Gibbs/Ziva fic: In her shoes



Hi, fanfic number three, erm... this sort of came to me because of season 7 and saleem. It got me thinking, how would Gibbs fair out, I mean, aren't Gibbs and Ziva practically the same, just different genders? So I thought what would happen if Gibbs was captured and Ziva had to rescue him? So here it is. The difference here is that it's back when Jenny was Director, no offence to Rocky Caroll, but I can't stand Vance, he can take that toothpick and shove it up his a-

Anyway. Here it is...

Summary: While on a vacation in Mexico with his former mentor, Gibbs and Franks are captured by Hamas, as an attempt to get to America and it's government. When Ziva hears of the capture she goes to rescue the men, one of which has captured her heart. There will be pain, misery, anger and a little love, but will that little love survive the tragedies set before Ziva and her love?

Chapter One

Sipping beer on a beach in Mexico was probably Mike Franks favourite thing to do. Watching the waves rolling and crashing on the shore, watching the birds high up in the sky, watching pretty ladies bathing in the sea. Sipping his beer was always a good thing, but this day, this week, it was special, because sitting on his right-hand side was none other than his Probie Leroy Jethro Gibbs.


Strolling into the bullpen one and a half hours late, Tony was sure he was in big trouble, he nearly died of relief when he saw that it was only Ziva and McGee sitting there. Dumping his stuff, he rubbed his eyes and looked at Gibbs' desk.

'' Hey! Where's the Boss?''

'' Gibbs is on holiday.'' said Ziva without looking up.

'' What holiday? I never heard about him taking a holiday.'' said Tony, frowning.

'' He said he was going on holiday a week ago, but you in your infinate wisdom decided to leave for a date, that probably ment nothing, instead of listening to the Boss-'' said McGee.

'' Who I will be informing that you were an hour and a half late.'' said Ziva, looking at him.

'' You honestly think grassing me up to the Boss that I'm late scares me?'' said Tony.

'' Perhaps not now, but when he gets back after being away from his coffee for a week, I think you will re-evaluate your fear.'' said Ziva calmly. Tony looked at her in horror.

'' You wouldn't.''

'' You might want to start writing up a will, Tony.'' said McGee, loving the look on his friend's face. Ziva chuckled and turned back to her computer.


'' See! This is what your missing Probie, beach, beer and women.'' said Mike, in his gravelly voice. Gibbs chuckled.

'' There's beer in the bar in Washington and there's also a beach, Mike.''

'' You missed out the women Probie.'' said Mike.

'' Yeah there's plenty of them too.''

'' Yeah, that Ziva lady you work with.''

'' Mike...'' sighed Gibbs, before sipping his beer. Mike shrugged.

'' I tell you something, Probie, if you can find a woman who can cook, clean, handle guns and is drop dead gorgeous, you've found the perfect woman.'' said Mike, looking at his Probie.

'' I don't think it's a coincedence Ziva manages to fall under those catergories, Mike, especially when you've made them up.'' joked Gibbs, returning the look. Mike shook his head and both men sat drinking their beer.

What they didn't notice was a group of three observing them through a telescopic lense, which was firmly attached to a sniper. The leader of the three motioned them to make their way down the beach.

'' I can't believe you ditched me to go back to Washington.'' said Mike.

'' I had to leave, it was literally a matter of life and death.'' argued Gibbs and in his defence it was. Ziva was on the run from Mossad, FBI, NCIS and her dad, while there was a terrorist trying to kill her.

'' Yeah, which brings me back onto Ziva, Probie.''

'' Oh, Mike, drop it.'' sighed Gibbs. Mike did drop it, he dropped his bottle which sounded with a thud onto the sand.

'' Mike?!'' exclaimed Gibbs, before a sharp pain in the back of his head knocked him into unconciousness. The two from the group of three looked up at their leader who nodded.

'' Good job, let's go.'' said a heavily accented voice. They dragged the unconcious men to a helicopter near-by and they flew off.

The only sign that anything out of the ordinary occured was a small patch of blood on the deckchair was sitting on.