Alright! I've decided that I'm going to pick this story back up again. I love the idea (just wish it was a real thing XD). I don't really have much else to say, so enjoy ;D


"Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the final round—Pit against the merciless Jordan!" the announcer said as the two angels flew out of the floor. Pit examined his opponent, the other having short, shaggy brown hair and white wings much like he did, though there was a slight grey tint to them. Jordan grinned and mock saluted him with two fingers.

"Howdy do Pitto?" Jordan grinned as the announcer gave a bit more information to the crowd, giving the two some time to chat. "I've been watching your matches and can saw that I'm thoroughly impressed—you think you still have enough energy to entertain me?"

"Of course I do!" Pit grinned jumping off of the ground so that he was hovering, anticipation getting to him. "Heard that you almost broke the record for most hits in a match too."

"Ugh, don't remind me," Jordan rolled his eyes. "I'm working a bit hard at that, so I'd advise that you prepare yourself."

"Can do."


The two took off at lightning speed, both evenly matched when it came to the speed factor. The balloon with the golden ring finally came into sight and they both sped up, it being a race to the top. Unfortunately for Pit, Jordan got ahold of the ring first and immediately turned around to kick him in the face. The blow sent him down a bit before he righted himself, rubbing his nose with a small 'ouch'.

Pit noted that he shouldn't be hanging around for too long since Jordan was already halfway to the pole. He dove down, teeth gritted as he approached the other quickly. Pit reached out and grabbed Jordan's ankle, grinning triumphantly as he did so only to be thrown forward when Jordan kicked his legs in front of him.

Tumbling in midair, it didn't take long for Pit to collide with the pole, one hand reaching up and grabbing it before he could fall. Jordan was heading for the pole again, but since he was clinging to it, a game of guard dog would be fun. Pit placed his feet on the pole, getting ready to launch himself at Jordan when the time was right. As it came, he did so, grabbing the other by the waist. Jordan seemingly didn't expect it—but then again, if he didn't, he probably wouldn't have made it this far into the game.

Jordan grinned and shoved Pit off of him before spinning around so that his wings hit the other in the side of the head. Jordan followed it up with a kick to Pit's ribcage and as they fell, Jordan continued to throw attacks at Pit. He noted that the ground was approaching fast and grabbed a hold of Pit, bringing him close before pushing him down roughly with his two feet.

Pit slammed into the ground, having turned around mid-fall so that he landed on his chest, hands reaching out in an attempt to catch himself. Jordan landed in front of him before taking off once more unlike Colin, leaving Pit on the ground.

Coughing because of the dust his contact with the ground whipped up, Pit looked up, squinting his eyes before launching himself back into the sky. He was hurting, but Jordan clearly won't wait for him to get back up. His opponent was about to get the ring on the hook when Pit flew past, snatching the object from him and diving for the ground, an idea surfacing. Jordan simply grinned toothily and dove after Pit.

Pit flapped his wings once when he got extremely close to the ground, whipping up dust before flying parallel to the floor, Jordan following him. Pit made sure to flap his wings as much as possible when he took a sharp turn so that it got dust into the air. He coughed a bit because of it, but held tight to the ring and soon enough, there was so much dust from five minutes of cat and mouse that Link and the others had trouble seeing through it.

"Man, I can't see them!" Red furrowed his eyebrows, squinting his eyes in an attempt to catch a glimpse at what was happening. "Pit did a smart thing, but man, I wish I could see what was going on!"

Pit emerged from the dust, ring in hand as he went for the pole. He grinned triumphantly as he was about to hook it when Jordan side tackled him. Pit hadn't noticed that the other had followed him out of the dust cloud that easily and had assumed that he had gotten lost. Grunting in irritation that his plan hadn't exactly worked, Pit flew higher, Jordan hot on his tail.

Once they reached a height point that made if almost impossible for the crowd to see them, Pit turned, doing some sort of flip before diving at breakneck speeds, Jordan following of course. He just couldn't shake the other. Jordan reached out and grabbed Pit's ankle, bringing the other brunette closer before shoving a hand onto Pit's face, pushing him down and making him drop the ring.

Pit flipped himself so that he was upright once more and flew after Jordan. "Whoa dude, you're tricky!" Pit yelled, throwing all of his body weight onto Jordan, throwing the two off balance.

"Is that a compliment?" Jordan yelled back, a grin stretching at his lips. "And we're falling buddy!" he continued. The two were currently falling to the ground at high speeds, wrestling for the ring. Eventually they made contact, Jordan managing to throw Pit off of him just before they hit the ground, the two landing a foot or two from each other, the ring in between them.

"Augh! Ouch!" Pit grunted, coughing a few times before noticing a few red specks on the ground in front of him. "Ugh…" he forced out, wiping a hand over his mouth to make sure none of it stuck.

Jordan lay on the ground in front of him, holding his side, teeth clenched and eyes squeezed shut in pain from the impact on the ground. "Ugh, dude, we're lucky if we even get up," he announced and Pit soon realized that he was having trouble with hauling his own body weight into an upright position, limbs too shaky from the collision with the unforgiving ground.

