mimi, you promised you would show me how to cook noodles before we left!" Davis cried. He and Mimi were in the kitchen of the Lodge preparing a meal for them all, a victory feast.
"Davis, I can't believe you. You want to make a career out of noodles, yet you don't know how to cook them." Mimi said, starting to chop up lettuce. Palmon walked back into the kitchen.
"Mimi!" Palmon said, eyeing the lettuce. Mimi put down her knife.
"Oh sorry Palmon, I did say I wouldn't do that in front of you." Mimi said. Her partner smiled.
"Mimi! I know how to cook noodles. I just want to learn different recipes before I choose my own." Davis said.
"Davis! I have a lot of work to do before tonight, and I don't have time, maybe tomorrow." She said. She had planned to cook everyone a victory feast before they all started leaving.
"This can't wait until tomorrow!" He said. V-mon, Davis' partner came in.
"Hi-ya Davis, what did she say?" V-mon said. He looked from Davis to Mimi. Davis looked at Mimi. Mimi looked at V-mon, then to Davis, and finally to her partner.
"Go on Mimi; show them your cooking skills." Palmon said. Mimi nodded.
"Okay, I'll show you." Mimi said finally giving in. "First, let's knead some dough." They got some dough and Mimi showed Davis how to start making noodles from scratch.
"Good, you're off to a good start." Mimi said. They stood there, kneading.
"So this is what you want to do for your life?" Mimi asked after awhile. Davis looked up.
"Yeah." Davis said. "I want to sell noodles to people. So what?"
"Well, do you have any goals in life? Anything you want to accomplish?" Mimi asked. Davis blushed. Palmon and V-mon were listening to the two.
"Well, one day I guess I want to marry and have a family." Davis said. Mimi laughed.
"Well, first I think you'll need a girlfriend." Mimi said. Davis blushed even harder.
"One day I will!" He insisted. Mimi put her hand up in a calm down gesture.
"I only meant that you shouldn't jump the gun!" She said. Davis then put on a look of determination.
"Hey, listen-." He said gesturing, but when he gestured, he flung flour from the dough on Mimi. She looked at herself horrified. He looked at her too.
"Mimi I'm sor-. Hey!" He said as she flung flour at him. They then began to through flour at each other in battle.
* * * * *
Izzy and Tentomon walked through the control center of the Digi H.Q. The explosion had done a lot of damage, even worse than the first time. Glass, wires, and panels were strewn everywhere. All the repair work that had been done had been ruined. Tentomon looked at his partner in worry.
"Izzy, are you alright?" Tentomon asked. Izzy sighed.
"No, but I'll be okay soon enough. We can rebuild and repair. If we can work together, we can do it." Izzy said.
"Yes we can." Came a voice. Izzy and Tentomon turned and saw Cody, and Armadillomon walking up to them. Izzy nodded at them, and then gestured to the mess in front of them.
"We have a lot to do." Izzy said.
"If anyone can do it, you can." Cody said.
"I put so much into this, and for what? We couldn't track Digimon, couldn't establish communication. We all nearly died." Izzy said.
"Izzy," Cody said. "Without you, the others wouldn't have come to the Digital World at all. The Dark Digidestined would've attacked Kari in the Real World without any protection, and probably have killed her. We won because you let us win. We won because well . . . you . . . you don't give up. So don't give up now." Izzy looked at him in surprise. Cody smiled. Izzy nodded.
"I won't." Izzy said.
"We won't." Tentomon corrected him. Izzy nodded again.
* * * * *
Ian walked into Adrian's room at the Lodge. He knocked on the open door. She turned around. She had been packing her bags. Not that she had a lot to pack, she had not carried much with her. She looked at him, anxiety in her eyes. Biodramon sat on the bed, looking at them silently. Ribmon, also silently, stayed outside the room.
"You're leaving." Ian said. It wasn't a question more as a statement of fact. Adrian nodded.
"Yes." She said.
"Why?" he asked. She turned back to her bed, her back facing him.
"I don't belong here. I'm a Dark Digidestined, and I need to leave." She said. She heard Ian walk up behind her.
