Authors Note:

Major fluff alert ... the conclusion awaits ... get ready to go 'awwwwwww' ... well, hopefully!

Chapter 2: The Big Day

Saturday, March 25th ...

The complicated logistics of being both best man and bachelor of honour when neither bride nor groom was allowed in the other's presence until the main event wasn't lost on Evan. He spent the morning of the wedding in hour long chunks, staying with Drew but checking in regularly with his sister. Elaine had their Mom and her friends helping her get ready, a fact that sent relief coursing through Evan. His job was simply to make sure everything around her was moving smoothly and that she had everything she needed. He did make a couple trips between venues ... glad that he'd insisted Drew find somewhere close by to spend his last night as an unmarried man just to cut down on travel time.

Finally it was time to proceed to the church, Evan riding with Drew while his Mom made the journey with the bride and the rest of the bridal party.

"You ready for this?" Evan asked, standing at the altar next to his friend. Both were wearing their dress blues and made an impressive picture that had more than one matron in the audience sighing wistfully. Drew as 'the groom' was a surprise to Lorne ... the other man unsettled in a way that Evan didn't think he'd ever seen before. It wasn't nerves or cold feet or anything like that ... Drew's core of confidence, the surety he always projected was there in spades. If Evan were asked to put a label on the other man's emotions he'd have to go with impatient ... Drew was looking forward to getting married but at the same time he really wanted it to be done and dusted.

"I am so ready you have no idea," Drew replied. "If you ever decide to go down this road, elope," he added. "Much easier on the nerves, not to mention a hell of a lot faster."

"You'll be fine," Evan went into 'reassure the groom' mode with an amused half smile.

"Have you got everything?" Drew double checked.

"For the tenth time yes," Evan returned impatiently. "If I ever lose my mind and decide to get married and I start acting like you are you have full permission to put me out of my misery."

"I hope to God one day I get to make you eat those words buddy," Drew shot back with a laugh.

The sound of the horn honking from outside the church was Evan's cue to move things along. "Okay – I gotta go do the escort thing," he told his friend. Holding out a hand the two friends shook hands, Evan slapping a hand to Drew's back fondly. "Remember what I said," he told Drew seriously, stepping back.

"What was that?" Drew frowned, confused.

"Be good to my sister," Evan replied, a hint of mischief in his eyes as he continued. "Because if you ever hurt her I'll hunt you down and make you regret it for the rest of your life."

"Oh right ... that," Drew laughed. "She's safe with me," he said simply.

"I know," Evan turned to see his Mom waiting impatiently down at the end of the aisle. "Gotta go," he said again. "Don't go anywhere."

Laughing, Drew watched his friend striding down the aisle oblivious to all the looks he was getting. Taking a deep breath, he kept his eyes locked on that spot, waiting for his first sight of Elaine.

The ceremony itself passed in a blur ... only key moments standing out in Evan's mind.

The walk down the aisle beside his sister ... the place a father would have taken. His sister's radiant smile when she saw the look on Drew's face as she walked closer. How the two looked together ... both dark haired, Drew's height making Elaine look almost fragile, the sheen of tears darkening her brown eyes to match his.

The look on his mother's face and the tears in her eyes ... joyful tears ... wistful too as she probably recalled when it had been her walking down the aisle to the side of a man in uniform.

The priest asking who was giving away the bride and Evan's sudden irrational irritation at the wording ... 'giving away' suggested a careless disregard in his eyes, like they were glad to be rid of her. He almost understood the concept of a bride price - if it could reflect how much Elaine meant to him he'd see Drew paying a record price to marry his sister.

When the priest proclaimed the two a married couple Evan was hit with the knowledge that Elaine had gone from being his sister to being Drew's wife. He didn't have time to reflect on that though ... all the moments of his sister's wedding ceremony moving steadily forward so that before Evan knew it he was following Drew and Elaine back down the aisle with Sally Connor at his side, amidst a sea of well wishers eager to congratulate the newlyweds.

And that was the most lasting memory of all ... watching Elaine and Drew greet the world proudly, openly thrilled that they were husband and wife. Elaine glanced back at Evan, beaming happiness, eager to share that feeling with her brother. He smiled back, nodding to the man beside her, his unspoken words clear. It was time for her to put her focus on her chosen path – just as Evan had always put his focus on his.

