Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, I'm simply borrowing! All characters belong to JK Rowling and her publisher. (And I doubt she'd approve of the contents below. LOL)

A/N: I'm back with Part 3 ages and ages later. Inspiration is a fickle thing, sadly. Thanks for all the reviews!

This isn't beta'd, so there are probably mistakes and such. I apologise in advance :)

Blackmail Is Such an Ugly Word

Part 3

Well, if this wasn't just the most awkward situation she had ever been in, she didn't know what was. Meeting the eyes of anyone around the table was out of the question. Most of all, she just wanted to stare down at her hand as she took nonsensical notes about something she wasn't listening to. When was the last time Hermione Granger wasn't listening at a meeting? Never, that was when.

She shuffled in her seat and a slight pain from her bruised thighs made her flush more than she probably already was. It had completely slipped her mind that it was the first Monday of the month. He was always at the meeting on the first Monday of the month to keep up with their financial progress.

His gaze had been burning into her back when he entered the room, but since then he had hardly looked in her direction. She wanted to catch his attention somehow, but there were twenty other people seated around them and a part of her worried that her thoughts were written across her face.

She doodled randomly in her notebook as his deep voice kept filling the silence. Not a single word of what he'd been saying had registered in her head; her thoughts had been in very, very different places. Places that were not suitable for a work meeting and that she usually tucked away until she was safely buried under the covers.

Gathering her courage, she looked up at him where he sat at the end of the table. He was nicely dressed as usual, exuding power and authority. Maybe that was what made her into such an idiot around him. She tried to avoid replaying the sound of his voice ordering her around and the sound of his groans as he pushed into her, but it was futile. This was simply torture. She would never attend another Monday meeting again in her lifetime and she couldn't wait to get out of there.

She brought her attention back to her random notes, trying to block out the sound of his voice for the rest of the meeting. When chairs began scraping against the floor, she got to her feet and positioned herself so she'd get out the doors first and sprint to her office.

"Miss Granger, a word?"

His voice halted her attempts to sneak out first and she cursed. Her co-workers all delighted in the fact that they weren't the ones being reprimanded. And it sure as hell wasn't often that it was her being held back for a stern talking to for not paying attention during a meeting.

She shuffled back to her seat and threw her notebook onto the table without looking up at him. The door finally closed after the last of her co-workers and she heard him lock it with a spell.

"What's wrong, Miss Granger?" he asked, his tone mocking. "You didn't humour me with any of your obnoxious comments during this meeting, I noticed."

She rolled her eyes and finally looked up at him. He was leaning back in his chair looking all too pleased with himself.

"Oh, sod off."

He laughed at the contempt in her voice.

"Distracted, were we?" he asked flippantly.

"I have a lot of work to do," she answered between gritted teeth.

"Right," he retorted with an eyebrow raised. "Maybe you can come show me what you've been so busy working on. I'm sure I can help."

Oh, crap. She looked down at her notebook, full of nonsensical gibberish and doodles.

"Uh, it's in the planning stages," she muttered.

His lips rose in a dangerous smirk.

"I'd like to see nonetheless."

She didn't know what it was that always made her obey him. It was ridiculous and the exact opposite of what she wanted to do, but she found herself on her feet walking towards him at the end of the table before she could stop herself. Her pulse started racing as she came to a stop next to him, not having been this close to him since the last time in his office.

When he gave her a challenging look, she put her notebook down on the table in front of him. He could barely keep back snort of laughter.

"Oh, yeah, very impressive work, Granger. This is sure to blow everyone's minds."

She glared at him, her cheeks burning in embarrassment. Reaching for her notebook again, so she could stride out of there in anger, she felt his hand move up her thigh. She looked down in shock and then found his gaze. His thumb rubbed over the spots that he must've known her bruises were as he held her gaze.

"I was under the impression we had settled the score," she said shakily, failing to conjure the confidence she knew was hiding somewhere currently out of reach.

"Yes, we have," he answered, his hand still on her thigh. "But I didn't know you only had sex for money."

Her eyes narrowed.

