You guys just don't believe that this is a LONG story rite? So I'll prove it! _

I don't understand either, why am I getting so little reviews???? Please pity the poor me and review k? I'm going on my knees… T.T



7.30 a.m in the morning: Mikan's dorm

"Just hurry up will ya'? Why does it even take you 30 minutes to prepare for school?" a raven-haired guy asked impatiently.

"Can't you just wait? I still need to bathe, pack my bag, change etc. So stop complaining! Geez… You're behaving like my dad!" the young brunette argued.

Yes, you got that right. Mikan is still preparing herself for school while Natsume, who came to wake her up, is still waiting quite impatiently for her. Who even takes 30 minutes just to bathe, dress, and pack? That was what's he thinking, I'm sure. When she got ready, 45 minutes already passed. Pissed, Natsume dragged her out of her door and headed towards the High School Division.

"Now I know why you're always late. You take too long to prepare yourself. Shouldn't you like pack your bag before you go to bed?" he complained.

Mikan glared at him, "By the time I finish my homework, it's already almost 12 midnight. And, a healthy person needs at least 6-9 hours of sleep!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever, you and your lame excuses. Just admit that you're slow." He teased.

She popped a vein and started punching him. Of course, she couldn't even land a bruise on Natsume because he was just too strong for her. When they reached their class, everyone was busy doing their own stuff. For example, Ruka was busy feeding his newly adopted pet, a chick, and Hotaru was busy fixing up her broken invention, courtesy to Ruka. And Sumire was busying herself, by doing her manicure. Do they even bother about lessons?

The couple headed towards their seats and waited for lessons to begin, not for Natsume that is. Moments after they sat down, Narumi, aka their gay teacher, came in, his now long, scratch that, now LONGER, hair swaying in the imaginary breeze. "Morning guys! Girls as well! I'm so happy that I'm teaching this year as well! I can't believe the principal let me transfer here because I told him I love you people so much!" he announced to the class… cheerfully.

"Dang." They replied.

"Aww… Come on'… Don't you guys miss me during the holidays? I can't even sleep cause' I'm thinking about you!"

Then suddenly, a fireball was being thrown at him. And of course, the owner of it spoke, "Just shut up and start already. Didn't you have something to say?"

Narumi faked a smile at him, and then told the class, "Ok, back to serious business. I'm here to tell you something very important."

The class sat up straight and focused.

"The principal, or rather, the principals have decided that they would let the boys and girls stay in the same dormitory. And, couples in classes or whatever are allowed to stay next to each other. BUT! No going into your partner's room after 9 p.m sharp."




"Are you serious?!" they asked, or more like yelled at the same time.

Narumi nodded. "No doubt about that. But as I've said, no going into rooms after 9 p.m. They academy doesn't want any 'accidents'."

"What's up with those psychotic principals? Didn't they discourage early relationships?" Natsume stated.

"Well…" he started, "Actually, it's not really just so simple. I mean, there is a reason, but yeah, I could lose my job if I don't keep my mouth shut. So please, don't make things difficult for me." begged Narumi.

The class seemed to understand his point and agreed to not pester him anymore. But nevertheless, the questioned remain in their mind. Because they knew there was absolutely no way for the principals to let them stay together without a reason. So what's up with the sudden change of plans? Something must be wrong.

"Ok, stop the tension already! It's not as if it's something bad. Don't you feel happy that you can be close to your loved ones, doing homework together, playing together, cuddling each other and kiss each other good night before sleep?"

The class turned around and eyed Natsume and Mikan. "I think that's what the two of them would do, Narumi sensei." They said. Natsume who heard what they were saying gave a cold glare to the class and Mikan, being clueless about what they were saying, simply smiled at the class.

"Hey class! Since I've already made my very important announcement, why not I let you guys enjoy this period? Free period ok?"

"Yay! Let's go party shall we?" a girl from the class, Namiko, suggested.

"Why not? Jinno's lesson is on the last period today." Another answered.

Meanwhile, Mikan, who overheard the conversation, eyes turned wide and her jaw almost dropped. She turned and stared at Natsume who wasn't even bothering about what was happening in the class. "Natsume…?" she asked.


"Didn't you tell me in the morning that if I don't wake up, you're gonna rape me and I'll be late for Jinno's lesson?"


"So, how would I be late if his isn't the first period?" she asked him suspiciously.

Natsume expression changed from somewhat shocked, then back to normal. "You idiot, you don't know that I'm a freak in bed? If I really wanted to rape you, you might not even survive the last round."

Mikan blinked at him, then punched the smirking Natsume, "YOU PERVERT!!!" she yelled in his face.

The class turned their heads at stared at the quarreling couple, and then sighed. When would they stop it anyway? It probably wouldn't happen even after they are married! But the problem is, would the ever-so stuck up Natsume even say 'Will you marry me?' Now that was another question in mind.

Whatever the case is, let's forget about the boring class part. Why not we head down to see what our dear gang and couples are doing? What are they doing and where are they going? Well of course, the only place in GA is Central Town!