"When Drew and Elaine asked me to fulfil a dual role at their wedding they sold the deal by telling me it would be mostly turning up on the day and saying a few words." Evan was standing beside his sister at the bridal table, giving his best man/bachelor of honour combined speech to a crowd of 100 friends and family. Elaine and Drew had decided to break tradition there as well ... perhaps because there was no father of the bride present to open the formal portion of the reception. Evan was giving his speech first. Drew would then finish with anything Evan couldn't cover.

"Turns out it was a hell of a lot more involved than that. One word ... shopping," Evan mock shuddered, sending the male half and a fair number of the female half of the guests into laughter. He waited a moment and then continued. "But I wouldn't have had it any other way. The chance to see both sides of the story ... the easy way my sister pulled Drew into her various plots – him going the extra mile to make sure every minute detail was exactly as she wanted it ... how effortlessly this entire thing came together ...," he grinned down at Elaine. "If I wasn't already convinced Drew and Elaine belong together that would have done the trick."

There was a smattering of clapping and 'here here's before Evan continued. "This is the part where the best man would normally pull out an embarrassing story about the groom ... but I'm not gonna do that. I get the feeling I'll need all the 'material' I can get in the years to come. For those of you who don't know my sister, Elaine has very definite opinions and she'd not shy in expressing them. Drew's a bit more subtle but I can already see her influence on him."

"I can't help it if you're too stubborn to know what's good for you," Elaine piped up teasingly.

"But you will," Evan smirked slightly as he looked at her, "otherwise I'll tell everyone here, including your new husband, about your junior prom." He waited for her to gulp back a protest, grinning the whole while, before turning to face the room again. "See – I need all the help I can get!"

More laughter followed before Evan returned to the task at hand. "Elaine and Drew know the high regard I hold them both in. I don't think an occasion like this is about telling them that ... but it is about showing it through what I'm willing to say in front of a hundred people." He turned to Elaine. "I have so many memories of you as a scrawny little girl with plaits and too much interest in what your big brother was up to that it's hard sometimes to see you for the beautiful, accomplished, confident woman you are. You've got the best qualities of both Mom and Dad ... that genuine caring for everyone around you, the guts to admit when you're wrong and the determination to stick with it when you're right. Bucket loads of talent too, along with the need to use it, to show everyone what you can do. You're not afraid to face the hard stuff head on ... but you never made me feel bad all the times when I was ... when I still am. I'm proud of you ... proud to be your brother."

Elaine's eyes swam with tears as she listened to Evan speak, sparing Drew a trembling smile when he put a hand over hers as if silently agreeing with everything her brother was saying.

"Drew ...," Evan looked at his friend with a grin. "Our friendship clicked from that first day at fighter school. I don't know if that was because of all the things we have in common or the fact that I felt sorry for you because of your deluded view on the relative merits of Canada versus the U.S." He chuckled when Drew rolled his eyes before turning serious. "You don't pull your punches either ... you give everything you do one hundred percent of your focus ... you're scary capable, and I couldn't imagine a situation where you wouldn't succeed at something you wanted. You've had me facing my demons but you've also been there before I even knew I needed you. I could say I've gained a brother today but we both know you've been that for a long time. I know I've joked about it, but it is easy to trust my sister's future happiness to you."

Drew glanced at Elaine and then back to Evan with a nod, silently reaffirming that trust as being warranted.

"I don't need to say this either but I will," Evan concluded. "I love you both ... if there's ever a time in the future when the two of you together isn't enough to get you where you need to be, I'm there." He turned back to the room. "And so I'd like to ask you all to raise your glasses," Evan held his own glass up, waiting for the room to settle again as everyone followed suit. "To Elaine and Drew ... the best example of the adage that together we can be stronger than the sum of our parts."

He took a swallow from his glass and then sat down, happy to have another official duty completed.

"Evan," he looked up to see Elaine holding out her glass expectantly. Smiling, Evan clinked his glass lightly to hers, doing the same with Drew as well. The three drank ... it was a strangely formal moment that seemed to signify the feeling of the occasion for all of them.

"My turn," Drew stood, the action alone enough to have the room falling silent again. After thanking Evan for his words and toast, Drew quickly moved through the formalities – thank you's to his Mom and Dad and Elaine's Mom, and then to all their guests, especially his side who'd travelled from all over Canada to get there, and finally telegrams from people who hadn't been able to attend. He did the obligatory thank you to their bridal party too, thanking Elaine's friend Sally and Evan again for being a part of their day.

