A/N: So I know this isn't long, but I did cover a lot of ground. I thank all of you that have been patiently waiting for this update. I'm hoping to get at least 3 kicked out today but we shall see. Again all mistakes are my own. I own nothing else, just borrowing for entertainment purposes. So...enjoy. :)


Before Chloe had a chance to put her plan into action she felt a wave of warmth and love from Tao so powerful it nearly knocked her from her chair. Chloe turned to see Tao standing a few steps behind her.

"What?" she asked as she looked up into his face. "I thought you left?" she asked standing.

"I did but was overwhelmed by the idea that you needed to be with me."
he spoke smirking.

"What?" she asked again.

"Come princess." He purred pulling her into his strength. "Let's take this one together." He spoke and kissed her tugging on their bond. She gasped at the sensation and in a split second they were gone.


Davis felt like he had been run over by a bus then backed over several times by a freight train. He had memories, little snippets of places, but all he knew now was pain. Lots and lots of pain, his eyelids even hurt. He opened one eye to look around and he was looking up at corn stalks? He opened the other eye and he was sure, he was surrounded by corn stalks. "Eff my life." He cursed or near cursed. He wasn't sure that he could even talk. He looked down and saw that he was naked. "Not again." He groaned as he sat up. It took him several attempts before he finally sat up and a wave of nausea overcame him.

He stood, he closed his eyes and listened. He thought he heard cars passing on a road way and he began unsteadily walking toward the noise. He had only been walking for ten minutes when he came upon a scare crow. Looking at his state of undress and then staring up at the scare crow he shook his head. If one of them had to be naked, the scarecrow was going to lose. He didn't want to be seen naked so he pilfered the clothes and got dressed. He continued on his way until he did finally hit the road. There was a city sign that read. "SMALLVILLE 3 MI"

Davis had heard of Smallville, it had been that tragically unfortunate farm town in Kansas that had been hit by several meteor showers over the years. Davis cursed eloquently. "I'm in Kansas." He shook his head. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath; faintly he caught a whiff of the scent that had been haunting him. "MATE."
echoed in his head. He shook his head, not feeling like he was in his right mind and began the walk to Smallville.


"Lana." The voice was soft against her ear. She had collapsed on her bed afraid, the anger she had seen in Lex made her very afraid. A strong hand on her back rubbed and soothed. "I'm sorry pet; I didn't mean to lose my temper."

Sniff, "I…" she spoke.

"No pet, I'm sorry. The stress isn't good for the baby." He spoke with amazing tenderness in his voice. Lana rolled over onto her back to face him. "I am sorry." He spoke.

"I…it's ok really." She sniffed and wiped her eyes.

"Well, let's go back to the dining room and then how about I take you shopping." He grinned. Lana nodded while deep inside she worried as if he set a trap and she just walked into it waiting for the spring to pop.


Lois stood in front of her patio doors, wearing Clark's shirt, sipping a cup of coffee. He came up from behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She leaned into his embrace and sighed.

"Where were you?" he asked.

"Just thinkin'."

"Uh oh." He teased as he nipped her ear.

"No, no." she laughed. "Just thinking about how to get you into the media." She spoke turning to face him and he was blushing. "The world is gonna want to know about the man that can fly."

He sighed. "Yeah, I know." He leaned his forehead against hers. "I…I'm just."

"There's my bashful farm boy." She teased. Lois kissed him softly. It was starting to get deeper when her phone rang. "Excuse me." She spoke and went to answer it. Clark moved to take her place by the window and closed his eyes. For a minute, the entire world was silent, at peace. It seemed that since he finished his training and even done his first rescue that the sounds of the world in need had become a dull roar in his head. He sighed. He focused his hearing and smiled at the conversation going on over the phone. When the phone clicked he turned to see Lois standing with an awe struck look on her face.

"Well?" he asked taking a step toward her. "Are you going to accept the offer?"

She furrowed her brow at him. He just tapped an ear. "Ugh, boundaries Smallville, sheesh." She spoke and moved to sit on the couch.

"Ahh avoidance, classic Lane." He spoke moving to sit next to her then dragging her across his lap. "So you're journalism teacher recommended you for that position at the Daily Planet, isn't that the opportunity you were hoping for?"

"I know... I know.."


"I …what if I mess it up?" she spoke looking up into his face.

"We all have to face our fears someday." He purred. "You supported me through mine; I will absolutely be there for yours."

"Thanks Smallville." She smiled up at him. "I should probably go shower. I'm supposed to meet with Perry White at 1 today." She spoke looking at her watch, it was already 11.

"Well, let's go shower then." He grinned and stood and tossed her over his shoulder and carried her toward the bathroom.


Tao and Chloe walked hand in hand into the ice castle to the panel of crystals. "Why is it that I needed to be with you?" Chloe asked. Oliver gave her a look like 'please.'

"I'm not sure, but I felt this imperative for you to be with me." He spoke. He pulled her in front of him in front of the panel and took her hand and placed it on a crystal glowing a brilliant hue of blue. He bent down to whisper in her ear. "Just breath." He spoke with his hand on hers as they pulled the crystal out of its cradle and the world went dark.

