Chapter 10
November Ninth, Eighteen-Eighty-Nine
Jean. That was his name. He was the only doctor in town. Having only been here for a week from France, he was still becoming use to the myths and customs of our village. He had yet to hear about the rumors about what was happening no more than a days ride east. Something must be wrong. Perhaps I was wrong about myself. Perhaps I do have a deadline. In all my years I have not once gotten sick, never even a runny nose, why is it now I have come down with "the worst case of scarlet fever I've seen in my days, and let me tell you my dear, there have been many" I remember as I tried to laugh, no one has seen more days than me I thought. He came and sat next to me, checking my pulse, after making note he went to get up, but I stopped him, putting my hand on his knee. "You can not possibly be that old, you still look very young, very handsome." I smiled at him before another coughing fit overcame me, but not before I could see the look of amazement pass his eyes. "Tell me dear, you can't be that old, 20, 21?" Once the cough was done I looked up at him and thought, 'Try over 400.' "Your close, I'm still 19, two months shy of 20." Dear god, then I can't very well have this cough get you down, your young, you should be out there hunting the young men." I looked at him and saw the disappointment in his eye's. I smiled and took his hand in mine and looked up at him. "There are plenty of other young women to chase after the young men. What about you Doctor? Have you been chased by any women?" He looked at me and I could see the look regret in his eyes, and it pained me to see it.
"There was time once, when, I was sought after by women, but I wasn't ready to settle down just yet, I was still going to medical school and I let it control my life. By the time I had my doctorate degree and my own practice, I was ready to start a family, but all the young women whom had said they'd wait, hadn't. So I decided to focus on my work and wouldn't you know, here I am four and fourty, playing matchmaker with the young ones."
When he looked up he saw me crying, he took my hands and kissed the knuckles, asking what it was that made me sad. "I too have lost those that have promised," he looked at me, understanding the pain of a broken promise, but my next comment threw him off guard, "Doctor, every young woman would be lucky to have you as a husband." He dropped his hands, looking at me with wide eyes, hearing his pulse quicken, I knew that he very much appreciated my compliment.
"Thank you, demoiselle, but there is nothing left of me that you could possibly want. I am more than twenty years your senior, you are young and foolish, don't worry about me, I will come in tomorrow to come and see how that cough is doing! Good day." and with that he left.
Mon ami, je crois que je l'aime.
November Seventeenth, Eighteen-Eighty-Nine
Mon ami, here is what happened this past week: After he left I wanted to get better fast, so I could chase after him the next time he left. I went into the woods that night and waited in a tree, for anything to cross my path. My waiting paid off when I heard a small animal come near, it was nothing but a raccoon, but it was better than human. As soon as the crimson liquid touched my mouth, my sences came back, everything was becoming clearer, if not better than before. Something became wrong though, I wanted more, it was a hunger that hit just like the cough had. I had spent the night trying to sedate it, finally succeeding an hour before the sun came up.
Later when the doctor came he was amazed that every evidence of my having been sick was gone, but he came every day for the past week, and he stayed longer every time. Just last night he spent the entire day, I even cooked for him and when he said good bye he took my hands, kissing them, then my cheek. I was surprised I hadn't melted right there.
Today Jean came by around noon, and he took me out to the local pub which was the only place to get a meal and walked me home. He came inside and we talked over some vodka I had. I noticed that his hands were shaking and his heart rate was rapid. I became worried but it was all gone when he took my hands and looked at me.
"Evilyn, I've been thinking about the last week we spent together, keeping you company, but ever since you've told me how lucky any young woman would be to have me, I found myself thinking that I do not want anyone but you to be lucky" He got up and kneeled before me and my eyes were filling with joyful tears. "I guess what I want to ask is, are you the young woman to take this old man and make him young again?"
I looked at him and smiled, tears coming down my face when I stood and he stood to meet me too. I placed my hands on his face and stood up on my toes to kiss his cheek. "Do you know that when you first came to look at me I knew that you were one I could give my heart to. One that I wanted to trust not the break it like so many had before. But before I give you my answer, I need to be completely honest with you."
"If you feel you need to be, I will allow you too, but I believe nothing could change my offer."
I smiled at him again and I felt my heart break a little thinking about what he'll think when he finds out the truth. That was when I pulled you out mon ami, I gave you to him and told him to take it, read it and come back tomorrow. He was a little confused, but he complied and he took you. I was saddened to find you this morning outside my door with this note,
I have done as you asked and I stayed up all night reading this. I'm not sure I completely understand what is going on, but expect me tonight. I hope to have you answer a few questions. Know that even after reading this, and if all of it is true, I still hold deep feelings for you,
Dr. Jean LeFeve
The day had never passed by so slowly Mon ami, I shall review everything so that I may answer and question he may have.
Around nightfall he came, sat down at the table and looked at me as I brought over the meal I made.
We ate in silence, I could hear his heartbeat and it was irregular, it would be fast one moment and then as calm as the wind.
"It's a lovely dinner, I've never had lamb that was so tender. You are an excellent cook."
"Thank you."
Well the night at first did not go as planed, he was quiet when he first came in, just sat down and waited while I served him.
"What is the matter?"
"I'm afraid, you've been quiet this whole time, I haven't been able to figure you out."
"I should be the one to be afraid," he looks into my eyes and takes my left hand in his, "but I'm not!"
I look down at my hand, feeling a weight. There was a silver ring with a small bright emerald on it. I stare in shock, looking back and forth between Jean and the ring.
"I read your journal and I believe you. No one could have written what you have without witnessing it first hand. I don't care that you have to feed off the blood of animals, but the only thing that worried me was the one man you did feed upon. I spent probably an hour staring at that page, reading it over and over making sure I didn't read it wrong. But you were still learning about yourself. I am proud of you for not feeding upon one again, but please, if there ever comes a time when you go into frenzy and I am the only choice, please, take from me."
My eyes widened at his request. I got up walked over to him and slapped him across the face, his actions then surprised me, he quickly got up and had me pinned up against the wall facing me, "I'm sorry," he said.
"No I'm sorry, but asking me to take from you, even if you approve of it, it's like me asking for you to not treat one of your patients."
"I can understand that and respect it, but I do mean what I said. Where is it you would like to move to my dear? Obviously the big cities are out of the question, but what if we were to move close to one, perhaps in one of the outlying towns?"
"Alright," I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked at him, "I will follow you, it's you I want. Now that we've overcome that argument, why don't you stay the night, we can leave tomorrow if you want. Start our new lives together, besides I've been here for two years already, it's about time I move again."
"I'm sorry that you've had to do that, but perhaps now you will be able to stay in one place for longer now that you'll have a husband.
And so today we are about four miles outside Nice, France. We are on our way to meet his family and tell him of the good news, of course we'll leave out the fact that I am indeed over 400 years older than him.
Mon ami, je crois que je l'aime - Friend, I think I love him.
Everyone, I am wow, i can not put into words how sorry i am, but this story had just lost it's feeling for me, I will try my hardest to finish it and with with good quality. Honestly I have like 5 other fan fic's in mind and i'm kinda iching to get my lastest idea out, but I am not going to until I finish this one, otherwise, this would never get done, I will try my best to get a better chapter out later today, it's 2 in the morning where I am right now. Thank you.