A/N: i'm very happy that i got good reviews for my other strories, it's a good start for a new comer though it wasn't a lot. so i won't put up chapter 2 until three reviews.
DISCLAIMER: i do not own PPGs or roxanne... she belongs to the goofys. but i do own the silly characters :alexis and brittney. YEAH!
i would also like to give thanks to the fairy tales that i will somewhat use and twist.
buttercup POV
I was scrubing the floor of the kitchen. "man this stinks!" i said. i was grounded just because i put a chair on fire. it was by accident! i was dared to zap a chair with my laser in front of a teacher! isn't that an accident? i sniffed twice, "ew! something does stinks!"
I put the scrubing brush in the bucket. I got up with the bucket off the newly clean kitchen floor. "Buttercup!" bubbles yelled from her room. i sighed, "yes?!" I yelled back. "I need you to sew a dress back together for me! I don't want to prick myself!" just because i was the only person in the house who knew how to sew with a needle doesn't mean nobody can't use the electrical one. but part of my groundness was to do what I was told, no matter who it was that told me.
i went up to my prettiest sister's room. she had a light blue dress in her hand with a huge rip going through the side. "that's going to take me for ever!" i said seing the impossibility. "come on! please??" she begged. "ugh! fine." i said giving in. After I was done, I heard my "older" sister yell, "buttercup! I need you!" i ran up to her. "Ok, I need you to put these clothes to soak for 10 min..." she handed me a bunch of clothes.
"mm-hh." I responded.
" Return these books to the library...."
"And reset the mouse traps downstairs for those mice downstairs!" she put books on my head as I balanced the three things (or more if you count the clothing) in my hands/ head. i put the clothes in the washing machine with soap to let it soak and I left to return the books because it would not take me 10 min. to return them so I decided to get it done.
when i got back, the clothes still had three min. of soaking left. i reset the mouse traps and emptied the other ones. It was disguesting to see the blood and everything. I got back and took the clothes out and washed them and hanged them to dry.
I went up to my room, tierd, with a small and covered up window from an accident. it was the hottest room in the house and smallest. it was messy but that part was my fault. It was softly giving "how far is heaven?" on the radio. "Ugh! how far is heaven, anyways?" I said to myself.
blossom POV
I walked out my house and i think... I could've sworn, the town sang to me, "Good morning, bloss!" i turned back and said, "good morning, everyone."
I started making my way to the library. i was going to get my favorite book, The Man Behind The Glass. I've read it a thousand times but i can't get enough.
I was walking when i heard my favorite song in the music store, Whisper Words Of Love.
to walk down the road,
into my life.
to know you are there,
to make you my wife.
Whisper so softly...
i shall say those pleasent words
say to me sweetly
we shall fly with the birds.
if one day,
we both run away,
please, with lips so glossy,
whisper so softly....
i stopped to listen to those words and continued to the library. the man behind the glass has enough romance stuff that could make up for that song.
I entered the library to see mr. noddle (NOD-DELL) on the ladder of his tall bookshelf. When he heard the door open, he almost fell as the ladder started leaning.
"whoaa!" he let out as it continued to lean. I caught it and set it back straight. "You've got to be more careful, mr. noddle." i said to him as he causiously climbed down.
"well, blossom. i'm glad you care for me but what is it that you need?" he asked.
"The Man Behind The Glass."
"that story again? if you keep reading it and coming back, you will never become fat with all that exersize!" he chuckled.
"I know, but it's such a good book! I would just die if they made another book for it." I said. he sort of looked down with a innocent look on his face.
"i'm sorry to inform you but i have the whole series!" he said. I couldn't stop my jaw from opening.
"you didn't tell me?!" i sort of shouted.
"well, it doesn't matter. how would you like to keep the whole series?" he said with a smile. he had to be kidding. Those stories are priceless and he's offering all of the books from the series to me.
"are you kidding?" i said excited. "I would LOVE that!" then i became curious. "why?"
"Because I know how much you love the series and if you came back every now and then, you could eat a truck load of food and still be skinny in less then 2 weeks!" he said heading to the back of the library. he came out with a big box.
"is this it?" i asked carrying the box.
"All that came in last night.... 2 nights ago... 3 weeks ago." he said with that innocent look again.
"that's how long you've had these?!" i asked him.
"do you want to ask questions or do you want to read?" he asked pushing me out. "those are now yours! Enjoy!" he yelled out to me as i left.
I walked to my house when I could've sworn that somebody was following me. I turned to see the town's "hottie" coming for me. He had his little partner with him, eddie. he was short and scarwny and had a big nose, but i called him,"my little munchkin!"
