James Patterson owns ALL characters sadly I own nothing :(
My first Fan fic don't hurt me please .
Omega lands a hard kick right into my rib cage definitely breaking something. Come on Max! I urge myself on to be stronger and kick wonder boys butt, but the only problem is he's just too quick and strong!
No no… I can do this!! I use all the strength I have left and leap up landing on my two feet. Omega comes circling back around heading right towards me.
He has a straight and determined face that make me clinch my fists tight while reeling one back ready to launch Mr. Perfect into next week. And POW!! Omega's rolling backwards obviously surprised I punched him! HA!
"What's wrong can't take a punch?" I shout back relishing in my defense.
This stupid robot boy must have a flaw, right? I had to figure that out soon because he shot back up and speed towards me and I knew he was strong, but that made me think about someone else, Fang...
'Oh Fang! Where are you now?! I need you more than ever! Oh please hurry' I mentally scream.
As Omega shot toward me I glide swiftly to the left, obviously avoiding him, But Omega must have read my mind because he to turns at the same time knocking my feet out from under me.
I look around quickly and see Miss. Insane Director Lady smiling like well a cat that ate the canary, and I don't like it at all…
Max you must stay focused on Omega; I don't know what his weaknesses are so you have to keep a sharp eye on him…
Before I can even begin to process what the voice is saying I see something shiny flicker in my vision and then a sharp pain in my side.
My head snaps right to Omega and I see him holding a bloody knife in his right hand.
Before He has time to stab me again, I land a Max kick right in his face making a crunching noise meaning I broke his nose.
I smirked when he stumbles backwards holding his nose for a fraction of a second.
Omega quickly recovers and races toward me again with the knife in hand. My thoughts get jumbled together as I search for ways too avoid Omega.
Then it hits me and all I want to scream is DUH! I spread my 14ft. wings and fly above Omega missing his knife by inches.
This amazing feeling of freedom hits me, until I glance to the side lines where Angel stares at me with sad eyes. I stare back knowing I must rescue Angel. I freeze in mid-air when a voice speaks in my mind.
You can't escape Max, Omega will win and you will die.
Any other time I would tell the stupid voice to shut up and get out of my head, but this wasn't my normal invader voice this was a new strangely familiar voice.
I then recognize the voice to belong to Mrs. Director Lady who I see is sitting in her wonderful pedestal glaring up at me.
We lock gazes and a giant evil grin crosses her face. Right at that moment a brain attack hits me harder than ever making me see black spots in my vision. I scream and fold my wings in falling.