Title: A Familiar Dance
Author: SchizoAuthoress
Rating: R
Warnings: slashy goodness turns into lemony fresh overtones! Rejoice, Luc&Sev-ers!

A/N: Now, don't go saying that I conflict my other fic, "Kaffeeklatsch." I never stated in there that Lucius and Severus hadn't gotten together since their school days. More detail at the end of this story.

To Silent Stalker, even if she thinks Lucius is a bad, abusive father. She deserved better treatment than what she got. Please go to her profile by using the link on my Favorite Authors page and go to her personal website. Her stories are wonderful Harry/Draco slashy-goodness, just in case you desire a change from my favorite couple!
A lithe, furry form ran swiftly across the grounds, the black fur of its body nearly blending into the lengthening and deepening shadows of the night, save for the pale frost of silvery fur that gleamed as it passed the groundskeeper's cabin. There, Fang lifted his head and growled half-heartedly, causing the animal to mince away delicately, lifting its own lips in a snarl to reveal sharp, cruel little fangs. Then it turned with a majestic sweep of its bushy tail and continued across the Hogwarts lawn.

A small barred window, barely more than a vent, revealed itself when the silver fox--for that was indeed what the creature turned out to be--clawed away at the clump of dirt and overgrown grass hiding it. The fox wriggled in with little difficulty, dropping gracefully to the floor.

"Not that I don't expect you to keep your word, but I'm surprised you came," a familiar voice said from somewhere near the stairwell to the dungeon classroom.

The fox shook its head sharply, and in an instant, changed back into Lucius Malfoy. He moved in the direction of the voice's source, his silvery eyes already well-adapted to darkness. "Is all this subterfuge necessary?"

"Now, now," Severus murmured huskily, gathering the pale man into his arms, "You know that such measures are required when two people are indulging in an adulterous love affair."

Letting his left arm slip around Severus's lean waist, Lucius pulled him even closer, letting his forehead touch Severus's own. He inquired softly, "Is *that* what this is?" even though he knew the answer.

"We've lost quite a bit of time," Severus breathed.

"I'll make it up to you," Lucius promised, "All twelve years and seven months of it."

"No more talk," Severus proclaimed, capturing Lucius's mouth in a starved, passionate kiss. Lucius moaned his agreement and they sank to the floor, hands exploring familiar flesh. For Lucius especially, the image of his once and future lover was burned indelibly in his conciousness.

Sensations that were at once familiar and yet blurred by time and seperation flared between them again with a renewed intensity. Lucius ran his fingers through the dark silk of Severus's hair, moving to nibble gently at his lover's throat, an absolute slave to the taste and scent and feel of this beautiful man who was equally his slave.

The smooth granite of the floor was damp and cold, but neither cared as they rid themselves of clothes that had suddenly become entirely too bothersome to be endured any longer. Their bodies molded together perfectly, and Severus was once more struck by the thought that they were made for each other. It was a thought that had lately only served as a torment to him, but now, now it sweetened this beloved experience.

No words were spoken except for a tenderly murmured charm that Severus knew was to prepare him for Lucius's amorous attentions. He shut his eyes and arched luxuriously, as his silver angel entered his body smoothly and slowly. A sigh of fulfillment escaped his lips, and he felt Lucius begin to move in their rhythm.

Severus let his eyes flutter open, and he beheld Lucius gazing at him in mixed adoration and desire, his silver eyes sensually heavy-lidded. "I love you," Severus moaned breathlessly.

"I love you," was the throaty reply.
Later, they lay together in the warm and comfortable darkness of Severus's bed, needing no candles or light-spells for the searching kisses and caresses that smouldered of their love and passion for each other. It was an oasis of warmth and devotion in their cold, loveless surroundings.

"What's the matter?" Lucius whispered quietly. Severus shivered and kissed him deeply, breaking away to ask with a gasp,

"Do you sense it?"

Lucius shut his eyes for a moment in concentration, and then he mumbled in a low voice, "Yes, I do. He
is coming back."

"Oh, Luc," Severus replied with a sad smile, "we both know that He never truly went away." But he trailed a line of impulsive kisses along Lucius's neck and shoulder, whispering hoarsely, "One night, love, one night for just me and you. That's all I want to think about right now."

Lucius felt hot tears fall onto his shoulder. Severus had said that Lucius was the only one who could make him cry anymore. But the tears were for both of them. This was quite possibly the last time they would be together like this, ever.

"So cruel," Lucius breathed, unaware that he'd spoken aloud. And life was cruel, so very cruel. They had barely had enough time to be with each other before life interceded and pulled them apart. He shut his eyes, feeling the bitter tears slide down his face, and surrendered himself to this indulgence, to the beautiful, weeping man who had his heart.
let the above chapter sink in before you read my closing notes
A/N: One down, about a million more to go. Seriously, I feel quite sad that I had to finish this story, but each one has its end...besides, I have so much more to write, I can't waste time feeling sad about one fic. I hope you enjoyed reading "Morningstar's Requiem" as much as I enjoyed the complicated process of writing, rewriting, and channeling the spirits of imaginary British wizards. (I can't resist being facetious at the oddest times.) Thank you all for your support, especially--

Strega Brava

You guys are the best!