In Central Town: 2 p.m:

As usual, they were eating at Hotaru's favorite restaurant, and as usual, with Ruka footing the bill. Smiles people, Ruka wouldn't mind. After all, he's doing for his one and only beloved Hotaru. How sweet!

"Ruka! Are your really that rich?" Mochu teased.

"Well… I don't know your definition of 'rich'."

"My definition you ask? I'll tell you, my definition of rich, is someone who can support a money-gobbling girlfriend like Hotaru!"


And our dear Ice Queen's Baka Gun went off. What luck…

"Chill Imai! I was just stating the fact! I can't believe Ruka loves you to the core! Imagine him being broke even before he graduates from High School! What would you do then? Sell all his photos and make a fortune out of it from his fan-girls?" Mochu exclaimed.

"You better watch your words, Mochiage-san. Number one, I, Imai Hotaru, never asked him to love me. Two, I won't pick guys that won't last me for a lifetime, monetarily. Three, if he ever becomes broke from all his spending on me, with my qualifications, it wouldn't take me long to find another rich guy."

Everyone gasped at her reply. Ruka looked at her with pleading eyes. "You don't mean what you said right? You're not gonna leave me alone right? You told me you loved me! Is that true?" asked a very worried Ruka. Everybody nearly laughed at his reaction.

Hotaru looked at him bluntly, sighed, and then whispered something in his ear. "You know Ruka; if you're really desperate to know my answer, why not meet me in my lab tonight?" Ruka blushed, causing the gang to wonder what Hotaru told him. Something perverted? Nah, it isn't Hotaru's style. But still, what could be the reason for Ruka's blush?

"What did Hotaru tell you, Ruka?" Mikan asked him innocently.

"Erm… let's see… It's something that Natsume will tell you." He teased her.

Mikan looked at Natsume who was sipping on his water that the waitress just served. He looked rather irritated, for the waitress tried to flirt with him. "What did he mean?"

"Nothing, little girls shouldn't know too much about these kinda' stuff."

"What do you mean by little girl?! I'M NOT LITTLE!" she shouted, making the people in the restaurant turn their attention on her. Embarrassed, Mikan gave them a faint smile and hit Natsume on the head, blaming him in the process.

"My my, what do I have here?" a familiar voice said.

They turned around and saw their teacher, "Narumi sensei!"

"Hi kids. I'm here to give you your keys to your new rooms. I have already asked the people to bring all of your belongings to your new rooms, so everything would be intact. Don't worry kay'? Nobody peeked at anything."

"When you said no one peeked, you're making us really thinking that somebody peeked you know. And it'd better not be you. Or you'll be in flames." Natsume threatened.

"And may I know if you have anything private that you wouldn't want us to find out?" Narumi asked.

"Hn." Was Natsume's famous reply. He ignored the gay teacher's question and resumed to what he was doing. And Narumi, simply went to irritate him even more. "Did you tell the class about where you're going soon?"

Natsume glared at him, "You just had to make things worst."

"Haven't you heard before? Never provoke a gay if you don't want to become one. And I'm afraid you just did." Narumi gave him a slight grin.

"I didn't know gays could be so dangerous. But I'm afraid you're gonna have you're ass burning as you walk out of this place. In fact, it already is." He smirked.

"Ah!!!! Put it out!!! Damn you!!!!" Narumi screamed as he ran out.

"How is that idiot supposed to put it out without polka-dots or anyone with the water alice?" he mumbled to himself.

"NATSUME!!! STOP BULLYING SENSEI ALREADY!" his oh-so dense girlfriend scolded.

"Wasn't really my fault."

"You know how sometimes, I really hate your guts."

"Yeah, but I know how you love my heart."

Their so-called sweet time was disturbed when Nonoko asked him, "What did Narumi mean by where you're going? Are you leaving us?"

"Dang. That's why I hate him. Look guys, I'm going overseas for some stupid business the academy entrusted me to. I'll be leaving next week, and back in 5 days."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ruka questioned.

"You'll probably start acting like my dad and ask me to call you everyday to report about what I'm doing." He joked.

"That's not funny you know."

"I know." He replied. The gang couldn't do anything about it anyway, he has already decided that he wanted to go. If they're gonna stop him, they'd better be prepared to get the ass or head burned, thanks to the flame caster. I wonder why Mikan even loves him?

Later that night: Lab:

"You wanted to know the answer didn't you?" she asked.

"Wouldn't I?" he replied and gave her a smile.

"Let me tell you. One, I didn't ask you to love me. I wanted you to love me. Two, I pick guys that last me forever, mentally and physically. Three, I won't find another rich guy, cause' you're the only guy I can get with my qualifications."

Ruka smiled when he heard her reply. And the next thing he knew, his lips found its way to hers.

Ok, I'm stopping here. This chapter is SHORT. I know, I'm not in the mood to write these few days, but don't worry, the next one will be LONGER than the rest I've done so far. Reviews k? Support me alright? I'm sucking my life and soul to do this.