"Are they hurt?" Zelda asked, leaning out of her seat in worry. "Will they get medical attention?" she continued and Red told her to hold tight, saying that the two were far from done.

Pit was happy that he didn't land on his back, for then his wings would be in too much pain to continue. He finally managed to push himself onto his hands and knees, reached forward to grab the ring and took off just as Jordan managed to push himself up as well. Jordan took off after Pit, still shaking off the pain in his abdomen before catching up and throwing Pit backwards.

A bit thrown off at how quickly Jordan managed to catch up with him, Pit tightened his grip on the ring so that he wouldn't drop it again. He tumbled in midair a bit before righting himself once more only to have Jordan seemingly appear out of nowhere and throw a string of attacks on him—all creating one painful and lengthy combo.

His final blow was a kick to the chest that was meant to separate the two, having grabbed the ring a while ago. When he kicked Pit away, the other let go of the ring since Jordan had a hold on it and he was weakened from the attacks. With a grin and another mock salute, Jordan took off for the pole once more, hoping that this time, he'd win this.

Pit hit the ground, letting out a shaky yelp of pain before forcing himself to ignore said feeling before rocketing back for the sky. He squeezed in as much energy as he could to speed himself up, and just before Jordan was about to triumphantly place the ring on one of the three hooks, Pit rocketed past, snatching the ring from the other, for since he was convinced that he'd win this round, his grin had slackened on the object. "Hah, got'chya!"

"I'm going to get it back though!" Jordan retorted and went after Pit. Pit lowered so that he was flying next to the wall that supported the stands, Jordan not too far behind. He was about to kick off of the wall using his wings so the air would catch on it to help him launch off, Jordan grabbed his ankle and threw him into the wall. He yelped before falling to the ground once more, making contact with it for the third time that match, though he still held tightly to the ring.

He was panting as he lay on the ground, one arm bent in an attempt to push himself up and off of the ground. Pit was already spent and Jordan seemed as if he could go on for much longer. Looking up at the large screen, he noted that they were only eight minutes in, Jordan holding the record of dragging on a match for almost fifty minutes. That would be torture. "I'm not giving up though," he muttered to himself and rolled out of the way just as Jordan was about to land roughly on top of him. "Ya missed!"

Pit took off and Jordan followed, resuming their game of cat and mouse. His wings were getting sore from all of the action and Jordan wasn't tiring at all. He probably should exercise them more—he did get more fly time from using them so much during brawls back at the Smash Mansion, but it still wasn't enough.

Deciding to perform the risky move, Pit brought a hand back as if he were going to strike something with an axe. He then swung his arm down at threw the ring to the ground. He then flew upwards as Jordan flew down, after the ring. Link and Red were probably loudly questioning his actions in the stands. He looked over to them and grinned when he saw the two doing just that.

With a wave of his hand, Pit continued to fly upwards before going immediately into a dive just as Jordan began flying up. His opponent was so focused on the pole that he didn't notice that he and Pit were going to collide. That very thing just happened just inches from the three hooks. The collision briefly knocked both unconscious only to be brought back when they felt the pain shoot through them when they hit the ground. Pit wasn't sure how many more times he'd be able to hit the ground before he ended up having to give up.

The two simply lay there on the ground, panting and trying to force themselves up. Pit looked around before spotting the ring quite a distance from the two of them this time. With one final huff, he forced himself up and ran for the ring, letting his wings rest for a moment. Jordan growled in irritation from the pain before forcing himself up as well and following, though he was still able to fly no problem.

He was about to pick the ring up when Jordan zipped by, picking the ring up before ascending. He grinned, mock saluted Pit again and stuck his tongue out. Pit grinned back at the other and flew after him—he felt like he could go on forever, yet felt like he was going to shut down any second. He somehow miraculously caught up with Jordan and grabbed his ankle, bringing it back so that he could get to the ring in the other's hand.

He grabbed it successfully before continuing up to the pole as Jordan let out a frustrated sound and followed. Pit reached out and placed the ring on a hook just as Jordan grabbed his ankle and tossed him backwards. He recovered eventually and descended to the ground, still panting. "Great match buddy," he grinned, sticking a hand out so they could shake hands. Jordan landed next to him, grinned at him and took his hand.

"Yeah, sure thing. You should participate in the Experts round," Jordan grinned, letting go of Pit's hand as he said so. "This is just beginners stuff, I think you have enough potential to go to the good stuff."

"Are you serious? I barely survived this one!" Pit laughed optimistically. "But yeah, I'll check it out," he continued. "When are they held?"

"A few weeks from now, so you have enough time to rest up and train a bit—though I would warn you that it's so much harder than this," Jordan answered. "I was able to get in, but got my butt whooped so bad that I came back here," he guffawed and Pit grinned albeit nervously.

"Heh. Yeah, I'll still check it out—thanks."

"No problem," Jordan clapped the other on the shoulder and Pit's grin turned optimistic once more.


Lol, totally. Does the writing style look more improved? It should :D It's more detailed, dialogue's in the right place and all of that good stuff ;) Hope you liked it. Please review, love to hear what you have to say and peace ;)