"Are you seriously suggesting that we have sex without the money involved?" she asked suspiciously.

He shrugged.

"Why not?" he said, no hint of mocking left in his voice. "There's no use pretending you don't want to, I think we both know that's not the case for either of us."

She stared at him, feeling lost. He suddenly wanted to do this when they were somewhat on an equal footing? It felt odd. He had had the complete upper hand before and now the playing field was almost equal. She would readily admit that he still probably had the upper hand, but he had no leverage over her anymore. But at the same time, now she didn't have an excuse either. If she had sex with him now it would be because she wanted to not because she had to.

She swallowed heavily and closed her eyes for a second. Who was she trying to fool anyway?

Pushing back the small voice that told her to get a grip, she pushed herself up on the table in front of him, staring at him in anticipation. When he understood what her actions were trying to tell him he jumped from the chair and she pushed her legs apart to accommodate him, making her skirt ride up. He flicked his wand against the door to make sure they weren't interrupted and then for a moment he just stood there and she stared up into his eyes expectantly, wondering what his next move would be.

The move he chose she hadn't expected in a million years. His lips covered hers softly, contrasting everything that had happened between them until this point. She was so caught off guard she didn't respond at all until one of his hands entwined in her hair. Then, suddenly, she was kissing Draco Malfoy with all she had.

The kiss grew in intensity immediately and she felt dizzy when their tongues met as his languidly caressed hers. She fisted her hands into his shirt; overwhelmed by the pleasure and confusion it was to kiss Draco Malfoy. It felt so intimate, which was all kinds of wrong, but all kinds of delicious at the same time.

She took his bottom lip between hers playfully just as his fingers were at the buttons of her white blouse. As he popped open each button, his fingers grazed her skin, making her tremble in anticipation. God, how could he do this to her just by feather-light touches? It was stupid and annoying and intoxicating.

He broke their kiss as he pushed her blouse off of her shoulder and helped her to discard it completely. She heaved for breath and looked up at him as he pushed the strap of her bra off her shoulder. Meeting his gaze, she reached behind her back and popped open the lock, letting the bra slide down before she let it drop to the floor. Feeling his gaze burning into her, she leaned back with her hands supporting her with her palms flat against the table.

Her chest heaved as she watched him lean in. Their eyes locked briefly before his lips were on her neck, placing kisses along her neck and down to her collarbone. She held her breath, her pulse racing almost uncomfortably. His lips trailed across her skin to the swell of her breast, slowing down into soft kisses, the tip of his tongue reaching out to taste her.

When his lips closed around her nipple, she threw her head back and exhaled in relief, moaning softly as his tongue circled her peak. From that moment she was completely gone and she hardly knew what was going on. Her eyes were tightly closed and her mind whirled as she felt his hands roaming her body. At one point her skirt had disappeared, but she didn't know when. All she managed to pay attention to was his touch.

His hands was at her hips, pulling her knickers off and down her legs, before he ran his hands up again, lightly running along her inner thighs. She kept her eyes tightly shut, focusing on the heat of his touch, trying to control her breathing. She didn't want to think about the fact that she was entirely exposed to him now, sitting on the table with her legs spread. If his fingers hadn't just run over her outer lips in a light caress, she probably would have closed them in embarrassment.

Instead, she shivered as his fingers entered her soaked folds, thrusting shallowly a couple of times. She heaved for breath and opened her eyes slowly, just to see him bend forwards. Her eyes snapped shut again when his fingers left her centre just to be replaced by his mouth. Her hips jerked upwards and she moaned desperately when his tongue circled her clit, losing all sense of time and place. His tongue was warm and skilful as it lapped at her pussy and brushed her clit, driving her to the brink of insanity. She could no longer support herself on her arms and she leaned back on the table.

She'd lost all sense of any shame she might have had before going into this. As his tongue flicked over her clit repeatedly, she pushed her hips upwards, hoping to somehow bring him even closer. His hands came out to hold her hips down, causing her to arch her back instead at the next flick of his tongue. She cried out and entwined her fingers into his hair.

