Gibbs sighed as he worked on the boat. He thought he was done with all this turmoil over Jenny. But seeing with her with Sophia and unearthed all the old feelings, and not a night didn't go by when he didn't think about her. It was like living in hell. Leroy Jethro Gibbs didn't think he'd ever felt so strongly about a woman, ever. Apart from Shannon. He glanced up from the boat as someone made their way down the basement steps.

"Well, hey there, grandpa. I've got someone here to see you," Tony said, crossing the basement, his eyes on his tiny daughter's face. He stopped in front of his boss and then offered his precious cargo. Gibbs' face softened and he took Sophia into his arms.

"Well, hey there, little lady," he said, rocking her slightly.

"I was wondering, boss, could you watch her for an hour or so? Abs is having her check up at the hospital at the moment, and I've got a meeting with Jen to sort out my future with NCIS."

"Sure, DiNozzo."

"Her stuff's upstairs. Thanks a bunch, boss!"

Gibbs grunted as Tony ran out of the house, his eyes never leaving his 'grand-daughter'. God, she was so beautiful, the perfect combination of her parents. And that reminded him, he still hadn't had his 'if you hurt her, I'm gonna kill you' talk with DiNozzo, he thought, as he headed up the stairs. He walked into the lounge and sat on the sofa, arranging Sophia to lie on his chest.


And that is how Jenny found them an hour and a half later. The gruff, hard-ass marine, asleep on the sofa, his big hands protecting a snuffly, sleepy Sophia.

"Jethro," she sing-songed, and his eyes snapped open. He half-grinned when he saw her.

"Jen. What can we do for you?"

"Just let me have some time with my precious girl," she said, brushing the baby's tiny cheek.

"Sure, but DiNozzo will be here any moment."

"No, he won't."


"I gave him and Abby the night off to go celebrate his being reinstatement as an agent. It's the first night out they've had since this little miss arrived. If you don't want to take her for the night, I'm happy to, but I can stay here with you if you want?"

"Sounds good to me, Jen. And it'll be good to have DiNozzo back. Here, take her. I'll go order some food."

"Now, that sounds good to me," she said, and sat next to him, manoeuvring the baby onto her own chest, who snuffled slightly at the interruption, but then settled down. Gibbs couldn't help but grin widely at the sight of Jen and Sophia, which he always did when he saw woman and baby together. When he returned from ordering the food, he leant against the doorway and just watched them. Sophia was whinging and Jenny rocked her slightly, quietening her. She felt eyes on her and glanced up to see him standing there. She smiled.

"What, Jethro?"

"Nuthin', Jen, jus' like watching you with her," he replied, and crossed the room to sit on the couch next to her. He stretched his arm along the back of the couch, and she leant back against him, cradling Sophia.

"Jethro?" she asked, softly.

"Yeah, Jen?"

"Do you, do you, ever think about what would have ever happened with us, if I, I, hadn't left you?"

"Only every day, Jen."

"What?" she asked, stunned. Sophia whimpered in her arms and she quietened her before twisting in her seat to look at Gibbs.

"Every day," he repeated.

Her eyes were wide as she stared at him.

"What, Jen? Seeing you, with Sophia. It invoked all this stuff inside me that I couldn't make go away that still won't go away."

She was still staring, and he swore she was moving closer to him.

"I take it you do then, J-mpphh,"

The end of his sentence was swallowed by her lips.

This was unexpected.

He wasn't going to complain though, or remain passive in the kiss.

"Well, hel-LO," said a very familiar and unwanted voice from the doorway. Jenny pulled away from Gibbs to see the newcomers.

"Tony! Abby! What are you doing here? I thought you were going for dinner?"

"We did, but we missed our little girl too much. Seems like you two are the ones that need the empty house anyway," Tony said, and winked.

Abby stepped forward and took the baby girl from a blushing Jenny, whilst Gibbs growled at Tony.

"Please tell me you two are getting back together," Abby said.

Jenny turned to look at Gibbs, who said, "I hope so."

"Well, we'll be off then," Tony said, and grabbed Sophia's stuff. Abby smiled as she followed Tony out of the house. Jenny turned to face Gibbs on the couch.

"You hope so?"

"Oh yeah, Jen, I sure as hell hope so. These months and years apart have damn near torn me apart. I need you."