"So this is it?" he asked.
"This is what?" Adrian replied. "Nothing happened. We met, had a little adventure, we part."
"What about your friends here? What about the Digi H.Q.? What about us?" He asked. She turned around.
"What do you mean us? As I said, nothing happened." She said. He reached out and grabbed her hand.
"But it did happen. You can't run now." Ian said. Adrian turned to look at him.
"I don't know what else to do. I can't go out there. They all still see me as a traitor. All except Tai and Kari, who see me as a savior. I can't live up to either expectation. I can't stay here." She said. She looked him in the eyes.
"Yes you can." He said. "I don't expect you to be anything." She looked at him. Then she shook her head.
"No, I can't." She said, turning back to packing her bags. Ian nodded.
"Fine." He said, and left the room. Biodramon looked at his partner. Adrian, confused, followed Ian out of the room. She followed Ian back into his room, leaving Biodramon in her room. Ribmon, who was in the hall, went past Adrian into her own room, most likely to talk to Biodramon. Adrian went into Ian's room. He had his back to her.
"That's it?" She asked.
"Yep," He said, pulling out a suitcase. "I'm done trying to convince you."
"Oh." She said, her eyes meeting the floor. But he wasn't finished.
"Therefore I'm going with you." He finished.
"What?" She said. He turned around, pulling clothes out of the cabinets and putting them into his suitcase.
"I'm going with you. I'm sure Ribmon wouldn't mind going either." Ian said.
"But . . . you don't even know where I'm going." She said. He finished packing.
"Doesn't matter. I can go wherever you're going." Ian said, and shut his suitcase. He turned to look at her. He had a smug look on his face. She couldn't help but grin.
"Oh you can, can you?" She replied. He nodded. They then both burst into laughter. Just the looks they gave, and how they fit so well together made them laugh. The laughter died after awhile. Ian walked over to her, and held her hands in his.
"Let's go off, where there are no expectations." He said. "Just the four of us. We'll have an adventure." Ian smiled at her. She then kissed him. It was short, but mutual. They parted. Ian had a look on his face was a mix of bewilderment and amusement.
"Well, what do you say?" Ian finally got out. Adrian smiled again.
* * * * *
Sora smiled as she saw her partner and Agumon walk off into the beautiful meadow. She was leaning against the side of the Digi H.Q., basking in the sun. Tai leaned beside her, resting.
"Hello Sora." They heard. They opened her eyes, and saw Matt watching them. He walked up to them. Sora wasn't surprised, because she had wanted to see him. Both Tai and Sora straightened and stood. Tai glared at Matt. Sora looked at Tai and then Matt.
"Matt I-." Sora started. He shook his head.
"Sora wait. Before you begin, I'd like to say that I'm sorry. I know it doesn't make up for what I did, but I'm sorry. I loved you. I loved you for a long time, and I tried to make you happy. But when I found out that . . ." Matt's voice broke. ". . . That I couldn't give you that happiness, I was angry. Not at you Sora, or you Tai, but at myself. In my anger, I lashed out, and hurt two people I care about. So I just wanted to say I was sorry, and I hope we can still stay friends." That last part was directed at Tai. Sora looked at Tai. Tai's face was a mixture of pain and coldness.
"I accept your apology." Tai said. "But not your friendship." Tai coldly walked away. Sora looked back at Matt. Matt's eyes were closed, tears running town his cheeks.
"Matt . . . about us . . ." Sora started. Matt opened his eyes and smiled sadly.
"Yes, about us." Matt said, interrupting her. "Listen I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I think it's in our best interests if we didn't see each other for awhile. Not as . . ." Matt's voice broke again. "Not as a couple, but not as friends either." Matt said. Sora started to cry as well.
"Some people still need time to heal." Matt said, looking at Tai, who was still walking away. Sora nodded. He turned to her.
"Goodbye Sora." Matt said.
"Goodbye Matt." She replied. Matt then walked away in the opposite direction of Tai. Sora wiped her eyes, and ran to catch up with Tai.