The hottie, on the other hand, had everything oppisite. He was tall and muscular and apparently had the dream face. I call him, "jerk." he had blck hair that swayed in the front and a little pony tail. i didn't like guys with pony tails. if I dated him, at one point, i would think I was dating a girl. No, thank you.
"do you need help with that, sweetie?" he said. he tried to take the box. I swayed out of his reach." No, thank you, jessie." i said kindly trying to walk away. he came in my way and i rolled my eyes. "that looks kind of heavy... don't you think a man should hold that?" he asked.
"you are right!" I turned to eddie as jessie stupidly stuck out his hands waiting for the box. "Eddie, would you hold this for me?" i said sweetly.
"um, i can't." he said. jessie finally figured out what had happen and was giving angry glares to what seemed like the air.
"because i'm not strong enoug-"
"But, I AM!" jessie said pushing eddie out the way. he started flexing his muscles. A couple of girls watching near a water trout, fainted instaintly. i just rolled my eyes again. If i had a boyfriend that muscular, i would be afraid he would crush me in hugs, powers or not.
"Thank you, jessie, but no thank you. I've got to get home and help my dad with his experiments." i said. "you mean that crazy professor you call a dad?" he said. "he is not crazy! he is just old and need help." i siad.
"yeah, help from the coo-coo potrol." he whispered to eddie. "ugh!" i groaned. i tried to open the door to my house but jessie beat me to it.
"here, let me get that for you." he said opening the door. "Thank you." i said getting inside. I heard the door close but i hardly dout that jessie hadn't slipped in too.
"you know it's bad for you to be in the house alone without a real man there to protect you... from the beast." he said. "the beast?" i whispered to myself. "It's okay jessie! i can take care of myself." i said.
"but I-"
"take care!" in one swift move, i pushed him and eddie out. "the beast?" i whispered to myself again. "i got to look this up." i said aloud . then I heard a loud explosion from the basement. "i'm okay!" a faint voice said. "i'll be right down professor!" i said with a smile. 'silly professor.'
bubbles POV
I was coloring when the hotline rang. Blossom, as normal, answered the phone. "Yes, mayor?" she asked.
"The rowdyruff boys have escaped from jail and on their way to the townsville opening for all the jewels we found in the townsville mine!" I heard him say frantically.
"Why would you do that when you know how many villains are in townsville?" Blossom asked, exassperated.
"Um, i thought... it would be.... cool?" he siad. She was going to say something but he said something first. "Please come over and be the guards-" there was a pause. "Um, they are here." he said.
"We'll be right over mayor." she said. "come on girls! let's go!"
"Aw! but i just finished my coloring and I want to hang it up!" i said. Of course i didn't want to hang it up! i thought it looked ugly. But that red one and the green one scares me. i just wanted to stall.
"hurry up! we have to go! the rowdyruff boys will kill to get what they want!" she said.
"that's what i'm scared of." i mumbeld hanging up my rather ugly picture on the wall.
"what?" she asked getting ready to go with buttercup by her side.
"uh, i said, watts buzz lil' bared cuz'!" i said coming up what i could think of. i though they wouldn't belive me because they were giving me weird looks.
"Whatever! Let's just go!" blossom said
= at the jewel opening=
boomer watched his brothers scare the pants off everybody. It's not that he didn't want to be evil, he just didn't like people getting hurt because of their deeds. When he saw butch pick up a little blond up way in the air with her dollie in the air, he got worried for the girl.
"WAAAHH!" the little girl cried out. she dropped her doll.
"Eh, to whiney." butch said with an evil smile. he dropped her.
"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!" she cried out. He made sure his brothers weren't paying attention to him really quick before diving in for the girl. he caught her in a nick of time. she was still screaming when he caught her not knowing that she was caught.
"are you okay?!" he said just alittle louder than the screaming but a little lower than the crowd's screaming just so she could hear him. She looked up to the blond rowdyruff.
"Are you bubbles?" she asked. he smiled at her silliness. "no. I just- didn't want you to get hurt." he said.
he sticked his hand out to the side without looking and the doll landed in his hand. then he gave it to her. "Yay! you are my favorite rowdyruff!" she said. she gave him a quick kiss on the cheeck before running away to her mommy. Just then, we arrived to the scene.
"Aw man! it's the girls!" brick said mockingly. " yeah! that's right you better be afraid!" I said. buttercup shook her head, so did butch. brick tried to hide his laughter and boomer just looked confused. blossom came over to me. "Bubbles, he was being sarcastic."
"oh!" i said. But I heard boomer say it the same time to. maybe that's why he looked confused. "Ok, talk is cheap! Time to put you boys where you belong!" buttercup said.
"Bring it, sissy!" butch said. they went at it real quick. then we started fighting with brick and boomer.