They walked hand in hand in a very dark room. "I'm scared Ra." Chloe spoke squeezing his hand.

"Princess, I am with you." He spoke softly.

A loud rumble came from the furthest corner of the room and a light illuminated and the hideous beast from her nightmare stood, drool trailing from the corner of his mouth. Chloe stopped dead in her tracks, her fear racing through Tao.

"Princess, please…" he spoke pulling her into the warmth of his body. This isn't real, he can't hurt you. I won't let him hurt you."

"The destroyer?" she spoke weakly shivering. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed.

"Yes," he spoke as they watched. The beast turned and there was a man on the floor, his clothes were in tatters, he was bloody and he wasn't moving.

"Is he dead?" Chloe asked. Tao nodded. The two sort as the monster seemed to go in rewind and they watched as the two, beast and man seemed to merge. Then there was just the man standing there alone in the room. "It has a disguise?" she whispered.

"I really didn't know. It had been banished years ago." He spoke. The man in the room then pointed at Chloe his eyes boring into hers. Tao spun her in his arms and then kissed her heatedly.


Lois and Clark parted ways for the afternoon. He went over to Met. U to get his transcripts. Lois had gone to the Daily Planet to meet with Perry White.

Lois sat in the waiting room in the office for twenty minutes when the iconic Mr. White came out of his office with his receptionist en-tow.

"Lane !" he shouted and crooked his head toward his office. Lois stood and entered the man's office. She handed over her resume to him and sat in the chair opposite his desk while he took his seat. "Look Lane, I know you and Sullivan are related." He spoke setting the paperwork down on his desk. "She has taken some time off, maybe even a leave of absence, I don't know." He spoke. "But I need to start promoting up. So I want you to start as a temp, where everyone starts….in the basement."

"Just like that?" Lois asked. "I mean, I've taken classes."

"Lane you come highly recommended from your instructors, vivacious, tenacious and fresh, are what I've heard. Sullivan is one of the best, and I'm not going to lie about holding you to the standard that she has set. So what do you think?"

"Well, I..." she spoke.

"Ok, look," he spoke looking at his watch. "I have to head over to the press conference at the airport." He spoke. "Why don't you come with me and get a feel of what the real world of reporting is like."

"Ok," Lois spoke, letting go of the breath she was holding afraid she had just blown the interview.

"Come on." He spoke and stood and led her out of his office to the elevator. Lois shook her head, wondering where on earth her courage went. She looked surprised when she saw Mr. White hit the button for the roof.

"The roof?" she asked.

"Yeah, traffic is heavy today; we are taking a helicopter over to the airport."

There was a man set in shadow, watching as the pilot prepared the chopper for take-off. His orders had been simple. Perry White must die.


Clark finished at the college then caught a cab down town and went to Lois' favorite coffee shop to get her a latte to celebrate her interview. He promised he would avoid listening so that she could surprise him with the results. He entered the coffee shop and it was full, he stood in line, with nothing but time to waist.


Perry and Lois entered the chopper and buckled up. The pilot closed the door and then climbed in. Each put on a head set and waited for the rotor to stop. Lois was nervous she actually had never been in a chopper before. The pilot did all his preflight checks and then began the rotor. He never heard the ping of very important bolts coming out of their housing.

The helicopter got some lift and was over the edge of the building when the rotor seized and the bird began to fall.


Clark had left the shop sipping his coffee and waiting for Lois to call when he heard several things at once, and unnatural ping, the sputtering of a helicopter blade and screams, Lois' and Perry Whites.

He dropped his drinks in the trash and began running toward the Planet building. He ducked into the closest alleyway and then shot out of it as his caped persona.

"HEEEELLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP," Lois shouted as the disabled bird began to fall. Lois had reached for the door for support but the aircraft turned and the door popped open and her seat belt failed and she fell out of the passenger compartment.

Lois saw her life flash before her eyes, and one thought crossed her mind, 'where the hell was Clark?'

The next thing she knew a warm and very familiar arm was wrapped around her waist. She sighed nearly fainting from relief. This was it; this was Clarks' big moment with the media.

"Don't worry miss, I've got you." He spoke as he had her in one arm and the skid of the helicopter in the other. It was upright and he was flying them toward the room. Knowing in a split second she had to play along.

"Well if you have me, who has you?" she spoke. She felt his smile, even though it never appeared on his face. He set them all on the roof. Perry shot out of the helicopter and pulled Lois from the man in the cape and hugged her.

"Good god girl are you ok?" he asked. She nodded and pulled back.

"I am thanks to him." She spoke looking at Clark who was inspecting the helicopter.

Perry just stood staring at the man in awe; his cape was billowing in the breeze. "Someone wanted this helicopter to crash." He spoke turning to the faces staring at him.

"Son that was some amazing save." Perry spoke approaching with a hand extended to shake Clarks.

Clark only stared at the extended hand, "I would suggest sir that you stick to ground transport from now on." He then cocked his head as if he was listening to something. "Sorry folks but I have to go." He spoke levitating off the roof.

"Wait," Lois shouted. "Who are you? How can we find you?" Lois asked.

He smirked, "I'm always around." He spoke and took off in a stream of red and blue...