"Finally, I have to thank Elaine," Drew began. "Getting married is a commitment with far reaching consequences, particularly when you add in children as we intend to. Its serious stuff no matter who you marry, but I think even more so when you agree to mesh your life with someone in military service. You do that and you're signing up for a front row seat for every military conflict in the world – it's not a comfortable seat either. You'll know more than you want to but not enough when it comes to your loved one. There'll be months of separation and times when you won't even know where your partner is, let alone if they're okay. Elaine understands the risks, more than most. I don't have the words to express how it feels to know that she's fully committed to us under those circumstances." Turning to his wife he held up his glass, his eyes solemn and serious as he toasted her. "To Elaine ...," he said simply, taking a drink.

Evan took a drink too, his eyes on his sister as she drank some of her champagne before jumping up. His grinned when she threw her arms around her husband, kissing him soundly as everyone cheered. When she didn't sit down, whispering something in Drew's ear that had him nodding and taking his seat, Evan's eyes narrowed with interest. Clearly she was going to say something herself – that hadn't been in the plan.

"I wasn't going to get up," Elaine began, "but what else can a girl do in the face of so many compliments but return the favour?" She grinned, looking first at her brother. "I admit when Evan agreed to be my maid of honour -,"

"Bachelor!" Evan insisted loudly.

"Right, bachelor of honour," Elaine corrected teasingly. "When Evan agreed I did exploit it just a little – the chance to see my usually unflappable big brother plastering a tolerant look on his face while I tried on every shoe in the shop was just too much to resist. He didn't protest ... in fact he made the time when Drew was in Canada these past three months easier to bear. I think everyone here would agree I'm lucky to have him." She reached over and ruffled Evan's hair before he ducked away, flushing slightly.

"What I really wanted to say is in response to my husband's words," she paused, doing a little excited wiggle. "My husband – that's got a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" Around the room people were smiling, drawn into her enthusiasm and honestly shared emotions. "Where was I? Oh right, my husband's words. He might feel lucky, grateful, whatever word you want to use ... he might feel that way to have me but the feeling is more than mutual. Sure, being a military wife isn't going to be easy ... I know there'll be times when I'll just want to sit down and cry because Drew isn't with me – but that sacrifice is worth it." She looked at both Drew and Evan then, her expression earnest.

"These men are dedicated, loyal, special because of who they are and what they've chosen to dedicate their lives to. They've got purpose ... what they do is important to every person in this room, even though most of us will never know the services performed on our behalf. They deserve to have something to fight for – a home, family, people who love them," her eyes met Evan's for a moment before she looked away. "The fact that I can be all that for Drew, that he sees a place for me makes me so happy I know it will carry us forward into the distant future ... together. So, in keeping with the toasts so far, I'd just like to raise my glass ... to all the service men and women, but especially to my brother Evan, and to my husband Drew." She smiled, taking a sip from her glass and then sitting down again.

There was a moment of silence as the rest of the room did the same. Drew then called out in a loud voice for everyone to enjoy desserts before they moved on to the dancing portion of the evening. The noise level picked up again, creating an oasis of privacy at the wedding table.

"Nice speech Sis," Evan said after the newlyweds had expressed their appreciation of the others words with a too blatant in his opinion public display of affection. Sally nodded, smiling as she murmured something to Elaine before getting up to sit with her husband at a nearby table.

"You both deserve it," Elaine said simply. "That was really sweet too – what you said," she leaned in closer, taking Evan's arm. "Thank you."

"Yeah, well, don't get used to it," Evan retorted uncomfortably. "It's a once only deal."

"Right," Elaine laughed. "You can't fool me big brother ... beneath that serious facade is the heart of a romantic ... and now everyone in this room knows it too."

"She's right," Drew added before Evan could reply. "Get ready to be in demand buddy ... if you had a dance card they'd be lining up to fill it right now."

"Oh you've gotta be kidding me!" Evan looked from Elaine to Drew and back again. "You're serious?"

"We really need to sit him down and explain the facts of life," Drew told Elaine conversationally.

"We do," Elaine agreed, hiding a smile. "Then he'd know that a good looking air force pilot in dress uniform who can talk like he did is a hot commodity – anywhere but particularly at a wedding where every single woman in the room is busy imagining her own wedding."