Oh god, she could barely handle the wonders his tongue was causing. Every nerve in her body seemed to be on fire, only getting worse by ever swipe of his tongue.

"Oh, shit," she pressed out between moans.

The pressure was building unbearably and she needed so desperately to come. It was all she wanted right now and she begged to higher powers that he wouldn't leave her hanging.

"Don't stop, please don't stop." She heard that she was begging, but she couldn't care.

She nearly arched off the table when plunged two fingers into her wetness. His tongue kept flicking over her clit as he thrust his fingers firmly into her. The pressure shattered then, sending waves of pleasure through her. Her orgasm washed over her and his firm grip kept her hips from jerking up off the table. She tried to quiet the moans as she came, screwing her eyes shut against the onslaught of pleasure.

She lay on the table, breathing heavily and roughly, trying to regroup. Opening her eyes, she managed to pull herself up on her elbows and looked over at the man that had sent her body into an amazing orgasm. He stood in front of the table now, his trousers and boxers had been shed, as well as his shirt. Her eyes raked over him where he stood completely naked in front of her, his hand gripping the base of his erect cock.

He was smirking as he watched regain her control, trying to catch her gaze, but she was staring at his erection. God, she loved is cock. It was the most beautiful cock she'd ever seen. Granted, she hadn't seen that many, but she was sure her mind wouldn't be very easily swayed on this point.

She sat up and reached forward, closing her fingers around the shaft of his erection. It was soft to the touch and her mind went to the last time she'd held his cock in her hands, remembering the delicious sounds he'd made. He'd had the upper hand in the situation, but she'd still felt in control. It was an exhilarating feeling to know that she had the power to make him react like that.

Looking up at him, she pumped her hand up and down slowly on his cock, savouring the look on his face as his eyes closed to the pleasure. She loved how hard he was under her hand as she continued to caress him and she bit her lip, trying to remember how he felt inside her. Rubbing her thighs together, she tried to ease the pressure between her legs.

She looked at his gorgeous body as her hand worked on his cock and she could barely believe it was even happening, just like she'd had a hard time understanding it was happening the previous two times. It felt like a farfetched, forbidden dream, like the ones she'd had many, many times.

Suddenly, he groaned loudly and thrust into her grip. Oh fuck. She didn't know if she could take it anymore. She wanted him in her pussy so bad that her juices were flowing down onto the table below.

She let go of him and pushed herself off the table. His eyes opened slowly and he looked at her questioningly, undoubtedly wondering why she had stopped. She placed her hands against his bare chest and pushed him back towards the chair. He barely even moved under her light push and he laughed.

"What are you doing, Granger?"

"I'm trying to get you to sit down," she said, glaring at him.

"You could've just asked, you know," he teased and grinned down at her.

"Well, sit down, then!" she said and pushed against his chest again.

He leaned back into the chair and just looked at her, waiting for her move. His legs were spread and his cock stood erect, just waiting for her attention. She bit her lip and moved towards him, enjoying the sight of him just sitting there waiting for her. Bending forwards, she steadied herself on the armrests on the office chair and climbed onto his lap, straddling him. Their faces were inches apart and she could feel his cock against her wet folds. She looked into his eyes and pushed herself against him experimentally. The feeling made her moan softly and his hands came to rest on her hips as he bit his lip.

Looking right into his face like this was intimidating. It was in many ways way more intimate than when he had taken her from behind and she could moan and scream without seeing his reaction. Now she was looking right into his eyes and it made her feel shy. But she didn't want to be, she wanted it to be like last time: hard and hot and without inhibitions.

She tried to swallow her own shyness and she placed one hand on his shoulder as she lifted herself up from his lap, just enough to grip his cock with her free hand and guide it towards her wetness. The head of his cock pushed against her opening and she looked into his eyes, holding her breath. Keeping their eyes locked, she pushed downwards and then he was filling her up entirely.

Her eyes screwed shut and she gripped his shoulders as she started to move on top of him. Oh, God, he was so big and he was filling her up in a way that almost made her go insane with pleasure. She moved slowly up and down on his cock, taking her time riding him as she clenched around his cock. His hands were gripping her hips tightly.