"Tai . . . wait." Sora said. Tai turned around and snapped in fury.
"Wait? Sora, he killed me." Tai snapped. Sora blanched. Tai paused and took a deep breath.
"What do I owe him?" Tai asked. Sora walked up to him.
"Forgiveness." She said simply. He looked at her.
"But what if I'm not ready to give it?" He said. Tai looked down.
"Listen." He said. "I meant what I said earlier. I will always care for you, no matter what. But if you want to be with Matt . . ." He trailed off.
"Tai . . . I-." She started.
"Tai!" They heard called out. Gennai was walking toward them.
"Tai, you need to go, I've set up the gate to the real world in my office. From there you can go to Highton View Terrace and-." Gennai sputtered.
"Gennai wait. What do you mean?" Tai asked. Gennai looked into Tai's eyes.
"You are forgetting something." Gennai told him. Tai's eyes widened in shock.
"Yes, you're right, I have to go back. I have to go back!" Tai started to walk off.
"Tai, no!" Tai heard, he turned around, and pulled a sobbing Sora into his arms.
"I just got you back, and I won't let you go!" She cried. He pulled her face up to meet his.
"I'll be back. I promise." He said. She nodded. He then ran into the Digi H.Q. Sora slowly wiped her eyes. Gennai walked over, and stood beside her.
"So who did you finally choose?" He asked. She leaned in, and whispered it to him.
"Ah," He said. "Are you going to tell-?" He started.
"No!" She said. He nodded. She then walked off.
* * * * *
Tai stepped out of the gate leading to the Wishing world. He looked around. Everything looked pretty much the same. It was random with bright colors and random floating objects. But off away from the gate was a desk. It was just a normal wooden desk with chairs on the opposing sides, but what was really intriguing was the person sitting at the desk. It was a man. He was wearing a completely white suit. It was white, with a white tie, pants, jacket, and shirt. He was wearing completely white. He was sitting at the desk, head down, and focused on a piece of paper before him. He was writing with a quill pen. The man himself was Caucasian, with brown hair, brown eyes, and a fair complexion. He suddenly placed the quill pen down, and looked up at Tai. He smiled.
"Why Tai Kamiya, thank-you for coming. Please sit." The man said. He had a deep, soothing voice. Tai suspiciously sat down. It was an old wooden chair. The kind that creak when you sit down, but are very comfortable. Tai almost relaxed.
"I'm glad you made it, I was beginning to think you weren't coming. I would've told you all of this before, back when you were here, when you were . . ." The man stopped before saying 'Dead'. Then he continued: "But I didn't want to have this weighing on your mind, affecting the battle. Good job, by the way. You defeated the Darkness. Omnimon, what an amazing Digimon." The man finished, shaking his head.
"Who are you? What do you want?" Tai managed to get out. The man looked at him.
"That doesn't matter, now does it?" he replied. Tai looked at him. "Fine, you did well in defeating the Dark Digidestined. But your troubles are not over." The man told him. Tai sat up.
"What do you mean?" Tai asked. The man sighed, scooted back in his chair. He bent over, and opened a cabinet. Out of it, he pulled a tan folder. He nodded, and plopped the folder onto the desk in front of Tai. Tai cautiously took the folder and opened it.
"Do you recognize that crest?" The man asked. In the folder were two pictures. One was a close up of a crest. It was simple, a long line, with an arrow at the end of the line.
"It's an arrow!" Tai exclaimed. The man nodded.
"Or a spear." The man added. "What you are looking at is the crest of War or Aggression." Tai's eyes widened.
"Yes," the man said. "War is coming to the Digital World. This Digidestined is the start. You see the other picture?" Tai's eyes moved to the second picture. On it was a Digimon. But this Digimon was unlike anything Tai had seen. First, it was huge, and it looked horrible. It stood on two legs and was covered in steel armor all over, and on its arms, chest, and legs were huge blades. It had the head of a Jackal and inside its mouth were long jagged teeth. It might have had a tail, but Tai wasn't sure. The photograph wasn't that good. What made Tai shudder were two things. One, there was a long column of fire running down its back. And two, the eyes were a light blue. They had no pupils, just a solid, very Icy-white blue.