"That's just plain cruel," Evan told them both, his expression pained.

"It's the truth," Elaine said sincerely.

"Maybe," Evan shrugged modestly. "Doesn't matter either way. You've spoiled my fun now ... even if I wanted to dance with someone I won't be able to approach any of the women here without thinking about their 'intentions'!"

"See – you should have brought a date," Drew's face had 'I told you so!' written all over it. "Then you wouldn't have a problem." He looked up, seeing his cousin Anna approaching their table. "Here comes the first candidate now," he gestured forward with his head.

Evan looked up and then quickly away. "I'll just ...," he got up, leaning down to kiss Elaine's cheek before quickly moving away, heading in the direction of where his Mom was sitting.

"That was cruel," Elaine told Drew. "Especially since Anna's already married."

"I know," Drew's eyebrow rose as he looked at his new wife. "Pretty funny though," he added, the twinkling mischief in his eyes drawing a reluctant laugh from Elaine.

"Are you hiding back here?" Marcus Price asked curiously.

Evan had been sitting at what he'd dubbed 'the rookie' table for fifteen minutes so far, content to watch the proceedings from the relatively secluded location.

"Not exactly," he told Marcus. "Elaine said something ... embarrassing enough I'm not repeating it ... that had me thinking a little distance from the eye of the storm was the smart thing to do. Besides, it feels like ages since we've all been together like this."

"What, you mean since last week?" Neil joked. The boys had all attended Drew's stag night at a club near Cold Lake air force base – Evan deciding it made more sense for him to fly over to Canada than have everyone come to the States early. They'd all flown in for the wedding of course, Drew deciding himself that since Elaine was moving to Canada after the wedding the event itself should be held on her home soil.

"No," Lorne rolled his eyes. "I meant since we had a chance to catch up ... without people yelling and music blaring. It's been almost a year."

Evan didn't have to remind everyone of what had drawn them together that time. John's funeral. Their absent friend was on everyone's minds, like an empty place at the table that couldn't be filled. As he looked around at the friends he'd made during fighter pilot training, Evan marvelled again at the changes in some of them.

Marcus being the biggest of them all. He'd done what he'd threatened to do back at Cold Lake when he'd announced he was leaving the training program early – gotten a commercial pilot's licence. He'd turned into a responsible, settled man – with a predictable job for a major airline, a wife and a baby on the way. He was flying solo for Drew's wedding only because his wife was too close to her delivery date to travel by plane.

Cade Boston was another surprise ... Evan had been sure the youngest of their group would need to be pried from the cockpit of an active fighting wing but instead he'd ended up back in Cold Lake – training new pilots to do what he'd done for two years. That he'd made the change after John's accident was a fact not lost on Evan. Something like that did make you re-evaluate your priorities.

Paul Merlin had never been given that second chance at fighter pilot school ... still with the Canadian air force he'd specialised in search and rescue – another fact that had John's influence stamped all over it. He too had married in the two years since Cold Lake, his wife Kate accompanying him to the wedding, her expression one of enlightenment, like she was busily putting faces into all the stories Paul had told her.

In fact the only one of them, apart from Drew himself, to still hold a permanent seat in a fighting wing was Neil Somerton. And that was a surprise in itself – that the sunniest of them all was the one to still be doing the grimmest of jobs. Or maybe not – maybe it was Neil's positive attitude that made the difference, that gave him what he needed to keep going up there, knowing the risks, the importance and the consequences. Neil's girlfriend Sarah and Paul's wife had hit it off straight away, the two quickly doing that female clique thing. Right then they were up at the bridal table talking with Elaine, the three women laughing too often, casting frequent glances back at the pilot's table and laughing even more. Evan had no wish to know what they were talking about ... in fact he was pretty sure he was better off not knowing.

It did leave the boys free to reminisce without an audience ... and to catch up on the details of what they'd each been doing for the previous ten months, the stuff you didn't put in an email or talk about over the phone.

"What about you Evan?" Neil asked curiously after everyone else had given their update and answered the resulting questions. "I always meant to ask if you ever reapplied to NASA."

"I did," Evan shrugged. "That's a ship that's sailed without me."

"Sorry man," Paul said sympathetically. "They don't know what they're missing."

"Thanks," Evan smiled at the show of loyalty. "It's okay ... ,"

"So, what have they got you doing these days?" Marcus asked curiously.

