A/N: This was written for the st_xi_kink_meme. It is completely unbetaed, and there may be a tense issue somewhere. If you notice this please let me know. Otherwise reviews are always appreciated and thank you in advance for reading.

Spock turned at the sound of a strangled yelp and saw his mate slip off a cliff. Spock froze. He felt his arm lift to grasp at air and for the first time in his life experienced the feeling of déjà vu. He snapped out of his momentarily frozen state and began moving toward the cliff, followed by the rest of the away team. He stopped near the edge and looked over.

Had he been anyone else, he may have laughed in relief, but he was not anyone else, and he did not. The away team gasped as Spock jumped over the edge.

He landed next to his completely unharmed mate nine feet below. The expression on Spock's face was, well, an expression. Leonard had just finished brushing himself off and turned to look at Spock. Upon seeing how shaken his mate looked Leonard went to him immediately and cupped Spock's face in one hand, completely ignoring the shocked, staring away team.

"Are you okay, darlin'? Are you hurt? What's wrong?" Each question was asked at a more rapid pace, with an increasingly worried inflection.

"You- you-," Spock stuttered. This did nothing to assuage Leonard's worry. Leonard had never once heard Spock stutter. He also noted Spock's breathing was abnormally rapid.

"Talk to me, Spock. What's wrong?"

Spock drew in a deep breath.

"I saw you fall. I couldn't get to you. I thought you died, too."

For a moment Leonard did not understand what Spock meant. A quick glance revealed the rest of the away team was unharmed. Then, Spock's implication clicked in Leonard's mind and he looked up to meet Spock's eyes, but he was unable to do so. Spock was intently staring at their regulation boots and looking ashamed (to Leonard, at least.)

Leonard mustered up his best glare and shot it at the away team, who receded, before turning his attention to Spock.

"Hey, hey, look at me," Leonard softly commanded, and stroked his thumb over Spock's cheek. Spock slowly lifted his eyes to meet Leonard's gaze.

"I ain't goin' anywhere, darlin'. You can't git rid of me that easy."

Spock did not look convinced. Leonard was at a loss. He didn't know what to do to calm his obviously distressed mate, so he tilted his head up just a little to place a soft kiss on Spock's lips, and then wrapped his arms around Spock's waist, pulling him flush against his body. He felt Spock's arms lift to wrap around his shoulders. This is when Leonard realized Spock was shaking.

Leonard felt completely helpless and did the only thing he could think to do. He holds Spock tighter and murmured reassurances in his ear.

"S'okay, sweetheart. I'm fine. Everything is fine."

He continued his litany of nonsense until he felt Spock relax a little. Slowly, the shaking stopped. Leonard pulled back to look into Spock's eyes.

"Okay, now?" he asked, and Spock nodded tersely, looking much more his usual self. Only Leonard would notice the slight apprehension still lurking in his eyes. He took a half step back from Spock and called up to the away team.

"You guys ready?" He heard their affirmation and grabbed his communicator.

"McCoy to Enterprise, six to beam up."