"What is this?" Tai asked. The man looked at him.
"This is the Digimon of War or Aggression. This is Tiberimon." The man said. Tai looked up.
"What is the Digidestined's name?" Tai asked. The man sighed.
"I don't know."
"When will they attack?" Tai asked.
"I don't know."
"Then why did you call me here? You can't tell me anything, can you?" Tai said, frustrated. The man looked down.
"I'll admit; there was one more reason I called you here today." The man said. Tai nodded.
"You need to give up Sora." The man said.
"What?" Tai asked. The man sighed again.
"It will soon be a hard time for you. You will make choices that will define you for the rest of your life. One of those is Sora. You will have to make a choice to save her, or the Digital World. It will be your choice."
"No." Tai said quietly.
"You are a good leader, and you will make the right choice." The man said. Tai shook his head.
"But, Sora's death can be avoided. Let her go. Let her go back to Matt. He can take care of her. They can be happy, and the Digital World will be safe." The man said. At that, Tai stood up.
"Why should I listen to you? Who do you think you are telling me what's right or wrong?" Tai snapped. The man jumped up. Immediately, an invisible force hit Tai and knocked him off his feet. Tai lay on the ground, trapped.
"Who do I think I am!?!" The man screamed. He seemed to grow to a towering height. "I have the power over what happens. I can decide who lives and who dies! I can decide what needs and needs not to happen! Don't patronize me until you know what I am!" The man screamed in fury. Tai lay on the floor, unable to move. The man sighed and shrank down back to his original size. He immediately calmed, and walked over to Tai, and helped him up.
"I'm sorry Tai." The man said. Tai gasped for air, as he was holding his breath.
"Are you God?" Tai asked. The man chuckled.
"No, I suppose not." The man said.
"A Sovereign?" Tai asked. The man chuckled again.
"No, I'm much more powerful than that. I decide what prophecies are made. I control destiny." The man said.
"But if you say you can do all those things, why don't you help us? Why can't you bring Sora back? Why am I just meeting you now?" Tai asked.
"Because, even though I can control things like that in your world, I'm not supposed to. I'm actually supposed to observe, and are allowed to make tiny changes here and there. Like bringing you and Kari back. Those crests of Support are powerful, but not that powerful. I can do miraculous things in your world, but I'm not supposed to. I'm not the God. You could call me an alien, or an omnipotent all-powerful being. My home is here." He said, gesturing to the world around him. "The Wishing world. I hope you realize that I'm taking a big risk telling you these things now. The others wouldn't be happy with me." The man said.
"There are others?" Tai asked.
"Don't worry about that." The man said. "Just remember to be wary of the new war, and give Sora up to Matt. They'll be happy, and the Digital World will be safe."
"I can save her, and I can save the Digital world too." Tai protested. The man sighed.
"What if I gave you a different perspective?" the man said. Tai gasped as a fog started to surround him.
"Relax." He heard the man say. Tai saw himself. He was walking into an apartment. It was an older version of him. He looked into the apartment, and saw Sora there too.
"Hey Sor'." The older Tai said. He was wearing a business suit and carrying a briefcase. But he still had that long bushy hair. Sora smiled. She was wearing an apron and stirring a big pot of noodles.
"Hey Tai." She responded. He set aside his coat and briefcase. He came up behind her and hugged her.
"What's hot?" He asked.
"Spaghetti. Now, I'm not as good a cook as Mimi, but I know it'll be okay for dinner, since this is our first sit down dinner all month." Sora said. The older Tai nodded.
"I know, I know. But there's my new legislation going out about Mega Digimon, and I have to check if it's okay, or if it violates Digimon rights. You wouldn't believe how they rake you over the coals over a miswording." He said. She sighed, and then smiled at her husband.
"You know Tai-." She was cut off by Tai's cell phone. He pulled it out, while the younger Tai watched from a distance, unnoticed.
"Yeah. Uh-huh. I'll be right there." The older Tai said. He grabbed his briefcase and coat and headed for the door.