She needed more and she began moving faster on his cock, moaning softly now every time he filled her to the hilt. Her head dropped down onto his shoulder and she breathed heavily against his skin as he began to meet her thrusts, pushing into her hard. His hands came down to cup her bum as he thrust into her and she cried out in pleasure, throwing her head back. He felt so unbelievably good when he pushed into her, time and time again, and the sound of their skin slapping against each other was almost enough to drive her crazy.

"Oh, shit," she breathed, her thighs getting sore from the effort.

He groaned in reply and she felt his hands drift from her bum, caressing her skin before he cupped her breasts. Her nipples rubbed against his palms and she moaned in approval, pushing herself higher before she slid back down. As his strong hands caressed her breasts she began bouncing on his cock as fast as she could, breathing heavily and groaning at the feeling of him slamming in and out of her pussy.

Suddenly he wrapped his arms around her waist and stilled her movements. She breathed heavily, trying to catch her breath and still her racing heart as he pushed himself up from the chair. He lay her down on the table and she looked up at him in expectation, meeting his gaze. She cupped her breasts and pinched her nipples roughly, moaning and spreading her legs in anticipation. He grinned and gripped her around the waist, pulling her against him before he slammed roughly into her. Her back arched and she cried out at the feeling of his big cock in her pussy.

"Oh fuck, Malfoy," she cried. "Fuck me, oh god, fuck me!"

He pushed into her faster and faster, fucking her hard and fast on the conference table in their meeting room. She moaned desperately and clung to his back, her nails raking into his skin. Meeting his hard thrusts, the pleasure was building impossibly. If she didn't come soon, she would probably combust on the spot.

"Oh god," she nearly sobbed. "Please make me come."

He leaned down over her, her breasts now flat against his chest. His breath was hot against her neck and she wrapped her legs around him, pushing him further as he slowed down the frantic pace, but slammed into her with force.

"Oh fuck yeah, you have no idea how amazing you feel, Granger," he whispered against her neck.

She cried out in response as he filled her to the hilt again, hitting her so deeply that she saw stars. She clung to his back, moaning constantly into his ear. She was so close she could taste it. Her hips jerked desperately against his as he pushed into her again and again. And then he thrust into her with such force that she was pushed over the edge.

She cried out and writhed underneath him, pleasure exploding in her stomach. Her legs were clamped around him and her back arched.

"Malfoy, oh shit, Malfoy." She chanted his name as he kept fucking her.

His pace grew more frantic and then his cock jerked inside her. He moaned into her ear and pushed into her frantically as he cum spilled into her. His grunts filled the air as her moans stilled and he came hard in her beaten pussy, calling her name.

Time stood still for a while as he lay on top of her, both of them breathing heavily. She was in such a state of afterglow that she didn't even think twice about the fact that she was stroking his back gently and that he was kissing her neck softly. But as the haze cleared, awkwardness set in. Her hands dropped to her side and the atmosphere changed. He pushed himself up and away from her without looking her in the eyes and she almost jumped from the table to find her clothes.

Fuck, this was bad. This time they had chosen to do this. There was no turning back from this, she realised. She had slept with Draco Malfoy – voluntarily. And she had thoroughly enjoyed it. Her hands were shaking as she got dressed hastily and cast all the spells she could think of that would make her look relatively presentable.

She cast a quick glance at him as she headed towards the door to check that he too was appropriately dressed before she opened the door. He was sitting in the chair, pulling his shirt over his head. When it was on, she unlocked and opened the door before he could look up again.

Her legs felt a bit like she'd been hit with the Jelly-legs jinx as she hurried down the corridor to her office. To her horror she was stopped by one of her colleagues before she could get that far. Elise was looking at her in sympathy.

"Was he hard on you?" she asked, her hand resting comfortingly on Hermione's shoulder.

Hermione coughed awkwardly, trying not to blush.

"Yes, it was quite rough," she squeaked.

She hurried towards her office as her colleague looked pityingly after her.