=5 minutes later=
buttercup was sticking her tough out at butch which was inside a "jar" to hold them. he was doing the same thing. "Ok, girls. Let's go. BUTTERCUP! now!" blossom said. they left and the boys went to jail, but broke out 4 minutes later.
the next day, the hotline rang again and as normal, blossom answered it. "Ye-" we heard the monster roar from the backround. "we'll be right there, mayor!" she said. we all flew towards the monster.
= At a Near By pizza stand.=
"hey, you guys! I got the perfect idea!" brick said. "yeah, what is it?" butch said. "We spy on the girls to figure out most of their fight moves and that way, we'll be ready." brick said. "Ok, worth a try." butch said. they saw the monster oin the distance. "Come on! they'll arrive any sec to beat that monster." he said starting to fly to the monster. "remember to stay out of their way." he said as they flew off.
when we got to the monster, it looked at us right away as if we were an ant. then it duplicated. into three. so now there are three of them. "Ok, bubbles. pick which ever you want." Blossom said. I went straight up to a random monster and punched it far away and I flew after it.
blossom was fihghting the original one. Brick was spying on her on a near by building. She used her ice brethe to freeze it which brick never saw her use before. then she used fire breathe to thaw it out but ti would be in a daze. then she knocked it out and sended it flying."wow, impressive." he said.
butch was spying on buttercup on a near by water tower. she dodged a few punches and swings from the monster. "come on! is that all you got?" she said in a baby voice. her hands glowed green as if they were smoking and she went up to the belly of the monster, she hit repeatedly. when she ws done and it was surpemely bruised, she went up to his face and knocked it out cold and out into the ocean. "Aw! awsome!" butch said to himself.
I on the other hand was having trouble. Blah, blah, blah, the weakest of the powerpuff girls, but I was having trouble! i went up to it's face when i thought it wasn't paying attention. but it wacked me down hard...from up above...in the sky...yeah, it was going to hurt.... alot. I landed in a near by building. boomer, who was watching went into action. he started keeping the monster away from me by beating it up.
I woke up and saw what he was doing. "AW! how sweet!" i said. then a monster came out of no where and smacked me down. Boomer saw this when he was heading back to me to see if i was okay.
"AW MAN, BUBBLES!" he yelled. he dived down for me. He tries to reach for me, but I slip away. So he kicks in all the thrust he has. Boomer's speed breaks the sound barrier and he automatically does his sonic boom and breaks every window in a 5 mile radius.
"Shoot!" he yells. In a navy blue blurh, he ducks out of the glasses way and hides in an alley. when he sees me and himself was out of harms way, he gingerly places me on the floor. "bubbles? bubbles! WAKE UP!" he shouted. I slowly woke up and jumped back when I saw him. Then I thought back and remembered he saved me! "You... you saved me." I said.
"Well, yeah.... you were having trouble and I didn't want to see you get hurt so..." he started.
"Well, i would have gotten hurt if you weren't there!" I said excepting the fact.
"yeah, but aren't you evil?" I said. "well, yeah, but not the evil like my brothers... they like hurting people. butch even put a girl way up in the air and dropped her!" boomer explained.
"Really! what happened to her?" I asked.
"Well, I saved her! I didn't want her to get hurt. I would have never forgave myself." he said.
"there was also another time when..." boomer explained as I listened with great intrest.
= with blossom and buttercup=
"Where is she? she was just battling that monster over there!" blossom said gusturing to the beat up monster. "I don't know let's keep looking." buttercup said.
"Hey? where is boomer?" brick asked.
"i don't know! Last I saw him, he was doing fine watching bubbles." butch answered. "come on! maybe we'll find him if they find bubbles! he was spying on her." brick said. "yeah, let's go." butch replied.
=back with me and boomer!=
I giggled at the part where boomer made a corny joke out of butch's corny joke. "bubbles! bubbles!" I heard someone call me. "Oh! that must be my sisters! I have to go!" I said.
I started floating away when I heard boomer stutter, "W-wait!"
I turned back. "yes?"
"w-when can I s-see you again?" he asked.
I floated down to his ear and whispered, "at the park, 9:30, in front of the pond." I kissed him on the cheeck. I saw him blush. Then I remembered my sisters and his brothers. "But remember... It's a secret!" I said.
' a secret date, huh? I like that.' I thought. I floated off to my sisters.
his brothers met up with him. "Dude! what are you doing here?!" brick asked.
"uh, I needed a better spot to spy on bubbles!" boomer lied.
"Oh, OK! come on! we got what we needed! let's go home." they flew off.
9:30, bubbles...9:30.
A/N: yeah, hoped you liked it. please R&R! I'm not even suppose to be on the computer right now! my mom thinks i'm doing homework! appretiate it if you review! ok, bye!