"I'm sorry Sor', we're going to have to do this another time. Another emergency meeting was called." He said heading toward the door. Sora sadly looked at her husband.
"Can't one of your assistants go? It is your night off." She pleaded. He shook his head.
"Yeah, but I know the legislature better than them. I need to handle this. See you Sor'! Love you!" He said, and was gone. Sora sighed. She then took her pot of noodles and dumped them into the sink. There she began to cry. The scene began to cloud again, and the younger Tai saw the mysterious man again.
"What was that?" Tai asked. The man smiled sadly.
"You said you could save both her and the Digital World. I showed you the future where you did. You saved both of them. You were happy, and you married. But your duty to the Digital World took you away. You kept seeing less and less of her, until finally she left. On the other hand . . ." The man started. The fog surrounded Tai again.
"Daddy!" Tai heard. The fog cleared and Tai was in a big house, which was warm and bright. He looked at the sound of the voices and saw a red-haired boy and a blond girl run up and hug an older blond man.
"Matt . . .?" Tai said.
"Matt!" Tai heard. Both Matt and Tai's head turned to the sound of the voice. Sora was standing in the kitchen doorway. Matt ran over and scooped her up in his arms. She laughed, and they kissed.
"Ewww!" The kids said. Gabumon walked in through the doorway Matt came from.
"Gabumon!" The kids cried, and they tackled him, giving him hugs. He was laughing.
"Is that Matt I hear?" Biyomon said, walking out of the kitchen. "Good, you're just in time; we have spaghetti on the stove."
"Uh-oh. Am I in trouble?" Matt asked in a joking manner. Sora playfully hit him on the chest.
"No, I'm not that bad of a cook." Sora replied. They smiled at each other.
"Alright kids, wash up so we can eat." Matt said. The kids left. Suddenly Matt's cell phone rang. He picked it up and answered it.
"Hello? Hey Mike. Yes, I'm fine. What do you want?" Matt asked. He listened. "Well, that's great, but I can't, I'm eating with my family now. Can I do it tomorrow? . . . Well, I'm sorry, but my family comes first . . . Tomorrow? . . . Good. I'll see you then." With that, Matt hung up the phone."
"Who was that?" Sora asked.
"It was Mike. Those damned reporters want another interview." Matt said. "But I told him tomorrow, I'm busy now." They smiled and kissed. The fog gathered around the younger Tai and he found himself with the man again.
"In the future I propose, you can save them both, and she'll be happy. Isn't that what matters?" The man said. Tai had a stricken look on his face. Tai sat for a few moments contemplating. Tai then looked up.
"Yes, and I can make her happy. You're wrong, and I'll show you you're wrong." Tai said. He walked over to the gate area, and held up his Digivice. He was absorbed through the portal that leads from the Wishing World to the Digital World. The man sighed. He heard a door open and shut. Then he heard footsteps walking closer, and the chair that Tai sat in creaked once more. The man looked up. It was another man. He had blond hair, blue eyes, and was wearing an identical white suit.
"You told him, didn't you?" The other man said. The first man nodded. "You realize he won't listen. Your little 'show' didn't help you either. If anything, it strengthened his resolve against you." The blond said. The brunette nodded, and then frowned. The blond continued.
"You know he won't listen, and he'll kill Sora." The brunette nodded again.
"He'll be back." The brunette finally said. The blond looked down at him.
"It you interfere again, you may lose the ability to, I hope you realize that." The blonde said. The brunette nodded.
"But we can continue to observe. It's not over yet." He said. . .
Wait . . . I said this was the last chapter . . .but what about the Digidestined of War and his Digimon. Who did Sora really choose?
That's right, there will be a sequel. So for those of you interested, click on the "Author Alert" tab. Join me on another journey through the Digital World. I promise you, if you enjoyed this, the sequel is worth it.
Thanks for all of you who have stuck with me. Special thanks goes to those who reviewed. I cherish every single one of my reviews, so thank-you.
So don't forget to Review one more time, and if you please, hit that author alert. You don't want to miss Light and Shadows: Resurrection.