Hi, welcome to my first multichapter W.I.T.C.H. fic. You'll notice I've updated or posted a lot of first chapters for fics, but the reason is simple.I have too many ideas, and I'd like to get them posted so I won't forget them. The more review I get for a story, the more likely it is for me to work on it and finish it.

Now, I don't own any characters, I just own the OCs that pop up now and then. I can promise you that I'll stick to W.I.T.C.H. Characters with W.I.T.C.H. characters, and OC's with OC's. Unless it will actually help the plot to move on, then I might reconsider, but for right now, that's how it stands.

I am making no money off this, this is for my enjoyment, though I hope you enjoy it as well. And Now:

The Darkness Stirs

On the far reaches of the universe, a darkened world exists. There is no sun or moon, and the only light is a terrible red glow, much like glowing blood. Everything on the world is asleep, Wolves with large fangs, trolls with rock like hides and tusks, and black bats that hang upside down in the trees looking like dead dry leaves from a distance. If one was brave enough to take one from the branch, they would find overlarge fangs in the bats mouths, cruel claws, and scales as well as patches of fur. In the center of the world, there is a stone. A large, circular stone, covered in green, but slowly dying vines.

Nothing so much as stirs in this darkened world, not the monsters that sleep there, or the one imprisoned, deep in the dark heart of the stone.

Suddenly an unseen shudder runs through the world. And an unheard voice whispers one word.


It wasn't often that Nigel was running late. Missing his bus was part of the problem, sure, but normally he could've made it in time. If there wasn't a rainstorm and Hail to deal with and his parents were out of town.

So much for a normal good day.

Stubbornly, he tried to make it to school, he had a gift for Taranee, one he was pretty sure she would enjoy. He all but dove into a storefront door as the hail got worse.

"Oof!" And promptly collided with two others who had taken refuge.

"Oh, sorry."

"It's okay, Nigel." Eric smiled. Martin adjusted his glasses. "Miss the bus?"

"What was your first clue?" Nigel scowled at the sky. "I should've just gone home and stayed there when it started raining."

"That would be a good idea." Martin glanced at the sky. "I hope Mrs. Knickerbocker won't hold this against us."

"Hardly." They all jumped and looked back. Mrs. Knickerbocker was in the open door. "Come on in. This store is open at odd hours, Ms. Weatherbee is an old friend."

"Got caught because of the hail too?"

"My car wouldn't start." Mrs. Knickerbocker sighed. "Darla, you have some visitors . . . Students of mine caught in the storm."

"Oohh?" The voice creaked. The old woman wasn't a hag, but she sure hadn't aged well, wrinkled and bent half over with a cane . . . "Well, they're more than welcome to explore. Just don't break anything. We'll have tea soon I think . . ." A nod from Mrs. knickerbocker sent them off, exploring the antique store.

On the second level, Nigel noticed a book on the shelf. For a moment, he thought it had glowed. Now perhaps he hadn't thought of all the movies and stories where when any object glows, it is normally enchanted, or the stories where things had been sealed into books that could be released, but no matter what went through his mind, he picked the book off the shelf, and with Eric and Martin curious and right behind him, opened it up. Wind from nowhere started to blow the pages, and the ground trembled. The book flew out of his hands, the pages continuing to turn. Martin and Eric grabbed him as his feet left the floor, and a bright light came from the book. A second later, it engulfed them.

There was no trace of the boys left, and the book floated down onto a podium, opened to a picture of a thriving city. Ms. Waetherbee entered the room, saw the book, and smiled, her eyes glowing. Behind her, Mrs. Knickerbocker flickered, and suddenly disapeared.

It was like being on an out of control tilt a whirl, which came to a rather sudden halt. Martin's stomach emptied it's contents, thankfully on the ground and not on the other two.

"What, the hell . . .was that?" Eric managed after a few moments.

"I haven't a clue . . . ohh, my stomach . . ." Martin mumbled.

"Guys . . . We're not in Heatherfield, anymore." Nigel stared at the surroundings. The 'town' they had landed in was pure metal. But strangely, there were metal flowers that seemed . . . alive. Standing, the three looked around. There was nothing moving, other than them.

"Oh, lord . . ."

"Maybe we can find someone . . . to get us back home . . ."

"I think it's the only option we have . . . what was the name of the book, anyway?"

"Umm . . . Arcgen." Nigel shrugged. "Come on . . . we better get moving . . ."

The entire city seemed to be sleeping, The boys remained silent, speaking suddenly seemed like a very bad idea, as if breaking the silence was a crime. The road led straight to a magnificent building. Nigel didn't hesitate, though Martin and Eric did. He walked right up the steps. He couldn't explain why he did so later, but he would always say that something called him irresistibly forward.

