Kori-chan: ok! This is personally my favorite chapter so far!

Inuyasha: *blushes*

Kori-chan: *laughs* I dont own any of the Inuyasha characters~

Inuyasha: *nods* And dont forget to Read and Review

After settling Shippo in his room Kagome and Inuyasha made their way back downstairs. On the way toward the living room Kagome's mind kept wandering to her different ideas of what made Inuyasha forget about her. But she was snapped out of her thoughts when Inuyasha gently nudged her lower back so she would walk into the living room; she hadn't even noticed that she had stopped walking. Moving into the living room she smiled at the familiar surroundings. 'At least nothing has changed in here.' She made her was over to the mantle over the old stone fireplace and looked at all the pictures. Some were of Inuyasha, some of Shippo and Inuyasha, a couple of Sesshomaru, and the rest were of the family.

Hearing the TV turn on she looked behind her and saw Inuyasha sitting in the loveseat with the remote in his hand. She giggled and he looked over his shoulder at her.

"What's so funny?" His ears twitched in annoyance and he gave a low growl when she kept giggling.

Kagome looked at him then turned her gaze back to the mantle and began giggling all over again. "I-I love your b-baby pictures Inu-kun, t-they're adorable." Somehow she just couldn't picture him holding a blanket and sucking his thumb, it was just to difficult.

His eyes widened and he stood up so fast the loveseat tipped over. Rushing over to where Kagome was standing he quickly scanned the mantle and laid down any of the baby pictures. After making sure they were all down he looked at Kagome who was holding a hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing. "I'm gonna kill mom." He said in a very calm but embarrassed voice.

Kagome brought her hand away from her mouth when she was sure she had calmed down and looked at Inuyasha. "Don't be mad Inu-kun. They were adorable pictures." She looked at his red face and shook her head.

He looked at her and growled before wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close which earned a gasp from Kagome. He lowered his head down by her ear and growled again. "Just wait until I meet your parents, I am going ask for all the baby pictures they have of you."

Ignoring the fact that he forgot her father died Kagome's face turned bright red and she growled back at him knowing why he was suddenly so close to her. Looking into the metal of the family crest over the fireplace she saw his father standing in the doorway along with his mother. She pulled his head away from her neck and looked at his widened eyes. Winking she closed her eyes, leaned in, and pressed her lips to his.

For a minute he completely forgot that this was all an act but when he remembered he returned her kiss and leaned back against the fireplace so her body would be pressed completely against his. To hell with worrying about boundaries he was gonna enjoy this while he could.

Sadly all good moments had to end, when Kagome heard Touga clear his throat she pulled back and his her face in Inuyasha's chest still having no clue where she got the sudden burst of courage from.

Moving his body so he was standing up straight again Inuyasha looked at his father's surprised face. "Why do you look so surprised dad?"

Touga's body stiffened for a minute but relaxed when he realized that he had a way around this. "I never imagined that my youngest son would be…indulging in such acts infront of the family crest." Seeing his son look up and turn red he chuckled. "It is fine son. I have simply come to inform you that your mother and I will be leaving for the meeting along with your brother seeing that he has little to no patience." Turning on his heel Touga left the room still chuckling to himself.

Hearing him leave Kagome picked her head up from Inuyasha's chest and backed away, her face still bright red. "Well I definitely wasn't expecting that." She looked at Inuyasha and noticed he had a bit of a dazed look on his face.

Inuyasha shook his head and smirked "You're not the only one." He turned his head to look out the window and his smirk immediately disappeared.

Seeing his face turn to worry and surprise she followed his gaze and looked out the window only to be greeted with the sight of pouring rain. "Oh no! How am I supposed to get home now?" She walked over to the window and set her hand against the glass.

Inuyasha stood rooted to his spot and he looked at the TV (which was on the news) and winced hearing that it was going to downpour all night. Looking back at Kagome he sighed. "I can drive you home if you want me to."

She turned on him so fast and growled unhappily. "I'm not going to make you drive in this Inuyasha! It's way to dangerous. I'll just have to call my mom and tell her I'm staying here for –" Her sentence was immediately cut of with a loud crash of thunder. Both occupants in the room jumped and she rushed back over to where Inuyasha was. "Oh yeah. I'm definitely staying here tonight."

Inuyasha looked down at the girl standing next to him and nodded. "That's fine. The phone is over by the couch so you can go ahead and call your mom." He walked over to the loveseat and set it back up before plopping down into it.

"Otou-san!" Inuyasha looked toward the doorway hearing Shippo call him. He sighed and stood up making his way over to the door. "We're in the living room Shippo." He looked back over his shoulder watching Kagome speak with her mother for a moment before turning his gaze back to the hallway when he heard Shippo's feet scampering across the wooden floor. Holding his arms out to the kit Inuyasha caught him when he leapt up into his arms and buried his face into his neck.

"Inuyasha, my mom said it was fine." Kagome looked up at him as he walked back over with Shippo in his arms. She saw him nod and sit back down in the loveseat with Shippo still in his arms. A loud crash of thunder made her let out a little 'eep!' in surprise and move closer to him.

Inuyasha looked at her and sighed before standing up again and settling down on the couch next to her. Switching Shippo to his other arm he wrapped his now free arm around her shoulders and pulled her against his side. "We'll stay down here until Mom, Dad and Sesshomaru get home. Then we have to go to bed." He said shifting so he was more comfortable.

Kagome nodded sleepily and laid her head against his chest. "Kay." Was all she got out before she dozed off.

Looking at Shippo then Kagome, Inuyasha smiled happily and laid his head on top of Kagome's. It was like he had his own little family now. And suddenly his problems didn't matter anymore.

Kori-chan: D'awwwwww! I 3 it!

Inuyasha:*hides in closet* I act nothing like myself in this story!

Kori-chan: *nods happily* Thats why I love it! You can be so sentimental at times! KAWAII!

To be continued..