Rae: Just a little one-shot that's been niggling for a while. Not my best work, not my worst. :)
No sense of self, no longer Wally West. Faster and faster, not constrained by the laws of physics and matter. Energy coursed through my being so easily, as if I were a pre-determined pathway for it, very quickly getting so intense I couldn't tell if I was moving through the force or the the force was moving through me.
No, that's wrong. I was the force. I became nothing but pure speed. Neverending speed, pushing me faster than I'd ever gone before, than any speedster had ever gone before, perhaps. Uncle Barry would be proud, I think. Right then, it was the only thing that existed, the only thing that mattered. Everything else slipped away as though it had never been. Supes, Bats, Wonder Woman, J'onn, Shayera, GL. They didn't matter any more, faded away into the white, blank nothingness I was beginning to find myself cloaked in. It wasn't suffocating; rather, it felt familiar. Like coming back home after being away for several years. This was my reality, this was my world. This was where I belonged. Nothing could touch me here.
And yet, as my friends pulled me back from the speed force - unwillingly, I admit, everything came rushing back to me at once. My 'family' needed me. People who might die if I wasn't there to save them. The loss of a brother, father, mother, cousin could be prevented. The Rogues would have reign of my beautiful city. Could I really be so selfish? Could I be that shallow?
No. When my time comes, I'll run to the speed force faster than I ever have before, welcoming it's calming, homey nothingness where each second is like an eternity with open arms, an open mind and an open heart. Until then, though, I'll stick to the painstaking pace and physical constraints of reality, if only to see people smile because of me.
Rae: Mmmm, I love writing from Wally's POV. Reviews keep happy authress happy!