The inside was like a giant entrance hall, and sitting on a throne, head bowed, was a green haired person. On the floor was a seal, a simple circle with lightning bolts through it. Nigel continued until he stood on the seal, and the woman, evidenced by her chest as her green haired head lifted, looked at them almost hollowly.

"Who are you?"

"Travelers that have gotten lost." Nigel felt like someone else was talking for him. "I am Nigel, this is Eric, and that's Martin." Her eyes studied him. Why was he struggling to breathe? "Where are we?"

"Arcgen." She whispered. "Though it no longer is a thriving world."

"What's happened to it?"

"It sleeps. An evil has destroyed many lives, those that are still in the realm of the living may never wake up. I led the last battle, but we couldn't stop him." Her voice was soft, and listless, like she had no energy left. "And now," The young woman bowed her head. "I am the only survivor of the attack . . . the heart of a destroyed world . . . twice cursed . . ."

"Twice?" Nigel felt sorry for the woman.

"I have lost the ability to change into my warrior form . . . and I still live when those I have loved are in the crypts and catacombs." She held the silver sphere up. It floated serenely, a gentle purple color pulsing like electricity. "And now, the evil comes, to claim the heart and my life . . ."

"That's awful . . . Is there anyway we can help?" Once again, Nigel felt like he couldn't control his own actions.

" . . . One way. But would you be willing to change your life to do it?" She studied them. "You'd have power, but you'd be alienated from those you live with." The boys looked at each other.

"It will be okay, we'll figure it out as we go along . . ." Nigel assured her.

"Then, here." Two bolts of power struck Martin and Eric, and the Sphere itself hit Nigel in the chest. "I, Alectra, give the heart of Arcgen to you, Nigel. And to the two of you . . .the power to help and support him." She smiled as the magic changed them. When the light cleared, Eric glanced down at himself. He was wearing a deep blue and black ninja outfit with silver armor on his forearms and shins, and a blue visor across his eyes, like something out of a sci-fi anime. Spying his reflection, he blinked as he realized he was more . . . grown up and muscular.

"Cool . . ." He glanced at where Martin, The slightly geeky boy had become a muscular young man in a royal purple Tunic, grey pants, and a some silver armor on his shins and forearms. He had a purple visor, and his hair was a litlle longer. Both turned to look at Nigel, who's auburn hair had gotten longer and in a ponytail, he had a green visor, and was wearing form fitting armor that looked more like brown and green leather.

"Alectra!" He caught the young woman as she fell.

"Now, the power can't be taken . . . my world . . . will survive." She managed a weak smile. She started to glow, and Nigel, even with the visor, had to shield his eyes. In place of the young woman, there was now a slightly metallic green lizard. A large Iguana, as Eric spoke up.


'I always wondered what my final form would be.' The voice echoed in their heads.

"Final form?"

"My world is made of techno-organic shape shifters. When we are young, we look like the animals you call puppies and kittens, as we age, we can choose our gender, and how we look, either more organic or robotic. Some of us are a bit more capable of changing form rapidly.' Alectra moved her head. 'However, our final form, is not of our choosing. One of my friends became a stink slug. Another became a beautiful woman.'

"That's not too bad."

'He prided himself on being masculine. It was a sore blow to his pride.' Nigel picked her up and let her drape on his shoulders. 'I'm sure you have questions, Sentinels, but the evil has come.' Much to there shock a wall crashed in, and a Dragon's head filled the opening. 'My former brother, Aesop.'

"Let me guess, final form?" Eric backed up.

'Form of his choosing. If you wound him enough, he will be forced to take his final form. I only hope it is something less powerful.'

"Can we . . . Destroy him?"

'Utter destruction?' Alectra 'sounded' horrified. 'That is forbidden to our kind . . . to take another's life is a crime."

"Why? It's self defense?"

'We gain the memories and strength of whoever's life we take.' Alectra responded. 'In one of our last wars, the warriors destroyed anyone they could, so they could get stronger. Innocent sparklets were killed so they could get stronger. Those that refused to get stronger were either forced to kill or were killed.'

"That's . . ." Martin felt sick.

'That is why it became a crime. My brother . . . he broke that law. He has much more strength than I did.'

"And you think we can beat them?"

'You would not have survived the trip here, otherwise.'

"Great . . . how do we fight, we don't have any weapons." Alectra didn't respond. Eric dove out of a fire blast, and blinked as a chain with a morning star on the end appeared in his hand. It shimmered with energy, and it flashed as he swung it at the dragon's head, making it roar and stumble back. "Cool . . ." Martin held up his hands, and managed to make an energy shield, protecting himself from being barbecued. "Hey, how come Nigel gets the sword?" Nigel managed to score a slash on the dragon's side. The sword in question was silver with purple electricity. Instead of pure energy, like the others, the heart of Arcgen had turned into his weapon.

