So I actually got around to posting this here. What a wonderful way to start off a chapter, right? With a blowjob. Well, that's a wonderful way to start anything, really. Wait, why am I talking about this.


"Swallow it."

His words flowed through his ears.

He gripped the sides of the boy's mouth and tipped it up. He put his thumb over the other's mouth and glared down at him. "Do it, Crow." The boy on the floor on his knees was identified as Crow. His eyes shut tight, with his orange eyebrows furrowed. The other man loomed over his, with his hand still holding tightly at the orange haired boy's face.

Crow breathed in through his nose before coughing, a bit of the white fluid drip out past his lips and the pale boy's thumb. "Crow.." He warned, jerking the younger's head back further, causing him to flinch and groan in pain. Crow coughed out more of the precious essence and swallowed hard. The other backed up, letting Crow fall to his back and cough roughly.

"Fuck you, Kiryu!!" He yelled through ragged breathes. "I fucking hate it when you do that!!"

The man, now known as Kiryu, approached him and knelt down. He then placed a soft kiss on his forehead. "Well I love it."

Crow sighed hard and leaned up. "Yeah yeah.." He smiled softly, looking up at him.

"Yusei could take it, I don't know why you can't."

There he goes again.

"I'm not Yusei." Crow growled, glaring up at him.

Kiryu had gotten out of a long relationship with Crow's best friend, Yusei. They had the stereo typical "true love" romance. Kiryu even promised that he'd marry him one way or another. Possibly when the Satellite would be connected to the main land, but we all knew that that would never happen. So Kiryu and Yusei settled for that "some day promise". Oh yes, they were two peas in a pod. Smiles and laughs. Love and peace. The world was their oyster. Whatever that means. Everything was perfect.

Jack and Crow were happy as well, seeing two boys who had faced hard times, finally be truly happy. Jack didn't seem to care at first, but he would smile at Yusei whenever the bi-haired boy would walk into the room with a big grin. Crow was happy as well. He cared deeply for Yusei and Kiryu, as much as the white haired boy annoyed him sometimes cared for him.

Things ended roughly for them. Kiryu had anger problems. Yusei had put up with him, even when Kiryu struck him. Once Jack saw a bruise on Yusei's face, he knew exactly what happened. Kiryu and him bumped heads, literally too. Jack, to this day, still has not forgiven him. Of course, they made up a few months later. They're still friends, but Jack is still weary of him. As for Crow, he had proceeded to give Kiryu a few bruises of his own. And wouldn't even look at him for months. It took Crow longer to soften up Kiryu. Yusei still took the hits. Yusei seemed like a clingy type. Maybe that was it, but hell, anyone who had been in a long relationship, like there's, wouldn't give up on them without a fight and with the will.

Although, after a long while, he had had enough of it. He broke it off with Kiryu after a year and 5 months. Kiryu was broken. He was out of it. Not eating, not sleeping, not doing anything. The three left had to take on dueling gangs by themselves. But slowed down on it to wait for Kiryu. Crow was there for him, all of the way. He brought him back up, and held him there until he was able to walk on his own two feet. After a while, Crow had developed feelings for Kiryu, but Kiryu was still dead set on winning Yusei back somehow.

A few months later, Yusei had gotten with Jack. Jack was the Crow to Yusei's Kiryu. Jack had brought him Yusei up and held him there until he was able to walk on his own two feet, too. Everything seemed better now. Jack was happy with Yusei, and vice versa. Kiryu was recovering, and Crow was still lingering on his feelings with Kiryu. The duels went on, and the territories were being conquered. Things were back to normal.

Until one night, 4 months ago. Kiryu had caught Crow while he was sleeping. He shook him awake and told him that he needed him in the other room. Crow, being half asleep, just followed him. He eventually fully woke up when he was slammed to the wall and his lips were claimed by Kiryu. Kiryu dragged the boy to the ground and took his innocence.

It was Crow's first time, but he didn't tell Kiryu. Crow thought that Kiryu just wanted a hole to fuck. That's what he was thinking, until it was over and Kiryu was fighting back tears. He said that he wanted to be with Crow, but he was scared that Crow would hurt him like Yusei did. Crow didn't have the heart to say that Kiryu deserved to lose Yusei after beating him up so many times. Crow just held him like many nights before.

A few days later, Crow had Kiryu got together. Kiryu was happy again, and Crow was on top of the world. For a while, Kiryu was able to look at Yusei with Jack, smile and say "I'm happy for you two". He had Crow now, everything was right in his world again. And he never mentioned Yusei's name to Crow again.

Until, of course, these past few weeks. The loss must've been getting to him again. He would mention Yusei a few times a day, and Crow would put up with it. Crow was still getting the attention he craved from Kiryu, and that all that mattered.