"More aircraft testing," Evan replied. "After NASA knocked me back again I had to re-evaluate my career plan. Decided if I couldn't go up in space I'd go for being in charge of something instead. That's why I transferred to Langley late last year ... to get a posting with Air Combat Command at Langley - strategic air defence deployment – while I do some more study."

"You never mentioned that," Neil looked interested. "What are you studying?"

"Geology," Evan shrugged when the others looked surprised. "Doesn't really matter what I study as long as I get a Masters in something. Without it there's little chance I'll get promoted high enough to get command of anything interesting."

"I thought you hated exams?" Paul commented with a chuckle, remembering back to the first months at fighter school.

"I do!" Evan laughed. "Seems like I can't avoid it though."

"Why geology?" Marcus queried curiously.

"You get a different view of the world from the air," Evan began, getting a few nods of understanding at his words. "I don't know why but the ground ... the neatness, the structure of it, what made it look that way ... it interests me. Plus I like drawing which is an advantage, at least it has been in the first three months. Mix in a little military history, some command classes ... should be enough to get me over the line, on paper anyway. It's gonna take probably eighteen months to finish but it'll be worth it – hopefully."

"I like it," Neil smiled. "You said you were doing aircraft testing though?"

"Yeah, at Edwards AFB this time," Evan nodded. "When NASA calls you personally and asks you to help them test upgrades for the F-18 you don't say no. Not that I'd want to – flying like that is brilliant – not as good as a strafing run on an enemy tank but pretty close. Got another few weeks of that before I head back to Virginia."

"You think you'll go back to active fighter duty?" Cade asked.

"If they ask me to, sure," Evan agreed. "Of course if they do it'll mean something serious is going down somewhere. It'd be bad form to hope for something like that to happen."

"True," Cade agreed.

"You?" Evan returned the question.

"If they need me I'm there," Cade said simply. "But like you I hope they don't."

"You'd get plenty of time in the air," Neil said to Cade. "Probably more than most of us."

"Especially Lorne," Paul nodded to Evan. "Aren't you in the wrong branch of the military to be an F-18 pilot?"

"Pretty much," Evan replied ruefully. "Navy fly the F-18 almost exclusively, at least on U.S. soil during peace time. That's next on my list – I'm doing a transitional training program for the F-16 later in the year – so I can reintegrate into the standard deployment strategy for the air force."

"Sounds like you're gonna be pretty busy then," Marcus said easily. "When do you find time for a social life in that?"

"I don't," Evan grinned over at Cade. "We're upholding the bachelor ideal here buddy. It's a crappy job but someone has to do it, right?"

"Yeah," Cade laughed when the other's booed them. "That it is."

"How did the last batch of recruits do?" Evan asked Cade once the others had stopped ribbing them.

"No one's beaten your record," Cade grinned, referring to Evan's combined strafing and bombing score – the one that had earned him the top gun award for their course. "Not even close!"

"I wasn't worried about that," Evan laughed when Cade put on a disbelieving look.

"Sure you weren't," Cade returned with just the right amount of scepticism.

Evan probably would have been in for more ribbing but for the return of Sarah and Kate with the news that Elaine and Drew were ready to do the cake. After that the seated portion of the reception would be over, meaning the bridal dance was fast approaching. Bidding his friends farewell Evan went back to his best man bachelor of honour duties.

It wasn't that bad in the end. Evan had complained about having to do a formal dance but that wasn't because he couldn't dance. While still under his mother's roof she'd insisted on lessons, citing it as part of a well rounded education. Evan had been so stubborn about flying lessons, going as far as paying for them with whatever part time jobs he could get, that those dance lessons had seemed like an acceptable trade off. Do that for her while he did the flying for himself and make everybody happy. It hadn't achieved that but his mother had been right – Evan had never felt nervous at the various formal events he'd had to attend at the academy and after. It was also a kick to get that surprised look from a partner when they realised that not only could you dance but that you were actually pretty good at it.

No, he didn't object to dancing as a general rule. He just wasn't that keen on doing it with a room full of people watching and a partner not of his choosing. Luckily Sally was a gracious and good natured woman who made it easy for Evan to navigate his way through the one dance required of them. As soon as it was over he thanked Sally and moved to ask Drew's mother to dance while Drew danced with his Mom and Elaine danced with Drew's father, the floor quickly filling with other couples as well.