'He thought of it first.' Alectra's voice sounded amused. 'Don't worry, in time, you'll be able to change your energy weapons to whatever you wish. This is just to hold you over until your powers get more under your control.'

"oh, okay . . ." Martin blinked.

"Martin, shield up!" Nigel shouted. He obeyed, and the others grouped behind him. "This is ridiculous. He's shaking off everything we throw at him!" Martin's arms started to shake.

"I can't hold this for much longer guys . . ."

"We've got it. Hold Alectra, will you?" The iguana was passed to Martin, and Eric and Nigel charged the beast.

Outside the building, the silence was suddenly shattered by a huge surge of power. Lights that had glowed went out. The sudden silence was deafening. Then, the door fell off its hinges. Martin, carrying Alectra, came out first. Eric followed, and Nigel came out last, holding a Raven.

"Well, that was . . . shocking." Martin's hair was standing on end.

'Tell me about it, I wasn't expecting a backlash.'

"Ugh, what hit me?" The Raven croaked. "Where am I?"

'Currently, about to get sent to prison for destroying and draining energy!' Alectra glared. 'Ooh, I wish I was a little bigger and could strangle you!'

"But . . . I didn't do it . . ." The raven blinked.

'Fraggle! You did so!'

"Wait, what is the last thing you remember?"

"I was working on fixing my tail, it had spikes and I just wanted a good club on the end." The raven absently preened. "A masculine came and offered to help . . . and before I could stop him . . . he made me stab him! It was awful . . . but beyond that, I don't remember a thing."

'Oh.' Alectra paused. 'A dominant persona . . . I thought they got wiped out.'

"Let me guess, one of the reasons for the war?"

'Well, yes. But I still don't trust you!'

"This is great but how do we change back?" As soon as Martin asked, they were back to their normal selves. "Oh, that was easy . . ." He blinked. Nigel silently opened his hand, and the heart of Arcgen appeared in sphere form once more.

"Here's one, how do we get back to earth . . . and cover up our disapearance?" Eric reminded them. "Mrs. Knickerbocker and that old lady are bound to notice . . ."

'Don't look at me, you're on your own. I'd recommend opening a fold.' Nigel blinked, it was so strange . . . but it was like the heart spoke to him, telling him what to do. Gripping the sphere, he made a slash in the air. As the portal opened, the raven hopped onto Eric's shoulder.

"That's just creepy . . ." The raven muttered. "Wait, why are we going?"

'Try the fact we're the last functional and alive creatures here. And the children are going to need guidance.'

"Oh." Aesop blinked. As they landed in the antique shop, They were met by Ms. Weatherbee.

"Uh, Miss . . . "

"It's alright." The old woman smiled. "Looks like the book belongs to you."

'And who are you, wise one?'

"Mm . . . just an old wanderer." She opened a drawer. "Take this as well." It was an old battered compass.

"Thank you." Nigel accepted it.

"Hmph. I've done my job. Don't want to see you until you absolutely need me." She turned to leave. "Oh, and I called the school. You're not the only ones that decided to stay away with the storm. They cancelled it for today." The boys looked at each other.

"Great . . . wait, Mrs. Knickerbocker?"

"Oh, the dear returned home. She lives no too far from here." The old woman dismissed them. Outside the storm had stopped. "Good Luck, you'll need it." The boys looked back at the closed door.

"Well, that was interesting . . ." The boys chose to move to Nigel's place, as it was the closest.

Inside the shop, Ms. Weatherbee sat in an old chair. "I hope you're happy, I just got three unsuspecting Teenagers into an age old war."

"Very happy." A shadow moved. "Now the story will have an ending, and we'll be able to move on."

"Hmph. Living two centuries wasn't that bad." She grumbled.

"For you, dearest, but I've been dead that long." The shadow brushed her.

"But how do you know these three are the right ones?"

"They survived the book." The shadow whispered. "You best wake Knickerbocker from the back room, she needs to get moving." With another grumble, Ms. Weatherbee got up to do just that, leaving the shadow alone

"Yes, the story will finally end . . . but Nyx will wake now, and the worlds' hopes rest on them coming fully into their power, and soon." The shadow whispered, shivering.

In the darkened world, the dying vines suddenly snapped as a bolt of black electricity came from the sky. The large rock broke open, revealing glowing red eyes that were in the dark heart. "I live again!" The roar echoed throughout the world, and the creatures of that world lifted their heads and roared along with it. Whether it was in agreement or despair, no one would ever know.

There, you have it . . . Read and Review