Elaine and Drew then reunited while Evan held out a hand to his Mom, pulling her close and then twirling her out with a flourish that had her laughing with delight.

They danced in silence for a while before Evan spoke, his voice low but easily heard. "Why didn't you ever remarry?" he asked as he guided his mother around the outskirts of the dance floor.

"I never met the right person," Grace replied. She sighed and then spoke again. "No – that's not true. I wasn't open to meeting anyone for a long time ... by the time I was ready to even consider it that part of my life had passed me by."

"I'm sorry," Evan hugged her closer for a moment, refraining from pointing out that she was still an attractive woman, that it was never too late, knowing she'd tell him not to be so ridiculous.

"Don't be," Grace insisted. "Just don't make the same mistakes I made Evan ... time isn't a limitless commodity. You're not a man who should spend his whole life alone."

"Mom," Evan protested, frowning down at her.

"Just promise me you'll think about it," Grace persisted, "allow for the possibility at least."

"Fine – I'll think about it," Evan agreed reluctantly. "Happy now?"

"I'm getting there," Grace said, her eyes on Elaine and Drew dancing close by, oblivious to anything but each other.


"Was it what you hoped for?" Evan asked Elaine, the siblings dancing together while Drew danced with their Mom.

"More than," Elaine said simply. "A dream ... the kind you cry to wake up from."

"I'm glad," Evan said simply, hugging her tight.

"I'm sorry about last night," Elaine said softly a few moments later. "You were right - it wasn't the time to talk about that."

"It's okay," Evan excused lightly. "I know you're so overflowingly happy right now that you want to spread it around. There's nothing wrong with that Elaine ... it's just not what I need right now."

"I know," Elaine acknowledged. "I knew as soon as I said it that I should have just let it rest. I just ....," she trailed off, took a deep breath and then continued. "I just want my big brother to be as happy as I am."

"I don't think anyone could top that Sis," Evan smiled teasingly. "But I'm happy enough ... just trust me on that, okay?"

"Okay," Elaine agreed. "But if you ever change your mind I know -,"

"No way are you ever fixing me up with anyone," Evan interrupted. "When .. if I decide I'm interested in meeting someone I'll take care of it myself."

"Fine, spoil my fun," Elaine tried to pout but ended up laughing instead.

They danced in silence for a while before Evan spoke again. "I'll miss you, you know."

"You'll still see me," Elaine pointed out.

"Won't be the same," Evan shrugged as he pulled away a little to look down at her. "That's not a bad thing – it's just the way it is. I'm happy for you Sis ... just promise not to go all Canadian on me." He laughed when Elaine whacked his arm. Turning serious again he looked at her intently, his eyes locked to hers, the sincerity shining through. "I'll know when Drew's away from home – you call me if you need me okay? Any time. Even if you just want to talk."

Wordlessly Elaine stretched up and kissed his cheek sweetly, her eyes bright.

"What was that for?" Evan asked in surprise.

"You're a good man Evan Lorne," she said simply. "I couldn't love you any more if I tried."

"And you're a good woman ... Elaine Rider," Evan returned, her new name flowing off his tongue easier than he would have expected. "Back at you."

"Evan!" Elaine whacked his arm again.

"What?" Evan ducked away with a laugh. "What do you want from me? I told you I loved you in front of a room full of people – isn't that enough for one day?"

"Are you hassling my wife?" Drew appeared at Evan's shoulder, interrupting them before Elaine could deliver a retort.

"Hey, she hit me!" Evan protested. Twirling Elaine forward he delivered her into her husband's arms. "She's all yours buddy."

"I know," Drew smiled lovingly down at Elaine, the two of them brimming with satisfaction.

"Oh please," Evan rolled his eyes at another public display of marital bliss. "That's it – I'm officially declaring my best man bachelor of honour job to be finished. You guys are on your own."

Of course they hardly noticed, too wrapped up in each other. Evan laughed ruefully, watching them for a moment before turning and heading back to the rookie table. His sister was married and in the arms of someone who'd stop at nothing to protect her. There could be no better result as far as Evan was concerned.

The End!

Authors Note:

That's it for the already written and completed background stories. I'm working on another one now though, and will begin posting as soon as it's done. Thanks for reading - hope you all enjoyed the fluff loaded detour!